Random Forum Fights Infinity

"Well even though I cannot do anything to you, I can do things to this universe we live in."
I teleport to a different universe and create a black hole that consumes the universe you are in.

Attack: 50% CHARGED
*Erases the black hole and remakes the universe as if it was literally nothing.*
"There isn't anything you can do that I can't simply deny. Logic cannot bound anyone here, therefore, logic cannot defeat anyone here. Black holes, antimatter bombs, you name it, it can be countered."
"Yup. That's what happens in RFFI. When all logic falls, when the laws of the world don't exist anymore, what would be left? Chaos, discord, havoc, obviously. A state of everything being everything and nothing at the same time. Folding in and flattening out over, and over, and over. In that world, there is nothing you can do that I can't simply deny. Vice versa being true as well. It is where everyone is equal. No matter how much power you gain, it could easily be ripped from you, and you could easily reclaim it in a blink of an eye. Power in this world is meaningless. In this world, there is no supreme. In the eyes of chaos, we are all the same. In the eyes of illogic, we are all the same. It is anarchy. Attempting to define rules in that world is pointless, as nothing will be able to enforce it. Kill me all you want, because I could simply step back into the past and undo it. I could kill you right now, but you'd just be there waiting for me in the future for whatever revenge you seek. In a world of chaos, it will be an endless loop of misery or hatred. But put aside the desire for killing and destruction, and it becomes a peaceful place. Welcome, to RFFI."
"An eternal checkmate, a world where anyone can do what they want, and yet, get blocked at every turn. It is the world we are in when in this thread."
Hah, true indeed. But cant we make rules? We are different from chaos in that. We are able to shape what we precise. Some wont adhere to that rules, but even they on the inside they follow a rule, knowingly or unknowingly.
After all, doing what you want gets old after a while. We need restrictions.
"And so we shall make a cycle. A cycle of creation, where we can pursue what we want, then the cycle of destruction and interaction, where others can destroy, interact or merely leave it to exist. Then the cycle of creation will begin again, in which either a new creation is built, or it is added to the creation that was just made.
Rules in this world may be meant to be broken, but as long as they keep being created, it will slowly creep into their minds and implant itself into them. It shall be enforcement of rules."
"Well even though I cannot do anything to you, I can do things to this universe we live in."
I teleport to a different universe and create a black hole that consumes the universe you are in.

Attack: 50% CHARGED
"Well then, it looks like someone is trying to consume or delete my universe... again..."
*Horror snaps. The blackhole disappears entirely.*
*Horror bops you on the head lightly*
"Stop that."
*He disappears in flames*
*continues watching the scene from far away and eats more popcorn*
"hmmmm..... Such abilities"
*throws snowball into the distance aimlessly*

"yeah, i have a giant cannon though, aye"
*shoots a massive projectile that could've realistically landed on anyone for no reason whatsoever*
I teleport into the scene with my magic sword and by using both my transforming ability and my sword I transform everyone back to normal and I transform into a black dragon the size of Mexico and I shoot black hole beams that turn into a tiny black holes
I activate a shield to defend myself from the shockwaves then point a gun towards Lihzahrd Scout and fire.
I'm at a loss upon seeing this man turn into a carpet, which summons 6 vertical lines and 1 horizontal line.
"Begone, joke ! "
I blast the funny meme away.
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