Wii U Update and 3DS News

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Except few small things, it Sounds nice ^^
But now i'm sick that I have o3ds xl :/

But if that really fix that crash issue Sh*t (sp and mp)... It'll be nice :)

I have 2 questions...

1. When you say bigger worlds...
How much bigger will that be?
2. Is there any lapse of time you can give me when it'll be able to get?
(as more exact as better, but sth like in 2-4 weeks would be great too. I would feel better then :)
Good day Terrarians,

Hot on the heels of the main console announcement, we’re pleased today to be able to share information on the future of Terraria on Nintendo. First up, the ‘catch-up’ patch for Wii U Terraria goes live TOMORROW, Friday September 2. As well as clearing up the handful of issues from the launch of that version, the patch also brings Wii U into line with the other consoles in terms of content. You’ll get the Stylist, and a load of new mechanic fixes and items. A full list is in the spoiler here, so this post doesn’t sprawl to ridiculous lengths:

New NPC: Stylist

New Mechanics:
  • Wearable Accessories
  • Chest Naming
  • Infinite Wiring
  • Ability to change Hair Style in-game
  • Ability to change your default clothing at a dresser
  • Vanity Wings (dyable)
  • Dyeable accesories
  • Ability to place Switches and levers on a wall
  • Quick Stack
  • Restock
  • Wall Auto-Fill

Mechanics changes:
  • Reintroduce Re-Spawn timer
  • Reintroduce Coin Gun (loot – pirate invasion)
  • Overwrite console auto-dig code with PC auto-dig code

Balance changes
  • Reduce ore sparkles brightness
  • Don't show enemies names when they are in darkness.
  • Only autoplace 1 torch per press
  • Heart crystal plays shatter sounds every hit, instead of when it breaks
  • Remember hits for tiles

Art changes

  • Update splash screen
  • Fix minion sacrificing code (bug: The Tempest Staff fails to summon Sharknado if another minion is already present.)

Additional new items:
  • Firefly in a Bottle
  • Lightning Bug in a Bottle
  • Mallard Duck Cage
  • Monarch Butterfly Jar
  • Purple Emperor Butterfly Jar
  • RedAdmiralButterflyJar
  • Ulysses Butterfly Jar
  • Sulphur Butterfly Jar
  • Tree Nymph Butterfly Jar
  • Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly Jar
  • Julia Butterfly Jar
  • Spectre Mask
  • Diamond Ring
  • Crimson Cloak
  • Mysterious Cape
  • Red Cape
  • Winter Cape
  • Bee Headgear
  • Bee Breastplate
  • Bee Greaves
  • Hornet Staff
  • Imp Staff
  • Queen Spider Staff
  • Spider Mask
  • Spider Breastplate
  • Spider Greaves
  • Slimy Saddle
  • Bee Wax
  • Sail
  • Honeyed Goggles
  • Optic Staff
  • Spider Staff
  • Pirate Staff
  • Slime Hook
  • Sticky Grenade
  • Molotov Cocktail
  • Spider Fang
  • Slime Gun
  • Seashell
  • Starfish
  • Weapon Rack
  • Fireworks Box
  • Firework Fountain
  • Music Box: Pumpkin Moon
  • Music Box: Alt Underground
  • Music Box: Frost Moon
  • Life Hair Dye
  • Mana Hair Dye
  • Depth Hair Dye
  • Money Hair Dye
  • Time Hair Dye
  • Team Hair Dye
  • Biome Hair Dye
  • Party Hair Dye
  • Rainbow Hair Dye
  • Speed Hair Dye
  • Hair Dye Remover
  • Ducky Wallpaper
  • Confetti Block
  • Confetti Wall
  • Confetti Block Black
  • Confetti Wall Black
  • Living Fire Block
  • Music Box: Underground Crimson

This update is intended to draw a line under Terraria on Wii U as it did with the other platforms - so we are afraid that no further updates for Wii U will be possible due to technical limitations. Bear in mind that you now have the same great content in two hits. There were more updates on the other platforms simply because they were released earlier. The content is the same. The logic for being unable to further update Wii U is, regrettably, the same as the ‘old gen’ machines – though the Wii U does admittedly have more resources than the 360/PS3, it is still a fraction as capable as PS4 and Xbox One, and we need all their available horsepower to take Terraria where we want to go next. This version will still be able to play online, so you can continue to enjoy it as long as you’re gaming on the Wii U platform. By the time the next update rolls out on PS4/Xbox One we’ll be very close to the launch of NX… But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

What about the 3DS version?

Well, CodeGlue are hard at work on a content update to be released later this year. We’ve listened to your concerns about the stability, and we’re trying an entirely new approach to try and get to the bottom of why some of you are troubled by crashes and others have enjoyed smooth sailing since launch. We’re confident that the update will take care of any issues there. We’ve also been listening to your requests, and are working through a list of fixes. For example:

 Now to able to deactivate pets

 Chain gun accuracy fixed

 Ice Queen no longer blocks everything else from spawning

 Items from Angler are fixed

 Orb projectiles sped up

 Acorns don’t just grow on grass

 Flowers in pots grow to full maturity

 Tempest staff bugs fixed

Those are all bugs called out on this forum, and there’s a load more still to come, along with quality of life fixes from Re-Logic and 505. We’re looking at getting the ability to hammer platforms into stairs, and a few other treats. Bear in mind 3DS was only ever going to be 1.2 plus a few extras, so we’re pushing the content as far as we can on the old 3DS model. Interesting that we’ve mentioned the old model there. Almost as if there was a reason to separate that from the New 3DS… Oh yes, now I remember: we’re bringing larger worlds to the New 3DS console!

We’ve been listening to your requests on here, and are delighted to be able to confirm that with this new update you’ll have the option to start a larger world game if you have the newer machine. The size of that world is likely to be the same as the small world on the PC version. Not only will this give you a bigger canvas for your adventure, it will also help us eliminate the occasional worldgen issues that can happen when you try to squash all of the parts of a Terraria world into a smaller space. The enhanced specifications of New 3DS makes this possible! Do note that players will not then be able to invite original 3DS gamers into these larger worlds. We didn’t take the decision to offer split content between original and New 3DS lightly, but we’ve maxed out the older unit and we felt like there was still more to give to Nintendo handheld gamers. All 3DS units will be eligible for the update, but only New 3DS players will see the benefit of larger worlds.

We’ll announce a release date for the 3DS update in due course.

Thanks as always for your support and feedback :)
welp so much for wii u. shortest game version lifespan EVAR!
welp so much for wii u. shortest game version lifespan EVAR!

How do you figure that?

Console X started at V1.1, updated to 1.2.4 over time.

Wii U comes 2-3 years later, goes nearly straight to 1.2.4.....or the same full-of-content game as every other console. So, its more like Wii U players got the "full old gen package" right up front. I guess I will never understand the "game isn't getting updates = game is dead" logic. I still play plenty of games that have not received an update.....in years or EVER. They are fun for what they are.
Ya know I literally made an account on the forums to see what was happening on Wii u and I'll be honest haveing it up to date is fine engh for me sad but better than nothing

And now my search continues for a stable non laggy version of 1.3 ~:cool:
Good day Terrarians,

Hot on the heels of the main console announcement, we’re pleased today to be able to share information on the future of Terraria on Nintendo. First up, the ‘catch-up’ patch for Wii U Terraria goes live TOMORROW, Friday September 2. As well as clearing up the handful of issues from the launch of that version, the patch also brings Wii U into line with the other consoles in terms of content. You’ll get the Stylist, and a load of new mechanic fixes and items. A full list is in the spoiler here, so this post doesn’t sprawl to ridiculous lengths:

New NPC: Stylist

New Mechanics:
  • Wearable Accessories
  • Chest Naming
  • Infinite Wiring
  • Ability to change Hair Style in-game
  • Ability to change your default clothing at a dresser
  • Vanity Wings (dyable)
  • Dyeable accesories
  • Ability to place Switches and levers on a wall
  • Quick Stack
  • Restock
  • Wall Auto-Fill

Mechanics changes:
  • Reintroduce Re-Spawn timer
  • Reintroduce Coin Gun (loot – pirate invasion)
  • Overwrite console auto-dig code with PC auto-dig code

Balance changes
  • Reduce ore sparkles brightness
  • Don't show enemies names when they are in darkness.
  • Only autoplace 1 torch per press
  • Heart crystal plays shatter sounds every hit, instead of when it breaks
  • Remember hits for tiles

Art changes

  • Update splash screen
  • Fix minion sacrificing code (bug: The Tempest Staff fails to summon Sharknado if another minion is already present.)

Additional new items:
  • Firefly in a Bottle
  • Lightning Bug in a Bottle
  • Mallard Duck Cage
  • Monarch Butterfly Jar
  • Purple Emperor Butterfly Jar
  • RedAdmiralButterflyJar
  • Ulysses Butterfly Jar
  • Sulphur Butterfly Jar
  • Tree Nymph Butterfly Jar
  • Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly Jar
  • Julia Butterfly Jar
  • Spectre Mask
  • Diamond Ring
  • Crimson Cloak
  • Mysterious Cape
  • Red Cape
  • Winter Cape
  • Bee Headgear
  • Bee Breastplate
  • Bee Greaves
  • Hornet Staff
  • Imp Staff
  • Queen Spider Staff
  • Spider Mask
  • Spider Breastplate
  • Spider Greaves
  • Slimy Saddle
  • Bee Wax
  • Sail
  • Honeyed Goggles
  • Optic Staff
  • Spider Staff
  • Pirate Staff
  • Slime Hook
  • Sticky Grenade
  • Molotov Cocktail
  • Spider Fang
  • Slime Gun
  • Seashell
  • Starfish
  • Weapon Rack
  • Fireworks Box
  • Firework Fountain
  • Music Box: Pumpkin Moon
  • Music Box: Alt Underground
  • Music Box: Frost Moon
  • Life Hair Dye
  • Mana Hair Dye
  • Depth Hair Dye
  • Money Hair Dye
  • Time Hair Dye
  • Team Hair Dye
  • Biome Hair Dye
  • Party Hair Dye
  • Rainbow Hair Dye
  • Speed Hair Dye
  • Hair Dye Remover
  • Ducky Wallpaper
  • Confetti Block
  • Confetti Wall
  • Confetti Block Black
  • Confetti Wall Black
  • Living Fire Block
  • Music Box: Underground Crimson

This update is intended to draw a line under Terraria on Wii U as it did with the other platforms - so we are afraid that no further updates for Wii U will be possible due to technical limitations. Bear in mind that you now have the same great content in two hits. There were more updates on the other platforms simply because they were released earlier. The content is the same. The logic for being unable to further update Wii U is, regrettably, the same as the ‘old gen’ machines – though the Wii U does admittedly have more resources than the 360/PS3, it is still a fraction as capable as PS4 and Xbox One, and we need all their available horsepower to take Terraria where we want to go next. This version will still be able to play online, so you can continue to enjoy it as long as you’re gaming on the Wii U platform. By the time the next update rolls out on PS4/Xbox One we’ll be very close to the launch of NX… But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

What about the 3DS version?

Well, CodeGlue are hard at work on a content update to be released later this year. We’ve listened to your concerns about the stability, and we’re trying an entirely new approach to try and get to the bottom of why some of you are troubled by crashes and others have enjoyed smooth sailing since launch. We’re confident that the update will take care of any issues there. We’ve also been listening to your requests, and are working through a list of fixes. For example:

 Now to able to deactivate pets

 Chain gun accuracy fixed

 Ice Queen no longer blocks everything else from spawning

 Items from Angler are fixed

 Orb projectiles sped up

 Acorns don’t just grow on grass

 Flowers in pots grow to full maturity

 Tempest staff bugs fixed

Those are all bugs called out on this forum, and there’s a load more still to come, along with quality of life fixes from Re-Logic and 505. We’re looking at getting the ability to hammer platforms into stairs, and a few other treats. Bear in mind 3DS was only ever going to be 1.2 plus a few extras, so we’re pushing the content as far as we can on the old 3DS model. Interesting that we’ve mentioned the old model there. Almost as if there was a reason to separate that from the New 3DS… Oh yes, now I remember: we’re bringing larger worlds to the New 3DS console!

We’ve been listening to your requests on here, and are delighted to be able to confirm that with this new update you’ll have the option to start a larger world game if you have the newer machine. The size of that world is likely to be the same as the small world on the PC version. Not only will this give you a bigger canvas for your adventure, it will also help us eliminate the occasional worldgen issues that can happen when you try to squash all of the parts of a Terraria world into a smaller space. The enhanced specifications of New 3DS makes this possible! Do note that players will not then be able to invite original 3DS gamers into these larger worlds. We didn’t take the decision to offer split content between original and New 3DS lightly, but we’ve maxed out the older unit and we felt like there was still more to give to Nintendo handheld gamers. All 3DS units will be eligible for the update, but only New 3DS players will see the benefit of larger worlds.

We’ll announce a release date for the 3DS update in due course.

Thanks as always for your support and feedback :)
Are the mount textures in the gamepad gonna be fixed? In the gamepad they look like they are burried in the ground...
Except few small things, it Sounds nice ^^
But now i'm sick that I have o3ds xl :/

But if that really fix that crash issue Sh*t (sp and mp)... It'll be nice :)

I have 2 questions...

1. When you say bigger worlds...
How much bigger will that be?
2. Is there any lapse of time you can give me when it'll be able to get?
(as more exact as better, but sth like in 2-4 weeks would be great too. I would feel better then :)

The size of the worlds on 3ds right now are 1750 blocks wide and 900 blocks tall. A "Small World" on PC is 4200 blocks wide and 1200 blocks tall. So this means that the New 3ds worlds can be up to 2.4 times wider than the older 3ds worlds.
The size of the worlds on 3ds right now are 1750 blocks wide and 900 blocks tall. A "Small World" on PC is 4200 blocks wide and 1200 blocks tall. So this means that the New 3ds worlds can be up to 2.4 times wider than the older 3ds worlds.
Thank god for bigger worlds, I'll have to move my stuff from my older world to a bigger world, and make that world my main world.
Hopefully when they fix all the bugs and make the game more stable then maybe they'll work on online multiplayer, but who knows.

curious here, if you guys had to pick between online multi or full 1.2.4 content what would you pick? assuming we already had the crash fixes and all
I personally would go with full 1.2.4 but it's a hard choice
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