Random Roleplay Discussions

Personally, I would rather not. Moving RPs to new threads always feels very iffy to me considering it causes one part of the story to be harder to find (being in a completely different spot, and no, summaries/recaps/whateveryouwannacallthem do not solve this in the slightest)
A summary is, by nature, not the entire plot word for word, it’s a succinct description of the important events and occurrences within the plot. You’re right, it won’t be like merging the entire RP into a new thread, even if that did happen, it would still leave the main issue that there’s just too much to know about TLRPPW. So many outdated plot points, dead ends, and misleading info makes it a mess to backread, only those discussing it elsewhere OOC really knowing what the hell is going on in full. It’s created a group of people who know, and a group who don’t, making it VERY hard to get into for someone unsure if they want to join. It has to be a blind leap for them, and some people just can’t do that, not when an RP has gotten as serious as this one.

A summary would be given and the story would immediately return to where it left off. You’ll have to backread the old thread maybe twice for recent posts right before the new thread until the plot has fully marched into the new thread.

and as such doesn't actually fix the problem of needing to backread. If anything, it makes it worse by needing to backread two shorter threads instead of just one long one. Speaking as someone with no attention span, and using let's plays as my example, I can actually watch longer ones in a short time when I actually try to do so. I could probably backread all of TLRPPW in a few weeks if not for the fact some parts hurt me inside.
Yes, you could, but at the end of that, I can assure you that you would still have no idea what’s going on, which plots are still going and which aren’t, and most of all, you’d have quite a lot of info that you don’t exactly need.
If the problem is that character descriptions are buried... *sigh* why does it feel like nobody realizes they can just, like, ask for a reposted description? Especially for my characters, all descriptions are stored on my computer mainly because it makes them easier to post when asked to, with the ease of updating being more of a bonus than the main reason.
If there’s 15 OOC posts required before actually understanding what’s going on, not to mention the several days it may take for all those people to find and provide said information, then don’t you think that makes the exact same plot disruption you dislike so much? By having them in an OOC or a master post, you can have instant access to all the baseline info you’ll need for basic plot points and characters, meaning you can ask IC for more info, keeping the plot going and offering newer and more relevant info to those backreading that they may need to hear.

Same for plot-related things. Again, I could at least decently explain the things regarding my active characters (I keep these location notes for a reason...), and I doubt I'm the only one.
And what of conflicting information or locations? We each hold some puzzle pieces of this RP, and if we don’t work to put it together so that people can see the bigger picture, they have to do all that work themselves just to participate.

I don't want to go further into my opinion as I can tell my emotions are getting hard to keep under control and I have work to do in Minecraft creative.
Please don’t let your emotions get ahead of the betterment of this RP though, I hope you can see my intent here. I love TLRPPW a lot and that’s exactly why I think we need to work on it. It’ll reinvigorate the RP too! For example:

I would have a higher chance of coming back to tlrppw if this happened but honestly I still probably wouldn't come back anyway.
Do I still even rp on the forums at all anymore?

Ehh whatever, personally I would appreciate this change (if I ever go back to rp) since its apparent as time went on, I started to lose track of freeform rps and preferred the more "plotted" kind.

Maybe I could pick back up old characters and start using ones I made off-forums if I can settle on their info.

and Flad hearting my message. That’s 3 people interested in joining if a new thread appears, a whole, what, half the size of the people still active, if it’s even that? If you want TLRPPW to continue to run at all, I think it’s pretty clear it needs this.
You probably could make a new thread for the reboot and keep the plotline in old roleplay. Look, not a big fan of reboots unless it's really necessary because we messed up big time. And I'd probably rp through something more orderly.
I'm not going to go into what I would say if I wasn't trying to stay at least a little calm when my back wants to not exist, all I will say is I'd still rather not. Maybe it's my autistic idiot :red:, but still.
However, it's not like my opinion has any reason to be important.
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Esther, your opinion has just as much merit as any of ours. I want to hear your gripes, I already have, and I want to better understand why you are opposed to this. You're part of this RP as much as any of us, your words and opinions hold weight. I just want to better understand your problems with this so we could try and find a solution we'll all be, at the very least, able to tolerate.

For everyone in TLRPPW again, another idea that has been mentioned since was the thought of exporting the RP to a discord server. This would be a massive format change, but it would make the roleplay more accessible to some folks. Before this idea is even considered, it would be important to know who all can and cannot use discord, as those I was planning with worried we may lose just as many people as we gain by moving this to a server.
A very big no to discord. I don't even want to begin on the reasons I hate discord for roleplaying (or, honestly, in general. Do not get me started because this is the one thing I won't stop Vey from writing a text wall on.)
My opinion?

You'd be better off starting an unique roleplay in Discord instead of porting an existing one into Discord.

I tried to float an idea of Mirrors moving somewhere else and that was swiftly shot down. The issue is that moving anything anywhere just does not work without support from the base (in this case Esther is part of TLRPPW base).

And I apologize if it comes off as rude.
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