Dumbest reason you have been kicked/banned from a server for

There are so many things wrong with that post, I'm not even going to attempt to correct you. Reply if and when you figure out the problems.
hmm... so far about 19 people have downloaded the PC version of minecraft, that number is still going up, so the only mistake i see is the 9.500001 part.
see for yourself on minecraft.net. go. there is a download counter.

editL 19 million
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Once, on a Terraria server, I got kicked for hacking health. The only thing I did was use a life fruit. Thanks, Tshock!
Minecraft lacks an age restrictions, so more idiots go on it.

Anyways i was standing on a modded item in Minecraft and was kicked for flying. I was not kicked for me stealing stuff, which is wierd.
age restrictions haven't prevented me from meeting idiots on gta v or cod in fact i see more.
Once, on a Terraria server, I got kicked for hacking health. The only thing I did was use a life fruit. Thanks, Tshock!
Tshock probably wasn't updated, and 400 HP was the cap before 1.2, so you had 405 and it thought you had more than possible so you were hacking so you were kicked. I think it's been updated though.
hmm... so far about 19 people have downloaded the PC version of minecraft, that number is still going up, so the only mistake i see is the 9.500001 part.
see for yourself on minecraft.net. go. there is a download counter.
1 down, 3 errors to go.
Could you 2 take this to a PM? Were getting off topic.
I was kicked from Gmod Murder for being English. That's racism if I've ever seen it:merchantcry:.

I was also kicked from a Minecraft server for 'suspicious movement- possible hacker'.
So, a friend of mine made a private Minecraft server with 2 of his other friends. We were all in a skype group so we could talk to each other easily. I found a pumpkin. an enderman came, i said i found a pumpkin so i would take care of the enderman. No problem there. then we started building our houses. Eventually, well after finishing my (very basic) house, i found a black horse. i hadn't found a saddle or a rope yet so i just tamed him and pushed him right next to my house and quickly made some fenches around it. oh GOD how much it took to push him. then my friend (the one who made the server) opped everyone. Instantly, one of his friends put creative mode and invisibility on himself and killed my horse. I was very sad because it was a ton of work wasted. however since he had invisibility, i didn't realize he was him, instead i thought it was another guy who was close to the fence, so i banned him. he told me that he did nothing, the creator unbanned him and he banned me. it got cleared up and i got unbanned right after. so i found out who was the guy who killed my horse, and banned him. Nobody unbanned him, but a message telling that the console unbanned him popped up. i said "who unbanned him?" everyone said "it wasn't me" and even they were confused. so the one who killed my horse joined again and he IP-BANNED me. i was like "HOW? I DIDN'T TELL HIM MY IP!" then a flame war started. TONS of chat violence and swearing were involved. TONS of bans and counter-bans involved. TONS of random command kills. TONS of name prefix changes. it was a total disaster. i blocked him from skype, and later found out that he was AN HACKER. being a hacker he had a huge advantage over EVERYONE. hackers are demons. you should never be a friend of them. BUT AFTER THE WAR ENDED HE KEPT PLAYING WITH THE OTHERS ANYWAY! NOBODY WAS DEFENDING ME!

And guys, that's exactly why nowadays i'm always scared of going in minecraft multiplayer servers. oh GOD.

...oh, that didn't count? oh well, here i have another story:
Not too much ago, one of my friends wanted to play Tekkit Classic. i admitted that i hate going to servers that i don't own so i said that i will make the server. So we began making our houses. Soon enough, my friend invited 2 other friends, one was a pretty nice guy, the other one was a kid. we started building our housed. soon enough we were tired so we started using cheats to get red matter and that stuff. Soon enough the kid joined and he threw a dynamite to the nuclear reactor i just started building. i was annoyied so i banned him. he told me that it was an accident so i unbanned him, and we soon became friends and we started expanding my house togheter (yes we lived in the same house), eventually i finished the reactor so there was enough electricity for both to use. <= Proof that kids aren't always greedy and annoying. sometimes they know how to be nice and cooperate with you. and learn things along the way. he was one of my best friends since.

...oh, that STILL didn't count? well then. i told you my saddest story and my happiest story (in minecraft that is), but as i already told you before, i hate going to servers i don't own so i never got banned for dumb reasons.
One time I got banned from a Terraria server for "Acting Inappropriate".

Here are my exact actions before the ban (usernames have been changed to "Player (number)", "Admin", and "Griefer Watch" because I don't remember them I don't want to offend anyone in case they're on the forums):
*spawns in*
Player 1: Why hello there, Evilgrapez.
Me: heyo
Griefer Watch: Heeeyy
Me: Hey there, (Griefer Watch)! It's been a while.
Griefer Watch: Yeah it has lol
Admin: Now nobody's paying attention to me. :(
Griefer Watch: lol
Player 2: lol
Player 1: lol
Me: haha sorry
Admin: make me the center of attention again ;-;
Player 2: mmk
Player 1 hugged Admin!
Admin: haha thanks lol
Player 2: just wait somebody's gonna do something absolutely horrible to you now\
Admin: just try me
Player 2 smacked Admin!
Player 2 smacked Admin!
Player 2 smacked Admin!
Player 2 smacked Admin!
Player 1 smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Player 2 smacked Admin!
Player 2 smacked Admin!

Me: Eh, why not?
Evilgrapez smacked Admin!
Evilgrapez was banned for: "Acting Inappropriate"

*rejoins server*

Evilgrapez: Wait, what was a I kicked for again?
Admin: u smacked me :(
Evilgrapez: But...everyone else was doing it.
Admin: idc u mean
Griefer Watch: For that, you deserve to be smacked.
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!
Griefer Watch smacked Admin!

Admin was slain...

Evilgrapez: I think that's enough Terraria for me.

*leaves server*
I was kicked for flying.

Minecraft, good times, good times.

Other than that, I never really was kicked or banned from a server for any reason as far as I can remember.
I got banned on a minecraft server by an immature owner who kept kicking me for killing him on hunger games.I told him i kileld him and he accuses me of hacking and bans me for 24 hours after a while.
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