I have created the fasted possible HPR (Heart production rate) by statues in Terraria based on math and timing circuits.
Statue Conditions:
Extra Information:
The most effective way to get the hearts to the player will be via by falling. Being that hearts travel very fast when falling, this can make it super effective to deliver them to the player. Keep in mind the most important limiting factor; Heart-Limit. Being that you can only have 10 hearts on the map at once, it's vital the player uses them as fast as possible.
You may ask, why not just cluster 10 statues together with a heart-reach potion? Simple, Rule #4 of statues - Statues can only summon 3 hearts if within 23 blocks near another statue.
The build:
After spending hours of calculating fall distances, speeds, cool-downs, distance regulations, and heart limitations, I bring you the mathematically perfect heart machine.
Operations Checklist:
If you where wondering how to have the statues "float" then check out this thread (comment) by Jofairden as he/she goes into full detail with a visual. Please know there are probably better guides on the internet. I just did a quick search on this site.
Basic Information:

Statue Conditions:
- 5 max statues per line (Because of rule #4)
- Has a cool-down period of ten seconds
- 10 hearts on the map at once
- Statues can only summon 3 hearts if within 23 blocks near another statue

Extra Information:
- Hearts can jump 5 blocks above the base of the statue
- Hearts fall at a rate of 20.0 blocks per second. (0.50 S for 10 B)
The most effective way to get the hearts to the player will be via by falling. Being that hearts travel very fast when falling, this can make it super effective to deliver them to the player. Keep in mind the most important limiting factor; Heart-Limit. Being that you can only have 10 hearts on the map at once, it's vital the player uses them as fast as possible.
You may ask, why not just cluster 10 statues together with a heart-reach potion? Simple, Rule #4 of statues - Statues can only summon 3 hearts if within 23 blocks near another statue.
The build:
After spending hours of calculating fall distances, speeds, cool-downs, distance regulations, and heart limitations, I bring you the mathematically perfect heart machine.

Operations Checklist:
- Respect the rule #4 - Yes
- Respect the rule #3 - Yes
- Respect the rule #1 - Yes
- Respect the rule #2 - Yes
If you where wondering how to have the statues "float" then check out this thread (comment) by Jofairden as he/she goes into full detail with a visual. Please know there are probably better guides on the internet. I just did a quick search on this site.
Basic Information:
- Does this farm require heart-reach potions? No.
- Can expand it? No. This uses the max hearts per map limit.
- Does it work in events? Yes. Just note there can only be 10 hearts on map.
- Does it work in expert? Yes.
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