IC Neo Transpirence


|Nero's face has the look of when you think someone doesn't know who you are.. aka Nero thinks Ulti forgot who he is|
|Nero speaks that language again|

Translated: heh... yeah

|He then corrects it in English|

``Heh... yeah... that's the end of mad Nero``
*Lucy takes a closer look at Nero, as is it a form of untrust.*
"...Mess with my sister again, and I swear to God I'll..."

"Please don't finish that thought."
*and thus, Lucy disappears, leaving with just Stacy.*
|Nero got startled so much from that statement that he accidently whacked himself with his sword using telekinesis| (telekinesis will result in regular things that happen with it and a red outline being around it|
*She rushes towards the brain.*
"You ok? I'm sorry for how my sister treated you... you see, we had a rough past... she died to a car crash, and it wasn't until someone introduced me to stands that she appeared as one."
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