Terraria State of the Game - August 2021

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There must be something wrong. It takes pretty long with the Update. Cant wait to play it. Any News about the Update?
It is a little concerning, because I don’t remember the certification taking this long with most of the updates to my knowledge. I get we need patience but this definitely feels out of the norm.
It is a little concerning, because I don’t remember the certification taking this long with most of the updates to my knowledge. I get we need patience but this definitely feels out of the norm.
Again, not necessarily. No other updates have happened during a pandemic, where companies may have staffing problems. Comparing the current update's progress to previous updates is of little use. We also, guess as we might, know little about this update or its scope, so have nothing to base our guesses on.

Speculation, either way, is unhelpful.
Hypothetically speaking, yes. Pragmatically speaking, its a very, very long shot for that to happen.
Have you thought about (once parity is achieved) having DR hold a regular poll to see which mod console users would want? It could then be made and sold as official DLC for just enough to cover their expenses.

Obviously you'd need the approval of the mod devs, but I'm sure they'd be happy to get their work out there.
Have you thought about (once parity is achieved) having DR hold a regular poll to see which mod console users would want? It could then be made and sold as official DLC for just enough to cover their expenses.

Obviously you'd need the approval of the mod devs, but I'm sure they'd be happy to get their work out there.

I mean maybe. That said, we are very much not all about paid DLC (as our actions have shown).

That, and there is a lot more to it than meets the eye - once you go outside of the wild west of PC modding there are a LOT more rules and obligations that those developing said mods would need to take on.

Oh, and it would all still need TML to work - which would be subject to those same rules and obligations.

Again, I never say never, but I try to be realistic with folks.
Personally, I would not mind a Marketplace similiar to MineCraft Bedrock Edition either, but I would not hould my breath on that.
Ooh nice, I took a few days and I come back to find the launch date for console is September 30th, nice, that's a week from Thursday, thats cool, I can wait a little longer. Glad things are starting to pan out in terms of a release date, I appreciate it a lot.
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Maybe a separate collaboration between TmodLoader and DR sold as a separate game would work.

We aren't selling TML on PC, I don't see us breaking the paid DLC wall for this unless it somehow in some universe made sense to do so.

Would never work as you laid out - as a separate game - there are more IP issues there than I could lay out in a reasonable amount of time. :)
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