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(I did miss an important post)
Anyways Sigil and Evelyn get on tempor
(Confusion happens sometimes, it's fine)
(The general summary is Night left because he wanted some time alone, Ivan showed up and joined the group again, not long after that "Night" came back, revealed that Eclipse took over by responding to a question from Dark, explained he wasn't here to fight, explained what happened, and that's about it)

(Iimma go now to do some things)
(But quick question before I go. Timeskip again or do we play stuff out because of planned stuff taking place?)
(I don't have much of an opinion, the most in terms of a "plan" I have is that if the group wants to know who manipulated Night, they should find Navy)
(Alrighty, I have to go for work, feel free to go as far as you guys want without me I’ll read what I miss and try not to miss some highly important posts or ask for a summary)
(Again, if the group wants info regarding who exactly manipulated Night, they should look for Navy, they may have some info)
(The obvious one: maybe they should try and find the people that left earlier)
(I was kiinda thinking more...signs of people that Navy made.)

(And I'm not too keen on making our group go back through where we literally met a mech that casually trashed a good part of a plateau.)
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