CC Creation Compendium #24

All of these are outstanding. Really great.

My favorites are Chi's beautiful manor and ppowersteef's amazing scene. The detail and intricate design of that manor, just so fun to look at. And the fight scene has such a fantastic viewpoint, the cave structure, those flares (!), that lone deathweed. Stuff just made me smile.
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Reactions: Chi
Gah, I missed the deadline. I was planning to build something revolving around my new character Cream Soda, but I ran out of time...

But you've all done so well! I'm so impressed!


Happy Easter!

Hello everyone, and welcome to the April Creation Compendium. Now the last two CCs have been a bit late, due to GDC and 'that'. But hopefully we should be back on schedule for May.

Now, a big thank you to Flor3nce2456 for creating our awesome new logo! Magnificent isn't it!

Remember, all entries for next month to be posted on QuackersDelta's profile. (Not in a pm)

Now, the entries!





Terra Branford


Arch-Mage Helti


Solaire NoScope










no, it's not Yrimir's, it's an updated version. Yrimir has approved it.






Slimes (Slimus Annoyus)


The slime, of the Goop genus, is a common oddity in the Terraria realm. They are unrelenting bastards, or otherwise referred to as "kill the damn thing now before I lose my temper." Slimes over time have evolved into different variations and stages of biological advancement, this can include even the slightest of colour modification, to abnormal growth increase, to movement and combat pattern changes. Due to this factor we see many different variants of this creature but by far the most common is the traditional slime. A ball of persistent green goo. Many have fathomed about the composition of the slime but from general analysis it is concluded that the gelatinous origins of this creature are derived from passive critters, changed naturally; through adaptation and alimentation.

Slimes move in a strange pattern, often taking a small bit to move onto the next jump. There's actually a proper explanation to this, which ties into their breathing pattern. Their body of gel often moves around and messes up with their internal system, which manages to block up the respiratory organs. Whenever the slime breathes in, however, this clears up space to generate energy. So each time they jump, they need time to breathe in air, which will then, in turn, allow them to generate enough energy to jump. Because of said reason, the slime is considerably weak if not taking caution when moving. If the respiratory organs of a slime weren't blocked, their movement would be, in contrary, versatile and their attack would be doubled, if not, tripled. Many slimes have modified to in part solve this problem, and so are very dangerous.

Many categorical traits affect the outcome of the slimes color. This includes their dwelling, genetic hardening, and geographical climate. The main determining factors are habitat and environment. Luckily for that aforementioned reason, we can effectively determine these specifics just by color. The resulting green of the common slime is due to it's prey. One of the few wholly carnivorous slimes, the common slime's diet consists of passive critters. These critters feed on grass and many other plant substance. So the colour is a result of flora consumed by it's prey. Many other slime's colours are determined by similar environmental patterns.




Locating and Tracking:

Slimes, of course, are prevalent just about anywhere, so locating and tracking these creatures should be easy. However, there's always a twist to the story. Whilst some slimes may be passive and friendly, others will automatically be provoked at first sight. This is why locating and tracking can be difficult, because the creatures that are necessary to locate aren't going to obey at first command. All in all; the searching part for these balls of goo does have tie-ins with taming, but isn't as important.

Certain biomes contain different slimes, so travelling and venturing off to that specific biome is required, at least to find the correct type. This isn't necessarily a difficult task, but it's obligatory to know what might or might not happen in order to be successful. The colour and type of slime is determined by many factors, which should already be set in mind beforehand. There's also that, to keep in mind, whilst finding the slime can prove easy, having to keep prepared in case anything goes wrong is advised. Knowledge of the slime concerned is required before further advancing, due to the unpredictable outcomes of what just might happen next.





Pacifying these beasts is no simple task. The rugged, wild, and uncultured nature of any Terrarainly animal makes it difficult. First there is the work needed to locate and identify the type of slime aimed to catch. It is advised to always start small, so go for a lesser creature of small endurance. Once identified and located, it is required to study its behavioral patterns. Findings have led to specific slimes being easier to catch whilst eating. The common green slime prefers to eat small critters, but diets vary between types. Applying weight on the creature's top side allows no damage done to the beast but hinders it from moving. The pressure dealt collapses the respiratory system partially and renders the monster motionless. Of course the practicality of that method is limited and dangerous. Darts can prove a more feasible solution in said matter. A concoction of cobwebs and moonglow creates a power alchemical mixture for immobilizing slimes.

The moonglow serves as an agent to act as a catalyst and creates a chemical reaction when the mixture enters the body. When the ingredients come in contact with the slime's body the moonglow causes the cobweb to dissolve and enter the digestive system. It cannot be digested by the slime and its organs go into overdrive. The heart rate spikes and the lungs seize making for a simple capture.

However, there are also other means of incapacitation, it doesn't just end there. Yes, other concoctions involving alchemical plants do exist, but tends to work in the same way, just a little less effectively. This leads to the musical side of things. Low notes of the Harp can and will actually drop the slime into a state of sleepiness and render the slime stationary until you use methods of taming. If played at higher notes, the slime can fall into complete unconsciousness, too.

Once the sedation, or other methodical ways of immobilizing the slime, have been put to use, there's now the slime's love; its trust (and the key to its heart). This is something that is most definitely needed, to advance further. Feeding, amongst other motherly acts form a parental bond. Simple creatures like slimes are highly inclined to accept imprinting. That should cover most of the work on properly taming the creature, there isn't all that much else required, due to the slime's lesser resistance.





Agile, small, and mostly hostile slimes can prove a cunning foe in battle for those unprepared. Movement patterns have been studied extensively, armed with knowledge of these patterns we can be well equipped to face these opponents in fight. Going back to the movement pattern of a slime, if well trained, slimes can develop new combat methods and manoeuvres to further enhance their capability when it comes to fighting. This, of course, means modifying the respiratory organs inside a slime's gelatinous body beforehand. But that's something that most people never venture into.

Slimes have the remarkable and rather dangerous ability to assimilate with their environment and modify into the most desirable features of it. For example, the slimes of the glacial areas are far denser, larger and tougher to kill than most common green slimes as they have developed a genetic immunity to the cold weather and by that means have accumulated denser skin. As slimes age, they actually become more powerful, and the pigments within them become brighter as they have more sunlight exposure. However, underground slimes are so devoid of light that their once vibrant colors have deteriorated. Their vision glands have entirely dissipated so they rely on extremely honed sonar and scent making them much more receptive than a regular slime.




Habitat and Alimentation:

Slimes spawn in biomes, that is correct, but it doesn't just stop there. There are important conditions that determine whether the slime can survive or not. If tamed, this can still be followed. To start, most importantly, the slimes will definitely need an area of inhabitation where there is air. If air can't reach their respiratory system, there's no hope of functionality. That's not all however. After having lived, developed, and later evolved in their respectful biomes, slimes are adapted to the air inside one particular biome, if not more. This means that if they are to continue surviving, they'll either need to adapt pretty quickly to a different biome, or stay in that select one.

The temperature of biomes differ, which should already be obvious. Low temperature areas like the Corruption and the Ice will get beyond freezing point if not careful. Then there are places like the Underworld and plain Forests, which will instead be warm, or melt all skin off a creature or player, that is. Temperature is a factor important to keep in mind when it comes to the slime's lifestyle and survival.

Onto alimentation and eating, now. Slimes, whilst following a relatively plain diet, can at times be mixed quite a bit. This is the strange part about different types of slimes, and is important to have right for the slime to survive. Again, this food correlates with the biome in which the specific slime lives in. Going back to the adaptation of the slime's internal system, after time this too has been adapted to. Lava slimes will find it difficult to change to a diet based on small critters and nutritious earth.

Most slimes just eat anything they see in sight that lives in their biome, and that they are experienced with. Critters are an important and easy source of food, if the slime doesn't get a good kill in, that is. This means that not only does it kill other animals to feast on, whilst there are also other sources of alimentation, they might even go against 'protocol' and provoke a creature of their own, respectful biome. Sometimes, this can lead to heated fights. However, they aren't simply restricted to their own kind, there is also the grass to feed on, but caution is always taken, as if a slime eats without knowledge of quite what, they might end up digesting a plant which they have an allergic reaction to.



Corrupt Guardian





Kyle's Story
You may not know me, But I've been around.
Explored every cave and heard every sound!
All that this world had hidden I've found,
but I'm to be buried under this hallowed ground.
Because I'm old and not young like you,
So continue me on, my son, for you are new.
I dub thee Kyle, a kind hearted baby.
He'll be an adventurer like me, just maybe.

Kyle began his own roots as a guide not as a quester.
Lo, he may not be an adventurer but he was no jester,
He was a guide of much wisdom, but his anger did fester.
Those his kinfolk disliked him because of choice.
There be no room in his sad heart to rejoice.
So off he left, plunged into the pits of the Terrarian soil.
Where he's spend much time and get in much toil.
His effort and sadness grew greater as he was workin'
He wished for someone who cared or liked him to only hearken.
The cruel forces of the world set upon the land!
Setting Terraria into destruction and decimating civilization to sand.
Kyle a survivor of the rumored few was of use once more;
As a hero joined the land and was in need of the lore.

The guide and the adventurer built a stead in the wild.
Kyle had found his calling, a teacher, no worthless child.
He taught the hero of many great things, which the hero did, shown by his creations.
Kyle was glad of his father who blessed him with knowledge so he might forget the fowl sensations.








Goblin Beat
Steady feet pound and march
We must reach our target, no matter conditions harsh
A slow pitter-patter fills the air
As we goblins enact our final snare
"The orb was broken, we must go,"
High Command manages to know
So here I am on the battlefront
On our way to battle some runt
Who has disturbed the balance of evil and good
At least what High Command said, as I wondered and stood
The drums roll like a black sea
We swarm over the land and tree
Yet I can't help but stand on the sidelines, for it is me
I make their armor, weapons, and war machines
Yet I'm treated with bullying and bloody war scenes
The assault is in full swing
They end like all others, with nary a scout in a sling
Hopefully one can come along
To stop my peers in their angry throng
Until then I'm left to High Command's will
Thinking of their cruelty gives me a chill



Woo! I'm On This!
Wow....amazing it.

But @Daleksax ...that's a downloaded map you screened there -.-
Wow....amazing it.

But @Daleksax ...that's a downloaded map you screened there -.-
I believe he is the head of the server which the map is from, or something. See quote.
Rising Atlantis has been an ongoing endeavor to build what may be one of the largest, most ambitious maps in Terrarian history. Started April 1, 2013, Rising Atlantis is still very much work in progress and after undergoing multiple hiatuses, work has been resumed on it. Originally started back on "Terraria Online", the project has now been transferred over to the official Terraria Forums.

Rising Atlantis Story/Design:
Before delving into the build itself, it may serve the better good for me to clarify to those of you who are new to the project the bases of Rising Atlantis (RA). Originally intended to serve as a Role-playing server, The beginning of the construction of the map was heavily influenced by the lore provided below. Since my resurrection of the map I've decided to diverge from the path of creating a Role-playing server and to simple build a well themed, yet interesting map. However I am considering turning it upon completion into an adventure map. Nevertheless despite Rising Atlantis no longer being designed for it's original purpose I do intend to stay true to the original lore. This mostly being for the sake of build consistency and driving imagination and depth into the world.
For those interested the lore is provided here:
*Please note that I am only giving a very small portion of the lore just to give those who are interested a basic understanding of what RA's story truly is. The full lore is still being written and I most likely will not show it off untill either server launch or a few days before.*

The oceans of the land once belonged to an ancient race of beings, not much is known about them, but all that can be said is that a footprint of them still exists. It is not them in their native form, but yet cursed, by the god they loved, to the oceans they reaped. The Merfolk people are strong, magic, water dwelling beings who have been cursed to an eternity forced underwater.(In the complete lore I will get more into this)

These people, the Merfolk lived in harmony, collecting knowledge, and prospering in their underwater utopia they name Sitnalta. Centuries passed undisturbed for these beings, completely ignorant to what happened upon the isles above their water.

Years after the ancestors of the Merfolk were forced to live underwater, a new race of land dwellers began to inhabit the isles above the oceans. These being referred to themselves as Simia, they often carry a beast like form that resembles an ape, yet they are far more intelligent then the average primate. Skilled in hunting and archery, the Simia cultivated the land and became one with nature.

The Merfolk came across the Simia at some undefined point between the great war (getting to that) and the arrival of the Simia in the land of the isles. It is assumed that the two races occasionally intermixed but chose to mostly ignore each other with the Simia claiming the land and the Merfolk claiming the sea. The land they shared was perfectly fit for two, alas three is a crowd...

In recent years, a new race entered the land; "Humans," they claimed the isles of the west as their colonies and quickly forced out the Simia who lived on those islands with their superior combat and technology. The Humans claimed the land they concurred under the flag of Atlantis and began to quickly take advantage of the abundance of natural resources found all along the great isles.

Tensions between the Simia and humans quickly grew out of hand as the Humans continued to try and force their way farther east into the Simia territory to gain even more resources. This in the end sparks the great war, which will last a total of one-hundred years and end in bloodshed. The Merfolk chose to ignore both sides and stick to their solitude, this in turn would anger both the Simia and Humans, but very little was done during the war against the Merfolk, but hatred towards them would be prevalent after the war.

The war ended with twelve hero's (four from each race who had agreed to work together to form piece)being killed in symbolism to the end of the war. A treaty was drawn up among the three races known as The Treaty of Pacem, yet even though the treaty declared neutrality, the lands of the sea would remain a powder keg and just one wrong move could set off the act of war once more...

Race summaries:
Merfolk have a blue/green tinted skin, with either deep blue eyes like the sea or dark green. They worship the God of the Ocean, Maris. He is their main God, along with the Goddess of Magic and the Goddess of the Night. You can find various temples to their deities scattered across the ocean floor. The Merfolk are very religious and always place their trust in their Gods.

The Merfolk are a neutral race and tend to stay out of the business of the land dwellers. They are known for the peaceful nature and the aptitude for Magic. Their most prized possession is knowledge. The are the oldest race in Atlanthia and hold libraries filled with the history of the nations. Their capital is Sitnalta which is home to the Magic Shrine, the highest pinnacle of Sitnalta and a place of prayer and communication with the land dwellers.

The Merfolk race will be lead by the Church of Maris and the High Priest and his Council. The High Priest of Maris is basically the voice of god, and even though he considers the advice of his priests and Council, every decision is ultimately made by him. You are automatically added to the Council of Merfolk if you become a Priest of Maris, though you are only considered trustworthy if the High Priest approves of you.
Simia: The Simia are a ape-like race with hair covering most their body and leathery skin. They use primal weapons and technology and their aptitude for magic is almost non-existent except for the Simian witch doctors. Where they lack in technology and magic, they make up for their natural enhanced abilities. They can see in the dark and farther than humans, have uncanny hearing, and are very fast and agile.

They are not as smart as the Merfolk or as technically advanced as the Humans, but their strategical planning is excellent and wins most of their battles. They are a republic and ruled by an elected leader - the Super Vindentis. The Simia worship the Gods of Life and Day and Goddess of the Forest. They are very nature minded individuals and build their cities in the high branches in the giant trees of the jungle. They are a farming people and are self sufficient. They eat off the land and use ancient methods to purify the sea water.

Simian are mostly warriors that use swords, bows, crossbows, and spears. They rarely use magic except for the Venenarus (ven-E-nar-us) who typically is an alchemist and Seer.
Human: The Humans are the youngest of the races in the evolutionary tree. Mostly hairless and of a tall, upright posture, the humans are far advanced in technology and strong with advanced weaponry. Humans often are stubborn and continue to push towards their goals no matter what stands in their way, their arrogance often leading to their own defeat.

Originating from the lands of Azalon to the West, the Humans that settled the coasts of what are now Atlantis belonged to the Atlantian empire. The Humans that settled the coasts created a series of colonies in which they had forced Simia previously residing there out. Antlantians used these colonies for great economic benefit both through natural resources and trade, yet the never ending human thirst convinces those living in the Atlantis sea colonies to continue to push further into Simia territory.

The Humans typically worship the Gods of Life, Time, and Prosperity. They are a very inventive race and mass produce weapons such as Guns,Swords, and Flails. There is the rare human wizard that practices magic, but their magic is usually primitive compared to that of the Merfolk.

Humans rule under a puppet monarchy in which an indirect king/queen rules the entire land through secrecy while using representatives as his/her puppets, to ensure his/her safety and the safety of his/her people.
Rising Atlantis as of: 4/21/15
Port Maris


Industrial Weapons plant (Rudoboy)

Mines of Azalon

Shrine to Tempus(ExplosiveSheep)

Shrine to Atlanthia

Fort Aberdeen

The Valorian Perch
The Minervana Institute

Shrine to Nyx

Simia Capitol

Shrine to Juniper

Shrine to Salvus


The Siram Post
Palace of Nolzana
-Wazer95 :: (Builder and Signiture Creator)
-PlatinumAce :: (Concept and Ideas)
-Rudoboy :: Builder (Industrial Plant, Submarine)
-Mr. Mystery:: (Concept, ideas, doc organizer)
-ExplosiveSheep (Vita Public Arena, made a signature, Shrine to Tempus, Shrine to Nyx, Shrine to Cassandra)
-TheMuteLibrarian: (Simia Statue, Shrine to Felix, Shrine to Salvus)
-Secrease: (Merfolk Statue Set, Sky Outposts)
-DiexSmiling: Server host

I am searching for contributors to the project, if your an exceptional builder and you would like to either contribute through permanent devotion or part time contributions please private message me. If interested you must be able to provide a portfolio of your terraria builds and be willing to cooperate. I am highly selective and only expect the best quality

Please remember to check back often to view progress updates and world changes, I am open to criticism and suggestions for future builds in Rising Atlantis and would love the to read your comments.

If you would like to get an early version of the map you can download it here(note that the map is very incomplete and WIP making it difficult to navigate):
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