With Great Power Comes Great Accessibility - Introducing Terraria's New Journey Mode

yes, that's my issue, in Journey mode anyone can change difficulty, and in journey mode it was stated difficulty settings are world-wide, so how does it decide which difficulty to use if everyone has a different setting?
it would change to the difficulty to whatever the last person set it to, then if someone changes it it changes.
I'm guessing that the difficulty slider emulates world difficulties. At first glance, I thought it set a damage slider or something. But what do I know. Can't wait to see it for myself.

If it does emulate world difficulty and it gives us access to Expert or Master mode items, and we use them (Like the Demon Heart to get a 6th accessory slot.) what happens after we slide it back down to normal mode again? Do we lose those benefits and can't use Expert-only items? Or....?
if you change it back to normal mode, what ever was in that 6th or 7th slot, they would still be there but wouldn't work, expert items still work in normal worlds, cause wh ywould it not, you just get it in expert worlds.
it looks great, i like the idea of having a creative world, im just disappointed, i knew there was going to be a barbed hook when i saw the meaty bait that was the rumor of journey mode... which means i cant use journey mode to benefit me at all, id figured you'd only be able to use most of the abilities in the a journey world, i didn't expect it to literally just be a carbon copy of every other games creative mode, with absolutely no benefit, just to screw around

im just now realizing this isnt going to be very good on console, atleast on PC you can upload the world as an adventure world or something, but not for console, we cant do that.... plus im betting there is an even bigger barbed hook we haven't been told yet, like maybe all achievements are disabled for journey mode or something

should have just named it creative, because atleast with a journey you can invite anyone or go anywhere, but not this mode, your exclusively locked to other creative character and not allowed to go to non creative worlds...fun :sigh::(

This isn't supposed to be a "get everything you want", it's supposed to be "Oh, you got this already? Here, have more!". The former will still exist in the form of item servers, or cheat sheet (which will hopefully still exist, because it is completely different from Journey Mode), while the latter is a completely new concept that no mod (that I am aware of) has ever come up with.

Real question though, please - When we do Research and Duplication by feeding items into the um ... ... bunny ... factory .. thing.... what remembers that progress? Is it the character, or the world?

In other words, if I make a Journey character (because we have to.) and bring it into World "A" and feed it 100 torches, then go into Journey World "B" will torches be unlocked for ME, or will they not be unlocked for that WORLD?
So that means that the "Builder's Workshop" of 1.4 would be a downloadable player that has everything unlocked?
@Kelp Oh, a question: Will there be a way to see what items you are missing from the duplication menu? Completionists like myself would *love* that kind of info.
This thing keeps repeating on forums, please, devs, add it before release. I mean, it's just one more tab and its icon, and a few lines of code, everything else is already there, just add another list to this UI, pretty please! :dryadcry:
This thing keeps repeating on forums, please, devs, add it before release. I mean, it's just one more tab and its icon, and a few lines of code, everything else is already there, just add another list to this UI, pretty please! :dryadcry:
They value the fact that this game is about discovery, and they probably aren’t going to change that.
This alone would get me to play more... Gotta add it into my rotation of games I play. Love the concept, as this is for the most part what I like seeing as a builder. Options are always welcome, and by golly there are a lot of them. Like the fact it makes collecting the items in question in order to be able to research them. I for one enjoy those kind of mechanics.

I personally don't care for a creative mode in most games, due to it being nothing to it but using what the game has to build. This makes it so I still have to work towards certain things, or well gives me incentive to do so. I may not be the best when comes to boss battles, as expert mode frightens me; however now I have a chance to get many of the drops I couldn't achieve before. I was only able to beat 2 bosses in expert. skeletron and the corruption wyrm. Oh... and the slime king, love fighting that.

Anyway this makes building quite more interesting for me, if not less of a chore. Never truly thought of it that way, as I love building not matter what. I am quietly awaiting release, or is that patiently... Either way I am looking forward to all the changes and additions. :dryadcry::dryadgrin::dryadpassionate:
it would change to the difficulty to whatever the last person set it to, then if someone changes it it changes.
so if, say, everyone but 1 wants Expert, but the last guy wants normal, all the last guy has to do is change it to normal last and they win
This alone would get me to play more... Gotta add it into my rotation of games I play. Love the concept, as this is for the most part what I like seeing as a builder. Options are always welcome, and by golly there are a lot of them. Like the fact it makes collecting the items in question in order to be able to research them. I for one enjoy those kind of mechanics.

I personally don't care for a creative mode in most games, due to it being nothing to it but using what the game has to build. This makes it so I still have to work towards certain things, or well gives me incentive to do so. I may not be the best when comes to boss battles, as expert mode frightens me; however now I have a chance to get many of the drops I couldn't achieve before. I was only able to beat 2 bosses in expert. skeletron and the corruption wyrm. Oh... and the slime king, love fighting that.

Anyway this makes building quite more interesting for me, if not less of a chore. Never truly thought of it that way, as I love building not matter what. I am quietly awaiting release, or is that patiently... Either way I am looking forward to all the changes and additions. :dryadcry::dryadgrin::dryadpassionate:
i agree, in a creative mode it's kind of hard to pick what block to choose for building, but just making it only available to what you have researched gives me a lot less of things to pick, and i don't go with the not wood stuff.
so if, say, everyone but 1 wants Expert, but the last guy wants normal, all the last guy has to do is change it to normal last and they win
so the guy could change it to normal, but the others could change it to expert, and it would result into a problem, so i hope the person who hosts the multiplayer is able to lock the difficulty, that would be nice.
Here's a basic usability question. Let's say that you have researched Stone. Stone, by itself, can be used to make Grey Brick. Do I have to go through all the trouble to duplicate some Stone, craft it into Brick, and then research it?

That is, if I have researched all of the crafting materials for item X, do I automatically get the research for item X, or do I have to do the extra work to get it?
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