Is anyone else completely unable to handle spiders?

Oh yeah. i might as well make this a separate post BUT THERE IS A :red:ING SPIDER LIVING INSIDE THE PANELS OF MY BATHTUB (if you get what I'm saying. sense like inside the panel there is a dark hollowed out place. well for me)
I've never had a problem with spiders. Parasitic life however always gets me from slightly disgusted to NOPE, especially if it's parasitic worms that overflow off a being. It's even more horrible if it's a mammal.
My face was stuck in a disgusted cringe whenever I beat one of those giant fat zombies in Diablo III that explode into worms that go after you. I don't own the game because Diablo III sucks gameplay-wise to me, not because of the worms however.
That's the reason I couldn't really watch any Alien movie without hiding at least 3 times during the film. Which kinda sucks.
Spiders are cool as long as they're tarantulas. I can relate to them more because they're fuzzy like tiny dogs.
You might reconsider when the shoot their fuzzy hairs into your eyes though, like they tend to if you come too close.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with Terraria spiders. I never met any before I had gear that easily dealt with them. The only weird thing is their death cry. It sounds so human.

I guess cockroaches would weird me out. Then again, I have a very strong allergy against cockroaches (an actual physical one), so that may play a role here.
You might reconsider when the shoot their fuzzy hairs into your eyes though, like they tend to if you come too close.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with Terraria spiders. I never met any before I had gear that easily dealt with them. The only weird thing is their death cry. It sounds so human.

I guess cockroaches would weird me out. Then again, I have a very strong allergy against cockroaches (an actual physical one), so that may play a role here.
Spiders make the weirdest noises in 1.3. Same with turtles. All fear of them is diminished when they go "urk urk urk"
I used to be an arachnophobe, but since I've come to grow up over it, the spider enemies in Terraria don't really bother me all that much. I also noticed their death noise is actually shared with vultures which is...weird. You wouldn't expect a spider to squawk, would you?
Spiders in Terraria are so good but:DMy sister had to stop her car on the highway because there was a tiny spider crawling up the car window
I don't mind spiders. I actually think they're cool.

Terraria spiders are just another enemy to me. they attack me, so I kill 'em.
I don't mind real spiders, i just get them and throw them outside or kill em if they suprise me.
As for the ingame ones, they can be scary and they can have the jump on u since they move using the walls, but i took that advantage away from them when i found a very large spider cave by removing the walls right trough the middle of the cave, forcing them to fight on the ground and making them much easyer to deal with.

Btw OP, if u fear Spiders did u ever use the Spider armor set then?
The funny thing is, when i enter hardmode, i farm the spider nests. I want that poison staff!:D
I actually don't find Spider summons to be like spiders, they seem more like big beetles to me. But I can see how cave spiders would be freaky, with the slow but steady crawling, the weird noises they make, the getting stuck in cobwebs while fighting them, and the way they spawn everywhere if you're anywhere near a spider cave. But I realized the other day, that Terraria could be 10 times scarier with minimal effort. The creepiness we have here is all very tongue in cheek but the potential is definitely there. The right mod could turn Terraria very dark.
Spiders used to scare me, but, eventually, after seeing so many in games and real life, it came to the point I was able to pick them up while it is alive and gently let it outside. It took awhile though. The only fear I have now are the depths of an ocean where you can't see the bottom. I just started playing Subnautica, though, and it is becoming easier to deal with. Truthfully, you can get over any fear, but you must face it, which will not always be easy. It's OK to fear, but what matters is how you handle it, not the existence. The easiest way to deal with those spiders (in spite of fear) is to use a ranged weapon to clear as much webs as you can. If any crawlers approach smack em back until you hear their weird monkey cry (or whatever it is). Whenever none are attacking, light up the battleground too with torches, in order to ease the slight fear of the spiders coming out from the darkness. Once the whole nest is gone and lit up, it is not as scary any more. If the cobwebs spawn next time you visit, just clear em.
Anyway of removing/replacing spiders for the current version? I have pretty bad arachnophobia and it's seriously starting to get difficult for me to enjoy the game, when I get a heart attack from just thinking about going in on a mining trip.