Casual What's your favourite part of the forum?

So, umm... What's your favourite part of the forum?

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So that's it, really. I just want to know where do people hang out the most. I'm more of a Suggestions lurker and I also read a lot of Pixel Art threads (not surprising considering that I have my own sprites thread hehe).
So what's your place?
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I enjoy the forum help & feedback section. I like helping others or giving my input on certain topics related to how the forum works etc.

If I had to pick one that's on the list.. I'd say probably Off Topic.
Suggestions forum.

Lots of cool ideas, and even though there are some ideas I don't care for, I still like seeing people come together trying to come up with new ideas for the game. Even when the game isn't updating, the suggestions forum in a way keeps the game from going stale.
I really like role-playing, it's awesome to become somebody else.
I also, of course, love all the people! You guys rock.
Art because i love seeing how every artsist here interprets terrarias pixels.
Builds because i love seeing the creativity and learning from others based on their builds.
and of course dev news because who doesnt like getting hyped for new updates and stuff.
idk if i had to only choose one but i cant decide.
Off Topic / Other Games, probably.

Sometimes I have a hard time finding things to talk or post about, so I just browse these random little sections for some cool stuff to talk about.
Ummm... I don't know.... maybe my profile to post status updates?
Or maybe.... other games or off topic or something.
I like the suggestions section. People sometimes come up with some awesome ideas that are entertaining to read. When there is a bad suggestion it provides me a chance to help improve it.
Off topic is where I hang out most. If the other media section was more busy and popular I'd probably be there a lot more often.
Profiles actually. I stalk the new profile posts all the time just to see what everyone is doing, for sociological reasons more or less. I find studying people, personalities, and the like interesting.
Profiles actually. I stalk the new profile posts all the time just to see what everyone is doing, for sociological reasons more or less. I find studying people, personalities, and the like interesting.
That's... unsettling.

Anyways, I like literature the most. Don't ask why, its just better than every other forum in every other way.
The Forum Help & Feedback, Off-Topic, Other Games, and Other Media Sections are practically the area I've built my home on TCF around outside of my profile. I watch these sections like a hawk since they are very interesting. Though I also eye the Profile Posts of everyone as well (In lurking mode most of the time until something gathers my interest enough and I decide to comment/like on a Profile Post).

Naturally I also enjoy the Developer Announcements as well since whenever there's new info about Terraria, I try to think "okay, that's alright I guess" but then go like this:
Especially when there's a changelog and I say I won't read it.

(On another note, I've been searching for this thread for a month since I remembered it recently, but didn't respond at the time it was made it since I wasn't sure what my favorite sections were at the time. But now that I know and that I've rediscovered this thread, I am thrilled to be bringing this Thread back to Life!)
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