Mobile List of Bugs in the Current Terraria Update

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Wow, my first thread in a while. Well this thread is exactly as the title implies. Its a list of I have found in the game so far. Feel free to help add to the list as that would be appreciated. The purpose is to prevent multiple threads about each and every bug, and provide one big place to quickly check if anyone else has experienced the same issue. Please note that this is incomplete.

-Truffle Worms appear to spawn on the surface mushroom biome
-Timers do not function
-Game crashes every 5-10 mins
-Worms and other bait seems to appear less frequently
-selection with a controller in the inventory is noticeably slower
-camera is in a weird spot [found on iphone, unknown on other devices]
-non bait items appear to have bait power
-traps don't harm npcs [enemies and critters]
-cloud save is being cloud save (not working, deleting characters and worlds, etc)

If this is not allowed, then mods do what is necessary.
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The inventory is slow when moving around the selections with a controller. I used to be able to just zip right down to the bottom, now it's "tap tap tap..."
im sure this will help alot of people. one gamebreaking bug that ALWAYS happens on my iphone4 is the camera is waaay too high(you can only see about 3 blocks under your character). dont worry though theres an easy fix. just go to tutorial before loading your world. select the pickaxe and click and hold anywhere around your player. i wasnt gonna play until it was fixed but glad i messed around.
heres how the camera should look and it being messed up.


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There's a glitch where for some random reason your items turn to bait. They stay there item like dirt or armored cave fish but saying like.

10% bait power, 25% Bait power, Ect.

To not cause further problems I just trash the items. You could also sell or exit terraria and come back
To all those wondering about my latest change, I found that in ALL of my duke fishron fights (around 10 to 15 total) the game has crashed, wasting summoning items and buffs. If anyone else has this issue, please let me know.
@DarkWolf658 I haven't experience crashing while fighting duke fishron. Maybe hardware issues? Phone too slow/low memory? Also there is already a Bug list in the Mobile Bug Reports forum :happy:
will be a bug that my temple traps ( flamethrower, darts) don't affect the mobs or is part of the update? i hope is a bug or my arena to beat the frost moon will be completely useless
@DarkWolf658 I haven't experience crashing while fighting duke fishron. Maybe hardware issues? Phone too slow/low memory? Also there is already a Bug list in the Mobile Bug Reports forum :happy:
I know about the other thread. It hasn't been updated since May, so I think this would be better since its more current. And about duke fishron, maybe his attacks summon too many npcs for my device to handle. Knowing my tablet, that probably it.
Have there been any reported troubles with local worlds? I'm afraid to update in fear of losing everything I've tirelessly grinded for.
Have there been any reported troubles with local worlds? I'm afraid to update in fear of losing everything I've tirelessly grinded for.
I've had no trouble with standard local worlds, but just after the update, I accessed my Cloud world and character on wifi and it worked fine. Then, several hours later, I tried to access them without wifi, which used to work before the update. It said that 'iCloud cannot be accessed without wifi'. Ok then, I'll try again with wifi. Well, my character still existed, but both my safe and world evaporated, losing everything but my Terra Blade, Picksaw and Bone Key. I'm iOS 9.0, so it might be something to do with not updating, but make sure you stay on wifi while playing, cause I'm not sure the bug has been fixed. This bug, weirdly, also affected my iPod local worlds, but without the message, and it's running Jailbroken iOS 7 :cool: So good luck!
A very small visual bug is that sometimes the camera shakes up and down slightly which annoys me and you need to pause and I pause to fix
Since this thread was created awhile ago and there has been other updates that have occurred since, most of the info here is very outdated. I'll close this, and if there are any bugs they can reported to 505 Games directly here:

The mobile version will be receiving an update that includes an entire rewrite of the code, so hopefully any bugs or issues that exist now will be taken care of with the update. A release date has not been set yet.
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