IC Draconic adventures

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Trebonth quickly leaped at the half-dragon, but only because of he wanted some fun. He was sort of light-weighted, but cold as well. Of course, his belly growled too. He was hungry, like all the hatchlings do...Still, he got a comfortable place for him on the halfling. Aka - he was bought by promise of having a second daddy.
"*Guess we should offer you two some food.*"
Juniper offers a bit of food to Jack and Trebonth.
I catch him joyfully.
"*Guess we should offer you two some food.*"
Juniper offers a bit of food to Jack and Trebonth.
I take hold of a piece and bite into it.
Of course, Trebonth followed suit by biting the food that the foster father did bite into. But it felt funny, since he needed a few attempts to even tear apart a small chunk out of it. Then he seemed to be swallowing it whole, while the breather did move forward to let him breathe while swallowing.
--Al' Xulfest--
Seeing nothing of immediate interest, Al' Xulfest took to the air again began to scan the area for any signs of dragon hunters. They have been a nuisance in the area and he knew to stay cautious if he encountered any.
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<There was a blood of a dragon, if you count it as an proof. As well as a bloodied arrow. Depending on what do you count as proof, this may or may not be a sign of dragon hunters getting a prey. Although there's no dead dragon.>

Trebonth had just finished eating the meat that was given to it, chirruping in happiness. He didn't eat for long time, and it must've seem like he was purring, but in draconic.
--Al' Xulfest--
He narrowed his eyes as he did a quarter circle landing. The dragon tried to see if there was any trampled grass or wheel treads. Hunters wouldn't drag a dragon, that would be too much effort. He tried to discern how fresh the blood was during his investigation.
<<The blood was at least day old - still fresh, although some flies were drinking it. Of course, there wasn't any trampled grass with blood - meaning they could have left with empty hands. Then, the blood abruptly stopped over a cliff, and on the otherside, it appeared again.>>
--Al' Xulfest--
Al' Xulfest elected to follow the blood trail first, if a dragon was in danger that took precedent. After making a mental note of this location, he dove down and followed the trail. "*Hopefully I'm not too late.*"
<<The trail followed to... WHAAT? Turns out, there was a cyanish small hatchling patched up, but still with kind of fresh blood on bandages. It seemed to be hugging a half dragon with no weapons - innocent ones. The trail also stopped on the campfire. But probably it wasn't the one of the poachers - no weapon had a blood.>>
--Al' Xulfest--
Shocked at the scene that unfolded before him, Al' Xulfest felt relief seeing that the injured dragon has survived it's encounter. The thought that the hunters would try to outright slaughter a child began to fill him with rage, but he maintained his composure. "*Who did this?*" He figured that he already knew the answer, but it never hurt to confirm one's suspicions. He glanced between the members of the group, pausing slightly at the sight of the half-breed.
The other dragon appeared to be missing an eye, it looked like it had been that way for quite long.
I look startled at the sight of Xulf, but quickly I gain that look of distrust from before.

"*To the young one? He was attacked by hunters. We have the situation under control.*"
--Al' Xulfest--
The dragon before Jackalorus was 14 ft. tall and 18 ft. long. He seemed to be around his early adulthood and had red scales that gave off a prismatic luster when observed closely. "*I was planning to hunt them down myself, but if you already have a plan, I will not intervene.*" He looked to the other dragon and his rider. "*I am Al' Xulfest, what brings you to these lands?*"
--Al' Xulfest--
"*It seems that we may be able to help each other, I am seeking an old tower and have been snuffing out some less than savory individuals along the way. That is, if you don't mind having another to watch your back.*" Looking back at the half-breed, he tilted his head. "*I am not familiar with your kind, which bloodline do you hail from?*"
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