What or Who introduced you to Terraria? and what's your favorite thing about Terraria?

seen videos of it in 2012 when i was looking for how to build a haunted house videos for terraria in 2013 i watched the how to get a black cat video then in 2015 my terraria shannanigains began when i played as ash from evil dead on the xbox 360 then in late 2019 2020 i still love this game also the stupid don't Starve Update Is Like An LJN Game For The NES
I started on mobile 1.2 to 1.3 in like 2018 or 2017 (I have no idea). I got a good computer in 2020, and got terraria on pc in late may 2021 a bit after watching MythicalWater's animation. (Go watch it now or else) It was my first time beating EOC, then I progressed more and more. Plantera and the Mech Bosses were hard but I was eventually able to beat them. I got the Terrablade, beat Golem, then the Lunatic Cultist. I defeated all the pillars, then, for the first time, I fought the Moon Lord. I lost, because of a severe lack of buffs. I got a ton of potions and some food and fought him again, and I won. I got the cell phone, the Zenith, the DCU, and most of the achievements. (Except for that pesky little fish boy achievement)
I was introduced to Terraria by my brother who was introduced to Terraria by his friend. we had so much fun playing for the first time (also the old mobile dim light in dark areas pls bring that feature back)
my favorite thing about the game is beating the bosses and progressing in general
Pewds i watched pewds and i liked watching terraria soooooooi bought it :) so in short i got to know it from pewds(pewdiepie)
Me and my brother found it because it was on my dads xbox 360 and since that day we've loved it. I've been playing since 1.2
My favorite part of terraria is the building and the Mario vanity.
Was looking around on YT and found chippy, saw a vid of his and got interested, at the time I also wanted "The escapists" so I got that, it was painfully hard so I got a refund and bought terraria. No Regrets.
I was first introduced to Terraria by a friend, we played it for a couple minutes then I got bored and stopped. Kinda forgot about Terraria until I got PlayPass, and got it for free. I didn't like it because I thought it was 2D Minecraft (it isn't) but started to like it. I played with my siblings and tried to make other people play it, and then stopped until 1.4 update, and then played it a bunch. Then I lost my subscription and had to buy Terraria, and just got it on the PC :D

Also my favorite thing is exploring and challenging myself. In my opinion, the biggest challenge is Master Mode on a crimson world on a mobile device :cool:
2011. Fifth grade, summer. Yrimir's beautiful early videos which still have a weird charm to them that no other Terraria youtuber could replicate.
Got it right afterwards, I remember not knowing how to break walls. I think it was version 1.0.6 back then if not 1.1. The sound of stone clinking as I broke it with a pickaxe still gives me nostalgia.
My older sister introduced me to Terraria, I saw her playing it when I was about 9 or 10 years old, we had a shared windows 7 pc back then, and I passed by as she was playing. I was immediately interested and asked what game that was, and she replied "Terraria". (That interaction also included me calling a Green Slime a "Jumping Bush" like an idiot) I played it soon after.
My favorite thing about the game might be the exploration, because I always love exploring my world.
seen videos of it in 2012 when i was looking for how to build a haunted house videos for terraria in 2013 i watched the how to get a black cat video then in 2015 my terraria shannanigains began when i played as ash from evil dead on the xbox 360 then in late 2019 2020 i still love this game also the stupid don't Starve Update Is Like An LJN Game For The NES
ps I like the axe Its A firemans Axe
Though I've heard of it through the years, my first experience with Terraria was through a Discord of friends who normally played Don't Starve Together showing screenshots of stuff from the Journey update some time last year. I was intrigued (also kinda because of the Rosalina set, i main Rosa lmao) and when Terraria went on sale I bought it and dove in.
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