IC Unknown World (IC)

Dragonwolf73 said:
"Well, did you get any higher than this floor?"
"A bit. But only up a bit before being unable to walk up. I mean, I could try to be a bird, but... Well, I fear I wouldn't be able to get my instincts back quick enough that I'd fall all the way down... uh... Sorry if that was a bit confusing, but point is, yes, I got up a few floors, but not to the top yet."
“You do that, then.” He walks back to June. “Hey, do you think there’s a river near here?”
“Maybe, though I’d have to ask. Or we could just look for it, if there is one.”
"A bit. But only up a bit before being unable to walk up. I mean, I could try to be a bird, but... Well, I fear I wouldn't be able to get my instincts back quick enough that I'd fall all the way down... uh... Sorry if that was a bit confusing, but point is, yes, I got up a few floors, but not to the top yet."
"What was that about being a bird?"
The dragon seems to be unaware of them.
David walks towards the dragon and pulls out an old rusty knife.
“I think looking for it would be best, though asking would confirm its existence.”
“I’ll ask, and then we’ll go look for it.”
They both walk away.
"It's just me talking about if I should try to fly or not, haha..." Cian nerviously laughed. "It's not like I'm going to grow a beak and feathers and all."
"so were being ignored now goes into state of depression , so i guess we go to the tower now"
*they go to the tower*
Hazelnut goes hunting.
June asks about the river’s existence, which is confirmed.
Hazelnut comes back a while later.
They both head to the river.
"Well... huh... From the corners... Well, that actually doesn't work in this situation. Um... From my eyes, I spy a few others coming here."
Cian notices Piloty and co. heading to the tower.
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