IC Random Journey in The Universe (IC)

"Why would he be doing that?"

"*And that's the first thing you ask me? Nothing about the void or anything like that? Because you're clearly researching it here.*"
"*What do you think of them?*"

"Dijth knows more than I do."

"*Yes, but most infected wouldn't be worried about this lab, they'd be more worried about spreading the void.*"
"So what's he said about it?"

"*Well officially I'm with the empire. And you're right that most infected wouldn't have any interest in this place.*"
"*Well, I've heard them normally almost worshipping dragons and other draconic species, so...*"

"Well, you could go ask him, he's currently with Lorra."

"*The only way more people could be fighting me is if Aleron himself came here.*"
"Okay then."
Rune would then go to the lab.

"*If the empire was here to fight you, it wouldn't be just me here. And Aleron would just be wasting his time if he came here to shut you down as opposed to just doing it remotely.*"
"*...Have you thought of trying to get a few kobolds as servants?*"

Lukas follows Rune.

"*Then why are you here? To talk me out of it, or to report to the empire about what is in this lab? Besides, I never said Aleron would come here, in fact, I have been working on hiding copies of my consciousness places where Aleron cannot reach, or at least to slow him down if he tries to stop me. However, despite ky current research, I doubt he will be worried about what I am doing until it is too late, as long as no one tells him. Now, my I ask how your mind doesn't seem to be affected by the void?*"
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