tModLoader Vanilla Tweaks + other little tweak mods

That's actually a bug. My Treasure Bag drop code checks if an NPC is a boss and changes the loot accordingly, but it looks like Terraria doesn't technically consider Betsy a boss. So it drops it's usual loot.
I can easily fix that, though.

The 6th slot should work, that's weird.

I tested this a while ago and it looks like it's an error with the Mod Settings Configurator mod. Without it I can run a server with VanillaTweaks just fine.
I reported the error to him but he hasn't fixed it so far.
ok thank you for looking into it :P
Think it could be an incompatibility with another mod?
I have a sizably list of mods loaded:
So, Boss Expertise just received an update.
  • Added Mod Settings Configurator support.
  • Fixed Betsy not dropping Treasure Bags in Normal Mode with the option enabled.
I also have some news that might be important to some people. This is pretty much copy-pasted from the Miscellania thread, but I thought it was worth mentioning here.

I've been thinking about this for a while and I might be stepping down from modding for some time. This does not mean I'm leaving the community entirely or that I'll stop updating my mods. It's just that I won't add much content or create any new mods for a while. I will still fix bugs and update to new tML versions.

The main reason is that with my current PC situation it's really hard to play modded Terraria without lag or OutOfMemory crashes. I've lost a lot of my interest in the game because of this, and modding is honestly getting a bit tedious. Also, I'm working on my own little game, which takes some time and effort. And the final year of high school is coming soon so that sucks.

But like I've said, I'm not abandoning my mods or anything. I will come back and be more active once I'm in a better spot, though.

I hope this explains why updates for most mods have slowed down lately and why I haven't released anything new in quite some time.

Thank you for reading my ramblings and thank you for all the support so far, I really appreciate it. I hope you understand.
Vanilla Tweaks has been updated!
  • Pharaoh's vanity set is now a summoner armor set.
    • Mask gives 3 defense, robe gives 4.
    • Each piece gives +5% minion damage, set bonus: +1 max minions. (might buff later)
    • You can wear any Leggings along with the set, only the Mask and the Robe are required.
  • Tried to fix issues with recipes (@Strychnos)
The following tweaks were brought to you by @Pop000100 (thank you for your help!):
  • Added Molotov Cocktail recipe using regular Gel. By default, 25 gel is required for 5 Molotovs. You can configure the amount of gel needed between 0 and 100.
    • Setting it to 0 will disable the recipe entirely so you'll have to use Pink Gel.
  • Cactus armor bonus set now gives a 25% thorns effect instead of +1 defense.
  • Viking Helmet along with Iron/Lead armor now gives a set bonus of +5% damage.
  • You can configure the Meteor armor defense nerf and the Space Gun nerf separately.
  • You can configure the coin recipe sorting and the Easter Egg(tm) in the config file.
Vanilla Tweaks has been updated!
  • Pharaoh's vanity set is now a summoner armor set.
    • Mask gives 3 defense, robe gives 4.
    • Each piece gives +5% minion damage, set bonus: +1 max minions. (might buff later)
    • You can wear any Leggings along with the set, only the Mask and the Robe are required.
  • Tried to fix issues with recipes (@Strychnos)
The following tweaks were brought to you by @Pop000100 (thank you for your help!):
  • Added Molotov Cocktail recipe using regular Gel. By default, 25 gel is required for 5 Molotovs. You can configure the amount of gel needed between 0 and 100.
    • Setting it to 0 will disable the recipe entirely so you'll have to use Pink Gel.
  • Cactus armor bonus set now gives a 25% thorns effect instead of +1 defense.
  • Viking Helmet along with Iron/Lead armor now gives a set bonus of +5% damage.
  • You can configure the Meteor armor defense nerf and the Space Gun nerf separately.
  • You can configure the coin recipe sorting and the Easter Egg(tm) in the config file.
Tmod has been updated to .1, is there any chance this mod is getting updated to it? Also, there's currently a bug that's disabling this mod in a multiplayer server, I'll update this later with the exact error.
Hey, I think the boss expertise part isn't working properly. I tried fighting the EoC, BoC, and Skeletron but all were still in their normal mode forms. Also I checked out the configs file and none of the expert boss options were even there.
go to
click clone and download(as zip) extract that to Mod Sources directory on windows thats in Documents\my games\terraria\modloader\mod sources
then rename the folder to VanillaTweaks, in terraria download Flashkirbys mod configurator from the mod browser and then go to mod sources in the main menu and click build and reload on VanillaTweaks

Or.... wait for goldenapple

i don't have explicit permission to release but ill tell you how.
Do these mods work with tmodloader version 10.1? I'm using 10.0.2 and want to know if I can safely update.

[Edit:] Also a separate issue; the pharaoh costume seems to work as summoning armor now. It makes sense but I think it's an undocumented function of Vanilla Tweaks.
Heyo, here's some bugfixes!
Vanilla Tweaks was updated to v2.6!
  • Fixed server crash when used with FK's Mod Settings Configurator. (@FinalDawn)
  • Miscellania's Sandstone Slab Wall is now renamed to Sand Slab Wall.
  • Reorganized the config file a little bit.
  • Changed description.
  • (Updated the forum page to include the new Pharaoh set bonus and Molotov recipe)
Boss Expertise was updated to v2.7.1!
  • Fixed server crash when used with FK's Mod Settings Configurator.
Also, just as a heads up: all tML v0.10.0.x mods safely work with v0.10.1.
Hey, I think the boss expertise part isn't working properly. I tried fighting the EoC, BoC, and Skeletron but all were still in their normal mode forms. Also I checked out the configs file and none of the expert boss options were even there.
Did you enable the mod? Were there any errors when it loaded? Are you using the latest version?
It seems that with the latest update, every item without a prefix has "Sand Slab Wall" in front of its actual name, yet the actual Sand Slab Wall's regular name remains Sandstone Slab Wall.
It seems that with the latest update, every item without a prefix has "Sand Slab Wall" in front of its actual name, yet the actual Sand Slab Wall's regular name remains Sandstone Slab Wall.
Haha that's pretty funny. I added that feature at the last minute without even testing.
I'll fix this in a few minutes.
EDIT: Took longer than expected but it's done. The fixed version is on the Mod Browser.
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Did you enable the mod? Were there any errors when it loaded? Are you using the latest version?
Yes, No, and I'm using v0.10.1.

When I use the mod, nothing else is acting up on me. All your armor changes are in effect, those three swords are now auto swing, and I see the new name in place of the Cobalt Shield. The only part that isn't working for me is the reason why I downloaded the mod in the first place.
Yes, No, and I'm using v0.10.1.

When I use the mod, nothing else is acting up on me. All your armor changes are in effect, those three swords are now auto swing, and I see the new name in place of the Cobalt Shield. The only part that isn't working for me is the reason why I downloaded the mod in the first place.

I think I might know what's going on. Those features are from the Vanilla Tweaks mod, but Boss Expertise is a completely separate mod. Try downloading it.

Haha that's pretty funny. I added that feature at the last minute without even testing.
I'll fix this in a few minutes.
EDIT: Took longer than expected but it's done. The fixed version is on the Mod Browser.

Hmm... it seems the problem still persists for me. The Sand Slab Wall's actual name is fixed but the other items still have it.
Hmm... it seems the problem still persists for me. The Sand Slab Wall's actual name is fixed but the other items still have it.
If you've updated from the Mod Browser, you have to quit and reopen Terraria. That bug messed up the game so badly that reloading mods doesn't help. (you posted this 9 hours ago so you've probably figured it out but still)
Yes, No, and I'm using v0.10.1.

When I use the mod, nothing else is acting up on me. All your armor changes are in effect, those three swords are now auto swing, and I see the new name in place of the Cobalt Shield. The only part that isn't working for me is the reason why I downloaded the mod in the first place.
I think I might know what's going on. Those features are from the Vanilla Tweaks mod, but Boss Expertise is a completely separate mod. Try downloading it.
That's right, Boss Expertise, WMITF and everything else is separate from Vanilla Tweaks.
Hey for WMITF could you make the tile details more...detailed?
Specifically for ores, it'd be nice to be able to see how much pickaxe power we need to mine the ore.
I think I might know what's going on. Those features are from the Vanilla Tweaks mod, but Boss Expertise is a completely separate mod. Try downloading it.
I think when I figured this out, I was in a hurry to enable it and I forgot to reply back.
Thank you. I got the Boss Expertise working now, and Skeletron is still very hard.
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