Greetings Terrarians!
Happy Holidays everyone! It certainly is getting quite chilly where we are, as Winter settles in for the next several months. We are getting ready to enjoy whatever time with friends and family we can get in the insanity that is the Holiday Season in 2020... and we certainly hope that you all get an opportunity to do the same. That said, we wouldn't want to close out the year without giving you one last look at the goings-on in the world of Terraria development in 2020. So, settle in and let's unwrap December's news...
First off, we would like to thank everyone in the Terraria Community for what has been the biggest year for Terraria yet. Your passion for our game is unmatched, and that support - along with seeing your limitless creativity and dedication to Terraria in action every day - is beyond appreciated. It makes it a pleasure to come to work each and every day... even on those days when we are tackling tough and complicated issues, we know that the time and effort is worth it and your backing is what keep us going. 2021 stands to be a quite interesting year indeed, as our team looks to take on whatever the future holds for our second project - nothing to share on that front just yet (as you see below, we are still tying off loose ends with Terraria... we cannot help ourselves
The team has made a ton of progress over the last few weeks towards our implementation of Steam Workshop for Terraria. We are at the point where we are able to actively test and refine these features internally and with our testing team. To be clear, there is a lot of back-and-forth iteration left to be done here (based on where we are now), but the team is making huge strides every day and really enjoying diving in and trying different things to make this as cool as it can be. In the meantime, here is a sneak peek at the Workshop page - which is very much a work in progress!
Again, we would encourage everyone to check out what is already on-offer in regards to Texture Packs and Worlds here on TCF - both for ideas and to see what might hopefully be available on Workshop in the near future!
As a reminder, Steam Workshop for the core Terraria game will not support Terraria Mods - as for all things Terraria Mods, that remains firmly in the realm of tModLoader and the team behind that!
There is still time to get your preorders in for the Terraria Soundtrack Collector's Vinyl, which drops in the first part of 2021 - don't miss your chance!
Sixty tracks, clocking in at over 110 minutes of epic music across three full-length vinyl green discs - wrapped up in a package full of custom Terraria artwork designed specifically for this release by Re-Logic's own artists, the Terraria Official Soundtrack vinyl collection is a must have, if you ask us. We have had the distinct pleasure of working with the amazing folks over at Laced Records on this for some time now, and we could not be more excited to be able to finally reveal it to all of you.
Be sure that you are up-to-date with the latest and greatest on this front via the Hotfix Changelog... and keep your bug reports coming via the handy bug report button below!
Terraria: Journey's End - Hotfix Changelog
Thanks again, Terrarians - we are as always blown away by your support!
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The tModLoader Team remains hard at work on getting TML up to the 1.4 era. We have just put out a quick fix for some sound issues that arose with the release of the latest fixes for vanilla Terraria.
Community Contributions are most welcome! If you would like to help out or learn more, check out the tModLoader Discord >
Hopefully, it will not be too much longer!
The Re-Logic team does not directly develop TML, so bugs with TML are best reported via the links below.
tModLoader - Play Terraria with Mods!
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PlayStation 4, XBOX ONE, Nintendo Switch - DR STUDIOS
Another month of focused Console development down, and with it, loads of great progress towards the eventual release of Journey's End for Consoles! As we mentioned in November, the team's goal was to reach the Alpha stage of development for Consoles by the close of 2020.
We are quite pleased to report that this is mission accomplished, and Terraria: Journey's End for Consoles has reached the Alpha stage of development. From here, we will take this feature-complete build and dive headlong into polish, optimizations, iterations/tweaking, and the ever-popular testing & bugfixing as we push towards a Beta build and an eventual launch as soon as possible in 2021.
We hope the image above will help to keep you satisfied through the break - we are looking forward to sharing our journey along the final push to getting this into your hands in the States of the Game to come. Happy Holidays everyone!
See above - we are doing our very best to work on all three platforms at the same time, in order to minimize any delay in the launch between XB/PS and Nintendo Switch. That is not to say they will necessarily be simultaneous, but working in parallel means we can cut way down on any possible delays.
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Hello everyone!
With the second hotfix for Mobile Journey's End out of the way, we are continuing to document any remaining issues for future fix waves. To be clear, however, we get the sense that mobile is in a good place right now, and thus our focus remains on the Console front for the time being. Rest assured, however, that we are documenting and exploring/reproducing/testing any reports that come our way... so do not let up on making any issues that you encounter known via the link below!
Not much else to share from Mobile-land this month - as most of the progress is on the Console side. We do hope you thoroughly enjoy what Mobile Terraria has to offer over the Holidays - no better time to start a new playthrough with family and friends!
It truly remains an honor to be able to work on Terraria - on behalf of our entire team, thank you for your support, patience, passion, and kind words. We are so very much looking forward to keeping that momentum rolling strong into 2021 - see you on the other side, Terrarians!
Greetings Terrarians!
Here's the latest and greatest happenings on the Community side of things. Thanks as always for being the most engaged and awesome gaming Community ever!
Our fantastic partners over at Animegami Studios are back with an update on the first installment in the Terraria Biome Series of high-end collectible displays. It has been quite a while since we last checked in on this ambitious project, so if you need a refresher, check out the initial announcement here > Re-Logic Teams with Animegami Studios for the Terraria Biome Series Resin Statues!
Well, lots of back and forth and iterations have taken place since then, and we are beyond pleased to announce that we have arrived at the final 3D render stage - which means that actual production of these amazing pieces can begin (starting with prototypes so that we can work out any final issues between images and physical product). Want to see more? Of course you do!
Pretty darned sweet stuff if you ask us! We cannot wait to have one of these amazing pieces on our desks/shelves when they come out. As you saw, preorders for these collector's items will open sometime in Q2 2021. We will be back with more information then - likely including some in-person pictures of the actual physical product - so stay tuned and stay hyped for this amazing piece!
There is still time to pick up some last-minute goodies for the Terrarian in your life (or maybe even yourself) - our Holiday Guide is continuously updated so that you have the latest and greatest at your fingertips at all times!

Our fantastic partners over at Animegami Studios are back with an update on the first installment in the Terraria Biome Series of high-end collectible displays. It has been quite a while since we last checked in on this ambitious project, so if you need a refresher, check out the initial announcement here > Re-Logic Teams with Animegami Studios for the Terraria Biome Series Resin Statues!
Well, lots of back and forth and iterations have taken place since then, and we are beyond pleased to announce that we have arrived at the final 3D render stage - which means that actual production of these amazing pieces can begin (starting with prototypes so that we can work out any final issues between images and physical product). Want to see more? Of course you do!
Pretty darned sweet stuff if you ask us! We cannot wait to have one of these amazing pieces on our desks/shelves when they come out. As you saw, preorders for these collector's items will open sometime in Q2 2021. We will be back with more information then - likely including some in-person pictures of the actual physical product - so stay tuned and stay hyped for this amazing piece!
There is still time to pick up some last-minute goodies for the Terrarian in your life (or maybe even yourself) - our Holiday Guide is continuously updated so that you have the latest and greatest at your fingertips at all times!
Greetings Terrarians,
The time has finally come to test your Terraria skills against the 2020 Terraria Ultimate Parkour Challenge! The winner of this event will receive a trophy marking them as the 2020 Ultimate Parkour Champion. In addition, other prizes will be provided to those who place in the top 3. The UPC is now live and the event will run from December 18, 2020 until December 31, 2020 at 12:00PM PST.
Your 1st goal with the UPC event should be to complete the course. The course is challenging, but if you take your time it should not be too challenging to complete the course. If you truly believe you have what it takes to be among the top 3 fastest times, you have the option to submit a recording of your course run. Everyone who submits a course run that passes verification will be included in our rankings for the year. Within the official Terraria Discord server (Join the Terraria Discord Server!) we have created the #parkour channel where the community will be able to upload video recordings of their course runs. Every video submission should also include your Terraria Forums name. Adding a timer to the video as an overlay should be the only changes made to the video file. The timer should start the moment the player begins the course and ends the moment the player ends the course.
1. A new Journey Mode character must be used. Your character name, in game, must be the same as your Discord name. It is optional to include your #0000 Discord tag.
2. You must clear all items from your inventory before you begin the course, and you can only use items provided in chests. The only item in the starting chest is a Cell Phone and all other items, including wings, rope, and grappling hook are not permitted.
3. No godmode is allowed.
4. Enemy spawn rate should be set at 0.
5. Enemy difficulty should be at Journey.
7. No glitches are allowed (minor or major).
8. No editing (breaking, placing, or hammering) blocks.
9. A speedrun timer is required. (This can be overlayed on the recording or on screen during the speedrun).
10. No editing the video footage outside of adding a timer. This especially includes cutting and pasting footage from different attempts to give the appearance of a faster course completion time.
11. Pay attention to the posted signs for hints and important rules.
12. We included the .wld file for the course. We suggest using the .wld file, but we also included server details as well. If you use the .wld file, then you are not permitted to make any changes to the file.
13. Your timer starts when you step on the pressure plate at the beginning of the course, and the timer ends when you step on the last pressure plate. For your entry to be valid, you must show that you have complied with all rules above.
14. No event entries will be accepted after 12:00PM PST on December 31, 2020.
Winners will be announced January 3, 2021 around 12PM PST
Terraria Ultimate Parkour Challenge Server details:
port: 7788
password: jump
Ultimate Parkour Challenge wld file (recommended)
We would also like to give a massive shout out to those members of the Terraria Community Team who contributed towards the Terraria Ultimate Parkour Challenge: Llama#7093, Tooth53less#1189, Blend#0001 The_Fool#7039, TheBiggestPog#7338, Vedvod#1124 V-Pariah#8913, mikachelya#9840, MustaMine [The Tree Eater]#1546, and MadMan2021#2021.
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Terraria Ultimate Parkour Challenge Server details:
port: 7788
password: jump
Ultimate Parkour Challenge wld file (recommended)
We would also like to give a massive shout out to those members of the Terraria Community Team who contributed towards the Terraria Ultimate Parkour Challenge: Llama#7093, Tooth53less#1189, Blend#0001 The_Fool#7039, TheBiggestPog#7338, Vedvod#1124 V-Pariah#8913, mikachelya#9840, MustaMine [The Tree Eater]#1546, and MadMan2021#2021.
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ChippyGaming 🌳
Terraria Enthusiast
Hope everyone at Re-Logic and DR has a wonderful Christmas, see you in 2021!
Dark Sunshine
Eater of Worlds
Awesome, I can put things on plates now! Aside from that, all of this is great news.
Hmm, more of the same. DR Studios is certainly taking their time with 1.4 on console. Of course, that’s a good thing.
please you guys, my wallet's gonna be absolutely dry at the start of 2021.
Torch God
Nice to hear this!!! Merry Christmas everyone!
You know what?
Parkour: BRUH
A real MAN can climb a 100 block tall tower only 1 rope and a gold pickaxe.
Parkour: BRUH

A real MAN can climb a 100 block tall tower only 1 rope and a gold pickaxe.

Someone that needs help
The second teleporter seems broke for the parkour challenge. The switch above the teleporter does not function. This is on the live server.
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yas 1.4 is comming to console finally lol
Considering the fact that they had to completely rewrite the code (at least I think), they seem to be going quite fast.Hmm, more of the same. DR Studios is certainly taking their time with 1.4 on console. Of course, that’s a good thing.
Considering the fact that they had to completely rewrite the code (at least I think), they seem to be going quite fast.
Yeah. It’s definitely going faster than Pipeworks did for the updates they developed, at least.
Yeah. It’s definitely going faster than Pipeworks did for the updates they developed, at least.
To be fair, they've only been working on Console since what... September? They were solely the mobile dev team prior to that, and were only announced as the new console team as of the Sept State of the Game.
The fact they've got it this far, this quick, on 3 different operating systems (after having just worked on two others (Android and iOS)) is incredibly impressive.
Pipeworks worked pretty quick once they were given the console porting job after 505 Games kinda dropped the ball and left it in a lurch of v1.2. Pipeworks got XB and PS up to 1.3.5 in less than a year (from when they took over), and even got the Switch release made and updated to match like a month after the other two (for v1.3.5).
Being in Alpha is only like 1/3 of the way to release. Now it's polish, bug fix, etc. until it reaches a "beta" state, before further work to reach a "release" state. So, if console sees it before May 2021, I will be thoroughly shocked and impressed. Game development isn't something you should rush at the demand of the playerbase *cough*Cyberpunk*cough*. Let them take the time needed to make it right, so there is no loss of experience, and it lives up to the PC version's quality.
Hello there, i want to restart a game on mobile. My device (Xbox series X controller) is connected to my Ipad but i can’t do anything in the terraria app. Is there something to do to pair or sync the controller with the app ? (First time i connect my controller to my tablet)
thanks for your answers !
thanks for your answers !
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