Toxophilite [East]
I also want to be clear, 1.4 and many of the brilliant ideas that came with the updates were/ are amazing. I'm sure most Terrarians can agree to that, but we're obviously hitting a critical point in what this game can reasonably handle, and we're undoubtedly seeing the 'cracks'. I'm sure you're fully aware of this, being a programmer on this game, even if in a minor role.To clarify one thing, the change to Mannequins which allowed the inclusion of accessories and dyes (something we internally called Mannequins 2.0) DOES put increased performance load compared to the old Mannequin 1.0 system. This was inherently necessary for the new functions to be possible.
Not to speak for anyone else, because me and other Terrarians hardly agree on most things but, "we thank you and the Re-Logic Team for all of your hard work", but, I also think it's time to stop now. The last thing I want is another "Game of Thrones" situation, where the team started running out of great ideas, so settled for "good ideas", and after running out of those, just started 'shooting from the hip'.
This wording is a bit "suggestive", as if it would require the player doing something unreasonable to see a drop in performance, this simply isn't the case. Just displaying a large number of items can/ will also cause this to occur, and some things that are completely out of the player Characters control, like a large number of Enemies on-screen, or odd terrain where lots of water is placed atop another liquid etc.So yes, having a large room filled to the brim with tons of mannequins will have a performance impact, but these features were very often requested, and I think that it was generally a worthwhile change to make.
The Jungle Biome is notorious for meeting nearly all of these conditions, and we all know how deadly this place is pre-Hardmode and more-so during Hardmode, where drops in frames can get you killed.
@Devs Also, were you all aware that your original change(s) to how Statues spawned in the World, namely the "Functional Statues", allowed for more of them to appear naturally as 'traps'?
- Heart and Star Statues are now twice as likely to be found in worldgen compared to other statues
I was able to enjoy seeing a total of three functional Statue Traps, on three completely different World Maps (Crab Trap, Angry Bones Trap, Critter into Dart Trap), why you would ever want to change this is beyond me; I can only assume that you've all forgotten why you did certain things in-the-first-place, and are willing to trade great changes, for mediocre ones.
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