Name: Eve Razorclaw Dracella
Nickname(optional): Razor N/A
Age(can’t be over 18): 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian Asexual
Class: Warrior
Appearance: Eve has dark skin and dyed red hair. She has brown eyes and wears a navy blue sweatshirt with black sweatpants. Her shoes are white. Dracella‘s right arm and part of her right side is mutated similarly to the rest of the monsters. Her navy blue sweatshirt is torn on that side, but patched up in some places with black fabric. Her sweatpants are torn in several places and her shoes are dirty. The infected arm is reminiscent of a tentacle, and has teeth all the way up it.
Flaws: Too trusting. Has a short temper, and she’s a terrible shot.
Bonds (optional): The Monsters
Strengths: Makes friends easily. Boosted physical strength and speed due to being infected
Personality: Eve is a kind person who isn’t afraid to stand up for her friends. Dracella is a cruel, ruthless person who will sacrifice her underlings to save herself.
Relationships (optional):
Reese (Friend)
Klaire (Friend)
Other: An automatic pistol and a large amount of ammunition