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"Augmentations are quite useful though."
Valthax wouldn't even try to hide his reaction to this, turning around to face Sirale and Akkith again.

"While I was augmented against my will, I must say that I have benefitted greatly from these augmentations. Your statement is irrefutably true."
Sirale looks at Valthax.
"...Maybe we can even get you help fixing yours so they aren't so... cumbersome..."
"I've grown used to the pain at this point. It's not worth risking anything. I am already teetering on the edge of being considered "unstable", like Test 6 was.."

Valthax looks away.
"I see... And was that more the body's immune system rejecting them, or stuff that overpowers the natural body such as pulling dangerous or lethal g-forces, or some sort of issue with power cooking the subject from inside, or...?"
"I see... And was that more the body's immune system rejecting them, or stuff that overpowers the natural body such as pulling dangerous or lethal g-forces, or some sort of issue with power cooking the subject from inside, or...?"
"The augmentations were 2.3% too large, designed for a male of her species, but placed on a female when no suitable male was able to be created."

"The slightly large parts slowly tore away at her insides and outsides. She died of internal bleeding when in the last phases of testing."
"Ah, I see... That is a shame... Such a waste..."
"I think the term "sister" was what they called her relation to me. We were designed from the same strand taken from the original creature. I am unsure if that is supposed to warrant deep remorse on my end, but I merely feel disappointed to no longer have the prospect of someone who understands my pain."

He says all of this with his usual lack of tone or emotion.

"Regardless of that failed Test, I am here now.. and I have realized than ensuring my own survival will likely help ease the disappointment of losing the other subjects to faulty testing."
"Alright.. fair enough."

"{I'm not the only one.. I believe I mentioned that there are many sentiences that side with Fluxxation.. The fleet has sufficient technology to use the Coral, but also to suppress the sentiences within it.}"
<Of course; just...thought for a second there were sentiences involved that weren't coral related for some reason.>

Jack would then sort of hover his wrist slowly above the leg, then tapping a few things on the little HUD on his wrist.

"Hey Pol, you might wanna go somewhere else for a bit, this is going to be gross to watch.."
Pol nods, flying off a bit to just fly around nearby.

“Ah, when it is night I should stretch.”
Tempor gives a nod towards Xazen despite it not being visible to them from beneath their wing.
<<I'll tell you when it is night then.>>
<Of course; just...thought for a second there were sentiences involved that weren't coral related for some reason.>

Pol nods, flying off a bit to just fly around nearby.

Tempor gives a nod towards Xazen despite it not being visible to them from beneath their wing.
<<I'll tell you when it is night then.>>
“Thank you”
Roxas is still distantly watching everyone outside the base... everyone except Fragment who he is very obviously ignoring.
"So were you cloned or bred then?"
“Clones with modifications from the original sample’s DNA to be easier on the eyes and better designed to handle augmentation. Our species was originally a brownish color, but jet black helped with uniformity and our size was increased to be able to bear more weapons on our frames.”

<Of course; just...thought for a second there were sentiences involved that weren't coral related for some reason.>
“{Not organic ones besides the coral, no..}”

Jack looks at the injury again, putting his hands on the top and bottom of the coyote’s thigh and inspecting the bone again to determine how much he’ll have to torque the leg.
"I see I see... Did they augment you after you were fully grown, or while you were growing? As I would imagine you could perhaps create a mechanical frame and then sort of shape an organic being around it..."
"I see I see... Did they augment you after you were fully grown, or while you were growing? As I would imagine you could perhaps create a mechanical frame and then sort of shape an organic being around it..."
"We were not brought to consciousness until fully grown. They accelerated our growth in specially controlled chambers, these chambers being where we were from the very beginning to when we were of full size. As a result of this, I am likely dozens of times younger than I appear. We were influenced genetically while growing, but not augmented until fully grown."

"You sure are curious."
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