Humorous TCF Screenies

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@DestroyerOfTheDestroyer, I know that image is frequently reposted, but the rules of this thread are clear. No posting images containing profanity. If the bright red rules at the top of EVERY page in this thread is not enough to convince you otherwise, then you are a risk to this thread's continued existence, and they've been behaving very well. So you will not be allowed to post here further.

This is a reminder to keep following the rules; I may not catch everything, but I am keeping an eye on this thread (and pleasantly surprised at how well you all have been doing). For those who have been following said rules, keep up the good work.
Best introduction evar.
Due to a constant issue with this thread and posting problematic issues, the following rules have been put in place applying to all posts made on January 14 or later:
- No pictures making fun of or painting someone else in a negative light. If the picture makes fun of yourself, that is okay, but anynegative fallout towards someone else is not okay.
- No screenshots from PMs at all. PMs are called that for a reason, private. Posting this stuff is taking other people's words that were spoken in safety and made visible outside of their control and consent.
- No screenshots without the profanity filter (or manually editedfilters)
- No screenshots of people breaking rules, or being called out for breaking rules. If your post is more or less "look what stupid thing someone did", it will get this thread closed.
- For that matter, no screenshots that DO violate rules

If these rules are broken, the thread will be closed immediately, and the person posting said image likely to receive a warning point.
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