Tibithia Σ
Our characters are gonna get along nicely.
I'll edit this post with my application, I just need to get it from my signature.
Name: Gear
Age: 1
Species: Steampunk Robot
Gender: male
Quirks/Pros: Can put itself back together. Equipped with weaponry.
Flaws/Cons: Has only been activated for a year, so he is kind of like a kid. He has an AI, so his behavior is affected by the kind of people he interacts with. (Could be a pro)
Personality: Not very developed. He was programmed to try to not interact with others, because his creator was afraid that he would get corrupted.
Backstory: The cyborg npc that you know about in Terraria was actually created by the mechanic. Gear was created by the steampunker, and is shown being built in the end credits. He was separated from his creator while he was still being programmed.
Equipment: 2 weak turrets on his shoulder, wields a Rocket Launcher, has a mini nuke II embedded in his chest for emergencies.
Both accepted.Name: John
Nickname (optional): not doing this one
Gender: Male
Species: Human
a masked guy who wears a bandana along with the mask along with wearing
goggles(?) with blue lens.
his suit is the same color as his mask but he wears a coat, kneepads on his legs(?) and boots
he also wears gloves so nothing of his skin is shown...
Personality: Shown to be quiet but serious when it comes to accomplishing something and staying out of sight
from enemies.
Height (optional): not doing
Weight (optional): not doing
Abilities: none at all due to being a plain human with just agility
Strengths: Very agile
Weaknesses: can get very serious and angry when it comes to accomplishing stuff and avoiding enemies.
Extras: extras, what do i put in here?!
Backstory (optional): not doing
what do i put in extras?