NPCs & Enemies Wall of Steel - Mech Wall of Flesh Boss


I'm not entirely sure that i am posting in the correct section, Seeing as this is cross platform but this suggestion is meant for PC.

Now the Wall of Steel is essentially the Mecha version of the wall of flesh but with a few differences. When your battling it you would instead be climbing upwards rather than sideways. Another thing is that it would be cleansing your world, meaning that all your builds and digs would be reverted to what the world was originally on generation and if you happen to let the wall travel far enough to lets say the surface you would fine that everything would be reverted back to before the stage of hardcore as its been traveling and reverting.

Another thing is you don't want to die because if you happen to you'll also revert and it continue to cleanse your world.
meaning that all your builds and digs would be reverted to what the world was originally on generation and if you happen to let the wall travel far enough to lets say the surface you would fine that everything would be reverted back to before the stage of hardcore as its been traveling and reverting.

That is a horrible idea. Its very unoriginal, ridiculous, and vague. What does it drop? How do you get it? Where does it spawn? WHY WOULD WE WANT A BOSS THAT DESTROYS EVERYTHING?
I find new mechanical bosses quite unimaginative, since there are already a few. It's rather cheap to turn other available bosses into mechanical ones in my opinion.

Unfortunately your idea doesn't get better from here. On the contrary. There's no possible way sane people would like your idea, a boss that basically removes all your hard work by starting the world anew. Buildings, farms, all gone, just like that. I don't know why anyone would come up with such an idea. :indifferent:
This will upset builders, people who play terraria mostly to build cool things, with the bosses and stuff to make enemies less annoying.
All that i have to say on the subject, I think overall if this was added maybe not in this form or maybe in it. There would be a lot of incentive to destroy it quickly rather than prolonging the fight and losing your hard work..
How would the reverting system work? Is it where the boss touches? Does it all revert all the way back as soon as he spawns? Does he have to reach the top of the map to do it?
NOBODY wants everything they've built destroyed because they failed to beat a boss in time.

"Reverting the world to its original form" would destroy all chests as well, and would also be ridiculously laggy.
There would be a lot of incentive to destroy it quickly rather than prolonging the fight and losing your hard work..
This Wall of Steel's new ability would make it universally hated by almost all Terraria players. If it's an optional boss, no one would dare summon it. If it's a mandatory boss, there will be massive backlash as the suggestion forums flood with "REMOVE WALL OF STEEL" threads...

So a rollback feature is not the way to go. It was an original idea, at least, but it's not going to win any popularity contests for this boss.
There's other ways to encourage the player to defeat a boss quickly, the boss could have a time limit or it could get harder to fight the longer you progress. Letting the boss destroy everything is a very bad idea though, as others have pointed out.
Honestly I would suggest an alteration, make it more player friendly, preserving builds and biomes, and NOT resetting your character, it remains with the base idea, providing a new experience for a preexisting world, but not causing you to want to naw your arm off because you didn't climb fast enough. I like the idea of a Wall that forces you to go up, but what does it have besides that and the world regen? What would the stats be? What does it drop? It needs detail, it's unique, but it needs detail.
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I'm not entirely sure that i am posting in the correct section, Seeing as this is cross platform but this suggestion is meant for PC.

Now the Wall of Steel is essentially the Mecha version of the wall of flesh but with a few differences. When your battling it you would instead be climbing upwards rather than sideways. Another thing is that it would be cleansing your world, meaning that all your builds and digs would be reverted to what the world was originally on generation and if you happen to let the wall travel far enough to lets say the surface you would fine that everything would be reverted back to before the stage of hardcore as its been traveling and reverting.

Another thing is you don't want to die because if you happen to you'll also revert and it continue to cleanse your world.
From what I've heard, Wall of Steel has been suggested many time before.
Also, we do not want a reverted world.
Pretty sure mods won't lock a thread just because people don't like the idea. There's nobody insulting the OP (or being a jerk, or any rules broken really) so unless the OP wants it locked there's no reason it should be.
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