Drawings & Paintings Greybrynn’s art, or drawings you should say

So I was bored today, and started drawing some bosses, specifically 3.
The destroyer and the probes arent shooting lasers because there are no players around(I didn’t think to add them that’s why)
Sooo what do you think?
So I’m open to requests, also I got some new drawings for ya.
Currently I am open, but note that I am not going to be able to make it immediately so don’t expect something, and don’t even spect something good
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What kind? Lead? Watercolor?
I think lead, I have no idea, I just used something I got either from Christmas or my birthday last year
Edit: my little brother tagged along with me to see who could draw better, and I’m not gonna share his pictures because of reasons, but on his king slime one he had balloon slimes!
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