What’s happening with me is, I can’t play at all, I can’t even get to the home menu to press playThanks for the report @Deathgeth it's being worked on. I'm hearing from other players that if you start a new player on a new world you'll be able to play, So until a patch comes out you can play with a new character.
No work around work. Rumor is it is mostly happening to people who have played the 360 version originally.Hi all, the Dev team is working on it.
A workaround until a patch: Return to Dashboard, close application & relaunch. Title will now launch successfully, and the issue shouldn’t recur. If it still happens, try rebooting. If it still happens, report back here.
When I log in I'm stuck at syncing files. I saw the one of the administrators say the developers are are working on it, but could I get a guess on when itll be fixed?
Found this on Reddit, but haven't tried it yet:
Note this is only for if you just want to play, you wont have access to your saves. Including the next time you start the game and it wants to sync again. Hopefully a hotfix comes soon.
- Start / menu button on Terraria -> manage game and add-ons
- Go down to save data, delete all save data.
- When the game starts it will try to sync your save data from the cloud. CANCEL the sync. It will ask if you are sure you need to QUICKLY move to the right and say yes cancel, or it will sync anyways.
- Play game.
I can confirm this does work, i would just recommend that you click on your save and click delete from console so you dont lose all your data permanently
Shade id
I have the issue as well, my guess is if you have saves from before 1.3 it causes the loop so it is caused by players who played before that, just my theory the delete saves only worked once and I had to restart to play with my cousin so no I'm stuck in the loop as well
I can at least partially corroborate this. I didn't have the 360 Version, but I did have the 1.2.x XB1 version, still have old converted saves, and I'm the only account on my Xbox to experience this problem; all my siblings' post-1.3 accounts load fine.No work around work. Rumor is it is mostly happening to people who have played the 360 version originally.
So I woke up excited for the new update got on and I was syncing then I said screw it delete my save files I was gonna make a new character for master mode anyways them I load back up and it syncs again so now I have to delete save file again and then stop the sync and cancel it hey look I was able to play yess I shouted then I had to go to the store and get some groceries and of course my xbox series s turned off from idle I loaded back up and I am syncing again I was depressed but it is a bug so let me know when you fix it thank you
Thanks for the report @ImmoralBook - the dev team is working hard on fixing this issue. All syncing threads are being combined into this one thread so I moved your post into here.So I woke up excited for the new update got on and I was syncing then I said screw it delete my save files I was gonna make a new character for master mode anyways them I load back up and it syncs again so now I have to delete save file again and then stop the sync and cancel it hey look I was able to play yess I shouted then I had to go to the store and get some groceries and of course my xbox series s turned off from idle I loaded back up and I am syncing again I was depressed but it is a bug so let me know when you fix it thank you
They created a new Xbox account that had never played Terraria before, so they were able to load in.Yeah, it's a bit confusing as I am hearing from other players that somehow they managed to get to a screen to create a new character. But if that's not an option for you, all you can do it hang tight and know they are working on it. I know it's frustrating to wait when all you want to do is play the new update. I totally understand.
Thanks @IosifStylin that makes sense.They created a new Xbox account that had never played Terraria before, so they were able to load in.
Skeletron Prime
Yea my game has been syncing files for about an hour now. I see it’s a common problem right now. Hopefully you can find what’s going on. Keep up the good work 
Official Terrarian
Apologies if I sound frustrated, you’re probably getting the same message hundreds of times over and over again, I appreciate the quick reply’s and support from the teamYeah, it's a bit confusing as I am hearing from other players that somehow they managed to get to a screen to create a new character. But if that's not an option for you, all you can do it hang tight and know they are working on it. I know it's frustrating to wait when all you want to do is play the new update. I totally understand.

If you are on Xbox one, you can clear your xboxes local save data let your console restart then when you open terraria cancel the sync and you can make a character and play, and next time you load terraria it will just ask you if you want to load your cloud save or the one on your Xbox, and just select your save on the console and it bypasses the syncing files problem.
Not true. I have played Terraria since it was launched on xbox. my account had 4 worlds and 2 characters and was able to get into the game after update just fine for some reason. My Wifes account, who started playing about 6 months after i did had the synching issues. I just hope this gets fixed for everyone soon.They created a new Xbox account that had never played Terraria before, so they were able to load in.
Mr Unit One, I would like to reiterate other people suggestions for people to understand easier.
The main work around involves playing on a different ACCOUNT not CHARACTER, meaning that you can switch to a different xbox account for this to work, so far for me switching back doesn't work but you are able to play on the other account with new characters and worlds with no issue. This is a temporary solution for everyone atleast.
The main work around involves playing on a different ACCOUNT not CHARACTER, meaning that you can switch to a different xbox account for this to work, so far for me switching back doesn't work but you are able to play on the other account with new characters and worlds with no issue. This is a temporary solution for everyone atleast.
Mr Unit One, I would like to reiterate other people suggestions for people to understand easier.
The main work around involves playing on a different ACCOUNT not CHARACTER, meaning that you can switch to a different xbox account for this to work, so far for me switching back doesn't work but you are able to play on the other account with new characters and worlds with no issue. This is a temporary solution for everyone atleast.
Thanks for all of the extra info, I know it will help out DR Studios. If you have more info that you come across, be sure to post it here and the dev team will be watching this bug section.The Sync issue has to do with old save files, anyone who is getting through is getting through on an account that has never played the game before or maybe dosn't have saves, I got through on an alternate Xbox account that had nothing played on it in Terraria before. Not sure how much this helps but I hope it does
Except some of the extra info is not true! I was able to load right up into the menu and I have been playing Terraria since it launched on the xbox 360. I had old saves and 2 characters that i played with previously. including a world that was post moon lord. You don't necessarily need to use a new account. My wife had the synching issue. she decided to delete her old saves, and now it is working fine for her.Thanks for all of the extra info, I know it will help out DR Studios. If you have more info that you come across, be sure to post it here and the dev team will be watching this bug section.
edit: i am not trying to be adversarial or saying that others are not having problems, just relating my own experiences.
Yea I've been having the exact same issue. PS players don't have this problem. It just seems to be Xbox. Which is slightly frustrating, but I know DR Studios are working on a fix. And hopefully its done soon. As I'm as eager as the next person to play this update
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