tModLoader Summoners' Association



Summoners' Association

Latest Download:
Mod Browser (in-game) - Workshop (1.4) - Direct link (1.3) - Alt download link (1.3)
Open to collaboration on GitHub

This mod aims to fix a few grievances with summons and flesh out Summoner to be a fully developed class. This vision of Summoner is a summoner who has his hands full buffing and controlling his minions and has little time for weapons himself.

Open Source: I am open to any coding help, the code is open source on GitHub. All the sprites are available there so have at it.

Minion Loadout Books
Minion Selection Book: 1 Book, 6 Fallen Stars, at any Bookcase
Minion Loadout Book: 1 Minion Selection Book, 10 Bones, 5 Jungle Spores, 5 Summoning Potion, at any Bookcase
Automatic Minion Loadout Book: 1 Minion Loadout Book, 10 Pixie Dust, at any Bookcase

These Minion Loadout Books allow you to summon sets of minions, aka loadouts. For example, if you like 3 Spiders, 2 Baby Slimes, and 1 Pirate minion, you can summon that in 1 click. The items will remember your preferred loadout. The loadout functionality is not found in the basic Minion Selection Book, but that item can help you spawn any minion from your inventory, so you can keep a single summon item in your hotbar.

To use these items, right click to open the UI, then select the minions you wish to summon. Right click in the middle to save your selection. You can now use left click to summon your loadout with a single click!

Big thanks to @direwolf420 for his huge help in implementing this feature. Also thanks to moonburn for the item sprites.

Summoners' Association Card
Recipe: 10 Gel and 2 Wood at a Table and Chair

This card identifies you as an associate of the Summoners' Association, as an associate, you enjoy the privilege of specific minion counts and max minion counts in the UI. Seen in action below.


Minion Control Rod
Recipe: Any Magic Mirror (Ice or normal), 10 Fallen Stars, at any Anvil

This magical mind control device allows you to exercise even greater control over your mindless minions. Simple point and click and your minions will obediently teleport to their destination.

You can also use the right click to aim your minions. Right click on an enemy to target it or right click somewhere else to spawn a reticle your minions will attack

Blood Talisman
Recipe: Philosophers Stone and Cross Necklace at a Table and Chair

This powerful artifact allows the user to sacrifice mobility, health, and general well-being to greatly power-up their minions. The Blood Talisman extracts the life essence out of the users body and directs it at minions at a target. The targeted minions enjoy extreme strength the longer you can withstand the wretched mind-consuming powers of the Blood Talisman. (Suggestions for fair effects for this would be nice.)

Download or download directly from Mod Browser in-game.

Future Features:
I'd like this mod to eventually allow you to customize even more pure minion play. For example, I'd like to develop a system where different "gems" are placed in several "slots" in the Blood Talisman (or whatever it ends up being called). Each Gem will provide a buff to the minions and an appropriate debuff to the player. One gem, for example, could increase the area of effect of the buffs, allowing easier minion buffing, while simultaneously cutting the player's speed in half. Another "gem" could increase the buff ramp up time, while simultaneously preventing mount usage. Stuff like that. Trading the character's abilities to augment the minion abilities. Or not, who knows, heh.

Mod Support - How to add support for your mod

Some Minions are special and require a Mod.Call to properly display. These include minions composed of multiple projectile types (Twins) and minions where the projectile count doesn't necessarily match up with the number of minions (Stardust Dragon). If your simple minion is not properly displaying, first make sure your minion summon item has bufftype set and shoot set to the minion projectile type. Also make sure that the projectile has minionSlots assigned as well.

If you have a special Minion with multiple projectiles or you want to override the minionSlots values, you'll need to use a Mod.Call call in Mod.PostSetupContent to inform Summoners' Association.

All information about Mod.Call and adding support for your mod can be found on the Summoners' Association wiki.



  • MinionControlRod.png
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No new content, but updated to work with tModLoader v0.5.

Manual Targeting sounds great, I'll work on that if it is at all possible.
Im using it for tmodloader v0.6., there are 2 issues ive found so far. 1: All the weapons you had in that screenshot can be crafted with 1 piece of wood (stardust armor included). 2: The summoners association card displays its info when its on screen, so it works even when you simply look up the recipe for it with the guide.
Im using it for tmodloader v0.6., there are 2 issues ive found so far. 1: All the weapons you had in that screenshot can be crafted with 1 piece of wood (stardust armor included). 2: The summoners association card displays its info when its on screen, so it works even when you simply look up the recipe for it with the guide.
k, fixed those.

Also, big update!!
v0.2 released!
2 new items:
  • Blood Talisman
  • Minion Control Rod
See first post for more info!
I love the new update too :p
Are you planning on just adding utilities for summoners, or will you add summoner weapons.
I have an idea for a kind of upgraded and but not really Control Rod. Instead of teleporting the minions, they would fly toward the cursor. I'm not sure if this actually possible to add though.
I love the new update too :p
Are you planning on just adding utilities for summoners, or will you add summoner weapons.
I have an idea for a kind of upgraded and but not really Control Rod. Instead of teleporting the minions, they would fly toward the cursor. I'm not sure if this actually possible to add though.
That could be possible, but it will probably require you to override the initial AI of ALL summonable minions which is next to impossible, because there will also be mods implementing their own minions and those minions are not quaranteed to implement the same pattern that is needed to make them follow the cursor.
Summoners Association Card does not work when Autopause is enabled.

-Minions that provide passive effects to player or other minions. EX:
1) time limit summon that protects the player or reduces damage taken by creating a barrier around the player. Combination of time limit and cool down to prevent OP-ness?
2) Summons that strenghten or provide additional effects to other minions attacks (Ichor, Cursed Fire)
3) Related minions that power each other up in each others presence.
4) Command wands other than teleportation such as: Stand Still, Keep Close and Slaughter.
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