Terraria State of the Game - February 2024

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Due to that many times leap/jump-related words are mentioned, and also due to that SOTG came out on a LEAP day (2024-02-29), I speculate that Redigit and his team plans to add one or more of these:
  1. Ability to do back/frontflips, maybe connected to Master Ninja Gear.
  2. More slime (mounts) types
  3. Introduction of the boulder slime
  4. A boulder that you can ride
  5. Like in one of the fanarts a baloon boulder comes to 1.4.5
  6. More "Pogo stick"-like items.
  7. Jump boost potions
  8. Huge Hoppers you can enter with your character and then they launch your character like a cannon
However don't take this message as official since that are only my speculations.
Oh ffs, me and my one brain cell thought Loki was trying to hint at 1.4.5 releasing in Spring – possibly right around Easter. I totally forgot this was a LEAP year!

I need to quit posting just before I go to bed.
I'm excited to see how crossplay works, and how you're gonna be able to get other players to play in your world without things that are used now, like LAN and steam.
I think it’s important to remember that it has been consistently mentioned that crossplay won’t be part of the 1.4.5 update, and that it will be attempted after 1.4.5 (it is not guaranteed). You may already know this, but for others stopping by and reading. :)
Due to that many times leap/jump-related words are mentioned, and also due to that SOTG came out on a LEAP day (2024-02-29), I speculate that Redigit and his team plans to add one or more of these:
  1. Ability to do back/frontflips, maybe connected to Master Ninja Gear.
  2. More slime (mounts) types
  3. Introduction of the boulder slime
  4. A boulder that you can ride
  5. Like in one of the fanarts a baloon boulder comes to 1.4.5
  6. More "Pogo stick"-like items.
  7. Jump boost potions
  8. Huge Hoppers you can enter with your character and then they launch your character like a cannon
However don't take this message as official since that are only my speculations

omg, human cannonball would be SO FUN! also, jump boost potions are such a must have and unfortunately we dont have it :/
to expand on this, I hope for an obtainable Vorpan and craftable Panchaku to be included.
Hopefully they'll add a specific quote from the shopkeepers in Dead Cells to the Vorpan's tooltip, if it is one of the items we haven't been spoiled yet.

Specifically the one that requires you to have both the Vorpan and the Tentacle(another weapon from Dead Cells) in your inventory when interacting with the shopkeepers:

Although having the tooltip just be the "Grilled Tentacle?" part would still work.

You're not wrong in that it would be cool if they were added, though.
For the cell phone version could you add a button to make it easier to use the sprint accessories please and sorry for my English I am using translator
thank you so much for the mention. I’ve been working tirelessly to make my Pokemon Build. Seeing that you all appreciate it makes my whole world. It’s would be a dream come true to be able to share something I created with you all and the community. I hope you all enjoy the finished product. Terraria is my addiction.
So, forgive me my ignorance, but I did a quick check on the things being updated and it doesn't exactly say it. Does anyone know if the changes to world creation will finally allow you to pick your ores?

Additionally, I'd love to be able to move/resize elements of the HUD around without resorting to mods, but it seems like changes to the UI are not on their sight... Alas, excited for the update, y'all are amazing.
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