The Passing of an Icon: Leinfors

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There will be no State of the Game this month. It was scheduled to go live today, but obviously, this is not the time. We will fill everyone in on what's going on next month. Please feel free to ask any questions, share memories of Leinfors, or just to grieve together here in this thread.

We love you all - thanks for your support in this devastating time.​
I never knew Leinfors or been very active in the Terraria community. It’s still something that hit me hard though, to know that one of the people who helped create and put his all into this masterpiece of a game is no longer here…
I send the best of my condolences to you developers, to the close friends, and to his family
May his legacy continue
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There will be no State of the Game this month. It was scheduled to go live today, but obviously, this is not the time. We will fill everyone in on what's going on next month. Please feel free to ask any questions, share memories of Leinfors, or just to grieve together here in this thread.

We love you all - thanks for your support in this devastating time.​
Leinfors seemed like an amazing guy based on the few times I interacted with him. He cared so much about this community and helping players. Sending hugs to the everyone at Re-Logic, his family, and anyone else who knew him.
Very sad to hear that. He seemed like a great guy and was very active with replying to people, even when he’d just get pinged with random questions on the discord. Rest In Peace.
I first became aware of Jason/Leinfors when he joined the moderation team in the formative days of this forum. Within 6 months, he was easily one of if not the best at interacting with community members and building consensus and trust among the staff. When he joined Re-Logic as part of the QA team, his talents blossomed, making an already great game even better. It cannot be overstated how much he influenced and help shape the game we all love. He will always live on in Terraria, in ways most will never realize, far more than just the coolest vanity set ever (imho).

I'll always remember his humor, his questionable dietary tastes, and his passion for Terraria and Terrarians everywhere. I'll always cherish the interactions we had over the years, and I'm gonna miss him like crazy.

See you at the end of that double rainbow someday, my friend.
I remember his frequent visits to the terraria discord to talk spoilers and what not with the community around the time of 1.4's release. This is so sad to hear. I'm sorry for everyone in the community, Re-logic, and Leinfors' family.
I wish Leinfors a happy life above, we won't forget him. He was honestly a chill dude from what I've seen, he helped us in the Terraria community, and now we honor him.
Rest in peace, Leinfors, you will be missed and not forgotten. You have a community who appreciates your hard work. <3 I a bad person if I don't really feel anything about this?
I never knew the guy personally, I don't even really know what he worked on.
Not feeling anything doesn’t make you a bad person. You can’t control your emotions and everyone has different reactions to someone passing away. Just feel what you are feeling and don’t worry about trying to “react the right way.”
Leinfors was one of if not the most friendly and listening developers I've interacted with in the gaming industry. Terraria, especially in the 1.4 cycle of updates, wouldn't be the same without him. Rest in peace.
When I heard the news, I was honestly, genuinely stunned. I didn't know what to say, but I started crying.
This Image isn't really a big thing, but it shows how he was a funny, lighthearted guy who was willing to interact with the fandom. [Unfortunately the OG post doesn't exist anymore as I had to take all my posts down after an incident]
Leinfors, you will be missed greatly. I didn't interact with him much but from mine and other peoples judgements, he was a great guy.


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Well, never really talked to Leinfors, just notice him talking with and helping the others around the forums. But still, to know that someone you usually met around the forums is not there anymore, even though you never really know them, is... sad. I never expect this to happen.

May Leinfors rest in peace and his works be remember forever.
I am so sorry to hear this, he was always a strong member of the community not counting his work in Terraria. That is a big loss for us all!
Remember Leinfors!
I don't entirely know what to say that hasn't already been said.
Honestly it's kind of hard to believe that someone like that could be dead, going from seeing Leinfors as such an active member of the community, to just being gone...

I never really chatted with him, nor do I claim to know everything he's done, but even the little I've seen on the forums says quite a lot on its own.

It definitely feels strange though, whenever you hear about someone that seems significant passing. I suppose maybe you just don't expect someone like that to be able to die, almost as if they are somehow too important... Either way, he will definitely be missed, and remembered.
Not the place, nor the time. Quite frankly it's disgusting that you think this is an appropriate place to make that kind of comment.
deleted the messages one was about the reddit and about how most of my posts where memes the other one was my bad i will take criticism that you have handed me if you want me to get rid of more pls send a dm/pm
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