Standalone [] Terraria Leveled RPG mod

I've been testing the plugin yesterday with the hotfix, and it's been going alright. It's hard to make the invasion window to move to begin with, so just putting it beside or above the invasion window was good enough.

Have yet to get my terraria group going as they are more into overwatch, so was just killing all the post-moonlord bosses with my magical set.
Dumb question this standalone or it can be played with other mods?
There are no dumb question, just dumb answers. Unleveled tmod is playable with the other tModLoader mods, but everything else is standalone. There would be a thread for the tMod one by itself, but the need to do so is not needed by Gotest. I just use the browser to find the mod in the game!
i dont seem to understand the new leveling system, can i fulfill 9/9 to everything ? like melee range etc ? is there a lvl cap ?
i dont seem to understand the new leveling system, can i fulfill 9/9 to everything ? like melee range etc ? is there a lvl cap ?
No, the amount of stat points you get compared to the stat points it takes to level up hikes up significantly as you increase in level. By the time I got to level 100 (the level cap), I was able to fully max Physique (level 30) and get to level 12-13 in Fortitude. You won't be able to fully max all 6 stats so choose wisely what you put your stat points in.

I would split my points between Fortitude and one other stat. Doing Fortitude and 2 or more other stats at the same time is probably spreading your points too thin; you'll probably struggle unless you aren't playing Expert.

If you do mess up with your stat distribution you can refund all of your stat points at the Wizard (although it's pretty costly).
back to report on my halfway point of critical mode with the new updated mod.

first thing that i noticed was EoC was incredibly easy, it was comical, he was hitting me for 1's? idk it was strange, laughably easier than the other bosses pre hm, just hooked onto the floor and swung away until it was over with no dmg taken, maybe i over-prepared? i had buffs and some decent gear, but crimson regular mobs hit me harder at that point.

another thing is i havnt had a meteorite =\ doubt its the mods fault but man..i broke a heart asap and still nothing many days after, must be just wildly unlucky, farming the meteor heads woulda been nice xp early, but a little late now lol

im going a physique/fort build roughly half n half until i hit 50 then pumping into phys, not too much problems yet until i hit WoF....and its a 51 its quite hard to get him to even half without running out of steam...unless i can figure out even more cheese than i already have, guess i gotta level up more, usually play mage so i figured id try melee. pretty difficult during wof, but so far so good.

EDIT: so the wof has like 800+ attack, and the hungry attached to it have 475 attack each....ok? thats quite a bit. everything else in hell is a joke after leveling up even more, but im feeling a little alienated to pick another method to fight besides the one i chose stats for. unless i level up to like..70 (nearly 2X the level of the hardest enemies pre hardmode) i doubt ill be using melee damage to beat this boss, which is kinda depressing, i just cant survive long enough, feelsbadman to start complaining at this point, but melee sure bites the big one at this point in the game on critical.

EDIT EDIT: finally beat it at level 57. everything else in the game pre hm was hitting me for 1s but wof was just insanity. i feel quite accomplished doing it with melee weapons but good luck to those who attempt. with a long walkway with a roof avoiding lasers, multiple heart statues on timers, full buffs, best gear and prefixes, swapping from swords to deal with hungrys, lance to deal dps outside of my range, and yoyos for the last couple seconds of running for my life, i lived with one hit left, its just a dps race.
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Hm... So as it stands, there's some rebalancing that needs to be done. I did find some inconsistency in the balance of HP, ATK, and DEF in higher levels as well. at around 60+45 STR, I had about 3780+ attack with a 180 base damage weapon. That's about a 2100% increase! But, with 30 Phys, and 12 Fort, I had about 7400 HP. That's about a 1560% increase from vanilla.
What I've noticed, you have considerably less health than you should when facing enemies of higher levels. Because I wanted to try to make quintuple digit HP special to those who invested in to it. (I don't like it when RPGs have a NORMAL of over 10k HP for players)

I didn't realize that WoF was that tough... lol.
@gotest , tMod FINALLY UPDATED. So, are we close to a new Leveled update?
Thank you for this. I was actually waiting for tMod to update. But for the time being, there's no real incentive for me to update leveled to 1.3.5 as it was such a small update. If I get some time, I'll work on it.
But I'll tell you that I'm working on a little project that might surprise everyone if it goes well. I won't say much at this time because I don't want to make people excited for something that might not be possible.
ALSO for a fair warning to everyone i recommend to DO NOT UPDATE to the recent version of Tmodloader as its currently breaks all mods you have at the moment.
Thank you for this. I was actually waiting for tMod to update. But for the time being, there's no real incentive for me to update leveled to 1.3.5 as it was such a small update. If I get some time, I'll work on it.
But I'll tell you that I'm working on a little project that might surprise everyone if it goes well. I won't say much at this time because I don't want to make people excited for something that might not be possible.
actually,1.3.5 is just visiual changes,so not a lot of people would care if you dont update,im sure everyone will wait for you to update at a good point
ALSO for a fair warning to everyone i recommend to DO NOT UPDATE to the recent version of Tmodloader as its currently breaks all mods you have at the moment.
Dont forget that we still have the old version,section at tmodloader thread,and we can also make another copy of terraria with 0.10 in it
Does Unleveled have a way to display only the player bars, and not the enemy bars? I tried turning entities off, but that did nothing noticeable.
I want to let you know, your download link leads to some radio thing. uBlock origin went kinda nuts when I clicked on it, and disabling it sent me to a malware reporting page, then to adfly, then adfly again, then finally to the radio thing.
Does Unleveled have a way to display only the player bars, and not the enemy bars? I tried turning entities off, but that did nothing noticeable.
I can add the option "None" for the enemy info bars, if that's what you desire. Is this for the tMod version, or the standalone?

By the way, the tMod version was updated for 0.10 on the mod browser. File size has gone up though, due to the new font system in vanilla...

actually,1.3.5 is just visiual changes,so not a lot of people would care if you dont update,im sure everyone will wait for you to update at a good point

Dont forget that we still have the old version,section at tmodloader thread,and we can also make another copy of terraria with 0.10 in it

Exactly! That's why I have no incentive to update. 1.3.5 didn't bring anything content wise.
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Critical mode moonlord down! can confirm critical is possible to beat, though it took a lot of cheesing/hiding from enemies. finished off at level 93 with 25 Phys and 18 fort which is like 3500 hp 1800+ defense while buffed

critical mode was about as difficult as expected (minus EoC being too easy imo and WoF being extremely hard for melee), hardmode was a piece of cake after i got some bananarangs. And once i cheesily-farmed a fetid baghnakhs, my dps just shot through the sky and everything was a joke up to golem, who was kinda difficult, but then very easy after getting vampire knives.

Then i hit lvl 25 phys and got leeching strike..goodbye vampire knives...the heal from this combined with fetid baghnakhs makes everything a joke, i can face tank almost everything...i repeat; almost everything, which brings me to cultist and beyond..the jump in difficulty from golem to cultist/pillars/moonlord is just unreal lol, im not saying its too hard (in fact it was kinda refreshing to feel the wrath of critical mode again) but maybe im saying golem is too easy? it just felt weird to have slight trouble with something, beat it, then the boss/enemies immediately after have the difficulty skyrocket

couple things i wanted to note:
  • leeching strike: doesnt work on target dummies(for obvious reasons i take it you made it this way?) BUT if you use fetid baghnakhs to dps the dummies, the healing does come through and makes cheese healing possible, i avoided doing this cuz thats just dangerously cheesy lol

  • stat reset price: maybe im just bad at making money, but i couldnt even reach half the price, i could easily farm the money now, since almost every boss is a joke, but at the first point of finding the wizard? not a chance lol

  • after defeating moonlord: the exp gained by everything is extremely high, is this on purpose? to maybe make it easy to hit 100 after beating the game?

everything i say is based on melee playthrough only, so im not sure how difficult it would be for other classes, but seeing as how they have no leeching strike, and probably have way less defense and i gotta say....good luck to any other build on critical lol. i cant imagine its a fun time. you will die a LOT, probably more than a melee tank with lifesteal.

in conclusion, critical is very fun, difficult and balanced for the most part, but the difficulty is short lived, leveling up a few times and getting better weapons/armor here or there changes things from frustratingly hard to laughably easy in a quick hurry
EXP after Moon Lord is good because in Critical Mode, after defeating it, everything levels to 100.

Leeching Strike shares the same function as Vampire Knives. If something is giving heals that isn't supposed to, then the code might be bugged for it. I can look in to it, and see what's up.

The next update will LIKELY get another re-balance in stats, and levels. The level re-balance will extend to more than just hard mode this time.

I'm glad you had fun though. That's why I added Critical Mode, for those who want even more challenge. Though, there's something I forgot to add in CM when I added it. 50% Max Mana.
EXP after Moon Lord is good because in Critical Mode, after defeating it, everything levels to 100.

Leeching Strike shares the same function as Vampire Knives. If something is giving heals that isn't supposed to, then the code might be bugged for it. I can look in to it, and see what's up.

The next update will LIKELY get another re-balance in stats, and levels. The level re-balance will extend to more than just hard mode this time.

I'm glad you had fun though. That's why I added Critical Mode, for those who want even more challenge. Though, there's something I forgot to add in CM when I added it. 50% Max Mana.

50% mana, wat? lol i assumed itd already be impossibly difficult for other classes, seeing as how extremely difficult(most of the time) it was for somebody with major defense and lifesteal. there still a reward for people who can beat moonlord on critical at level 1? or was that removed in the new version of the mod
50% mana, wat? lol i assumed itd already be impossibly difficult for other classes, seeing as how extremely difficult(most of the time) it was for somebody with major defense and lifesteal. there still a reward for people who can beat moonlord on critical at level 1? or was that removed in the new version of the mod
That reward is still there. I just added better functionality to obtaining it. (Less buggy)
I also improved it to where the ability boosts stats from equipment by 50%. So you'll likely see +200 stats from equips, essentially making you more powerful than a level 100. Minus the HP.
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