Journey's End Vanity Contest!

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It would be cool if there was a Cthulhu final boss in terraria.It would be Mech that would be piloted by eyes of cthulhu and brain of cthulhu.It will also drop new armor or weapons.Called armor of Cthulhu and Sword of Cthulhu.It will be very powerful (in the top 10 best armor) but nothing to strong or op.After killing cthulhu bosses you will get trophies and you need to merge these two trophies into 1 and recarnate them and it will summon new boss
how could you fit this into the terraria sprite?
I’m not any good at pixel art. I painted it this way in an attempt to get my idea across as clearly as possible so someone more skilled at it than me can distill it down to the most essential parts.
i am having difficulty trying to find where i post my disign

The link is in the top post of this thread at least twice.
View attachment 245996

Real Size Preview
Swing loop : View attachment 246004 and Jump loop :View attachment 246006
Walk loop : View attachment 246000 with Glowmask : View attachment 246001
(I might add Glowmask on Hands, Feets and Back Horns later - do some minor changes on FX)


200% Size Preview
Swing loop :View attachment 246013 and Jump loop : View attachment 246014
Walk loop : View attachment 246015 with Glowmask : View attachment 246016
(I might add Glowmask on Hands, Feets and Back Horns later - do some minor changes on FX)


<3Some words about it ... <3

Good Luck everyone ! I hope that this kind of vanity pleases you ! (^o^)/
I was about to comfort myself with an easy and cute one, but I really wanted to put a challenge on it, so I took a risk with a heavy design for a small final rendering.

The set is "ready to use" as three parts : "Head", "Torso" and "Legs".
There shouldn't be any wrong glitches when worn apart, but there is one thing I'm not sure about : how to put the "Arc FX" properly. For the moment, the "Arc FX" is put on a different layer, but it could be fixed to "Arms" subpart of "Torso".
This is my first attempt to this kind of work, and I'd be curious to learn more about it. I really enjoyed making this alive ! (^-^)

this is to much it hurts my eyes in how great it is
Would it be okay to have a submission with an original work based on a different game? Thanks for being awesome!

Would it be okay to have a submission with an original work based on a different game? Thanks for being awesome!
Any questions in a similar vein that arise, I'll add them to this post to help clarify things further!

Suuuper curious! What is the limitation to how we enter? Rather, is there a limitation on the style or medium in which we submit our entries? I'm not great at free-hand drawing, but I've dabbled plenty in Pixel Art, so if I were to submit an entry I would try to make an entry at the size of the actual armors themselves. If I'm allowed to just make the Pixel Art myself, what would be the maximum pixel resolution? 32x32? If not, would you accept 3D renders? I'm kinda digi-heavy if ya couldn't tell. :guidewink:

Also, just for clarification, do 'Glowmasks' also encompass set-active accoutremonts? Such as the 'Forbidden Sign' for the 'Forbidden Armor' set? Or is it just a contrasting, non-emitting light source?

Thanks for taking the time to clarify!
are we allowed to resubmit?
aka, delete our initial submission, add in our edits, and re-send it?
It’s much more preferred if you use the Edit button on your original post. It won’t hurt your chances at all.

How are the finalists chosen? One person per page? People with most likes?
Check out the “How will the winners be selected” section in the first post.
How bored/out of ideas are you to do this while not even bothering to give us ETA on the update? Feature creep meets idea drought much? :merchantmad:
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