Your first house in 1.2?

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I was going through my Steam screenshots and came across my fist house in 1.2, looking back at it it's probably my favorite of any base I made.

What did your first house in 1.2 look like?
It's not done yet. And it's a mush of a bunch of different looking stuff. Bottom is a sandstone pyramid, for the arms dealer. Then stone bricks for clothier, an oriental area for my tinkerer, and my dye trader... Lives in his attic. A pic will be here as soon as it's done!
Also, it looks like you didn't explore your entire house in the map. :p
My 1.2 gameplay was also my first bit of PC Terraria gameplay.


This is the wooden box I built on my first night. It still stands today as the largest building in a whole village of houses all made of different materials


This is how it looks today more or less. A few items are moved around, buts it more less exactly like this today.


This spot has since been filled up with chests and a ton of items

I have grander things all over, but I leave this house plain as a testament to my humble beginnings
I still play on my first 1.2 world. I don't have any screenshot since I'm on my phone, but I'll get some once I get back on the computer. I havn't really built anything too fancy, but I do have something I think is a cool build.
I really like seeing other people's builds on Terraria, and I really liked the ones posted in this thread! :)
mine... was a tunnel. ya know those tunnels that have the dirt walls with dirt on top and trees? yeah. I got chased in one that was only open on one end by a face monster, plugged it, then kinda built a base there. unfortnately the crimson enchroached on it so no village.
Here's the image I was going to post awhile ago. Staying somewhat on topic of the thread, this was the first house I built in my world. (Not counting the starting base.)
Hope you like it! c;
Don't have a picture, but the 'house' I first built for my first medium core character was right on the spot of the cave she slept in her first night. It ended up becoming a hollowed-out mountain with draw bridge traps on both sides.
I don't have a pic, but my first one was a lazy :red: dirt hotel, just like most of my houses.
Yeah, i don't like building stuff.
It was a half-dirt, half-wood house.

I was :red:ing around, playing for the first time, building a house.

Then I misplaced a wood block, I tried destroying it with an axe, but it didn't work, and so I just blocked the massive hole in my house off with dirt.

yeah ._.
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