Empress of Light
I doubt it. It can be duplicated, but I'd imagine the only way you can get it out of JM is with some sort of free item server or Tedit.Will the finch staff be craftable, sorry if it's obvious I'm not up to date with all this stuff
No way in heck is that a bug. It's so unrelated to difficulty itself it seems impossible. The only other way to do it was an item. Has to be that mastermode gives you 6 accessory slots.Its either a bug, or you just start with 6 in Master Mode
I'd honestly hope its the second, if Master Mode is super hard despite having 6-7 instead of 5-6 slots, that's hype.
Official Terrarian
Well I’m sure there are plenty of blocks and walls, especially with all the new items and stuff. I can’t decide what to use already! 
Eye of Cthulhu
Journey mode isn't just about building, otherwise the difficulty slider and spawn rate amplifier wouldn't be there. It's about playing the game how you want to play it, and I want to play it without having to worry about money. I don't see a problem with that.Uhhhhhhh no. It's not going to be worth playing JM if you aren't even incentivized to build with it. I like the duping items more than I like duping money, because that sounds like a balance for multiplayer and map building. Duping money sounds like a waste of potential here, and if anything that's the worst way to play this mode because it overlooks the main purpose of allowing such free control. Either way, you're open to play however you'd like... but I really don't think duplicating money or selling duplicated items should be a thing if they want the progression to work out well. I personally don't have any problems finding money to buy what I need from npcs, but I am hoping towns change that. I don't want to lose that value to duplication.
This new mode is a relief, now I basically don't need all other modes as I can never decide and later I want to switch, but don't want to change the world and etc.
Now I'll have one world and one character with all Terraria content in it, basically, that's a huge deal, everyone.
Now I'll have one world and one character with all Terraria content in it, basically, that's a huge deal, everyone.
Last edited:
Duke Fishron
This is simply incredible. Most of the mods I used before are now thrown into vanilla with this mode. I can't see myself ever playing anything other than Journey mode after 1.4 releases.
Big thanks to the team for this one
Big thanks to the team for this one

Gushing over the new backgrounds.
There is absolutely no way that they'd make a summoning weapon exclusive to Journey Mode when pre-hardmode summoning weapons are already in such high demandI doubt it. It can be duplicated, but I'd imagine the only way you can get it out of JM is with some sort of free item server or Tedit.
Nicol Bolas
Uhhhhhhh no. It's not going to be worth playing JM if you aren't even incentivized to build with it. I like the duping items more than I like duping money, because that sounds like a balance for multiplayer and map building. Duping money sounds like a waste of potential here, and if anything that's the worst way to play this mode because it overlooks the main purpose of allowing such free control. Either way, you're open to play however you'd like... but I really don't think duplicating money or selling duplicated items should be a thing if they want the progression to work out well. I personally don't have any problems finding money to buy what I need from npcs, but I am hoping towns change that. I don't want to lose that value to duplication.
Why not? It seems like you can basically ignore any feature of Journey Mode that you don't want to use. If someone feels like money is a worthless aspect of the game, but otherwise enjoys the progression in the game, why shouldn't they play that way (again, ignoring that you're now divorced from any previously acquired loot)?
Journey Mode doesn't seem like it's trying to force you into anything; it seems more about giving you options (except the option to keep your old stuff. Yes, I'm never letting that go; I've got a lot of stuff).
Official Terrarian
Yeah, that’s what everybody needs to understand. If you don’t want Godmode, don’t use it. If you don’t want to dupe items, don’t. That’s why it’s not just a creative mode. Minecraft has a creative mode that forces you to have no inventory (I think) and for enemies to not spawn and/or hurt you, and you can fly anywhere. This is just a guided playthrough. Like I said before, it’s about the JOURNEY, not the destination. Journey mode is meant for us to choose our own journey.Why not? It seems like you can basically ignore any feature of Journey Mode that you don't want to use. If someone feels like money is a worthless aspect of the game, but otherwise enjoys the progression in the game, why shouldn't they play that way (again, ignoring that you're now divorced from any previously acquired loot)?
Journey Mode doesn't seem like it's trying to force you into anything; it seems more about giving you options (except the option to keep your old stuff. Yes, I'm never letting that go; I've got a lot of stuff).
Journey Mode will still let you fill chests with dirt, mud and sand. You can just do it much faster now.
Cenx did confirm earlier the Finch Staff is available outside Journey Mode as well.I doubt it. It can be duplicated, but I'd imagine the only way you can get it out of JM is with some sort of free item server or Tedit.
Yes- if rng is nice to you.![]()
I just thought of the most important consideration: How many of a Treasure Bag do you need, in order to duplicate?
Personal opinion: 3 sounds reasonable, similar to boss summons. 1 would be too easy, and 100 too harsh.
Personal opinion: 3 sounds reasonable, similar to boss summons. 1 would be too easy, and 100 too harsh.
All I want to know if whether we'll be able to lock players out of messing with certain settings in a server environment. Like we're fine with block placement distance, but godmode and forcing weather events need to be limited, etc.You can literally dupe anything. You set the rules on how you want Journey Mode to work. If you think money duping is OP- just don't do it. God mode too op? Don't use it. Journey Mode is all about freedom to play how you want.![]()
Interesting... This is kind of like a fusion of all the possibilities I'd speculated this mode to be. lol
Official Terrarian
Well maybe some people play adventure maps for the story, and they suck at terraria. Godmode would be fine then. This is kind of like the “assist mode” that the game Celeste has, which also includes things that may be challenges, or speedrun testing.All I want to know if whether we'll be able to lock players out of messing with certain settings in a server environment. Like we're fine with block placement distance, but godmode and forcing weather events need to be limited, etc.
You’ve... you’ve done it again. My lord, do I love Terraria.View attachment 268977
Welcome back aboard the Journey's End express everyone!
Today's Feature Article is one that we have been looking forward to for quite some time, as we will be giving you a first glimpse into the brand new Journey Mode. The goal of Journey Mode is to provide a more accessible experience by providing the player unprecedented control over the gameplay experience. A way to bring in all players of various skill levels and to be able to customize your experience to optimize the fun you have in game. This is not Creative Mode, this is a whole new way to experience Terraria - and one we feel represents the ultimate evolution of being able to play your Terraria any way that you want.
What does all of this mean? How does it all work? Let's dive into just the high level here....
Before we get started, you should know the one key rule of Journey Mode - a place where otherwise the rules are meant to be bent and broken:
You can only play Journey Mode Characters in Journey Mode Worlds.
No Normal Characters in Journey Mode Worlds. No Journey Mode Characters in Normal/Expert/Master Worlds.
No Exceptions.
View attachment 269605
Creating a Journey Mode Character
View attachment 269038
Creating a Journey Mode World
Once you have your Character and World created, you are all set! So what awaits you in Journey Mode? Let's take that first step...
View attachment 269015
Every Journey begins with that first step, but of course, every smart traveler packs the right gear before heading out. In Journey Mode, you will begin your adventure with an enhanced starter gear package, which includes:
- Iron Shortsword
- Iron Axe
- Iron Pickaxe
- Iron Hammer
- Finch Staff (a bird that is happy to sit on your head when it isn't attacking your foes)
- 100 Torches
- 100 Rope
- Magic Mirror
- Starter Wings (very limited flight, removes fall damage)
Of course, you are free to use as much - or as little - of this gear as you choose. As you will hear us say over and over in regards to Journey Mode - the choices are all yours! Take as much or as little help as you need. You can even make things harder on yourself if you so choose, but more on that later.
R&D? What in the world are we talking about? Welcome to the wide, wide world of Terraria R&D: Research & Duplication.
R&D is going to quickly become your best friend - and latest obsession - during your adventures in Journey Mode. How does it all work? Why, it is so easy, the Guide could do it!
Once you complete your Research on any item in the game, you will unlock the power to Duplicate it at will. Let's pause a second to let that sink in. Ok, are you back with us? Let's continue along our tour.
Researching an item is pretty straight forward - start by opening up your inventory and clicking on Benny the Construction Bunny. This hardhat-wearing friendly critter is your gateway to the immense powers bestowed upon you in Journey Mode.
View attachment 269026
Next up, let's click the Gear icon - this will open up our Research Interface, as you can see below! In this example, you can see that we are trying to Research Wood, and that we have already Researched zero wood out of the 100 needed to complete Research.
View attachment 269449
View attachment 269448
Let's toss 100 Wood in there and click the Research Button!
View attachment 269447
Just like that, your 100 Wood is gone. Any items Researched will be wiped from existence. Thanks for all the free Wood! Oh wait, that's right, there's more.
Now, let's click that icon just above the Gear - this little stack of boxes will open up the Duplication Menu! Anything you have completed Research on previously will appear in the area off to the right. Oh look! There is your Wood!
View attachment 269446
Clicking the icon for any item appearing in the Duplication Menu will instantly spawn a full stack of that item (materials, blocks, etc.) or a single duplicate of things like Weapons/Armor/Accessories. Anything you can Duplicate is yours to use as you see fit. Again, this is a power you can choose to utilize - or not. As we keep saying, Journey Mode is about you playing your way!
View attachment 269423
So just how powerful does this get? Aren't there over 5.000 items now? How in the world can I keep track of all of that?! With a fully searchable interface along with filter tabs, you will be able to quickly find what you are looking to recreate!
View attachment 269422
View attachment 269421
R&D works in Multiplayer sessions as well! Work together as a team to help your partners keep up! Share gear (or don't!) - make sure that everyone gets the early Hermes Boots or epic boss drop. What you and your friends decide to do with all this power is entirely up to you!
You ever have those days in Terraria where it seems to have become monsoon season and the rain never stops? How about those times when you are ready to challenge Skeletron but you look up and it is 6:59am in game? What if you just wanted to engage in a bit of kite-flying, but the wind isn't cooperating? Once again, Journey Mode has the answers to all of these problems and more!
The weather has become a bigger and bigger part of the Terraria experience over time - and 1.4 takes that to the next level, with new wind effects and storms to add to the already-robust environmental effects. That being the case, it only makes sense that Journey Mode gives you the power to control the very weather itself!
You have two core powers here - tied to Rain and Wind. Weather control is all located within the little Rain Cloud icon. These are pretty self-explanatory, so let's let the pictures do the talking!
Monsoon Season? Not Anymore!
East Wind Blow! West Wind Blow!
You can also turn off the ability for the game to randomly change Wind or Rain, so that the game itself cannot mess with your mastery of the elements! <Villainous Laughter Ensues>
What if I told you that you could jump ahead in time, accelerate it's passing, and even freeze it altogether - and that you would not even need a single gigawatt to do so? Sounds like a pipe dream? Well keep dreaming, folks, because with Journey Mode, that is precisely what you can do!
Once again, we will let the images do the talking here - as the speak for themselves. To control time, click on the Clock icon (shocking, we know))...
View attachment 269459 View attachment 269460 View attachment 269461
In the past, Terrarians were forced to select their level of difficulty at the World Creation screen. While this is certainly still the case in the normal game modes, Journey Mode once again breaks the mold and allows players to create a challenge tailored to their skill level - and to adjust it back up or down as they see fit, with real-time results.
What does this all mean? Well, this means that the challenge level in Journey Mode is in your hands - from an easy no-enemy jaunt through the countryside to a murderous gauntlet full with hordes of Master Mode enemies, once again, the choice belongs to you. With Journey Mode you can create both the easiest and the most difficult experiences that Terraria has to offer.
For this power, you have two levers to pull. Difficulty - which will impact everyone you are playing with (in multiplayer) - and Spawn Rate, which will only impact the area around your character. With Spawn Rate, everyone can have their own mini-challenge slider even though the difficulty level is the same for everyone.
View attachment 269478
Difficulty Slider
View attachment 269480
Enemy Spawn Rate
So, you have seen what Master Mode is all about... well a taste at least. How about this Spawn Rate thing? Well, here is a quick shot of what happens when you have Spawn Rate set to 10 for about 20 seconds...
View attachment 269481
There are a small handful of additional powers that we would be remiss to not mention - and we are pretty sure these will be fan favorites! Two of these are player-based powers, while one of them impacts the world itself.
View attachment 269483
Godmode - Also sometimes known as Kidmode... a nice set of training wheels to help new or younger players learn the game (don't worry, we won't tell anyone when you use it on yourself to get over the tougher challenges)
View attachment 269482
Infection Spread - Don't want it? Then you don't have to have it
View attachment 269485
Increased Placement Range - Ok, sure, but just how big of a difference does this make?
View attachment 269486
Enough Said?
Whew, so you made it to the end of our journey into Journey Mode. We are sure your minds are swimming with the ideas and possibilities right now. Let's close out with some thoughts from a dedicated community content creator and influencer. Someone whom has never failed to cover and provide his thoughts on the big news in the world of Terraria. Of course, we speak of none other than @ChippyGaming - so without further ado, we are happy to share his advance-view thoughts on Journey Mode!
We think that's probably enough for today... until next time, Terrarians.
I'm not saying people should be locked out of it for "balance" reasons. It's its own standalone thing. I'm saying if I use this in a server I want to limit how much power my players have.Well maybe some people play adventure maps for the story, and they suck at terraria. Godmode would be fine then. This is kind of like the “assist mode” that the game Celeste has, which also includes things that may be challenges, or speedrun testing.
I just need to know.........
can we finally use minions in pvp??? please say yes i beg of you
can we finally use minions in pvp??? please say yes i beg of you
Will the Duplication Menu have a counter to keep track of how many items you have left to collect?View attachment 268977
Welcome back aboard the Journey's End express everyone!
Today's Feature Article is one that we have been looking forward to for quite some time, as we will be giving you a first glimpse into the brand new Journey Mode. The goal of Journey Mode is to provide a more accessible experience by providing the player unprecedented control over the gameplay experience. A way to bring in all players of various skill levels and to be able to customize your experience to optimize the fun you have in game. This is not Creative Mode, this is a whole new way to experience Terraria - and one we feel represents the ultimate evolution of being able to play your Terraria any way that you want.
What does all of this mean? How does it all work? Let's dive into just the high level here....
Before we get started, you should know the one key rule of Journey Mode - a place where otherwise the rules are meant to be bent and broken:
You can only play Journey Mode Characters in Journey Mode Worlds.
No Normal Characters in Journey Mode Worlds. No Journey Mode Characters in Normal/Expert/Master Worlds.
No Exceptions.
View attachment 269605
Creating a Journey Mode Character
View attachment 269038
Creating a Journey Mode World
Once you have your Character and World created, you are all set! So what awaits you in Journey Mode? Let's take that first step...
View attachment 269015
Every Journey begins with that first step, but of course, every smart traveler packs the right gear before heading out. In Journey Mode, you will begin your adventure with an enhanced starter gear package, which includes:
- Iron Shortsword
- Iron Axe
- Iron Pickaxe
- Iron Hammer
- Finch Staff (a bird that is happy to sit on your head when it isn't attacking your foes)
- 100 Torches
- 100 Rope
- Magic Mirror
- Starter Wings (very limited flight, removes fall damage)
Of course, you are free to use as much - or as little - of this gear as you choose. As you will hear us say over and over in regards to Journey Mode - the choices are all yours! Take as much or as little help as you need. You can even make things harder on yourself if you so choose, but more on that later.
R&D? What in the world are we talking about? Welcome to the wide, wide world of Terraria R&D: Research & Duplication.
R&D is going to quickly become your best friend - and latest obsession - during your adventures in Journey Mode. How does it all work? Why, it is so easy, the Guide could do it!
Once you complete your Research on any item in the game, you will unlock the power to Duplicate it at will. Let's pause a second to let that sink in. Ok, are you back with us? Let's continue along our tour.
Researching an item is pretty straight forward - start by opening up your inventory and clicking on Benny the Construction Bunny. This hardhat-wearing friendly critter is your gateway to the immense powers bestowed upon you in Journey Mode.
View attachment 269026
Next up, let's click the Gear icon - this will open up our Research Interface, as you can see below! In this example, you can see that we are trying to Research Wood, and that we have already Researched zero wood out of the 100 needed to complete Research.
View attachment 269449
View attachment 269448
Let's toss 100 Wood in there and click the Research Button!
View attachment 269447
Just like that, your 100 Wood is gone. Any items Researched will be wiped from existence. Thanks for all the free Wood! Oh wait, that's right, there's more.
Now, let's click that icon just above the Gear - this little stack of boxes will open up the Duplication Menu! Anything you have completed Research on previously will appear in the area off to the right. Oh look! There is your Wood!
View attachment 269446
Clicking the icon for any item appearing in the Duplication Menu will instantly spawn a full stack of that item (materials, blocks, etc.) or a single duplicate of things like Weapons/Armor/Accessories. Anything you can Duplicate is yours to use as you see fit. Again, this is a power you can choose to utilize - or not. As we keep saying, Journey Mode is about you playing your way!
View attachment 269423
So just how powerful does this get? Aren't there over 5.000 items now? How in the world can I keep track of all of that?! With a fully searchable interface along with filter tabs, you will be able to quickly find what you are looking to recreate!
View attachment 269422
View attachment 269421
R&D works in Multiplayer sessions as well! Work together as a team to help your partners keep up! Share gear (or don't!) - make sure that everyone gets the early Hermes Boots or epic boss drop. What you and your friends decide to do with all this power is entirely up to you!
You ever have those days in Terraria where it seems to have become monsoon season and the rain never stops? How about those times when you are ready to challenge Skeletron but you look up and it is 6:59am in game? What if you just wanted to engage in a bit of kite-flying, but the wind isn't cooperating? Once again, Journey Mode has the answers to all of these problems and more!
The weather has become a bigger and bigger part of the Terraria experience over time - and 1.4 takes that to the next level, with new wind effects and storms to add to the already-robust environmental effects. That being the case, it only makes sense that Journey Mode gives you the power to control the very weather itself!
You have two core powers here - tied to Rain and Wind. Weather control is all located within the little Rain Cloud icon. These are pretty self-explanatory, so let's let the pictures do the talking!
Monsoon Season? Not Anymore!
East Wind Blow! West Wind Blow!
You can also turn off the ability for the game to randomly change Wind or Rain, so that the game itself cannot mess with your mastery of the elements! <Villainous Laughter Ensues>
What if I told you that you could jump ahead in time, accelerate it's passing, and even freeze it altogether - and that you would not even need a single gigawatt to do so? Sounds like a pipe dream? Well keep dreaming, folks, because with Journey Mode, that is precisely what you can do!
Once again, we will let the images do the talking here - as the speak for themselves. To control time, click on the Clock icon (shocking, we know))...
View attachment 269459 View attachment 269460 View attachment 269461
In the past, Terrarians were forced to select their level of difficulty at the World Creation screen. While this is certainly still the case in the normal game modes, Journey Mode once again breaks the mold and allows players to create a challenge tailored to their skill level - and to adjust it back up or down as they see fit, with real-time results.
What does this all mean? Well, this means that the challenge level in Journey Mode is in your hands - from an easy no-enemy jaunt through the countryside to a murderous gauntlet full with hordes of Master Mode enemies, once again, the choice belongs to you. With Journey Mode you can create both the easiest and the most difficult experiences that Terraria has to offer.
For this power, you have two levers to pull. Difficulty - which will impact everyone you are playing with (in multiplayer) - and Spawn Rate, which will only impact the area around your character. With Spawn Rate, everyone can have their own mini-challenge slider even though the difficulty level is the same for everyone.
View attachment 269478
Difficulty Slider
View attachment 269480
Enemy Spawn Rate
So, you have seen what Master Mode is all about... well a taste at least. How about this Spawn Rate thing? Well, here is a quick shot of what happens when you have Spawn Rate set to 10 for about 20 seconds...
View attachment 269481
There are a small handful of additional powers that we would be remiss to not mention - and we are pretty sure these will be fan favorites! Two of these are player-based powers, while one of them impacts the world itself.
View attachment 269483
Godmode - Also sometimes known as Kidmode... a nice set of training wheels to help new or younger players learn the game (don't worry, we won't tell anyone when you use it on yourself to get over the tougher challenges)
View attachment 269482
Infection Spread - Don't want it? Then you don't have to have it
View attachment 269485
Increased Placement Range - Ok, sure, but just how big of a difference does this make?
View attachment 269486
Enough Said?
Whew, so you made it to the end of our journey into Journey Mode. We are sure your minds are swimming with the ideas and possibilities right now. Let's close out with some thoughts from a dedicated community content creator and influencer. Someone whom has never failed to cover and provide his thoughts on the big news in the world of Terraria. Of course, we speak of none other than @ChippyGaming - so without further ado, we are happy to share his advance-view thoughts on Journey Mode!
We think that's probably enough for today... until next time, Terrarians.
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