Single Thread RP Beyond the 4th wall

Why do you ask me such questions when I am experiencing a lack of sleep, is nearing pure insanity, and is most definitely incapable of processing these things properly at this moment?
Because you described it as an experiment, when as Alpha said
Why did I create RP Calamity? I wanted a calm RP that didn't get interrupted by OP crap and such
So meaning it's not an experiment, and I'm doing an experiment on you as an echo effect of saying experiment.
That was the intention of the creator, not the overall appeared inte-
Oh I give up, you get my raisin cookie as a reward, I'm finishing my homework and sleeping.
I still miss past RFFI. I think the other RFFs might've been like that as well, if I remember correctly. Never got into them.
Perhaps we go make another RFFI and keep playing it out until we get bored and make another CA!

That's a very bad idea in my opinion and is merely a joke. Seriously.
I'm figuring out PHP. It is within my power to make the perfect RP forum with all of the requested features if anyone wants. Not that anyone cares. This post will get swept under the rug. I know it.
W h a t i s P H P ?
Because I just got some programming language but I'm not sure if it is what you are talking about so I want clarification.
H o w w i l l y o u m a k e t h e p e r f e c t R P f o r u m ?
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