Is there no one anymore writing active content in the mobile section besides me ? Just wondering, so many people cryed about that the mobile update is years over the schedule, but it doesnt seem to me like there are that much active mobile players anymore. Complaining and not playing about what you complain doesnt fit together guys.
And before someone cryes "there is no new content to play with", Terraria is not meant to give you new discoverys on a daily basis, its a Sandbox game. EVE-Online exists since 2003 with over 7 Million active players and they didnt had a major update in like 5 years. They still keep playing it, because, uhh, its a SANDBOX game. So get your head our of your asses and play it, or dont comment at all.
I also wait patiently for the update, but the difference is that i play the mobile Version for the last 4 years daily. And weird enough, i dont cry about the update. Not a single time.