quite a few major controls changed like X is jump now and not R2 like it was on old gen console, so I kept pushing the wrong buttons also
This is what I mean by the wrong default. Default needs to be the Red's Pick analog at best or at worst Advanced. Will get all of that sorted, but imo, use Advanced or make your own for now.
Mine has been syncing files for the last half hour, is that supposed to happen?
Xbox One Elite. Updated game. Started game and got syncing files for like 39 minutes now. Getting worried. Is there a something I should do??
Update: syncing issues that prevent the game from EVEN starting!!! Just read all about it. Good job team! (Slow golf clap...)
There is an Xbox-Only issue that is impacting some players where this occurs. It is the top priority for DR at the moment. This was never seen in prelaunch testing, and has not been able to be replicated by Re-Logic, 505, DR, or even some beta testers and QA... on work AND on personal machines (including myself). DR is trying to find the pattern as to why it impacts some folks and not others.
Sure, everyone wishes it wasn't here - but at the same time, not really sure how to prevent a thing that even now, even knowing about it no one can replicate in house. That isn't to deny its existence or impact, just makes prevention AND fixing such an issue difficult at best.
I can definitely say performance took a hit on PS4 which leads me to believe this is what it keeping the Switch version from releasing considering it chugs even on 1.3. I do hope that's fixed soon though.
Details on where you are seeing performance issues? Again, as @Leinfors and I pointed out before, we had BETTER performance than ever before... but we tested on XB1. One thing I have heard helps is if you swap off to Trippy lighting for now.
not sure if its just the tv im using but the GUI kinda cuts off but i managed to fix a workaround by switching the GUI to compact
No need to do that, use the Safe Zone menu located in Settings > Interface > Advanced > Safe Zone (note that you can only access this currently from the Main Menu of Terraria, not while in a world). Then you can go back to using whatever UI you want.
- Jump is grapple
- Grapple is jump
So you wanted Grapple on L1 and Jump on A? (XB1)
I remember Classic Console not being close either, but it's been so long since I played 1.2 that I can't remember why. If I get time I'll dig out the PS3 and get back to you.
Over time, I have learned that you can not and will not ever pick any default or even a series of defaults that satisfy everyone. That's why robust remapping is key, and is here.
The error here, as it is, is the lack of a Red's Pick analog being the main default. Classic Console is too different. Again, this will be rectified.
So I can just assign ← to HB1 etc.?
Also, are the textures always going to be like this? Or will there be a patch to bring them up to the parity we've all been told about?
Can I see an image of what you are referring to? Neither @Leinfors nor myself noted any graphical anomalies (that were not fixed prelaunch at least) or we would have flagged them... and we both played it.. a lot.