Single Thread RP Beyond the 4th wall

Fonaris "Did I do it?"
Fonaris "Heh"
*Polo arrives*
Polo "Uh, wrong place"
(How did you get here?)
Polo "Something disrupted the arena thread"
Now I hate you two, Rainbow Dash and Ganransu. Because the former is going to bronify Eldgar, he was after all my controller. Well, already is. The latter - guess what! You've damn let Rainbow Dash behind fourth wall!

C-can't we work out a truce?
Fine, fine... we'll see. Maybe if you install anti-godmodding devices and press "hug Francis" button whether you see he's not going 'friendship' way. (It's kill Francis.)

F-fine... Out of curiosity... pony or alicorn?

"No comment."
"Hmm... in the meantime, in case I get chased after, I've hired Sonic the Hedgehog as my bodyguard."
"Yeah. Only reason I took this job was because I wanted a break from beating up that good ol' egghead."
Ganransu "Sorry, we're just aware like this a lot"
Buto "Well, I can shoot the pony thing in the head if you want Anthony"
(Guys, stop it)
"Hmm... in the meantime, in case I get chased after, I've hired Sonic the Hedgehog as my bodyguard."
"Yeah. Only reason I took this job was because I wanted a break from beating up that good ol' egghead."
are you the sonic from that one fangame where sonic uses guns?
*Chen is playing hitman and his target is currently Orifan1, in which he proceeds to strangle him with a wire*
(Chen-! Nevermind)
Chen "Now to hide the body"
(This has already gotten bad)
(Um, Orifan is dead)
Chen "You'll never find the body"
(The body is in the fridge isn't it)
Chen "How did you know?!!"
"You are all IDIOTS."

"Shut the :red: up A-."




"I told moo I'd be back."

"Who the :red: put the Brahmin Bot in here?"
Fonaris "Not dealing with this BS" *he takes out the tank and throws it up over the brahmin, then unshrinks it causing it to crush brahmin-bot*
(Thank you for using the tank constructively)
*Francis the tank then explodes*
(Or not)
(I have just noticed the tank may be possessed by Francis now)
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