Kill the Above Poster with the Weapon They Give You

I sell your tooth for a museum and they give me 10000000000 millions in exchange, I spend all of that money to buy a simple baseball bat, then I shoot baseball bat into your head.

A gun with one bullet.
I sell your butt to a museum and they give me 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 millions in exchange, I spend all of that money to buy a simple pack of bubble gum, then I throw the pack really fast onto your head.

A paper airplane.
I sell your foot to a museum and they give me 1 penny in exchange, I spend all of that money to buy a very big nuclear bomb then I nuke the whole galaxy with you and everyone alongside it.

A rubber band.
I sell your neck to a museum and they give me EVERYTHING in exchange, I kill you using EVERYTHING.

a plastic gun with 0 bullets
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I try to sell the nose to a museum and they wouldn't take it, so I poison the nose and put it in your soup.

a handful of grass.
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