Console That's No Moon... It's a Moonlord: Terraria 1.3 Launches on PS4, XB1 Submitted

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Microsoft has shut down for the rest of the year for the Holidays. I would say that means if the update doesn't roll out today it's probably going to be mid January 2018.

I honestly feel like this whole thing could have been avoided by telling Xbox owner "hey don't suspend your game" "make sure to exit to main menu until we fix this"

Honestly Xbox owners are probably looking at a week or so into January before it passes certification, another week for pipeworks to address any bugs? I'm guessing so that would be around mid January.

Of course all that could change if it dropped today for everyone but I wouldn't bet on it. Although Tuesdays and Thursdays are typically update days for Xbox.
I hope we have it today. Yesterday I went on the xbox support site and I chatted with an microsoft employes and I asked them if they know when the update will lauch and they told me that the Terraria devd had sent an update but they don’t know if microsoft has started working on it.
I hope we have it today. Yesterday I went on the xbox support site and I chatted with an microsoft employes and I asked them if they know when the update will lauch and they told me that the Terraria devd had sent an update but they don’t know if microsoft has started working on it.

Oh great.... just great.... wooooooo.... not like we've been waiting over a year now why not wait more right?

(Hopfully you detected my great deal of sarcasam. I hate waiting a whole month or so while Ps enjoys it)
Oh great.... just great.... wooooooo.... not like we've been waiting over a year now why not wait more right?

(Hopfully you detected my great deal of sarcasam. I hate waiting a whole month or so while Ps enjoys it)
Yh it’s gonna be fun. I love feeling like I’ll never play the update even more while another console has it and we don’t
Oh great.... just great.... wooooooo.... not like we've been waiting over a year now why not wait more right?

(Hopfully you detected my great deal of sarcasam. I hate waiting a whole month or so while Ps enjoys it)
I know that we have been waiting for a long time and Im verry disapointed because I tought that I would have been able to play the 1.3 update during my christmas break but it dosen’t seem like it will happen...
The multiplayer is soo bad i get randomers indont even know joining
I believe that PS4 community members can join in to online multiplayer. So a workaround would be to unjoin the communities that you are in, and that way just you friends can join.
I know that we have been waiting for a long time and Im verry disapointed because I tought that I would have been able to play the 1.3 update during my christmas break but it dosen’t seem like it will happen...
Yep. It always has to be the worst case senaro doesn’t it. Another delay while PS4 players get to enjoy this for at least a month before we get to. Nice
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try the other trigger i believe its lmb and rmb on pc, also its not like us xbox users havent had to deal with waiting on parity between ps4 and xbox b4 u guys act like its new, just look at destiny, cod and many other games that have dlc, ofc its not pipeworks or relogics fault this time but you'd think we'd be used to it by now.
Minecraft just got an update today for Xbox one and Xbox 360 so I would guess that's what Microsoft has been working on.

I have no idea if they do multiple update testing at once but because they are not play testing and looking for system killing bugs I would guess they are very careful with how they handle it.
try the other trigger i believe its lmb and rmb on pc, also its not like us xbox users havent had to deal with waiting on parity between ps4 and xbox b4 u guys act like its new, just look at destiny, cod and many other games that have dlc, ofc its not pipeworks or relogics fault this time but you'd think we'd be used to it by now.
No but I think they know it's not going to come until next year and they don't want to tell people that because they know people will walk away.
Just look at their Twitter feed. They are literally cutting and pasting the same response every hour.

You can't convince me that you have absolutely no way to communicate with Microsoft to find out if something is close, or being worked on, or being pushed back.
And it is Pipeworks fault because the kept giving everyone the "only 30 bugs left" messages and the "13 bugs left" messages and the "were delaying it again because we still have some bugs left" then they release the PS4 version and it's a total mess meanwhile they delayed sending the update to Microsoft over a bug that they could have given people a workaround just like all the other bugs Xbox owners are going to have anyways even though it kept getting pushed back so it could be perfect even though that was never going to happen.

And any gamer who has ever had a game update knows nothing goes 100% perfect and we didn't care.

Now because of that one bug that we could have had a workaround Minecraft players are getting a update today and Terraria xbox players are going to see Christmas photos of Microsoft and Pipeworks employees ect on social media meanwhile PS4 Terraria players are going to see 1.3

Remember that a small amount of PS4 players are having problems compared to the hundreds of thousand players who are having the time of their lives with no issues whatsoever.
I can’t check if it’s out because my internet out.
No but I think they know it's not going to come until next year and they don't want to tell people that because they know people will walk away.
Just look at their Twitter feed. They are literally cutting and pasting the same response every hour.

You can't convince me that you have absolutely no way to communicate with Microsoft to find out if something is close, or being worked on, or being pushed back.
And it is Pipeworks fault because the kept giving everyone the "only 30 bugs left" messages and the "13 bugs left" messages and the "were delaying it again because we still have some bugs left" then they release the PS4 version and it's a total mess meanwhile they delayed sending the update to Microsoft over a bug that they could have given people a workaround just like all the other bugs Xbox owners are going to have anyways even though it kept getting pushed back so it could be perfect even though that was never going to happen.

And any gamer who has ever had a game update knows nothing goes 100% perfect and we didn't care.

Now because of that one bug that we could have had a workaround Minecraft players are getting a update today and Terraria xbox players are going to see Christmas photos of Microsoft and Pipeworks employees ect on social media meanwhile PS4 Terraria players are going to see 1.3

Remember that a small amount of PS4 players are having problems compared to the hundreds of thousand players who are having the time of their lives with no issues whatsoever.
It’s pipeworks fault? No, it was because of bugs. Microsoft is busy checking the update so pipeworks can’t do anything. They “cutting” and pasting because it’s the same question “whenz update out”
And leave Minecraft out of this, they can’t interfere with 1.3, there are tons of staff at Microsoft so they can check multiple updates a day, and I think you forgot Minecraft doesn’t need certifications, since they are owned by Microsoft.
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