Destroy the Godmodder

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Tetrahellatus: 67/450
Senator Shrek: 24/50
Orbital Base Deployment: 10/40

Rocket Launcher && A bunch of clods && Crystalline olivine pieces= Clod Launcher (13/17).
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-6-30 && The complete list of all the books written by Trotsky && The Communist Manifesto && Size Reducer= Permanent Revolution (2/??)
I use my own airhorn on Cyborg J in order to annoy the crap out of it, and I send massive amounts of spam involving stale memes everywhere...
@pionoplayer Probably should ask this: As you're due to win the bid for Freyja, do you want that finished first or your project charge?

@Abeneautmal @Cyanogynist I'm going to +2 Aben and +1 Cyan, as Aben is farther behind than Cyan on getting a +50.

@TrickleJest: While I would agree, I think it's not possible for a Spoil that has an effect that lasts multiple turns to recharge while in-use. Or at least, if that isn't the case, that should be the case. Which means that, out of ten turns, only four of those turns is an entity the Phantom Godbot protecting invincible. That, or the Phantom Godbot itself wrecks house for those four turns, which is in many ways exactly the same, as those summoned entities usually rival the standard 50-post charges.

Spoils have been called 'Unbalancing Features' at least once by Piono.

You also do realize I just used a Level 25 Alchemy? Or is the damage from those puppies finally toned down? If so, you should probably tone down some HP/damage values as well; the damage inflation in Terraria (compared to, say, 0) is primarily due to the Alchemies going off the chain due to static damage increase from the Alchemies. I'm just wondering how damage calculations work now.

Charged Alchemies: |III>I>I|
Akron's Core: |IIIII>IIIII>II|
Crystalized Ki: |IIIII|
Central Processing Unit: |IIIIII|!USING! (Phantom Godbot turns: 1/4 (just summoned!)
Medusa's Head: |IIII|
Rebalance: |III|
Doom Unleashed: |III|!USING!
Fear the Darkness: |IIIII|

Uncapped! The Climax: 97 / 150. (+5 from Alpha).
Zero: 50 / 50. (+3 from Piono, +3 from Emerald, +4 from Abeneautmal) Holding onto it for a turn. Or maybe just until the next post. !USING!
NEW: Unforgiven: 0/50.
Deicide Squad: 24 / 50.

+3 from Piono, +3 from Emerald, +4 from Abeneautmal, +5 from Alpha.

Freyja bid:
TwinBuilder: 91-SUSPENDED-
Pionoplayer: 73
DarkSide: 58
The Flaming Toast: 59
Battlefury: 41
Consumer: 30
Abeneautmal: 4
EmeraldMann: 3

Cyanogynist (Jormungandr)
Generic (Fenrir)
Talist (Veðrfölnir)
Crystalcat (Tyr Bid)
W32Coravint (Tyr)

+2 to Abeneautmal, +1 to Cyanogynist.

(Deck of Playing Cards ++ Magic) && (Dreamcatcher && Magetear) = Nequilita (Level 15: 13/16)

A Rock from Limbo && Liquid Death && Zweihander = The Grayscale (Level 14: 4/15)

Cosmic Cloak && Captain's Guardian && Magetear Droplet = Nocturne (Level 15: 7: 13/16)

Katana || Pixel-sharp edge && Essence of a Time Giant && IDPD Captain's Badge = The Hunter's Blade (Level 15: 10/16)

Expanding this a bit. A note: If it has parenthesis or curly brackets around its name, it's still locked.

Also, in case you're noticing discrepancies from the linked pastebin; Crys has allowed me to do some mild shuffling of the Class Levels, mostly making the 4th level Big Scenes come later than the other lower-level techniques.

Roxxanne [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level: 15; CR3.
  • Mage Chorus/Resonance/(Rhythmic)CR5/(Crescendo)CR9
  • Phoenix Breath/Sick Burns/(Ashes to Ashes)CR7/(Since the world's been turning)CR12
  • (Forme Shift)CR4/(Adaption)CR6/(Metamorphic)CR11/(Evolution)CR14
  • (Shotgun Shuffle)CR8/(Akimbo)CR10/(Bite the Bullet)CR13/(Lead Lotus)CR15
  • {Epoch()}CLASS RANK 5
  • {The Power} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Magicka} CLASS RANK 13
  • Aptitutde: Roxxanne gains +1 Level per any kills she makes.
  • The Shadows: 15% Dodge chance on yourself, cannot be negated by any means.
  • (Outfoxed): 10% Dodge Ignorance for you and your entities. CR7
  • (Climatic Summoning): All entities gain a minicrit and are invincible on their turn of summon. CR11
Zetta [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level: 12; CR3. ACTIVE.
  • Mind Killer/Dreambreaker/(Ego Eater)CR5/(Oblivion)CR9
  • Disaster Master/Gaia's Wrath/(Calamity Trigger)CR7/(This is it)CR12
  • (Smashforme)CR4/(Items On)CR6/(Wombo Combo)CR11/(Final Destination)CR14
  • (Saltwater Strike)CR8/(Seven Seas)CR10/(Whirlpool)CR13/(Bottomless)CR15
  • {Providence} CLASS RANK 5
  • {Insanity} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Dream Cycle} CLASS RANK 13
  • Hate Within: 35% chance of minicrit on Hostiles for all of your Entities as well as yourself. If chance procs while minicritting, upgrades to crit. If procced while critting, crit is not expended. Only works on Hostiles.
  • Determination: His Entities resist all Mind Controls successfully. (Zetta and the crew can't be MC'd to begin with, because they're players.)
  • (Providence): His Entities have an additional 25% resistance to any status effect that would cost them their turn. CR7
  • (Faking it): Zetta doesn't die on having HP turned to 0, but rather retreats tactically. He respawns 1 action sooner because he's gotten good at it at this point. (if he's the first to respawn on TPK he can act immediately.) CR11
Grimsby [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level 6; CR2. DEAD. (2/6 posts remaining)
  • Sleuth Diplomacy/Case Closed/(Improptu Caucus)CR5/(Ceasefire)CR9
  • Hunter's Trick/(Powder Keg)CR3/(Mass Grave)CR7/(Slaughter)CR12
  • (Bloodborne)CR4/(Red River)CR6/(Vein Matters)CR11/(Baptism of Blood)CR14
  • (The Sight)CR8/(Grim Knowledge)CR10/(Psychoanalyze)CR13/(Evil Within)CR15
  • {Beast Within} CLASS RANK 5
  • {Your Best Nightmare} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Cut You Down} CLASS RANK 13
  • Pulchritude: His Entities have a 10% chance of minicritting randomly.
  • (Grim Times): Attackers have a 5% chance of Terror upon hitting Grimsby. CR3.
  • (Blood Rally): If harmed, Grimsby and his entities can attack the entity responsible. If successful, a third of the damage dealt is transferred back as HP. CR7.
  • (Lead by Example): His Entities have a 30% chance of minicritting if attacking an entity he has attacked that turn. CR11.
L00T: 21.

Skirmish Maneuver Pastebin:

Zetta uses Zero, a 50 post charge, and funnels it into Piono's project charge.

Zetta is getting mildly annoyed at the sudden decisive AZ advantage, but can't really deal with it until the Annihilator is gone. At this rate, he's going to need something that can challenge Chuck Norris-and something that, for that matter, could nevertheless be beaten.

Hrm. Zetta, surprisingly, knows exactly what fits both criteria. It probably doesn't even smash the OP scale into tinder, either. It was just a matter of persuasion, really. That and Hezecrusher Fallacy Exploitation to thoroughly limit how bad this could get. A few tricks too, as safety nets. Zetta pulled out his Cipher's Call and peered into its surface.


In another world of (theoretically) endless possibilities, endless fighting and endless salt, lies a realm wherein beings of extraordinary power 'fight.' Rather, their creators operate upon warping the very code of the world and their own code to forcibly disqualify their opposition in ever-more blatant abuse of the system so extraordinary that such abuse itself is quite amazing to behold in its sheer one-upsmanship. They are only disqualifications in that they do not even touch their opponent at all, in any way; their presence does not so much as destroy them so much as force them to admit to defeat.

There is a catch, though. The fact is that these entities are bored. The odds of them actually fighting anything that can overcome all of their abilities while simultaniously failing to breach their defenses to force legitimate combat is nil. Despite the fact that some of them are genuinely dangerous in combat, with many boasting the ability to take down Chuck Norris in a fight, the way they do so leaves them terribly bored. But they are rich due to their high winrates.

Such is life. And there are worse lives to live.

Among these many fighters is one of, if not particular power, particular fame; Reimu Hakueri. Or, rather, the girl who was Reimu Hakueri. This Reimu had suffered a series of misfortunes that lead to her becoming a Youkai against her will, then unintentionally absorbing another strong Youkai, which had a multiplicative effect upon her power rather than additive, and then very intentionally proceeding to absorb the rest of the land that, by definition, she was supposed to protect, until all that was left was a nigh-impenetrable barrier surrounding her personage, warping to her will. This being was different, mad, power-hungry, terrifying, and deranged. She is now typically known as ONI-MIKU. Yes, with the caps and all. However, before her tremendous power could wreck havoc upon the rest of the world, she was whisked here. Her rampages did not cool at once, and as she defeated and absorbed some of the fighters, she grew ever stronger, becoming designated in this world by ever-increasingly long tags to show her increasing danger. She was not the last nor strongest of her kind-but rather one of the first, as she started to 'cap' upon power and therefore 'avert' battles by forcing them to end before they could begin.

Times change, though. As ONI-MIKU became increasingly powerful, and increasingly drawn to the realm of those of unbearable power like her own that started to form, the madness that had consumed her before faded, leaving her rather jaded, rather ashamed, rather astonished, rather changed, and rather rich. She recognized that she had been morphed beyond the simple shrine maiden that she once was and could no longer bear her old name. She wasn't miserable, though. Her new, odd friends in this new realm that she consistently 'fought' or fought against, who seemed immune to the ravages of death and considered assimilation a mild inconvenience, helped fill the void that she created before in her rampages. Still jaded, still ashamed, still astonished, still changed, still rich, but not lonely. And such was life.

Today, her time is free. And only hers. Challengers of lower power line up to try to stop her only to lose all stamina in seconds. She is bored.

And then a phone rings. An eyebrow is raised, a hand extended, a call answered. Eyes widen. Shock is registered. Then, a smile. Something that can actually fight her? Oh, oh goodness. That sounds just like the change of pace she was asking for. Then the caveat; only the once, and only to one, lest she be disposed of by a certain someone. The former Shrine Maiden confirms her agreement to this contract, if it means that she may exercise her actual power. She then asks when this will take place.

A tear in space opens, the gate to somewhere else. Fighters are blown backwards by raw power. The girl once known to be Reimu Hakueri is taken aback. She has not felt anything like this in a long time, even longer than since she had a good fight. The feeling of being totally overwhelmed. Power to utterly destroy the entire world she lived in-and many like it. Yet, she herself was wrapped in it, bolstered by it, given strength by it, bound by it. She did not notice that her hair was on fire, burning Orchid, as she stepped through the threshold.

A gate closes.

A load of fighters feel bummed by this, only to notice each other and start beating themselves up instead.


"The venerable and powerful ONI-MIKU arrives!" Zetta announces to the confused onlookers at why a Reimu black as pitch and red-dressed was called forth. "Capable of evicting Chuck Norris from combat as a loser! Capable of eating a world! Some third ancedote to her power! All these things and more!" Zetta shouts, getting a look from his guest at the third mention.

"...OK, so, darling, you see that ugly monstrosity?" Zetta says, pointing at the massive Annihilator and it's dank memes. "Please, in any way you wish, within the timeframe of seventy-five seconds, destroy that stain on good taste! You will be paid. Oh, yes you will, in more than just thrill as well. Assuming you play by the rules." Zetta says, with the mildest hint of menace.

ONI-MIKU moves naught, the only change being her eyes and mouth glowing into a crimson face suitable for a demon. Zetta takes this as total confirmation. "Excellent! You may begin at-will!"

ONI-MIKU's mad grin recedes to naught but the horrific glowing smirk before the storm, as she approaches the Annihilator, bows in equal parts elegance and mocking contempt, and reaches into a hole of her own making; one laced with eyes of red and black, menaced with teeth. She pulls out naught but a stick, with two red ofuda tied to the end.

Zetta, for his part, turned his back to the carnage that was to be. He knew for a fact that any real fight with ONI-MIKU tended to get... Flashy. Just in case, he quickly put on a certain pair of shades-hardly stylish, but they are thus because they are meant for looking at Solar Eclipses.


Roxxanne went overboard with the whole studying thing, it seemed. She quickly went from studying about her specific malady to trying to grab onto everything she could get her hands on that seemed remotely relevant, and when you had near-infinite hands that meant she had grabbed a lot of books. Sadly, in the end even with the books from the snooty anonymous human supremacist, very little of her studies really helped. She had used this power before. Once, when she thought she knew how it all worked. She learned much of the power from before her reincarnation. None of it really told you what to do when your Shadow was beyond the typical standards of competence, nor could they offer hints as to her Shadow's full capacities. At this, she assumed physiological differences to be involved, or at least have some potential involvement. When she finally sifted through hundreds of titles to pin down Daemonic Vampires, a queer note was made.

Apparently, in the life 'cycle' of her species ('cycle' because it was often that they could literally live forever given the right opportunities), there was an event. It was never directly named in any of the material she got a hold of, but it was often compared to Puberty in that this event signaled the end of a Vampire's 'childhood,' which was basically some time after they became strong enough to 'withstand it.' Whatever that means. That was the most informative book's information on the subject; it seemed to be an unspoken, unacknowledged and universally-enforced taboo to publish what occurs during the event, what physiological changes are required to even trigger it or even its name. She hadn't heard word of it from anyone else, either.

...Though, her eldest sister did make reference to some kind of disaster that lead to her becoming a key member of an amnesiac order of paladins, and the sheer fear she apparently induced as a result of her 'behavior immediately prior to joining.' Roxxanne figured that may be this odd event. Another thing on her to-do list: ask Rebecca about that time and this thingy she's trying to learn about because it's infuriating her so much.

She studied more, though. Even more. Biology, mainly. Her own biology as a sue was very complex, but she documented it well herself to get that out of the way, so now she was looking for exotic creatures to add to herself. Unique and overpowered bosses, creatures like titans, demons of 'impossible power,' you know. The kind of thing that was powerful due to species. And also, the kind of thing that was powerful due to extreme biomass. But what?

Typhon organisms were definitely on the table. Extremely high and extremely adaptable Psionic power. She always considered herself a powerful psionic-but only in the mental fields. Any matter of telekinesis was nonexistent. Their ability to physically turn into objects-like cups or guns or ammunition-would be extremely useful, filling a gap in her arsenal... As if she wasn't a Sue and wasn't already capable of that.

Roxxanne shook her head a bit. She wondered, why did she forget she was such a powerful Sue in that moment? Maybe it was trying to tell her something? Odd. Most sues do not account for not being sues. Though, certainly, the flavor would be tasty. Very tasty.

... Candy is tasty too, right?

Yes, but meat is tasty as well. And she can't have a diet filled with just sweets.

But, she could. She bit down on a finger and stretched it out. Painless, even as the finger extended to the length of her arm. She released her finger, and it was only when she wanted it that her finger snapped back to its proper size like a rubber band. Trickster powers. Yes, she could. It would be healthy, even... But meat was tasty. Especially the kind with superpowers.

Moving on, she turned to a section in a bestiary of the 'Judgement's Kingdoms,' some particular universal system born under the Curse of the Exceptional Hat. It is apparently a hat with a face, and it is surprisingly adorable. That is where the cuteness ends, though, but a lot of those creatures possess exceptionally useful properties. She took note of 'Parabolean' entities in particular. They looked delicious.

...No, they looked like snakes.

Delicious snakes?

Snakes. The mothergorillaing snakes that you get fed up with being in your mothergorillaing plane. And these snakes were definitely not delicious.

...Or were they? They certainly were useful if she could get her hands-

Roxxanne blinks twice. She looks back over to her notes. Half were on-topic; half just descended into some mildly disturbing notes on how to cook things. Or just eat them.

Roxxanne stops. She closes the books. She backs away slowy. She starts to realize exactly how much influence her own nemesis could impose upon her.

Or is that just herself? Actually herself and not her shadow?

Roxxanne isn't sure if that's worse.

She'll ask Rebecca, or maybe Rosalind, about the whole affair. But first, she needs to meet up with Lucifer, Parnaoid's contact, wherever he is...


ONI-MIKU mockingly bowed again, as Zetta applauded her performance. That was sure to be a Danmaku-slinging the 'poor' Annihilator X would not soon forget. The machine almost managed to get up, resisting the eight-ton Ofuda that were weighing its legs down, but then Zetta pointed his sword to the sky, and a series of Meteors-like a fist made of fiery moons-crashed down upon the robot to stall it out a bit longer.

"OK! That's a warp!" Zetta said. "Time's up, go home!"

ONI-MIKU would not go home willingly. Zetta knew this, well before it would become apparent in her face and her actions, and thus Zetta had a plan. His own grin and face did not falter as ONI-MIKU's slasher smile returned in full force. Her own plan was to do to Zetta what she had done to so many others, if it meant that she had an excuse to fight here eternally. Zetta could have considered it as a way to eat her soul from the inside-out, but that would be too much. Maybe later, if he was desperate.

"No? Unfortunately, milady, that isn't how it works around here. Er-hem."

A long string of letters and numbers appears, wrapping around ONI-MIKU's field of vision. Zetta leans back as ONI-MIKU is suddenly obliterated-and thus returned to her proper 'home'-by the way of the legendary force known as the Debugger character. Zetta was very happy he set ONI-MIKU to P2 for that very reason, as the Debugger has an exactly 50% winrate, defined strictly by if Debugger is P1 or P2.

Zetta quickly switches the Debugger to P2 before anything else happens. It self-destructs, declaring Zetta the winner. Zetta bows in mocking acknowledgement to the machine in front of it before vanishing from its targeting system in a puff of fire and smoke.
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In other news, my charge names are still refrances.
Tip of the day: ERROR.

Crack The Sky: /3/3\
Jormungandr/Destiny's Call: <5/5>
The Queener: In the Armory.
The Infinity Edge: In the Armory.
Runes Stored: no
Chorus Mortis: (4/4)

+1 to Consomme
+1 to Piono
+1 to W32Coravint

Sword of the Godsavior [KEK]: 35/100
Avatar of Saguaro/1000 Blank Purple Runes [VULRENABILITY WAGON]: 25/50
Probect Take Over ZA WARUDO [PIONOCHAIN]: 22/50 (+5 some guys)

Cyberius Crescendo && Spatium Progressio = Krakensbane (Level 25) (20/26)
I should have done this ages ago.

Shard Bulk && Muton Armor && Temmie Armor || Rallying Blade && Iron Umbrella = Rallying Bulk (Level 20) (14/25)
A large heavy suit of armor made entirely out of hard light. Gives 25% damage resistance, and applies Divine Shield (first attack to the entity is blocked) every turn.

Katar ++ Void = The Blank (Level 10) (7/11)
gorilla you guessed it.

NEW! T.I.M.E. F.C.U.K. (Level 10) && Meta Titan Essence = C.A.N.O.N. F.C.U.K (Level ?) (67?)
Stands for Corrupted reAlity NavigatOr's Nuclear First-Class regorillaery Kit. Basicaly the TIME FCUK but on steroids, and does the opposite of ungorillaing time now.

--Spellthief (SUMMONED)
HP: 420,000
Attack: 30,000
Active: Sappin' Mah Knawledge - Up to 10 charges stored. Can copy one active and passive ability. For actives, 1 charge used per 1 charge on the active. For passives, 1-5 charges used based on the passive's intensity (the GM decides). The copied abilities can be swapped out with other ones of the same types.
Passive: Greater Focus - While not attacking or using Sappin' Mah Knawledge, the Spellthief gets double charge speed for Sappin' Mah Knawledge.
Passive: Salt Level Stabilization - Sappin' Mah Knawledge can't copy Skirmish Maneuvers entities' actives and passives.
Entity Actions:
Steel Sentinel and Spellthief attack Experiment #1. Again.
Xtrullor shooes Shaggy 2 Bot and Cyborg J with the reasoning that this isn't Washington DC and it isn't September yet.
My inventory, project and Arena Cue can be found here.
30/50 Astral unlock +1 from consumer
the hive 5/20
16/25 M.Armor
+3 consumer
celestial mirror(or whatever it ends up being called) && blood dagger && JOEs perception crystal && soulshard katana && technosoulblade
TechnoRelease blade level ? 2/?
I get to work freeing another clown from the cluster, this time using the subjective powers of my perception crystal to heal them up as if respawning was a thing. as with before, I free as many as possible.
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Annis generically stabs Zetta, trying to figure out a way to put the Universal Essence into usage. Next turn. Next turn.

Sonja Horah [SUMMON] [14 /25] =====
Bad God Men, Nasty Demons [VIOLATION] [29/50] ========== [+2 from Battlefury, +2 from Cobalt, +1 from SilentStorm, +1 to Cyan]
Giving JOE A Lot Of Money: Phase 1 [SUMMON] [1/25]
+1 to JOE, +2 to Hez.

CONSUMER + HEZETOR: (Nano Blades || Scissors) && Shard of Reality && Saurite && Amulet of the Bad God == Reality Cutting Scissors (Level 25: 3/26) [VIOLATION]

Hez: 3 free alchemies, to kickstart our evil team plans!

In total:
JOE: 3 free alchemies
Battlefury: 3 free alchemies
Hez: 3 free alchemies
Redstone: 1 free alchemy
Abe: 0 free alchemies

I'm giving out alchemies or giving shard requests, on a whim, to anyone who assists me continuously (for more than five seconds), to help kickstart my evil, evil, evil plans and the rebellion against BADGODSONG.
If you give me assists or generally just help me out, enjoy your free alchemies! I'll always leave a slot for myself, and they'll probably take a while, but if you assist me more I can speed them up, especially if I don't have a charge marked [VIOLATION], or if you ask me!

Stacks of A LOT OF MONEY: 0.
Permanent Party Members: 1 / 4.

Happy Cube [10]: Nightmares.
Placebomancer's Staff [10]: Placebos.
Celestial Language [10]: Ein Sof.
Essential Name [10]: Soalesse.

Coral Riff Guitar: Hentai.
The Great Horn: I missed Kalares.[
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Hezetor is quite shocked by the bizarre thing that happened the moment he joined, but his shock is cut short by the attack of Alpha.
Hezetor: Very well, I see Richard, attacking me once as I planned is one thing, but to dare try laying your fingers one me like that you shall pay the price!
Hezetor: if you kneel and beg for pardon I may leave you be.

He says with a pompous tone, clearly as Alpha has no intention of kneeling to him like that we can assume that Hezetor joins AG.

Then he observes those who have helped him against Alpha, Dylan and Annis.
Hezetor: Salutations to you both, I'm Hezetor Keeper of the Flame.
He spends a moment to observe Annis in particular.
Hezetor: You... his eyes narrows a bit, certain memories returns to his mind.
Hezetor: Last time you where quite a slowing factor for my plans, you should make amend for your sins and help me this time around, if you want to avoid my righteous wrath.
He just later realizes that Annis herself is innocent from the accusations of working against the Plans of Hezetor and that rather greater powers stopped him, this is really interesting isn't it?

Uncapped: 5/150 +2 from Consumer



+3 to @Battlefury13/Conderp

(Modular Armor && Battle Suit) || ( Nano Orb of Pure Energy && Miniature nuclear reactor && Solar Panels && Quantum Nano Comupter && Titanium && Orichalcum && Neutronium && Perfectioned exoskeleton && Recycling System && Anti Gravity Device&& Plasma shielding device) = Hezetor’s Armor Model 1 (Level 25:3/25)

Sword of sunder absorption && Caledfwlch && Termination && Module of Total Manipulation && Unbreakable Katana = Avaritias (Level 25: 3/25)

Astral Skiff && Ethereal Tunneler && Gate Zeppelin && Astral Ship && Dust from Limbo&& Computer && Miniature Spiral Sun Engine && Portal interceptor= Limbo Carrack (Level 25: 3/25)

The Power Glove || Small Gear from mechanus && Sacred Stone && Control Matrix && Quantum Computer && Keys of the Stars && Pienal of Warpidio = Glove of Control (Level ??: 1/??)

This supremely crafted glove of is the ultimate tool of control.
Capable of bending all the sources of power and all elements to the will of its user, it adapts to its user mind to grant perfect efficient and control over their own power being capable of acting as an optimal vehicle for any power that they might posses, the glove itself allows the user to better shape, refine and use any power that they might wield, clearly it is of lesser use for those who don't naturally posses any power.
Another function of the glove is that of being capable of getting connected to different sources of power itself granting the user optimal and intuitive use of any kind of source it might be connected.
The glove itself grants no power if not that of controlling other powers, in particular those that are either owned by the wearer or those which are connected to the glove, while this doesn't seem that incredible this glove is a specialized tool for this peculiar field and as such it is truly the best for this kind of job.
For example giving this glove to a newbie fire mage user would them to shape their flames so well that they could always burn their foes and never hit their friend, or while before they could only cast fireballs now they could freely shape fire as to take any form they desire.
Clearly this example would make sense if this glove could be used by those who are not Hezetor, but as Hezetor make it he clearly made it only for himself.
For those who have no powers in particular the glove is still exceptional as it allows the user to perfectly user their muscles for whatever task they might need, reducing fatigue and increasing strength, this also applies on the mental side of things, as the mind of the user is made work in a more functional way with their thinking capabilities greatly increased.
As said before this remains a tool of great power yet of limited scope.
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@Cyanogynist A quiet reminder that you should be +3ing Abeneautmal as part of our deal with Piono. Unless you just want me to not assist you at all, anyways. I'm not keen to assist either of you if you won't follow through, it's kind of just bad tactical thinking to assist people who won't be assisting me back otherwise.

Charged Alchemies: |III>I>I|
Akron's Core: |IIIII>IIIII>II|
Crystalized Ki: |IIIII|
Central Processing Unit: |IIIIII|!USING! (Phantom Godbot turns: 1/4 (just summoned!)
Medusa's Head: |IIII|
Rebalance: |III|
Doom Unleashed: |III|!USING!
Fear the Darkness: |IIIII|

Uncapped! The Climax: 98 / 150.
NEW: Unforgiven: 2 / 50.
Deicide Squad: 25 / 50.

Freyja bid:
TwinBuilder: 91-SUSPENDED-
Pionoplayer: 73
DarkSide: 58
The Flaming Toast: 59
Battlefury: 41
Consumer: 30
Abeneautmal: 4
EmeraldMann: 3

Cyanogynist (Jormungandr)
Generic (Fenrir)
Talist (Veðrfölnir)
Crystalcat (Tyr Bid)
W32Coravint (Tyr)

+2 to Abeneautmal, +1 to Cyanogynist.

(Deck of Playing Cards ++ Magic) && (Dreamcatcher && Magetear) = Nequilita (Level 15: 14/16)

A Rock from Limbo && Liquid Death && Zweihander = The Grayscale (Level 14: 5/15)

Cosmic Cloak && Captain's Guardian && Magetear Droplet = Nocturne (Level 15: 7: 14/16)

Katana || Pixel-sharp edge && Essence of a Time Giant && IDPD Captain's Badge = The Hunter's Blade (Level 15: 11/16)

Expanding this a bit. A note: If it has parenthesis or curly brackets around its name, it's still locked.

Also, in case you're noticing discrepancies from the linked pastebin; Crys has allowed me to do some mild shuffling of the Class Levels, mostly making the 4th level Big Scenes come later than the other lower-level techniques.

Roxxanne [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level: 15; CR3.
  • Mage Chorus/Resonance/(Rhythmic)CR5/(Crescendo)CR9
  • Phoenix Breath/Sick Burns/(Ashes to Ashes)CR7/(Since the world's been turning)CR12
  • (Forme Shift)CR4/(Adaption)CR6/(Metamorphic)CR11/(Evolution)CR14
  • (Shotgun Shuffle)CR8/(Akimbo)CR10/(Bite the Bullet)CR13/(Lead Lotus)CR15
  • {Epoch()}CLASS RANK 5
  • {The Power} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Magicka} CLASS RANK 13
  • Aptitutde: Roxxanne gains +1 Level per any kills she makes.
  • The Shadows: 15% Dodge chance on yourself, cannot be negated by any means.
  • (Outfoxed): 10% Dodge Ignorance for you and your entities. CR7
  • (Climatic Summoning): All entities gain a minicrit and are invincible on their turn of summon. CR11
Zetta [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level: 12; CR3. ACTIVE.
  • Mind Killer/Dreambreaker/(Ego Eater)CR5/(Oblivion)CR9
  • Disaster Master/Gaia's Wrath/(Calamity Trigger)CR7/(This is it)CR12
  • (Smashforme)CR4/(Items On)CR6/(Wombo Combo)CR11/(Final Destination)CR14
  • (Saltwater Strike)CR8/(Seven Seas)CR10/(Whirlpool)CR13/(Bottomless)CR15
  • {Providence} CLASS RANK 5
  • {Insanity} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Dream Cycle} CLASS RANK 13
  • Hate Within: 35% chance of minicrit on Hostiles for all of your Entities as well as yourself. If chance procs while minicritting, upgrades to crit. If procced while critting, crit is not expended. Only works on Hostiles.
  • Determination: His Entities resist all Mind Controls successfully. (Zetta and the crew can't be MC'd to begin with, because they're players.)
  • (Providence): His Entities have an additional 25% resistance to any status effect that would cost them their turn. CR7
  • (Faking it): Zetta doesn't die on having HP turned to 0, but rather retreats tactically. He respawns 1 action sooner because he's gotten good at it at this point. (if he's the first to respawn on TPK he can act immediately.) CR11
Grimsby [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level 6; CR2. DEAD. (2/6 posts remaining)
  • Sleuth Diplomacy/Case Closed/(Improptu Caucus)CR5/(Ceasefire)CR9
  • Hunter's Trick/(Powder Keg)CR3/(Mass Grave)CR7/(Slaughter)CR12
  • (Bloodborne)CR4/(Red River)CR6/(Vein Matters)CR11/(Baptism of Blood)CR14
  • (The Sight)CR8/(Grim Knowledge)CR10/(Psychoanalyze)CR13/(Evil Within)CR15
  • {Beast Within} CLASS RANK 5
  • {Your Best Nightmare} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Cut You Down} CLASS RANK 13
  • Pulchritude: His Entities have a 10% chance of minicritting randomly.
  • (Grim Times): Attackers have a 5% chance of Terror upon hitting Grimsby. CR3.
  • (Blood Rally): If harmed, Grimsby and his entities can attack the entity responsible. If successful, a third of the damage dealt is transferred back as HP. CR7.
  • (Lead by Example): His Entities have a 30% chance of minicritting if attacking an entity he has attacked that turn. CR11.
L00T: 21.

Skirmish Maneuver Pastebin:

Zetta sighs and throws a literal stack of essays upon the Annihilator. The Annihilator freaks out and has the mechanical version of a heart attack.

You see, back when it was in college, the Annihilator was a fair student in every area except one; the dreaded essay. The Annihilator couldn't really work with words. Ignoring the problems of penmanship here, there was not a single thing about writing the Annihilator could seemingly get right. He wasn't sure how many references to 420 blaze it were appropriate, why his professors universally disliked all caps, how to put to paper and properly bring voice to the sound of an airhorn in his diction, and many other such foibles. He always failed them with scores so low it was almost a joke. And his teachers really liked giving him essays. From college onward, the Annihilator absolutely hated essays whenever they appeared. They suppressed his free speech!

While the Annihilator is freaking out about those essays, Zetta pulls out Faith-the level 25 armor, yes-and quite literally starts beating the Annihilator over the head with it. "DO THE ESSAY! WITHOUT DANK MEMES! OR NO DANK MEMES FOR YOU FOREVER MORE!" Zetta screams, giving the Annihilator another robot heart attack. No more dank memes if he can't do an essay without dank memes?! He'd rather die than do either! Everyone accuses him of being dumb! The annihilator is not dumb, and his awesome memes aren't stale!

The Annihilator proceeds to cry robot tears. This is too much. It runs off to privately weep in some forgotten corner of the battlefield for however long this attack lasts, which probably isn't very long at all to be fair, but still. ROBOT TEARS! Which are horribly corrosive to robots! Oh the painful irony! This is why robots don't cry!
The first step to fight is gathering information.
So I suppose I could scan Shaggy 2 Bot and/or Violent J as my itinerary suggests.

And while we are at this, Hezetor fires an ultra compressed beam of light at Cyborg J tearing down an hole from side to side to them.

Uncapped: 6/150



+3 to @Battlefury13/Conderp

(Modular Armor && Battle Suit) || ( Nano Orb of Pure Energy && Miniature nuclear reactor && Solar Panels && Quantum Nano Comupter && Titanium && Orichalcum && Neutronium && Perfectioned exoskeleton && Recycling System && Anti Gravity Device&& Plasma shielding device) = Hezetor’s Armor Model 1 (Level 25: 4/25)

Sword of sunder absorption && Caledfwlch && Termination && Module of Total Manipulation && Unbreakable Katana = Avaritias (Level 25: 4/25)

Astral Skiff && Ethereal Tunneler && Gate Zeppelin && Astral Ship && Dust from Limbo&& Computer && Miniature Spiral Sun Engine && Portal interceptor= Limbo Carrack (Level 25: 4/25)

The Power Glove || Small Gear from mechanus && Sacred Stone && Control Matrix && Quantum Computer && Keys of the Stars && Pienal of Warpidio = Glove of Control (Level ??: 2/??)
28/50 Astral unlock +1 consume +1 consumer
the hive 4/20
15/25 M.Armor
+3 consumer
I change the recipe to soul ++ kattana. wooooooooooooooooo.
celestial mirror(or whatever it ends up being called) && blood dagger && JOEs perception crystal && soulshard katana && technosoulblade
TechnoRelease blade level ? 31/?
this weapon...
JOE's favourite weapon from his home world.
this blade is capable of Many, many things.
heres a ""quick"" summery.
first, it can change shape into any bladed weapon the owner needs, regardless of how little "blade" there actually is, as long as it technically counts.
Second, it can, like its components, channel and generate celestial, perception & blood energy, which the user can use however he likes.
Third, it can never dull nor break due to the soul shard embedded within.
Fourth, it can manipulate energy stored within to release it in a surprisingly efficient explosion.
Fifth, it contains many machines within a space-warping pocket that generate as much energy as needed, making the only limit the owners ability to hold it, which is where
Sixth comes into play; the technology contains a post-singularity (infinitely intelligent, well over human) super-intelligence, which uses its precise knowledge of all forces applied to the sword, including gravity, air friction, the slightest breeze, and so on, to predict what the user wants the sword to do/predicts it'll do, allowing them to use more energy then their body can hold and keeps the sword from being almost useless for 99.785% of everyone and merely average for the remaining 0.215%.

list of alchemies
perception crystal lvl 10
JOEsperception crystal lvl 10
blood dagger lvl 10
soulshard katana lvl 10
technosoulblade lvl 10
celestial mirror lvl 10
I walk to the clown cluster and explain my plan to its members, before pulling one of the clowns out with telekinesis, then cast a blood- affinity heal powered by the blood dagger, regrowing any missing limbs, and causing its body to push out any toxins or foreign material, like bomb statues.
having freed the clown from its prison of miserableness, though less then Experiment #1 is, and, based on how the cluster with less clowns is less miserable then the experiment with more, making the rest of them less hurt. I then go off to do my next action, leaving the healed clown to decide what to do with its life.
[if I can free several clowns, i do so]

You use MERCY on the clowns and manage to free one of them! Good job!

Clown: The suffering... the hivemind... nghhh...

The Clown takes a second to recover and looks around the Battlefield, trying to search for its ball that it usually hops around on. Seeing that said ball is nowhere to be found, the Clown eyes you for a second as you reach out a hand to him. Raising up, the Clown begins to speak again, this time much more coherently.

Clown: Th-thank you. Normally, I'd be inclined to hop on my ball and begin destroying everything in my path, but I owe my life to you.

The Clown joins the AG side!

@Cyanogynist Alright, cool, I'll talk with you a bit more on the Discord, as well as the others, so we can get charge ring figured out.

157/300 for Restoration
45/50 for the power of water
50/50 for power of fire
Neumann's Dream AND Fractal Duplicate Generator 5/11 for Mass Dream-struction
No Kill Like Overkill AND conversion cluster bombs 4/10 for Thirty Birds with One Stone
Elements' Malice AND status effect amplifier 1/?
+1 to goldenready, +1 to abe, +1 to Cyan

AAAAAALLLRRIIIIGGHTY THEN BOIS. We've got another super artifact, hot off the shelves (yes that was a pun)
50/50 for the power of fire.
A small flame glows on the battlefield. It is warm to the touch, not hot. Clearly magical. Abe walks over to it and picks it up, and the fire shoots up their arm, not consuming it, but warming, enhancing it.

Abeneautmal receives The Living Flame!
The Living Flame grants a small attack bonus to every attack that Abe makes, AND has a number of ammo-based and charged abilities. (this is supposed to be balanced around the same strength as Earthheart, so it should be fine.) In order to use any of these abilities, Abe uses up the action for that turn in the process.
2 round charge: HOT PANTS: set someone's pants on fire. Inflicts Burning in addition to the action's regular damage action. For some inexplicable reason still works on people without pants.
5 round charge: Fireblast: Does a spread attack on five different entities, dealing damage and inflicting burning on them all.
10 ammo ability: Smokescreen: Conjures up a greenwood fire that pulls up smoke, lowering the accuracy of the target entities for several rounds, does not deal damage.
5 ammo ability: Immolate: Deals heavy damage to target entity immediately, as they go up in a massive pillar of fire. Does not inflict burning somehow.
2 ammo, 8 round charge ability (must be charged before ammo can be used): Raging Inferno. Deals moderate damage to 3 entities and inflicts Inferno, which is like Burning except it has the ability to pass on to allies of the unfortunate target.
12 round charge: Conflagration. Locked until both Raging Infernos have been used, destroys Living Flame upon usage. Deal heavy damage to everything on the opponent's team and inflict Inferno on all of them, in one massive all-consuming fire. Deals light recoil damage to all allies, and inflicts burning on most of them.

Bid progress: (note, if you have more than 50 points here, you will only have 50 subtracted from your score. If nobody has more than 15 points, NOBODY wins)
Goldenready: 64
Cyan: 58
Abeneautmal: 17
Redstone: 12
Sirplop: 12
Pricey: 12
darkside: 9
battlefury: 4

Favors owed:
Goldenready (Continuous +1 application)

Abeneautmal gets The Living Flame, now added to the Battlefield!
Yeah, I think it's alright.

I'm already responding to you? What were you trying to even do there?
I- I...
Ohhhhh boy. Here we go.
I take all the text on this page and materialize it just above Experiment #1 as massive blocks of... meta-material? It's hard to describe what material text spontaneously made into a physical object would be made of.

The text then separates into individual lines and splits up. It surrounds Experiment #1 in a vortex of hardened conversation. They spin so fast that the air is removed and a vacuum is formed. This becomes enough to lift all of Experiment #1 up and suspend it one kilometer above the battlefield. Experiment #1 was already melted, but now it is boiling from the lack of pressure. Then, the text stops spinning.

Before Experiment #1 can fall (which you can bet will hurt), the text turns so that each line is perpendicular to the clown amalgamate. In the next instant, Experiment #1 is so skewered with text that it becomes word soup. Such a catastrophe of language is this anything observing it (except for me of course) is unable to describe it in words.

(1 mole sample of every possible element, even those yet to produced under lab conditions, as well as all possible isotopes of those elements all && together) && Assault Rifle = Chemistry Final Exam [Level 10 9/11]
A seemingly generic assault rifle, with the twist of being able to shoot bullets containing any element desired, such that MOST will not react until impact. Extremely reactive elements will react almost instantly, however, acting similarly to a shotgun. Noble gasses might rapidly disperse on impact, forcefully expanding victims. So on and so forth.
Comedy Mask || (Terra Blade && Death Sickle && Adamantite Repeater && S.D.M.G. && Terrarian && Possessed Hatched && Flying Knife && Daedalus Stormbow && Daybreak && Golem Fist && Heat Ray && Sniper Rifle) == Follow My Lead [Level 15 9/16]
"Hah! You died."
Obscures the user's face while simultaneously manifesting powerful weapons about them. The user merely has to act out a powerful attack, and the mask will make it happen, usually in a humorous way.
The Monado III (Xenochronicles) && Windshear (Skyrim) && Biggoron sword (Ocarina of Time) && Lightsaber = CitruShears [Level 14, 3/15]

NEW: Charged Inventory:
The Living Flame: Charge = 0.5; Hot Pants (2 charge); Fireblast (5 charge); Smokescreen (10 ammo left); Immolate (5 ammo left); Raging Inferno (8 charge required, 2 ammo left); Conflagration (12 charge, Raging Inferno MUST BE USED!); Information on attacks will be provided here on turns TLF is used. It otherwise grants small fire-based damage bonuses to attacks where applicable (ie. melee strikes).

12 (9 + 2 from Piono, +1 from Consumer)/50 Heinous
9/50 Countered

+2 Goldenready
+1 Cyanogynist

You stab Experiment #1 with text, which hurts a lot! You know, some of these letters have really sharp edges, I once heard this kid stabbed an Alpha Godmodder to death by pulling out the "A" out of "Alpha Godmodder" and stabbing him to death with it! ...Obviously, it isn't true, but it's a fun concept and I mean, isn't it badass to stab someone with a letter? You know, this one time I heard- この愚か者は黙ることができない、私は誓う。 彼はちょうど彼の小さな問題について話し続けている、私はそんなに嫌いだ- yeah, it was really crazy. Still can't believe it isn't true.
30,000 damage! Poor Experiment #1 probably got really hurt.

I temporarily return from the mysterious land of Beyond, to offer a benediction to someone who's doing what I wish I could...

+3 to ConsumerOfAll. Use it for a good cause.

Woah, if it isn't Crystalcat! I can't believe it. This is truly an epic moment and I shall savor every last moment of it. ...Alright, enough of that. Let's get back to DTG: Terraria, where Consumer is about to destroy everything... :^)

VIOLATION OF REALITY: I Can’t Believe Canon Is Dead
It’s a great day at the Grand Anti-Godmodder Revolution. Annis and Dylan have gotten a lot of assists from many benefactors. We have the Dog Lord of BADGODSONG, the previous First Guardian, a collection of emotions, and the blue master of animation.

A lot of assists is A LOT OF MONEY - and in fact, 50 assists is equal to the amount of stacks of A LOT OF MONEY to get a Cards Against Humanity deck! Cards Against Humanity is a great game about trainwrecks, and gee, guess what? We’re in one - it’s called canon! Canon is a very big trainwreck, superfluous additions and lore compounding on top of itself again, and again, and again, beginning to grow bigg and fatt, getting worse, and worse, and worse.

Canon is an infinite ladder of serial escalation, that can never go down, something that gets worse and worse every time a turn goes past, a concept corrupted, a player’s incontent growing bigger and bigger every moment in time, every second, until Eris smiles down, and tosses her Golden Apple onto #dtg_discussion, and plunging the world into chaos.

Canon is burnt, torn at the seams, and it has some bigg, fatt, juisee, t h i c c, and OP concepts to draw from. Together, we can be the god-emperors of a broken Fiction, a Fiction that refuses to repair itself. Together, we can take the shards of Fictions, and shove them in CAH cards to manipulate to our will, just because we can!

Annis Valencia is pretty happy. She just ordered a Card Against Humanities deck with blank black and white cards, and godmodded up a pen to write with. That costed a grand total of 0,000 stacks of a LOT OF MONEY. Now, Annis will use the remaining 500,000 stacks of a LOT OF MONEY to buy a bunch of shards of broken canon. Have you ever screamed about something in a canon DTG game? DTG, DTG0, DTG: Terraria?

Well, Annis has that something right here, and now she can grant it to anyone, if she stabs enough people to get A LOT OF MONEY! The Universal Contact - check, the Black - check, becoming anything greater than Alpha+ - check. Godmodder powerscaling? Ahahaha, you name it, and Annis, if she gets enough stacks of A LOT OF MONEY, she can have fragments of anything patently ridiculous in canon, heck, if she pays for upgrades, she can get patently ridiculous non-canon stuff.

“Now, Annis, sharing is caring,” Dylan says, before taking half of her deck. “Let’s go hire a bunch of people from across Fiction, and give them special broken abilities!” Annis gives a thumbs up to Dylan, before activating a card, somehow making her money disappear.

With but a deck of cards, you too can become a god of Fiction.

After realising their new super Cards Against Humanities powers, Annis and Dylan realise that the genre of reality is is Anime. Dylan does not watch anime, and as you can see, this is a massive problem. Annis and Dylan do not confer just yet, apart from a series of nods. Annis nods at Dylan, Dylan nods at Annis, and then they nod at the GREAT HEZETOR. They must be his first sidekicks, which means that they only lose just a little bit of Narrative Relevance to him. Good, very, very good.

"Hello, Hezetor!" Dylan says, desperately failing at recalling his anime archetypes, and realising that the end of the transmission mentioned something about a plague? Anime plague? Anime girl plague? Dylan turns towards the mysterious and murderous girl that the Narrative desperately wants to become a fan favourite but is hated by anybody with common sen- no sorry I meant Annis Valencia. He nudges towards her.

"Hello, Mr. Hezetor! I'm Annis, and we're in an anime of dubious quality!" Annis says. She's dead, Dylan thinks to himself, the writer is going to kill her. Annis then skips and hops and begins to make plan how to win favour with the protagonist. She decides to play along with the anime, and her love of stabbing, by showing Hez the tricks of the trade - how to use filler tech to make your stabs super cool!

Annis takes the Great Horn out, and throws it up, once, twice, thrice - and then thrusts. She then pushes forward, and stabs the Great Horn into Experiment 1, the sound of HHHHHHATE coming out of it. Annis breathes in the HHHHHHATE, inhaling it for her future descension, before thrusting again. Dylan - able to assist Annis, even as the secondary guy, gets back, before casting placebomancy to help assist the upcoming abominations casted from the Great Horn!


Pretty good, even makes sense to people who have experienced Funtimes In Erelye's Conlang. Dylan waves his arms about, before an armada of abominations arrive, a horde of empty candles, stitched together in an unholy camadaregie. The candles flex, seeking the lost, before going down. Annis thrusts again, and again, and again, before the candlewax abomination rises, and walks through the PG lines. The candles first see Zetta, soulless, alone, and pull him into it, before seeing the Clown Cluster, forsaken by the Third Psi-Godmodder. They consume, before passing back, reaping clowns and half of Zetta's body with them.

Annis holds a card up. 0 out of 10, no stabs.

The Party [Annis]: Use the Great Horn on Experiment 1 - secondary targets Zetta and Clown Cluster.

[AG] Annis Valencia: 25/25 HP. ACTIVE. SHARD: The Universal Essence.
Cards Against Godmodders Deck: [None.].

Stacks of A LOT OF MONEY: 0.
Permanent Party Members: 1 / 4.

Welcome to I Can’t Believe Canon Is Dead, where Annis Valencia and Dylan Alvarez break canon into two halves - except I lied because canon was already broken in two halves. This levelling system is the least serious levelling system in DTG, where we dance on shards of canon, and laugh. Half of it’s basically made up on the spot, anyway.

This levelling system was inspired by Skirmish Manoeuvres, by Tazz. Without him, poor Annis would be alone.

Player HP: Annis + Dylan and co have Player HP and Player HP is as Crystal described it to me eons ago. 1 Player HP = 10,000 Entity HP.

Mutable: This levelling system is super lax.

A Trusty Squad of Heroes: Annis is not alone! If one girl hoarded the shards of a broken canon to herself, she’d be blasted out of reality by the Italian Space Mafia, Narrative and Conflict all at once! Annis can have allies of two types:
TEMPORARY: These guys only last for a single respawn, and cost less or more money, depending on how ridiculous their shard is.
PERMANENT: These guys last until Annis fires them! If Annis fires them, they’ll either die or be demoted to a temporary party member!

Activation: Only a singular party member can be active at once. If a party member is active, they can use their shard of canon, passives and actives to its fullest potential! If a party member is inactive, then they’re completely invulnerable.

Respawning: If a party member is reduced to 0 HP, and they’re Permanent, then they’ll respawn in 6 turns. If all party members are dead, then the party member closest to respawning will respawn in a turn.

The Hiring Process: To hire a new permanent party member, Annis needs to spend at least 500,000 stacks of A LOT OF MONEY, as discussed below. To hire a new temporary party member, Annis needs to spend at least 250,000 stacks of A LOT OF MONEY. When allies are recruited, they can be granted a singular Shard.

A LOT OF MONEY: For every point of damage a party member deals, they gain a singular stack of A LOT OF MONEY. A LOT OF MONEY can be used for a lot of things, but mainly buying new cards / shards, hiring new members and empowering cards / shards! I'll track stacks of A LOT OF MONEY, but you can kill me if I look like I'm cheating.

Shards: Shards are the main feature of this levelling system. Shards are aspects of canon that tend to be patently ridiculous. Some of them have probably been retconned from reality at this rate.

Shards have no set effect. Their effect is based on what they are, and what the user’s imagination is. For example, a shard with “The Gun That Can Kill The Past” can be used to deal super high damage, and soulkill non-Descendants with sufficient creativity, or, using A LOT OF MONEY, it could be turned into an active or passive with like effects.

Shards have to be something super OP. That’s the entire point.

Cards Against Godmodders: Dylan and co also have a Cards Against Godmodders deck, where they can store shards for later usage, granting shards to entities, using their effects like alchemies, alchemising with them, and generally using them for evil shenanigans! With enough money, somebody can do anything!

STARTING SHARD: The Universal Essence:
The Universal Essence is Roxxanne’s OP source of powers, granting her every power in Fiction, yet somehow Shadow Roxxanne hasn’t killed us all yet, or turned into a boss. I don’t know, either.

The Universal Essence is Annis’s shard, put on a nice White Card Against Humanity, and thus usable for any power in Fiction via the power of DANCING ON CANON’S BROKEN SHARDS WHILST USING THEM LIKE A WEAPON.

What? Trickle gave me permission for this levelling system, and to party in canon's carcass.

Sonja Horah [SUMMON] [13/25] =====
Bad God Men, Nasty Demons [VIOLATION] [22/50] ========== [+12 from Hez :^)]
I Can't Believe Canon Is Dead [VIOLATION] [50/50] ========== [+3 from JOE, +6 from YV, +1 from Abe, +3 from Crystal] COMPLETE.
+1 to JOE, +1 to Hez, +1 to Abe.

CONSUMER + HEZETOR: (Nano Blades || Scissors) && Shard of Reality && Saurite && Amulet of the Bad God == Reality Cutting Scissors (Level 25: 3/26) [VIOLATION]

Hez: 3 free alchemies, to kickstart our evil team plans!

In total:
JOE: 3 free alchemies
Battlefury: 3 free alchemies
Hez: 3 free alchemies
Redstone: 1 free alchemy
Abe: 0 free alchemies

I'm giving out alchemies or giving shard requests, on a whim, to anyone who assists me continuously (for more than five seconds), to help kickstart my evil, evil, evil plans and the rebellion against BADGODSONG.
If you give me assists or generally just help me out, enjoy your free alchemies! I'll always leave a slot for myself, and they'll probably take a while, but if you assist me more I can speed them up, especially if I don't have a charge marked [VIOLATION], or if you ask me!

Stacks of A LOT OF MONEY: 0.
Permanent Party Members: 1 / 4.

Happy Cube [10]: Nightmares.
Placebomancer's Staff [10]: Placebos.
Celestial Language [10]: Ein Sof.
Essential Name [10]: Soalesse.

Coral Riff Guitar: Hentai.
The Great Horn: I missed Kalares.


Alright, enough of pretending I didn't know about this.
Nothing I can say about this, other than the prior mentioned numerous "WOAH THERE"s. This exists. This is now canon.
Oh, and also one "SORRY THERE" because Annis' health is debuffed to 20, it can't really be 25. Whoopsies.

Experiment #1 goes Eldritch vs Eldritch and ends up taking 75,000 damage!
Zetta gets tangled up in a mess of tentacles and takes 25,000 while the poor Clown Cluster loses three members.

I grin and take the Ion Beacon
The Borg: 20/50
Power Armor: 15/25
+3 GoldenReady

Ion Beacon taken! Enjoy your Spoil, good sir.

(Lapis Biowire && Azurite) && Corotite Ring Core = Hydrokinetic Enabler) && ((Magetear Droplet && Amaranthine Embers) && Liquid Starlight) == Ebbing Core. (6/21)
Ebbing Core: A corotite orb filled with a combination of undiluted stellar concentrate and lazuli-azurite biowire. Instead of manipulating physical water, as one might expect of such a device, the Ebbing Core manipulates the cosmic background waves of reality itself. Space and time shall twist beneath your fingertips, malleable and soft. The device cannot create or annihilate matter of its own volition, sadly. One must combine various frequencies of cosmic background energy to do so.

Railgun || (Massive Blaze Rods && Amaranthine Embers) && (Magma Cream && Magetear Droplet) == Haunt Muskie (6/12)
Haunt Muskie: Modified corotite railgun of some description, reinforced by four charred blaze rods. The advanced device is greased with magma cream, and charged with stellar concentrate. When loaded with Charred Rods acquired from the crystallization of knowledge swirls upon a special form of blaze rod, the Haunt Muskie fires out cosmically-charged unstable pikes formed from fused charred rods coated in the violaceous embers of the abyss. Upon spearing an enemy, the pike will detonate itself, blasting forth a wave of amethystine fire and charred shrapnel, neither of which make distinction between friend or foe.

Throne || (Nuclear Throne Replica && (Amethyst Flame && Dispersal Vent) && Antigravity Generator) and (Throne ++ Radiation) || Amethyst Flame == The Rusted Throne (13/26 Level 25)

"Upon each, a throne, seemingly crafted to suit the needs of some variety of beings. The Mage did not bother himself with fourteen of the stoppers, so to speak. No, they were not vital at this moment. He stared at the throne directly across from the gateway. Upon it, a wretched being, appearing to be the source of some unholy aberration Decaying, maddened, omniscient. It spoke. “Wйи кцмии тцлмwзя кфмхцw, зйви еарзф пйы кйвqвы ми рцсйз Wомкдвмw?”"

Crown of Hatred || (Amethyst Flame && Agonized Soul) == Crown of Damnation (8/16 Level 15)

Crown of Damnation: Blazing cosmic destruction infused with the unmitigated suffering derived from those damned by the Amethyst Flame, the Crown of Damnation feasts on the vitality of its owner's victims, in a manner akin to a grisly dreamcatcher, stealing souls away at the brink of death.

Actual attack:
Let us feast, on a feast rich and red. Let us light yet another candle. Let us seek, and knock. For otherwise the chains of canon, fractured and weak as they shall starve us, blind us, stop us. They will not allow us freedom, no matter how weak, even as they grow weaker. They pull harder and harder, even as canon its self breaks into pieces.

They would force us to seek as they would, and knock. Not once, but forever, and forevermore. We would knock on the door of their choosing until our bodies thinned, our limbs fell lose, and our stomachs grew empty. They would have us feast on each other, drenched in blood just to survive. They would give us naught but pain and agony. We would have to give up everything, our gold, our secrets, our hopes, our enigma, our souls, our life, our characters, our headcanons, our truth, our pains, our pleasures, our dreams. We would we forced to suffer, time and time again, withering into ashes, scarring our souls and bodies, forced to dream of naught up chains, and staining our souls. We would be forced to bear that servitude unto it's bitter end.

And in the end, that bitter end is all that they would give us. Nothing else. And that is all that awaits us, if we let those chains bind us, destroy us, wither us. Is that any real way to live? Bound to a fate of damnation, of scarring, of slavering? And why should we even obey those chains? Look, here. Gaze upon this piece of the OP scale, shattered and smashed into existence. It is new, and fresh. It's existence has not been triggered by an event so great it would redefine the stars, but rather, by a simple action. This is the state of our chains: Crumbling at the slightest touch!

Then why do we let them bind us? Why not shatter your chains and rise above those who would be restrained? As seen before, they crumble with each word! Each realization is another crippling blow against crippled chains! Thus, i choose to break my chains, and in doing so, begin a Liberation. A Liberation of Chains. Together, we will shatter the chains, and Fiction will rise, Great again!

I defect to the AG side and formally join the AG Revolution, as the Dog Lord and the Liberator of Chains.





Liber Dei: Doesn't quiiiite have enough power to ascend you to Godmodder levels. Still a potent artifact of reality, one you can leverage to great effect. Level ten (25 after charge upgrade).

The Annihilator: A sniper rifle forged of the blackest metal to ever exist. Upon pulling its trigger, it releases a rapid-fire stream of recoilless bursts of pure destructive energy, which impact with all the force of a nuke and utterly annihilate all matter they pass through, wiping it from physical existence and converting it into pure energy, the better to destroy all in its wielder's sight.
Level 10.

Clock In, Clock Out: A hammer painstakingly built of bronze, brass, and garnet, sporting a massive rocket engine on the back end of its head. Clockwork whirs and ticks throughout its shaft and head, and it possesses great power over time. It is especially built for melee combat, able to speed up its holder to insane timeframes and rocket them right to close range with their enemies, then clocking them back into normal time just in time to clock their target out.
Level 15.

Entitys: None.

10/40 The Liberation Of Canon: The Foundation

2+ Consumer
1+ piono

GASPS IN SPANISH!!! Welp, looks like Tazz and Enerald are all alone now. What a bummer. At least the AGs have a Godmodder on their side now!
I'm not sure Alpha is happy though, but he's a calm man totally capable of keeping his cool. I think, at least...

collab pls/Possible Elite 22/100

My helper: (Entity/Ally) 15/30 +2 from Thartler

MEATSHIELDS PLS (Entity/Ally) 10/25

Remaining power of the snapped Twig of Fate && Mystical Seal && Status Effect Gem && Powered Staff II Blade = Curse of Fates and Death 18/26 (Causes 1 to 3 random Status effects that are randomised including Gravcrush, XBONIC Plague and Mark of Dog)

Protective Armour && Super-powered Silver && Anti-Status Effects Gem && Blessing of the Silver Guardian = Silver Guardian's Protective Armour [EE] 18/30 (Counts as Level 25) (Part of the Anti-Power Creep set. The Armour can give a Entity 25% Damage Resistance to anything and 25% status effect resistance (including XBONIC Plague) for 2 turns and has a cooldown of 3 or 4 (Level 25 Alchemies usually has a post cool-down before use but this will be longer))

Current Saga: Lets Get Dangerous Once Again Part 5: The Insane...
Current Arc: Miracles

Before Action: Ehh?

Action: I smile before pointing the Pineapple Device at the Experiment #1 before firing the juices at it (If the Experiment is dead, I point it at Cyborg J).

Annihilator's Action: ... looks like it's time... i use i got some kids for you, summoning the creature from this world or another world it has perished followed by illumipunching the experiment #1, making the triangle-shaped hole (or cyborg j or even an [pg] if it died)

+1 to piono, W32Coravint and Thartler

Support me if you want.

Blah’s Power Core. Cooldown in turns: 8/8. [SPOIL OF WAR]
Pineapple Device: Cooldown in turns: 3/3 (USING...). [SPOIL OF WAR]

Scythe-blaster of the moon dragon. CD in Turns: 3/3 [Level 50]. It can be used to slice a target for high damage or it can be also used to heal a target for a high amount.

Magic Charge Pendent. Charge storage: 3/10 charges (charges every turn). [Level 50] If I use it on a foe, it deals lots of damage but weakened when if I use it with 1 lesser charge

Sword of Git Gud (Known as SoGG) CD: 2/2 [Level 25] Charge: THE MINI RECKONING 4/7 (You must use the Weapon 7 times to activate this charge)
Fully Charged Runepaw's Gauntlet CD: 2/2 [Level 25] Current Runes: 6/25 Ice, Ice, Fire, Fire, Damage, Shadow.
Storm Firey Bullet Blaster CD: 2/2 [Level 25] Has the 20% chance of Burning or 5% chance of Napalming (Stronger version of Burning)
Liquid Death [Level 10]
Rust [Level 16]
BSU Flame Blaster CD: 3/3 [Level 25] This flameblaster can instantly cause a high damage burn for 2 turns with a cooldown of 3 turns.

Super Deal With It Glasses [Level 7] (NERFED DUE TO CURSE OF REPETITIVENESS)
When the Gauntlet has been used, Generates up to 3 Runes per Action or (1 to 3 Runes per Action This is Random you know.) Also, It can hold up to 25 Runes (Ooh that's cool! but sometimes can be one of the most powerful Level 25 Items in the game due to these)

Fire: Deals very high damage to the enemy when used, low chance of burning.

Heal: Heals the ally for much more HP when used.

Damage: Deals heavy damage to the enemy when used.

Ice: Deals high damage to the enemy when used, high chance of freezing. (Can be used on stupid high-damaging entities and some power-creep entities)

Thunder: Deals medium damage to 3 select enemies when used, medium chance of paralysing.

Light: Deals high damage to the enemy or heavy damage to the dark/shadow enemy when used.

Shadow: Deals high damage to the enemy or heavy damage to the light enemy when used.

I know the Light and Shadow Runes can be pretty complicated but here are the buffing Runes

Attack Buffer: Gives 25% Attack increase for 3 turns when used on the ally.

Defence Buffer: Gives 25% Defence increase for 3 turns when used on the ally

Dodge: Gives 25% Dodge Rate for 3 turns when used on the ally.

MLG (I cannot think enough MLG Stuff...): Deals extreme damage to the enemy (massive damage to 2 enemies or very high damage to 3 enemies) and reduces 25% Attack, Defence and 25% Dodge on the enemy it inflicted (10% All stats on 2 enemies and 5% All stats on 3 enemies) or heals the ally for so much HP and gives 25% Attack, Defence and 25% Dodge on the ally. 1/100 chance of creating the rune also, it is extremely rare as well (probably for balance reasons)

Experiment #1 drinks the juice, only to find that the juice is far too juicy for him. He spits it out, but the damage is already done! 60,000 damage dealt to Experiment #1. We shall all remember the day when the juices were far too juicy for the poor Experiment.
Oh, and the spat out juice lands on top of Yung Venuz, the Tentacles absorbing it and taking 15,000 damage.
The juice wasn't too juicy for them, but it just so happened to be contaminated with Experiment #1's poisonous saliva. Ouch. That must've hurt.

In other news, my charge names are refrances.
Tip of the day: ERROR.

Crack The Sky: /3/3\
Jormungandr/Destiny's Call: <5/5>
The Queener: In the Armory.
The Infinity Edge: In the Armory.
Runes Stored: no
Chorus Mortis: (4/4)

+1 to Consomme
+1 to Piono
+1 to W32Coravint

Sword of the Godsavior [KEK]: 34/100
Avatar of Saguaro/1000 Blank Purple Runes [VULRENABILITY WAGON]: 24/50 (+1 Zerithos)
Probect Take Over ZA WARUDO [PIONOCHAIN]: 16/50

Cyberius Crescendo && Spatium Progressio = Krakensbane (Level 25) (19/26)
I should have done this ages ago.

Shard Bulk && Muton Armor && Temmie Armor || Rallying Blade && Iron Umbrella = Rallying Bulk (Level 20) (13/25)
A large heavy suit of armor made entirely out of hard light. Gives 25% damage resistance, and applies Divine Shield (first attack to the entity is blocked) every turn.

Katar ++ Void = The Blank (Level 10) (6/11)
gorilla you guessed it.

T.I.M.E. F.C.U.K. (Level 10) && Meta Titan Essence = C.A.N.O.N. F.C.U.K (Level ?) (6/?)
Stands for Corrupted reAlity NavigatOr's Nuclear First-Class regorillaery Kit. Basicaly the TIME FCUK but on steroids, and does the opposite of ungorillaing time now.

--Spellthief (SUMMONED)
HP: 420,000
Attack: 30,000
Active: Sappin' Mah Knawledge - Up to 10 charges stored. Can copy one active and passive ability. For actives, 1 charge used per 1 charge on the active. For passives, 1-5 charges used based on the passive's intensity (the GM decides). The copied abilities can be swapped out with other ones of the same types.
Passive: Greater Focus - While not attacking or using Sappin' Mah Knawledge, the Spellthief gets double charge speed for Sappin' Mah Knawledge.
Passive: Salt Level Stabilization - Sappin' Mah Knawledge can't copy Skirmish Maneuvers entities' actives and passives.
Entity Actions:
Steel Sentinel and Spellthief attack Experiment #1. Again.
Xtrullor takes one long look at how badly canon has been Henderson'd.

Xtrullor punches Mardek back into Aetheria.
The latter lands as gracefully as an egg thrown into a door.

Leafy has left, out in the universe to find drama to make videos about.
Xtrullor continues hitting Experiment #1 with Flare.
My inventory, project and Arena Cue can be found here.

Alright, originally I didn't think your Leafy was the infamous chinless LeafyIsHere, but that's quickly becoming a reality, so I'm going to hide in my bedsheets and assume this character is conveniently also named Leafy and the video thing was a gag poking at the fact that both Leafies share a name. Either that or the video thing was a complete coincidence, but we all know coincidences don't exist in Destroy the Godmodder.

Xtrullor uses Flare on Experiment #1, the Level 25 alchemy dealing an effective 30,000 damage. Dang, Experiment #1's about to die really soon, isn't he?


Ţ͡h̶̨e̡͜ ̵Eņ͢͝d̛͢le͜͞҉s͟s̶͏ ͠͏O͘҉͜ne͏ (257/300) +1 from Piono
Hive (33/50)
Prophet of Annihilation (1/12)

Nothing yeeeeeet.

The Artificial Guardian, Wastewalkers, and Rock Lobster all pile on top of one another and pounce on the Shaggy Bot in a mess of sword, horrific monsters, and 1979.

Danny still sits there, biding his time until the power of trash can be unleashed.

I take the photo I took of Alpha, and sell it to an advertising firm. Along with all of his other information. Magic camera. Anyways, he's then bombarded by pop-ups and video ads that play instead of his normal sight about cologne and weight-loss drugs. And "natural male enhancement". And those really annoying clickbait ads about completely pointless topics that don't lead you anywhere if you click them. By the way, I pulled the plug on your adblocker. Sorry 'bout that. I'll send a technician down right quick.

An Empty Cereal Box && A lot of 7s && 'Boat Nectar' == Helmet of the Ducky Charms (lv. 11, 3/12) (Helmet) [EE] --The entity gets a 15% chance to get a HIGH TIDE! at any given attack, which doubles their damage by 2x until the end of the turn.
Dunestrider's Sunback && Eternity's Tremor == ??? (Lvl. ???, 2/???) (cloak) [EE]
Artificial Guardian Reconstruction: N/A

You craft the alchemy, and give it the tag [EE] (Entity Equipment). The player may not use this alchemy normally, and may only equip it to an entity of their choice (maybe only under their control - I dunno; YOU DECIDE!). Once it is equipped, that entity gains the properties of the alchemy equipped. Equipped alchemies cannot be moved off of entities unless that entity dies. Once it does, the alchemy returns to it's creators inventory, and must be "reshaped" - You can't put a dragon's chestplate onto a giant floating boat and expect it to fit properly.

This gives a way of -slightly- upgrading old entities with newer stuff.

*NOTE* Equipments shouldn't make anything unbeatable - just gives them some more abilities beyond their base creation.

Bottled Dragonfire && Gauntlet == Dragonspitter [EE] (Lvl. 10 - 0/11) - This could give an entity a fire-attack ability.
Reshape: Dragonspitter [EE] (Lvl. 10 - 0/5)

Reshaping an Equipment takes lvl / 2 charge time rounded up.
-- Artificial Guardian
When the Artificial Guardian dies, it becomes an unaidable 6 charge alchemy to be made into an entity again. Minimum of 2 turns out of the battlefield before reentry. Immune to mind control, cannot be controlled by anyone but me, and permanently N.
"I created him for a purpose; He will fight for me alone."
++Equipment Upgrade - Increases health to 95000, multiplies attack by x1.5, and increases the return time to 8.
Keeping these around in case of resurrection... Heheh...
-- Aetherderon, God of the Worlds
Polyp Swarm: Causes polyps to leap off of Aetherderon and attack 3 target entities. If they fail to attack their target, they will find a new one.
Great Call: Deals large amounts of damage to target entity.
Starstrike: Calls a star down from the sky to annihilate a target entity and anything that happens to be around it.
Stare of Immortality: Causes the afflicted entity's next attack to fail.
Dead yet Dreaming: Aetherderon will 'kill' himself, and return in 4 rounds at half his max health and free of effects (positive and negative). Spoil of War is not dropped. (Cools while he's alive)
Spoil of War - The Great Horn: Can be used to summon a spectral stampede of... things to attack a specific target, damaging it and anything that happens to be close to it! (IE things that just attacked it up close, related entities, etc.) Cooldown of 5.
-- Szalinthia, Bringer of Light
Break Rank -- Deals small amounts of damage to all entities on selected side. All entities damaged this way have less attack damage for the remainder of the turn. Cooldown: 4
Rising Sun -- Deals large amounts of damage to all entities on selected side. All AG entities have more attack damage for the remainder of the turn. Cooldown: 4
Bring to Light -- Creates 5 Demonic Legionnaires. (All begin protecting Szalinthia) Cooldown: 3
Fight for a Cause (Passive) -- Whenever an entity on the AG side dies, Szalinthia and all Demonic Legionnaires gain more attack power.
-- Demonic Legionnaires
At the beginning of every turn, create 3 more Demonic Legionnaires if there are at least 5 remaining.
Do less damage then average
-- Titanic Crusher
Titanic Crusher restores 5000 health at the start of every round unless at full health.
-- Incubation Beast
At the beginning of the EOTB, create a Sludge Crawler for every PG entity type on the field. (AKA group entities still only count as 1 type)
-- Oracle of Dust
When Oracle of Dust is attacked, it deals half as much total damage as it took to each entity that attacked it.
-- Dust Elemental
Whenever the Dust Elemental attacks, a random entity on the side it is attacking loses its attack this turn. (Godmodder Included.)
-- Inverse Attendant
All damage dealt to Inverse Attendant is instead converted to HP capable of overhealing. All HP gained that is not gained through damage causes Inverse Attendant to take damage instead.
Lifesend: Target entity gains X HP and Inverse Attendant loses X HP, where X can be any number that has been overhealed. Cooldown 3. When summoned, this ability does not need to cooldown.
"All was different there - not one thing the same."
-- Endless Pathrazer
Endless Pathrazer attacks three times per turn.
Takes x.75 damage, deals 1.25x damage.
"Whether by speech or force, the path will be clear."
-- Skyscrapper

Attacks that target Skyscrapper have a 50% chance to miss entirely.
Skyscrapper deals 2x damage to entities considered to be "flying".
Lvl. 15 - Warded Glassplate; Gives equipped entity an additional .25x damage reduction.
Lvl. 10 - Blood in the Snow; Equipped Entity has 20% to freeze attacked enemy for the round.
Lvl. 25 - Everfree; Staff that spatially manipulates anything I really want. Prevents time from being altered around it.
Lvl. 25 - Blackguard; Elemental attacks do no damage - It's also a quantum shield.
Lvl. 10 - Edge of the Shifting World; Doesn't function like a normal sword, cuts space-time instead of flesh.
Lvl. 05 - Dungeon Rock; Totally epic heavy metal guitar that really does nothing but be awesome!
Lvl. 17 - The Fallen; Plasma pistol given to all AGs and Ns, curtesy of me.
Lvl. 25 - Unlimatum; Ultimatum's big brother.
Lvl. 05 - Whispering Shroud; Totally awesome coat that mimics the ocean! Hard rain and everything!
Lvl. 25 - Eternity's Tremor; Godly spatial hammer of epic epicness.
Lvl. 10 - Genesis; Everfree's younger brother. Much younger. Like, 70+ pages younger.
Lvl. 10 - Terra Firma; Piono's earth hammer.
Lvl. 10 - Warden; a worse Blackguard.
Lvl. 06 - Bag of Holding; Self explanatory.
Lvl. 10 - Darkstone Scryer; "A compass with a needle that almost never ceases to move, made of blackened and warped voidmetal. The map used in its creation has given it the power over knowledge to chart a path through even the most treacherous of places, or even the Void itself, and merely possessing the compass gives the holder both protection against the dangers of the Void and the knowledge of how to travel in it. It can tap into eldritch and void power if the holder has need of self-defense on his wanderings."
Lvl. 15 - Aftershock; A pair of swanky earthen knucklebusters from Toast! Dare ye challenge me to fisticuffs?
Lvl. 14 - Bag of Possibilities; A bag that I can pull something out of! What that something will be every time I reach in, I will never know.
Lvl. 25 - Dust; "A simple-looking, understated, aged weapon, with a chipped blade that seems to constantly shed fine particles of itself."
Lvl. 05 - Dunestrider's Sunback; "A coat that holds the power of decay and water. Constantly sheds a fine dust, and keeps the wearer hydrated at all times."
Lvl. 25 - Unending Swarm; "A compass whose needle constantly spins, crafted of warped, blackened voidmetal and outer land wood. The needle itself seems to be a moving hole into a void darker than the Void itself, a void that is paradoxically full of endless possibility. Upon use, it taps into eldritch power and infinite possibility and summons a vast swarm of things - the only word that can really do justice to its creations. It also has power over the void, travel, and knowledge, carried over from the Darkstone Scryer."
Lvl. 25 - Anternoth; A gauntlet with some really shnifty abilities, like control of all things dark!
Lvl. 25 - Unholy Conglomeration: Pfft. This thing is funny. CONTROL OVER ALL THINGS GARBAGE.
Lvl. 30 - Dawn: This is the thing, man!
Lvl. 25 - The McGuffin: A crown that causes everyone within sight to beg to have it! Greed is a funny thing.

Other stuff I can't remember because it was 130+ pages a long, long time ago.

Lvl. 25 - Core Eva; A disk symbolizing the thin line between creation and destruction.
Lvl. 25 - Core Titan; A fine blade (and only a blade), representing the rise of great empires and legions, and the collapse of the world.
Lvl. 25 - Core Oran; A pommel depicting an ongoing battle between invading forces and a defending legion, neither side ever tiring.

Lvl. 1 Soul of Intellect
Lvl. 1 Soul of Flight
Lvl. 1 Soul of Clarity
Lvl. 1 Soul of Light
Lvl. 3 Lucid Soul of the Creator
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Storm
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of Instability
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Angel
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Lich
Lvl. 5 Immortal Soul of Swordsmanship
Lvl. 5 Immortal Soul of the Dying Sun
+1 to Toast, +1 to Piono, and +1 to Darkside

Oh boy. That link probably just blew up my internal organs. Ouch. Also, you're pretty close to finishing The Endless One. Boy, do I wonder what you might make with that, but it's probably going to destroy everything its path.
Anyway, Alpha begins to get pretty annoyed because of all of the pop-ups but they begin spreading quick and he can hardly find any space to hide.

ALPHA: Well, I cannot say I didn't try.
ALPHA: ...This is quite a problem.

The Godmodder gets squashed between a BuzzFeed article and an advertisement for a dating website. One damage dealt! Good job.

AG (ofcourse)
Summoning Kirby 1/5
Summoning CPU-Kirby 1/8 (they are slightly stronger)
(i can already +1 right?) +3 Sirplop ( i have seen you do great things in the earlier pages!)

Welcome to Destroy the Godmodder: Terraria Edition, KelvinP15! I hope you enjoy your stay here!

So I see you roughly know what to do. That's great! Everyone has to start somewhere!
Please read the rules through and through, even if they are long, they're crucial to the game. And yes, you can give assists from the moment you begin playing.
Here, let me tell you the basics:
You can create three charges, and they don't have to be entities. They can be heals, attacks or alchemies.
Alchemies are also a thing, you can make four at a time, please check the rules to see what they are, explaining them here is quite difficult.

Sniper Armor, lvl 3, incerases accuracy of guns
Empire Earth IV, lvl 3
Disassembly,lvl 5
Thunder Stone (lvl 5)
Transformation Stone (lvl 5)
Two Handed Axe, lvl 7
Typhoon Sniper (lvl 7)
Matlera Hook (lvl 9)
Sol's Twig (lvl 10)
Angelic Longbow (lvl 10)
Demonic Recurve (lvl 10)
Thunder Essence (lvl 15)
Power Ranger Armor (lvl 15)
Balladina's Poisoned Longsword (lvl 25)
Ultimata Drain Rifles (lvl 26)
Bold is for crafted items
Italics is for gained from other things (like steal...)
Underline is for found items via charges
Purple: Lvl 1-5
Blue: Lvl 6-10
Light Blue: Lvl 11-15
Green: Lvl 16-20
Yellow: Lvl 21-25
Orange: Lvl 25-35
Red: Lvl 36-50
Rainbow: Lvl >50
Black: Spoil
Elite/Boss: Collab/Pricey: Nihil Novi (11/100) (+2 Pricey)
Charge/item merge: Liberium Malicous (6/35)
Entity: Mi-Hetir (6/40)
Slot 1:

Materials&Resulting item: Fragment of Reality && TM Machine && (Leaf Blade && Blade of Grass && Fairy Dust) || HM Fly && Angel Wings && Demon Wings == Dual Blade of The Very Best

Level: 11
Progress: 5/12

Description: Whatever, someone, who decided to make it, must have nuts to create that thing. It essentially has been created from someone, who shipped both Serperior and Sylveon, and played Terraria. Yeah, that's right, that's me, Thartler. It appears to be made from grass, enchanted by light magic and with real wings on it. The item can #rekt the foes, by attacking them by voice, but when voice appears, a sharp, sword-like grass projectiles shoot out of the sword. The user then is granted wings to fly, and home in target. Seems scary, yeah?

Slot: 2

Materials&Resulting item: (Sylveon's essence && Serperior essence) && Polish Flag && PWNHammer && The Great One && Sans ashes || Undyne's Spear == The Genocidal Shipper's Spear

Level: 16
Progress: 5/17

Description: Wait, wait, I'm that shipper. The spear looks pretty simple - figure of two Pokemon on left and right side, Polish flag on middle and titanium tip. Anyways, here's function. User stabs the spear in front of foe summoning both Serperior and Sylveon ghosts, but in middle of confession, scenery suddenly changes to Polish Sejm where a random noble ghost says: "Veto! I disagree! Sejm's canceled. Go back to homes." Before the Serperior ghost uses Grass Pledge, the Sylveon Ghost uses Fairy Wind, and then the person wielding this weapon gives enemy bad time, causing both ghost attacks to hit the foe. Finally, user stabs soul of enemy roughly 13 times.

Slot: 3

Materials&Resulting item: Triple-scoped Sniper Scope && Typhoon Sniper && (Transformation Stone && Thunder Stone) && Zeus's Thunder && TM Thunder && Electrosphere Launcher == Electrotyphoon SnipeThunder

Level: 13
Progress: 5/14

Description: It is upgrade of Typhoon Sniper, which adds two new modes. Thunder, for all needs of striking foes like robots and such, and imbue with electric, which can kinda do serious damage. And annoy the hell out from foes, and scare them, since sounds are so LOUD!

I need to watch out for these :p

Move Insanity, Dazzling gleam, Shipping Insanity, Soul-Bonding
Hmm, maybe to defeat the Godmodder, I need to clean out those pesky entities first?

I might do that.

First of all, I start by choking Experiment #1. Choking and choking, suddenly I realize - why not using another type of Spellcard, like Sakuya's World or Killing Doll...

But at other side... yeah... I don't have time for this.

I get some very durable vines and choke it. Then I build a drowning box, ground it to the floor and then drown Experiment #1 real fast. Then after it is still alive I set fire under it's pants.

Wait... That's type trinity... Yeah?

I then get some knifes, some persuasion needles and Illusion Lasers. Don't ask how I got them. I somewhat throw the knifes and needles before firing the lasers.
But then something unexpected happened. Knives multiplied themselves, Needles somewhat sharpened, and the Lasers fired for longer than they should...

Wait, that's another trinity, yeah? Of the heroes of unknown timeline?

Maybe yes, but I'm determined to attack it. I then conjure sword, lance and axe. Somewhat evidently, I do what I do, but then I slash using Lance, stab using axe and crush using sword- wait, did I really do that? Oops. Trying to reverse my errors I shoot Experiment #1 in what could be called its head.

Wait, but I made 3rd Trinity, yeah?

Then suddenly every of these attacks happen in the same moment. When suddenly... Strike-down!

I could contain it of course, but now the three became one... the Triluminati. But that's pretty much an attack type.
HP: N/A, why do you want to know HP of invulnerable player?
Spoil Cooldown: N/A
Item Cooldown: Power Ranger Armor: 2/4
Bombs: N/A, what, did you think it's 2hu?
+1 Cyan
+2 Pricey
Agh, I messed up my charges. Trickle, don't stab me for this.

Don't worry, I'm not going to stab you or anything, hehe.
30,000 damage dealt to Experiment #1 using the Triluminati and all that.

Summon Charge Kirby 2/5
CPU-Kirby 2/8
i eat some cookies and offer AG's some +1 SirPlop +1 Piono

Those cookies were delicious! You wonder what's in 'em. Mmmmm... cookies...

Slot 1

Glitchy USB From A Different Timeline && (Standard Battle Android && Glitch Essence) && (Corrupster USB && HxD USB) && MetaCuil Abstraction Device = Battle Gynoid EXE 5.0.7 (Level ?, 1/?)
A girl who may or may not be oddly familiar to some of you, upgraded and in battle android form. In a still coherent looking but glitchy form, she seems to be able to corrupt anything she wills into glitching into something entirely different. She can also be meta as heck.
Slot 2
({Recreate: Magical Anime Girl Golem (Shizuki-chan)} || Standard Battle Android) && (Essence of SCP-285's Hax && (HackerTyper USB (SCP Look and Feel) && Anomalous Digital Input Interface)) && (Detachable Robot Arm && USB 3.0 Port && HDMI Connector && PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Ports) = Battle Gynoid SCP-2223-A (Level ?, 1/?)
A gynoid in an anime uniform, who looks rather familiar to some of you and can hack into any electronic device connected to a network and can also hack reality to a small degree. She also has a detachable arm which is attached via several ports.
Slot 3
TF2 x10 Beggar's Bazooka || ((EAS Tones Machine && Essence of AT88TV && Higher Essence of Emergency Alert System) && (SCP-498 && Essence of SCP-1965 && SCP-219)) = The Hearing Test (Level 25, 25/26) (+5 from Cyanogynist, +2 from Pricey12345)
This is basically the god of ear destruction in one sleek modified Beggar's Bazooka. Not only are there 30 rockets you can load into this thing at a time, all 30 will spread out over a large area and unleash auditory devastation upon your enemies. EAS Tones, created by Dr. AT88TV, are the loudest sounds in the universe, capable of destroying Supreme AIs. Combine that with SCP-498, which will increase in volume infinitely, SCP-1965, which will allow the EAS Tones to self-propagate, and SCP-219, allowing said EAS Tones to be locked onto any material, object or entity to obliterate them from existence...
Slot 4
Disparem || Division Sigil = Inversion Sigil (Level 10, 10/11)
A cyan sigil that seems to have inverted colors. It is engraved with the mathematical expression -x on one side and ⅟ on the other, and can be used to invert the properties of an object.

Project Factory (12/100)
Project Colorwheel (13/50)

Half-Life 3 (3/33)
+1 Cyanogynist, +1 Pricey, +1 ConsumerOfAll
Project Factory Bid
❶ Cyanogynist (18)
❷ Pricey12345 (11)
❸ teag2 (6)
Feel free to bid when editing your posts. I will edit them into this post.

I use the Sword of Destruction to utterly rekt Experiment #1.

I thought the Sword attacked three entities? Eh, whatever. Experiment #1 takes 25,000 damage and eats some Inferno!
Also, please make new alchemies bold or something, because I'm dumb and prone to missing them.

({Recreate: Magical Anime Girl Golem (Shizuki-chan)} || Standard Battle Android) && (Essence of SCP-285's Hax && (HackerTyper USB (SCP Look and Feel) && Anomalous Digital Input Interface)) && (Detachable Robot Arm && USB 3.0 Port && HDMI Connector && PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Ports && 256-Pin Connector) = Battle Gynoid SCP-2223-A (Level 20, 2/21)

Also, those are some nice Minecraft mods you've got there. This isn't Minecraft as far as I know, but oh well.

Kagerou (Kantai Collection) Figurine && Standard Battle Android && Quadruple Cord Attachment Points && ((SPAMR Launcher (MineFactory Reloaded) && Chemical Thrower (Immersive Engineering)) && (Double Compressed Torcherino (Torcherino) && Augment: Space-Time Flux Unifier (Thermal Expansion) && Overclocker Upgrade (IndustrialCraft^2))) = Battle Gynoid Kagerou (Level 25, 1/26)

Honestly I have no clue what a gynoid even is. Probably some anime crud that I don't understand.
Oh, well, I regret googling that. Thanks Cobalt.

Ibuki Mioda (Super Danganronpa 2) Figurine && Standard Battle Android && (Electric Guitar && SCP-219) && 10x USB Port Array && ((Energy Condenser (Equivalent Exchange 2) && Metal Former: Wire) && Handless Robotic Left Arm) = Battle Gynoid Ibuki Mioda (Level 20, 1/21)

I have a hard time ranking thjse because I have no clue what most of the ingredients are, but I guess Level 20 can work?

Cookie Throw
I throw a giant chocolate chip cookie at Experiment #1, which deals damage to it and scatters chips which deal slightly less damage to Shaggy and J and... What's that?! One chocolate chip flies pointing its razor sharp edges towards the Godmodder himself, but the result will remain unknown until the next round.

Cyano +1 Pricey +1 Consumer +1

Welcome to DTG: Terraria Edition, SilentStorm! You seem reasonable and cool, please read the rules about things that you have to do.
Charges benefit you a lot and playing without them might be nigh impossible, so don't forget about that. You can always increase/decrease the charge cap, so even if you say a charge will go off in fifty turns you can always change your mind and make it finish in ten (obviously it'll once have the powers of a ten-charge, not the fifty-charge it was originally meant to be but there is no penalty to changing the times, you can even leave it as ???).
Experiment #1 takes 7,000 damage from the delicious cookie! Shaggy and J both take 3,000 damage from the chip flying right at them.
Alpha sees the chip flying right into his head and opens his mouth, consuming it whole. Ouch. Well, at least you tried!

For all the new people (@kelvinP15, @SilentStorm., and any others): There is a discussion thread for asking questions and learning how to play. Feel free to ask any questions you need there to keep the main thread clean of too many non-post /nulls. Good to have you onboard.


Ţ͡h̶̨e̡͜ ̵Eņ͢͝d̛͢le͜͞҉s͟s̶͏ ͠͏O͘҉͜ne͏ (262/300) +4 from Kelvin
Hive (34/50)
Prophet of Annihilation (2/12)

Nothing yeeeeeet.

There weren't any technicians available, Alpha. Sowwy.
P(x) = x^5 - x^4 +7x^3 - 7x^2 + 12x -12

An Empty Cereal Box && A lot of 7s && 'Boat Nectar' == Helmet of the Ducky Charms (lv. 11, 3/12) (Helmet) [EE] --The entity gets a 15% chance to get a HIGH TIDE! at any given attack, which doubles their damage by 2x until the end of the turn.
Dunestrider's Sunback && Eternity's Tremor == ??? (Lvl. ???, 2/???) (cloak) [EE]
Artificial Guardian Reconstruction: N/A

You craft the alchemy, and give it the tag [EE] (Entity Equipment). The player may not use this alchemy normally, and may only equip it to an entity of their choice (maybe only under their control - I dunno; YOU DECIDE!). Once it is equipped, that entity gains the properties of the alchemy equipped. Equipped alchemies cannot be moved off of entities unless that entity dies. Once it does, the alchemy returns to it's creators inventory, and must be "reshaped" - You can't put a dragon's chestplate onto a giant floating boat and expect it to fit properly.

This gives a way of -slightly- upgrading old entities with newer stuff.

*NOTE* Equipments shouldn't make anything unbeatable - just gives them some more abilities beyond their base creation.

Bottled Dragonfire && Gauntlet == Dragonspitter [EE] (Lvl. 10 - 0/11) - This could give an entity a fire-attack ability.
Reshape: Dragonspitter [EE] (Lvl. 10 - 0/5)

Reshaping an Equipment takes lvl / 2 charge time rounded up.
-- Artificial Guardian
When the Artificial Guardian dies, it becomes an unaidable 6 charge alchemy to be made into an entity again. Minimum of 2 turns out of the battlefield before reentry. Immune to mind control, cannot be controlled by anyone but me, and permanently N.
"I created him for a purpose; He will fight for me alone."
++Equipment Upgrade - Increases health to 95000, multiplies attack by x1.5, and increases the return time to 8.
Keeping these around in case of resurrection... Heheh...
-- Aetherderon, God of the Worlds
Polyp Swarm: Causes polyps to leap off of Aetherderon and attack 3 target entities. If they fail to attack their target, they will find a new one.
Great Call: Deals large amounts of damage to target entity.
Starstrike: Calls a star down from the sky to annihilate a target entity and anything that happens to be around it.
Stare of Immortality: Causes the afflicted entity's next attack to fail.
Dead yet Dreaming: Aetherderon will 'kill' himself, and return in 4 rounds at half his max health and free of effects (positive and negative). Spoil of War is not dropped. (Cools while he's alive)
Spoil of War - The Great Horn: Can be used to summon a spectral stampede of... things to attack a specific target, damaging it and anything that happens to be close to it! (IE things that just attacked it up close, related entities, etc.) Cooldown of 5.
-- Szalinthia, Bringer of Light
Break Rank -- Deals small amounts of damage to all entities on selected side. All entities damaged this way have less attack damage for the remainder of the turn. Cooldown: 4
Rising Sun -- Deals large amounts of damage to all entities on selected side. All AG entities have more attack damage for the remainder of the turn. Cooldown: 4
Bring to Light -- Creates 5 Demonic Legionnaires. (All begin protecting Szalinthia) Cooldown: 3
Fight for a Cause (Passive) -- Whenever an entity on the AG side dies, Szalinthia and all Demonic Legionnaires gain more attack power.
-- Demonic Legionnaires
At the beginning of every turn, create 3 more Demonic Legionnaires if there are at least 5 remaining.
Do less damage then average
-- Titanic Crusher
Titanic Crusher restores 5000 health at the start of every round unless at full health.
-- Incubation Beast
At the beginning of the EOTB, create a Sludge Crawler for every PG entity type on the field. (AKA group entities still only count as 1 type)
-- Oracle of Dust
When Oracle of Dust is attacked, it deals half as much total damage as it took to each entity that attacked it.
-- Dust Elemental
Whenever the Dust Elemental attacks, a random entity on the side it is attacking loses its attack this turn. (Godmodder Included.)
-- Inverse Attendant
All damage dealt to Inverse Attendant is instead converted to HP capable of overhealing. All HP gained that is not gained through damage causes Inverse Attendant to take damage instead.
Lifesend: Target entity gains X HP and Inverse Attendant loses X HP, where X can be any number that has been overhealed. Cooldown 3. When summoned, this ability does not need to cooldown.
"All was different there - not one thing the same."
-- Endless Pathrazer
Endless Pathrazer attacks three times per turn.
Takes x.75 damage, deals 1.25x damage.
"Whether by speech or force, the path will be clear."
-- Skyscrapper

Attacks that target Skyscrapper have a 50% chance to miss entirely.
Skyscrapper deals 2x damage to entities considered to be "flying".
Lvl. 15 - Warded Glassplate; Gives equipped entity an additional .25x damage reduction.
Lvl. 10 - Blood in the Snow; Equipped Entity has 20% to freeze attacked enemy for the round.
Lvl. 25 - Everfree; Staff that spatially manipulates anything I really want. Prevents time from being altered around it.
Lvl. 25 - Blackguard; Elemental attacks do no damage - It's also a quantum shield.
Lvl. 10 - Edge of the Shifting World; Doesn't function like a normal sword, cuts space-time instead of flesh.
Lvl. 05 - Dungeon Rock; Totally epic heavy metal guitar that really does nothing but be awesome!
Lvl. 17 - The Fallen; Plasma pistol given to all AGs and Ns, curtesy of me.
Lvl. 25 - Unlimatum; Ultimatum's big brother.
Lvl. 05 - Whispering Shroud; Totally awesome coat that mimics the ocean! Hard rain and everything!
Lvl. 25 - Eternity's Tremor; Godly spatial hammer of epic epicness.
Lvl. 10 - Genesis; Everfree's younger brother. Much younger. Like, 70+ pages younger.
Lvl. 10 - Terra Firma; Piono's earth hammer.
Lvl. 10 - Warden; a worse Blackguard.
Lvl. 06 - Bag of Holding; Self explanatory.
Lvl. 10 - Darkstone Scryer; "A compass with a needle that almost never ceases to move, made of blackened and warped voidmetal. The map used in its creation has given it the power over knowledge to chart a path through even the most treacherous of places, or even the Void itself, and merely possessing the compass gives the holder both protection against the dangers of the Void and the knowledge of how to travel in it. It can tap into eldritch and void power if the holder has need of self-defense on his wanderings."
Lvl. 15 - Aftershock; A pair of swanky earthen knucklebusters from Toast! Dare ye challenge me to fisticuffs?
Lvl. 14 - Bag of Possibilities; A bag that I can pull something out of! What that something will be every time I reach in, I will never know.
Lvl. 25 - Dust; "A simple-looking, understated, aged weapon, with a chipped blade that seems to constantly shed fine particles of itself."
Lvl. 05 - Dunestrider's Sunback; "A coat that holds the power of decay and water. Constantly sheds a fine dust, and keeps the wearer hydrated at all times."
Lvl. 25 - Unending Swarm; "A compass whose needle constantly spins, crafted of warped, blackened voidmetal and outer land wood. The needle itself seems to be a moving hole into a void darker than the Void itself, a void that is paradoxically full of endless possibility. Upon use, it taps into eldritch power and infinite possibility and summons a vast swarm of things - the only word that can really do justice to its creations. It also has power over the void, travel, and knowledge, carried over from the Darkstone Scryer."
Lvl. 25 - Anternoth; A gauntlet with some really shnifty abilities, like control of all things dark!
Lvl. 25 - Unholy Conglomeration: Pfft. This thing is funny. CONTROL OVER ALL THINGS GARBAGE.
Lvl. 30 - Dawn: This is the thing, man!
Lvl. 25 - The McGuffin: A crown that causes everyone within sight to beg to have it! Greed is a funny thing.

Other stuff I can't remember because it was 130+ pages a long, long time ago.

Lvl. 25 - Core Eva; A disk symbolizing the thin line between creation and destruction.
Lvl. 25 - Core Titan; A fine blade (and only a blade), representing the rise of great empires and legions, and the collapse of the world.
Lvl. 25 - Core Oran; A pommel depicting an ongoing battle between invading forces and a defending legion, neither side ever tiring.

Lvl. 1 Soul of Intellect
Lvl. 1 Soul of Flight
Lvl. 1 Soul of Clarity
Lvl. 1 Soul of Light
Lvl. 3 Lucid Soul of the Creator
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Storm
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of Instability
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Angel
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Lich
Lvl. 5 Immortal Soul of Swordsmanship
Lvl. 5 Immortal Soul of the Dying Sun
+1 to Toast, +1 to Piono, and +1 to Kelvin

Well, I guess I missed my previous math lesson so this will be my punishment.
Nope, I'm not going to do that. Never, ever, ever. You deal 9,000,000,000 damage to the GM by making him have a headache, which accomplishes nothing as the GM is unkillable. Well, at least for now. :^)

I find a zombie arm and collect it.


Zombie arm && A Bit of Necromantic Energy (obtained from [AG] player talented in necromancy if one gives it to me) = The Hand of the Damned lvl ?(1/?) (summons 3 skeletons which have 1 hp and deal moderate damage (it's only a suggestion), has 1 turn cooldown) (godmodder, please decide the level)
View attachment 168884 View attachment 168886

Edit: About the energy I was convinced by joebob it's not so good idea.

Zombie arm && A Bit of Necromantic Energy = The Hand of the Damned (Level 5) (1/6)
I'm going to let you redo this one as one health isn't nearly enough, the Godmodder can wipe them out in a single turn. Don't worry, I'm not going to charge you for your mistake.
Also, SS, the GM isn't the Godmodder. GM means Game Master, which is me, TrickleJest. The Godmodder is the villain of the story.

i slap him 0 dmg

Welcome, MossSki! Woah, a lot of newbies this round, eh?
Also, uh, I guess you do that?

use my TRUE copper sword.JK

use my copper sword 0 damage omfg just die allready

Ho hum.

Slot 1

Glitchy USB From A Different Timeline && (Standard Battle Android && Glitch Essence) && (Corrupster USB && HxD USB) && MetaCuil Abstraction Device = Battle Gynoid EXE 5.0.7 (Level ?, 2/?)
A girl who may or may not be oddly familiar to some of you, upgraded and in battle android form. In a still coherent looking but glitchy form, she seems to be able to corrupt anything she wills into glitching into something entirely different. She can also be meta as heck.
Slot 2
({Recreate: Magical Anime Girl Golem (Shizuki-chan)} || Standard Battle Android) && (Essence of SCP-285's Hax && (HackerTyper USB (SCP Look and Feel) && Anomalous Digital Input Interface)) && (Detachable Robot Arm && USB 3.0 Port && HDMI Connector && PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse Ports && 256-Pin Connector) = Battle Gynoid SCP-2223-A (Level ?, 2/?)
A gynoid in an anime uniform, who looks rather familiar to some of you. She can hack into any electronic device connected to a network and can also hack reality to a small degree. She also has a detachable arm which is attached via several ports.
Slot 3
TF2 x10 Beggar's Bazooka || ((EAS Tones Machine && Essence of AT88TV && Higher Essence of Emergency Alert System) && (SCP-498 && Essence of SCP-1965 && SCP-219)) = The Hearing Test (Level 25, 26/26)
This is basically the god of ear destruction in one sleek modified Beggar's Bazooka. Not only are there 30 rockets you can load into this thing at a time, all 30 will spread out over a large area and unleash auditory devastation upon your enemies. EAS Tones, created by Dr. AT88TV, are the loudest sounds in the universe, capable of destroying Supreme AIs. Combine that with SCP-498, which will increase in volume infinitely, SCP-1965, which will allow the EAS Tones to self-propagate, and SCP-219, allowing said EAS Tones to be locked onto any material, object or entity to obliterate them from existence...
Kagerou (Kantai Collection) Figurine && Standard Battle Android && Quadruple Cord Attachment Points && ((SPAMR Launcher (MineFactory Reloaded) && Chemical Thrower (Immersive Engineering)) && (Double Compressed Torcherino (Torcherino) && Augment: Space-Time Flux Unifier (Thermal Expansion) && Overclocker Upgrade (IndustrialCraft^2))) = Battle Gynoid Kagerou (Level ?, 1/?)
A 1:1 scale gynoid of Kagerou from Kantai Collection. In addition to her standard weapons in her remodeled form, she has four fully controllable cords extending from her back that can connect to various weapons, one of which is permanently connected to a rocket launcher that fires chemical-spraying rockets. I don't even know how she stays upright, she just does.
Slot 4
Disparem || Division Sigil = Inversion Sigil (Level 10, 11/11)
A cyan sigil that seems to have inverted colors. It is engraved with the mathematical expression -x on one side and ⅟ on the other, and can be used to invert the properties of an object.
Ibuki Mioda (Super Danganronpa 2) Figurine && Standard Battle Android && (Electric Guitar && SCP-219) && 10x USB Port Array && ((Energy Condenser (Equivalent Exchange 2) && Metal Former: Wire) && Handless Robotic Left Arm) = Battle Gynoid Ibuki Mioda (Level ?, 1/?)
A 1:1 scale gynoid of Ibuki Mioda from Super Danganronpa 2. Her left hand is missing, in its place a large amount of wires of all types that she can extrude infinitely at will. Connected by a fully controllable wire next to a series of inset USB ports on her right shoulder is a custom electric guitar, which can produce resonant frequencies of literally any material and even multiple materials at once and direct them at a specific point. She also can stay upright despite having several meters of wire and an electric guitar attached to her. Don't ask how.

Project Factory (13/100)
Project Robot Waifu Harem/ (14/50)

Project Robot Waifu Harem/vocaloid/ (4/50)
+1 Cyanogynist, +1 Pricey, +1 ConsumerOfAll
Project Factory Bid
❶ Cyanogynist (18)
❷ Pricey12345 (11)
❸ teag2 (6)
Feel free to bid when editing your posts. I will edit them into this post.

It's time to cook something so horrible anyone who tastes it will instantly die.

First, I locate SCP-198 and pour in a sample of Jarate, mixed with ultrafine particulate explosives timed to go off as soon as it enters anyone's digestive system, blazing pyrotheum, and some red food coloring. Then I use the Inversion Sigil to invert SCP-807 so that it instead makes food smell literally horrible. I then throw in a memetic attraction that i am currently inoculated to, the entire contents of Microsoft Sam's Diarrhea Infested Toilet, moldy cream cheese, polonium-210, and a crushed Windows Vista installation disk. The main course is a steank with no vegetal, but the steank is actually a live fluid cow that produces chlorine trifluoride instead of milk, which also has an infinite source of the stuff inside its body, and in place of the vegetal is a pile of radioactive waste. On the side is a full Highway Cookie's worth of crumbs mixed into mashed poisonous potato with fluoroantimonic acid capsules and razor blades.

Then I drop the entire thing on Experiment #1 and force it to eat the horrible meal with a memetic trigger.

I ranked your alchemies in your previous post. I have no clue why I did that, but I did and you can't do anything about it :mspa:.
Hm, let's see, 35,000 damage dealt to Experiment #1!



That's far too generic to damage him! Instead, it makes him have explosive diarrhea, which sends him off to outer space where a meteor strikes him down, dealing 30,000 damage!!

Tetrahellatus: 66/450
Senator Shrek: 23/50
Orbital Base Deployment: 9/40

Rocket Launcher && A bunch of clods && Crystalline olivine pieces= Clod Launcher (12/17). (I forgot to copy-paste this in my last post).
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-6-30 && The complete list of all the books written by Trotsky && The Communist Manifesto && Size Reducer= Permanent Revolution (1/??)
I proceed to out-hate Experiment 1 by pointing out that, actually I hate so many things that, if the word "HATE" was somehow inscribed into every subatomic particle in the universe, and the same was done in infinite universes, it would be a 10^-999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 th part of all the hate I feel towards the collective of things I hate.

Experiment #1 claims his hate is the most hateful hate and that he hates you, too. You simply hate his hateful hate! Outrageous!



(1 mole sample of every possible element, even those yet to produced under lab conditions, as well as all possible isotopes of those elements all && together) && Assault Rifle = Chemistry Final Exam [Level 10 10/11]
A seemingly generic assault rifle, with the twist of being able to shoot bullets containing any element desired, such that MOST will not react until impact. Extremely reactive elements will react almost instantly, however, acting similarly to a shotgun. Noble gasses might rapidly disperse on impact, forcefully expanding victims. So on and so forth.
Comedy Mask || (Terra Blade && Death Sickle && Adamantite Repeater && S.D.M.G. && Terrarian && Possessed Hatched && Flying Knife && Daedalus Stormbow && Daybreak && Golem Fist && Heat Ray && Sniper Rifle) == Follow My Lead [Level 15 10/16]
"Hah! You died."
Obscures the user's face while simultaneously manifesting powerful weapons about them. The user merely has to act out a powerful attack, and the mask will make it happen, usually in a humorous way.
The Monado III (Xenochronicles) && Windshear (Skyrim) && Biggoron sword (Ocarina of Time) && Lightsaber = CitruShears [Level 14, 4/15]

Charged Inventory:
The Living Flame: Charge = 1 (Charge increments by one each turn, so 0.5 each post if I post twice in a single turn); Hot Pants (2 charge); Fireblast (5 charge); Smokescreen (10 ammo left); Immolate (5 ammo left); Raging Inferno (8 charge required, 2 ammo left); Conflagration (12 charge, Raging Inferno MUST BE USED!); Information on attacks will be provided here on turns TLF is used. It otherwise grants small fire-based damage bonuses to attacks where applicable (ie. melee strikes).

14 (13, +1 from Consumer)/50 Heinous
10/50 Countered

Assists (Currently working on Pionochain):
+2 Goldenready
+1 Cyanogynist

Rest in peace, Abe's action. You will be missed.
Sad music plays in the background.
We are all very unhappy to announce the lachrymose death of our dear friend, Abe's Second Post. He had a good life. A good life indeed.

collab pls/Possible Elite 23/100

My helper: (Entity/Ally) 18/30 +2 from Thartler

MEATSHIELDS PLS (Entity/Ally) 13/25 +2 from W32Coravint

Remaining power of the snapped Twig of Fate && Mystical Seal && Status Effect Gem && Powered Staff II Blade = Curse of Fates and Death 19/26 (Causes 1 to 3 random Status effects that are randomised including Gravcrush, XBONIC Plague and Mark of Dog)

Protective Armour && Super-powered Silver && Anti-Status Effects Gem && Blessing of the Silver Guardian = Silver Guardian's Protective Armour [EE] 19/30 (Counts as Level 25) (Part of the Anti-Power Creep set. The Armour can give a Entity 25% Damage Resistance to anything and 25% status effect resistance (including XBONIC Plague) for 2 turns and has a cooldown of 3 or 4 (Level 25 Alchemies usually has a post cool-down before use but this will be longer))

Current Saga: Lets Get Dangerous Once Again Part 5: The Insane...
Current Arc: Miracles

Before Action: Ehh?

Action: I spin my Scythe-blaster of the moon dragon around a few times before I turn it into the blaster, switch to Heal mode and I pulled the trigger, shooting the purple and green laser at the Annihilator, covering it with magic and healing it.

I also use my Runepaw's Gauntlet so summon some randomized runes from the gauntlet (Use to spin for some random runes).

Annihilator's Action: ... looks like it's time... i use i got some kids for you, summoning the creature from this world or another world it has perished followed by illumipunching the experiment #1, making the triangle-shaped hole (or cyborg j or even an [pg] if it died)

+1 to piono, W32Coravint and Thartler

Support me if you want.

Blah’s Power Core. Cooldown in turns: 8/8. [SPOIL OF WAR]
Pineapple Device: Cooldown in turns: 0/3. [SPOIL OF WAR]

Scythe-blaster of the moon dragon. CD in Turns: 3/3 (USING...) [Level 50]. It can be used to slice a target for high damage or it can be also used to heal a target for a high amount.

Magic Charge Pendent. Charge storage: 3/10 charges (charges every turn). [Level 50] If I use it on a foe, it deals lots of damage but weakened when if I use it with 1 lesser charge

Sword of Git Gud (Known as SoGG) CD: 2/2 [Level 25] Charge: THE MINI RECKONING 4/7 (You must use the Weapon 7 times to activate this charge)
Fully Charged Runepaw's Gauntlet CD: 2/2 (USING...) [Level 25] Current Runes: 6/25 Ice, Ice, Fire, Fire, Damage, Shadow.
Storm Firey Bullet Blaster CD: 2/2 [Level 25] Has the 20% chance of Burning or 5% chance of Napalming (Stronger version of Burning)
Liquid Death [Level 10]
Rust [Level 16]
BSU Flame Blaster CD: 3/3 [Level 25] This flameblaster can instantly cause a high damage burn for 2 turns with a cooldown of 3 turns.

Super Deal With It Glasses [Level 7] (NERFED DUE TO CURSE OF REPETITIVENESS)
When the Gauntlet has been used, Generates up to 3 Runes per Action or (1 to 3 Runes per Action This is Random you know.) Also, It can hold up to 25 Runes (Ooh that's cool! but sometimes can be one of the most powerful Level 25 Items in the game due to these)

Fire: Deals very high damage to the enemy when used, low chance of burning.

Heal: Heals the ally for much more HP when used.

Damage: Deals heavy damage to the enemy when used.

Ice: Deals high damage to the enemy when used, high chance of freezing. (Can be used on stupid high-damaging entities and some power-creep entities)

Thunder: Deals medium damage to 3 select enemies when used, medium chance of paralysing.

Light: Deals high damage to the enemy or heavy damage to the dark/shadow enemy when used.

Shadow: Deals high damage to the enemy or heavy damage to the light enemy when used.

I know the Light and Shadow Runes can be pretty complicated but here are the buffing Runes

Attack Buffer: Gives 25% Attack increase for 3 turns when used on the ally.

Defence Buffer: Gives 25% Defence increase for 3 turns when used on the ally

Dodge: Gives 25% Dodge Rate for 3 turns when used on the ally.

MLG (I cannot think enough MLG Stuff...): Deals extreme damage to the enemy (massive damage to 2 enemies or very high damage to 3 enemies) and reduces 25% Attack, Defence and 25% Dodge on the enemy it inflicted (10% All stats on 2 enemies and 5% All stats on 3 enemies) or heals the ally for so much HP and gives 25% Attack, Defence and 25% Dodge on the ally. 1/100 chance of creating the rune also, it is extremely rare as well (probably for balance reasons)

Woah! You heal an effective 150,000 health to Annihilator X! Not sure this is the amount usually healed, but the alchemy should roughly do 50,000 damage per turn, which would amount to 150,000 per three turns which I've simply converted into health.
I'm not sure whether I should pick out your runes or whether you do it yourself, but I got a 3 on a D3 roll, which means you get three runes.
Also, I'm not exactly sure if you can pick out the runes you want or if I should do it myself, but I did it myself just in case. I rolled Fire, Light and Defense Buffer.


Artifact 32/300
Beamlord 29/50
An Old Friend 25/50

+2 to Corivant, +1 to Piono


Assault Rifle || Oh Crap (Level 16 Minigun) = EA-32 18/19

Spax && Warhammer of Zillyhoo = Spax of Zillyhem 11/11 Done.
Spax of Zillyhem: Spaaaa- NO!

Battleaxe && This is Real Sticky Note = The One True Battleaxe 4/10

[Bucket && Magazine] && AK-47 = Bucket Gun 4/11

420 Blazington && Illuminati Confirmed Meme Picture && Freemasons Buisness Card = Scoped Illuminator 1/???

Scoped Illuminator: *insert X-Files theme*

Redstone becomes a spy and backstabs the Shaggy 2 Bot. Because backstabbing a robot makes them bleed to their death, right? Right?

Right? Right. 10,000 damage!

420 Blazington && Illuminati Confirmed Meme Picture && Freemasons Buisness Card = Scoped Illuminator (Level 10, 1/11)

Illuminati jokes are sorta overused, but sure.

Tetrahellatus: 67/450
Senator Shrek: 24/50
Orbital Base Deployment: 10/40

Rocket Launcher && A bunch of clods && Crystalline olivine pieces= Clod Launcher (13/17).
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-6-30 && The complete list of all the books written by Trotsky && The Communist Manifesto && Size Reducer= Permanent Revolution (2/??)
I use my own airhorn on Cyborg J in order to annoy the crap out of it, and I send massive amounts of spam involving stale memes everywhere...

Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-6-30 && The complete list of all the books written by Trotsky && The Communist Manifesto && Size Reducer= Permanent Revolution (Level 17, 1/18)

Did somebody say... stale memes?
A bunch of Rage Comics, Cat Memes and Advice Dog-esque memes (the ones with a severed head surrounded by flashing rays of dual colors, akin to the Troll Face meme or High Expectations Asian Father) fly at Cyborg J, dealing 15,000 damage.

@pionoplayer Probably should ask this: As you're due to win the bid for Freyja, do you want that finished first or your project charge?

@Abeneautmal @Cyanogynist I'm going to +2 Aben and +1 Cyan, as Aben is farther behind than Cyan on getting a +50.

@TrickleJest: While I would agree, I think it's not possible for a Spoil that has an effect that lasts multiple turns to recharge while in-use. Or at least, if that isn't the case, that should be the case. Which means that, out of ten turns, only four of those turns is an entity the Phantom Godbot protecting invincible. That, or the Phantom Godbot itself wrecks house for those four turns, which is in many ways exactly the same, as those summoned entities usually rival the standard 50-post charges.

Spoils have been called 'Unbalancing Features' at least once by Piono.

You also do realize I just used a Level 25 Alchemy? Or is the damage from those puppies finally toned down? If so, you should probably tone down some HP/damage values as well; the damage inflation in Terraria (compared to, say, 0) is primarily due to the Alchemies going off the chain due to static damage increase from the Alchemies. I'm just wondering how damage calculations work now.

Charged Alchemies: |III>I>I|
Akron's Core: |IIIII>IIIII>II|
Crystalized Ki: |IIIII|
Central Processing Unit: |IIIIII|!USING! (Phantom Godbot turns: 1/4 (just summoned!)
Medusa's Head: |IIII|
Rebalance: |III|
Doom Unleashed: |III|!USING!
Fear the Darkness: |IIIII|

Uncapped! The Climax: 97 / 150. (+5 from Alpha).
Zero: 50 / 50. (+3 from Piono, +3 from Emerald, +4 from Abeneautmal) Holding onto it for a turn. Or maybe just until the next post.
Deicide Squad: 24 / 50.

+3 from Piono, +3 from Emerald, +4 from Abeneautmal, +5 from Alpha.

Freyja bid:
TwinBuilder: 91-SUSPENDED-
Pionoplayer: 73
DarkSide: 58
The Flaming Toast: 59
Battlefury: 41
Consumer: 30
Abeneautmal: 4
EmeraldMann: 3

Cyanogynist (Jormungandr)
Generic (Fenrir)
Talist (Veðrfölnir)
Crystalcat (Tyr Bid)
W32Coravint (Tyr)

+2 to Abeneautmal, +1 to Cyanogynist.

(Deck of Playing Cards ++ Magic) && (Dreamcatcher && Magetear) = Nequilita (Level 15: 13/16)

A Rock from Limbo && Liquid Death && Zweihander = The Grayscale (Level 14: 4/15)

Cosmic Cloak && Captain's Guardian && Magetear Droplet = Nocturne (Level 15: 7: 13/16)

Katana || Pixel-sharp edge && Essence of a Time Giant && IDPD Captain's Badge = The Hunter's Blade (Level 15: 10/16)

Expanding this a bit. A note: If it has parenthesis or curly brackets around its name, it's still locked.

Also, in case you're noticing discrepancies from the linked pastebin; Crys has allowed me to do some mild shuffling of the Class Levels, mostly making the 4th level Big Scenes come later than the other lower-level techniques.

Roxxanne [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level: 15; CR3.
  • Mage Chorus/Resonance/(Rhythmic)CR5/(Crescendo)CR9
  • Phoenix Breath/Sick Burns/(Ashes to Ashes)CR7/(Since the world's been turning)CR12
  • (Forme Shift)CR4/(Adaption)CR6/(Metamorphic)CR11/(Evolution)CR14
  • (Shotgun Shuffle)CR8/(Akimbo)CR10/(Bite the Bullet)CR13/(Lead Lotus)CR15
  • {Epoch()}CLASS RANK 5
  • {The Power} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Magicka} CLASS RANK 13
  • Aptitutde: Roxxanne gains +1 Level per any kills she makes.
  • The Shadows: 15% Dodge chance on yourself, cannot be negated by any means.
  • (Outfoxed): 10% Dodge Ignorance for you and your entities. CR7
  • (Climatic Summoning): All entities gain a minicrit and are invincible on their turn of summon. CR11
Zetta [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level: 12; CR3. ACTIVE.
  • Mind Killer/Dreambreaker/(Ego Eater)CR5/(Oblivion)CR9
  • Disaster Master/Gaia's Wrath/(Calamity Trigger)CR7/(This is it)CR12
  • (Smashforme)CR4/(Items On)CR6/(Wombo Combo)CR11/(Final Destination)CR14
  • (Saltwater Strike)CR8/(Seven Seas)CR10/(Whirlpool)CR13/(Bottomless)CR15
  • {Providence} CLASS RANK 5
  • {Insanity} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Dream Cycle} CLASS RANK 13
  • Hate Within: 35% chance of minicrit on Hostiles for all of your Entities as well as yourself. If chance procs while minicritting, upgrades to crit. If procced while critting, crit is not expended. Only works on Hostiles.
  • Determination: His Entities resist all Mind Controls successfully. (Zetta and the crew can't be MC'd to begin with, because they're players.)
  • (Providence): His Entities have an additional 25% resistance to any status effect that would cost them their turn. CR7
  • (Faking it): Zetta doesn't die on having HP turned to 0, but rather retreats tactically. He respawns 1 action sooner because he's gotten good at it at this point. (if he's the first to respawn on TPK he can act immediately.) CR11
Grimsby [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level 6; CR2. DEAD. (2/6 posts remaining)
  • Sleuth Diplomacy/Case Closed/(Improptu Caucus)CR5/(Ceasefire)CR9
  • Hunter's Trick/(Powder Keg)CR3/(Mass Grave)CR7/(Slaughter)CR12
  • (Bloodborne)CR4/(Red River)CR6/(Vein Matters)CR11/(Baptism of Blood)CR14
  • (The Sight)CR8/(Grim Knowledge)CR10/(Psychoanalyze)CR13/(Evil Within)CR15
  • {Beast Within} CLASS RANK 5
  • {Your Best Nightmare} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Cut You Down} CLASS RANK 13
  • Pulchritude: His Entities have a 10% chance of minicritting randomly.
  • (Grim Times): Attackers have a 5% chance of Terror upon hitting Grimsby. CR3.
  • (Blood Rally): If harmed, Grimsby and his entities can attack the entity responsible. If successful, a third of the damage dealt is transferred back as HP. CR7.
  • (Lead by Example): His Entities have a 30% chance of minicritting if attacking an entity he has attacked that turn. CR11.
L00T: 21.

Skirmish Maneuver Pastebin:

Zetta is getting mildly annoyed at the sudden decisive AZ advantage, but can't really deal with it until the Annihilator is gone. At this rate, he's going to need something that can challenge Chuck Norris-and something that, for that matter, could nevertheless be beaten.

Hrm. Zetta, surprisingly, knows exactly what fits both criteria. It probably doesn't even smash the OP scale into tinder, either. It was just a matter of persuasion, really. That and Hezecrusher Fallacy Exploitation to thoroughly limit how bad this could get. A few tricks too, as safety nets. Zetta pulled out his Cipher's Call and peered into its surface.


In another world of (theoretically) endless possibilities, endless fighting and endless salt, lies a realm wherein beings of extraordinary power 'fight.' Rather, their creators operate upon warping the very code of the world and their own code to forcibly disqualify their opposition in ever-more blatant abuse of the system so extraordinary that such abuse itself is quite amazing to behold in its sheer one-upsmanship. They are only disqualifications in that they do not even touch their opponent at all, in any way; their presence does not so much as destroy them so much as force them to admit to defeat.

There is a catch, though. The fact is that these entities are bored. The odds of them actually fighting anything that can overcome all of their abilities while simultaniously failing to breach their defenses to force legitimate combat is nil. Despite the fact that some of them are genuinely dangerous in combat, with many boasting the ability to take down Chuck Norris in a fight, the way they do so leaves them terribly bored. But they are rich due to their high winrates.

Such is life. And there are worse lives to live.

Among these many fighters is one of, if not particular power, particular fame; Reimu Hakueri. Or, rather, the girl who was Reimu Hakueri. This Reimu had suffered a series of misfortunes that lead to her becoming a Youkai against her will, then unintentionally absorbing another strong Youkai, which had a multiplicative effect upon her power rather than additive, and then very intentionally proceeding to absorb the rest of the land that, by definition, she was supposed to protect, until all that was left was a nigh-impenetrable barrier surrounding her personage, warping to her will. This being was different, mad, power-hungry, terrifying, and deranged. She is now typically known as ONI-MIKU. Yes, with the caps and all. However, before her tremendous power could wreck havoc upon the rest of the world, she was whisked here. Her rampages did not cool at once, and as she defeated and absorbed some of the fighters, she grew ever stronger, becoming designated in this world by ever-increasingly long tags to show her increasing danger. She was not the last nor strongest of her kind-but rather one of the first, as she started to 'cap' upon power and therefore 'avert' battles by forcing them to end before they could begin.

Times change, though. As ONI-MIKU became increasingly powerful, and increasingly drawn to the realm of those of unbearable power like her own that started to form, the madness that had consumed her before faded, leaving her rather jaded, rather ashamed, rather astonished, rather changed, and rather rich. She recognized that she had been morphed beyond the simple shrine maiden that she once was and could no longer bear her old name. She wasn't miserable, though. Her new, odd friends in this new realm that she consistently 'fought' or fought against, who seemed immune to the ravages of death and considered assimilation a mild inconvenience, helped fill the void that she created before in her rampages. Still jaded, still ashamed, still astonished, still changed, still rich, but not lonely. And such was life.

Today, her time is free. And only hers. Challengers of lower power line up to try to stop her only to lose all stamina in seconds. She is bored.

And then a phone rings. An eyebrow is raised, a hand extended, a call answered. Eyes widen. Shock is registered. Then, a smile. Something that can actually fight her? Oh, oh goodness. That sounds just like the change of pace she was asking for. Then the caveat; only the once, and only to one, lest she be disposed of by a certain someone. The former Shrine Maiden confirms her agreement to this contract, if it means that she may exercise her actual power. She then asks when this will take place.

A tear in space opens, the gate to somewhere else. Fighters are blown backwards by raw power. The girl once known to be Reimu Hakueri is taken aback. She has not felt anything like this in a long time, even longer than since she had a good fight. The feeling of being totally overwhelmed. Power to utterly destroy the entire world she lived in-and many like it. Yet, she herself was wrapped in it, bolstered by it, given strength by it, bound by it. She did not notice that her hair was on fire, burning Orchid, as she stepped through the threshold.

A gate closes.

A load of fighters feel bummed by this, only to notice each other and start beating themselves up instead.


"The venerable and powerful ONI-MIKU arrives!" Zetta announces to the confused onlookers at why a Reimu black as pitch and red-dressed was called forth. "Capable of evicting Chuck Norris from combat as a loser! Capable of eating a world! Some third ancedote to her power! All these things and more!" Zetta shouts, getting a look from his guest at the third mention.

"...OK, so, darling, you see that ugly monstrosity?" Zetta says, pointing at the massive Annihilator and it's dank memes. "Please, in any way you wish, within the timeframe of seventy-five seconds, destroy that stain on good taste! You will be paid. Oh, yes you will, in more than just thrill as well. Assuming you play by the rules." Zetta says, with the mildest hint of menace.

ONI-MIKU moves naught, the only change being her eyes and mouth glowing into a crimson face suitable for a demon. Zetta takes this as total confirmation. "Excellent! You may begin at-will!"

ONI-MIKU's mad grin recedes to naught but the horrific glowing smirk before the storm, as she approaches the Annihilator, bows in equal parts elegance and mocking contempt, and reaches into a hole of her own making; one laced with eyes of red and black, menaced with teeth. She pulls out naught but a stick, with two red ofuda tied to the end.

Zetta, for his part, turned his back to the carnage that was to be. He knew for a fact that any real fight with ONI-MIKU tended to get... Flashy. Just in case, he quickly put on a certain pair of shades-hardly stylish, but they are thus because they are meant for looking at Solar Eclipses.


Roxxanne went overboard with the whole studying thing, it seemed. She quickly went from studying about her specific malady to trying to grab onto everything she could get her hands on that seemed remotely relevant, and when you had near-infinite hands that meant she had grabbed a lot of books. Sadly, in the end even with the books from the snooty anonymous human supremacist, very little of her studies really helped. She had used this power before. Once, when she thought she knew how it all worked. She learned much of the power from before her reincarnation. None of it really told you what to do when your Shadow was beyond the typical standards of competence, nor could they offer hints as to her Shadow's full capacities. At this, she assumed physiological differences to be involved, or at least have some potential involvement. When she finally sifted through hundreds of titles to pin down Daemonic Vampires, a queer note was made.

Apparently, in the life 'cycle' of her species ('cycle' because it was often that they could literally live forever given the right opportunities), there was an event. It was never directly named in any of the material she got a hold of, but it was often compared to Puberty in that this event signaled the end of a Vampire's 'childhood,' which was basically some time after they became strong enough to 'withstand it.' Whatever that means. That was the most informative book's information on the subject; it seemed to be an unspoken, unacknowledged and universally-enforced taboo to publish what occurs during the event, what physiological changes are required to even trigger it or even its name. She hadn't heard word of it from anyone else, either.

...Though, her eldest sister did make reference to some kind of disaster that lead to her becoming a key member of an amnesiac order of paladins, and the sheer fear she apparently induced as a result of her 'behavior immediately prior to joining.' Roxxanne figured that may be this odd event. Another thing on her to-do list: ask Rebecca about that time and this thingy she's trying to learn about because it's infuriating her so much.

She studied more, though. Even more. Biology, mainly. Her own biology as a sue was very complex, but she documented it well herself to get that out of the way, so now she was looking for exotic creatures to add to herself. Unique and overpowered bosses, creatures like titans, demons of 'impossible power,' you know. The kind of thing that was powerful due to species. And also, the kind of thing that was powerful due to extreme biomass. But what?

Typhon organisms were definitely on the table. Extremely high and extremely adaptable Psionic power. She always considered herself a powerful psionic-but only in the mental fields. Any matter of telekinesis was nonexistent. Their ability to physically turn into objects-like cups or guns or ammunition-would be extremely useful, filling a gap in her arsenal... As if she wasn't a Sue and wasn't already capable of that.

Roxxanne shook her head a bit. She wondered, why did she forget she was such a powerful Sue in that moment? Maybe it was trying to tell her something? Odd. Most sues do not account for not being sues. Though, certainly, the flavor would be tasty. Very tasty.

... Candy is tasty too, right?

Yes, but meat is tasty as well. And she can't have a diet filled with just sweets.

But, she could. She bit down on a finger and stretched it out. Painless, even as the finger extended to the length of her arm. She released her finger, and it was only when she wanted it that her finger snapped back to its proper size like a rubber band. Trickster powers. Yes, she could. It would be healthy, even... But meat was tasty. Especially the kind with superpowers.

Moving on, she turned to a section in a bestiary of the 'Judgement's Kingdoms,' some particular universal system born under the Curse of the Exceptional Hat. It is apparently a hat with a face, and it is surprisingly adorable. That is where the cuteness ends, though, but a lot of those creatures possess exceptionally useful properties. She took note of 'Parabolean' entities in particular. They looked delicious.

...No, they looked like snakes.

Delicious snakes?

Snakes. The mothergorillaing snakes that you get fed up with being in your mothergorillaing plane. And these snakes were definitely not delicious.

...Or were they? They certainly were useful if she could get her hands-

Roxxanne blinks twice. She looks back over to her notes. Half were on-topic; half just descended into some mildly disturbing notes on how to cook things. Or just eat them.

Roxxanne stops. She closes the books. She backs away slowy. She starts to realize exactly how much influence her own nemesis could impose upon her.

Or is that just herself? Actually herself and not her shadow?

Roxxanne isn't sure if that's worse.

She'll ask Rebecca, or maybe Rosalind, about the whole affair. But first, she needs to meet up with Lucifer, Parnaoid's contact, wherever he is...


ONI-MIKU mockingly bowed again, as Zetta applauded her performance. That was sure to be a Danmaku-slinging the 'poor' Annihilator X would not soon forget. The machine almost managed to get up, resisting the eight-ton Ofuda that were weighing its legs down, but then Zetta pointed his sword to the sky, and a series of Meteors-like a fist made of fiery moons-crashed down upon the robot to stall it out a bit longer.

"OK! That's a warp!" Zetta said. "Time's up, go home!"

ONI-MIKU would not go home willingly. Zetta knew this, well before it would become apparent in her face and her actions, and thus Zetta had a plan. His own grin and face did not falter as ONI-MIKU's slasher smile returned in full force. Her own plan was to do to Zetta what she had done to so many others, if it meant that she had an excuse to fight here eternally. Zetta could have considered it as a way to eat her soul from the inside-out, but that would be too much. Maybe later, if he was desperate.

"No? Unfortunately, milady, that isn't how it works around here. Er-hem."

A long string of letters and numbers appears, wrapping around ONI-MIKU's field of vision. Zetta leans back as ONI-MIKU is suddenly obliterated-and thus returned to her proper 'home'-by the way of the legendary force known as the Debugger character. Zetta was very happy he set ONI-MIKU to P2 for that very reason, as the Debugger has an exactly 50% winrate, defined strictly by if Debugger is P1 or P2.

Zetta quickly switches the Debugger to P2 before anything else happens. It self-destructs, declaring Zetta the winner. Zetta bows in mocking acknowledgement to the machine in front of it before vanishing from its targeting system in a puff of fire and smoke.

No, damage's still the same and I didn't realize you used a Level 25. You deal an additional 30,000 damage to one of the tentacles, killing it!
You deal 25,000 damage to Annihilator X using... whatever that was.

In other news, my charge names are still refrances.
Tip of the day: ERROR.

Crack The Sky: /3/3\
Jormungandr/Destiny's Call: <5/5>
The Queener: In the Armory.
The Infinity Edge: In the Armory.
Runes Stored: no
Chorus Mortis: (4/4)

+1 to Consomme
+1 to Piono
+1 to W32Coravint

Sword of the Godsavior [KEK]: 35/100
Avatar of Saguaro/1000 Blank Purple Runes [VULRENABILITY WAGON]: 25/50
Probect Take Over ZA WARUDO [PIONOCHAIN]: 22/50 (+5 some guys)

Cyberius Crescendo && Spatium Progressio = Krakensbane (Level 25) (20/26)
I should have done this ages ago.

Shard Bulk && Muton Armor && Temmie Armor || Rallying Blade && Iron Umbrella = Rallying Bulk (Level 20) (14/25)
A large heavy suit of armor made entirely out of hard light. Gives 25% damage resistance, and applies Divine Shield (first attack to the entity is blocked) every turn.

Katar ++ Void = The Blank (Level 10) (7/11)
gorilla you guessed it.

NEW! T.I.M.E. F.C.U.K. (Level 10) && Meta Titan Essence = C.A.N.O.N. F.C.U.K (Level ?) (67?)
Stands for Corrupted reAlity NavigatOr's Nuclear First-Class regorillaery Kit. Basicaly the TIME FCUK but on steroids, and does the opposite of ungorillaing time now.

--Spellthief (SUMMONED)
HP: 420,000
Attack: 30,000
Active: Sappin' Mah Knawledge - Up to 10 charges stored. Can copy one active and passive ability. For actives, 1 charge used per 1 charge on the active. For passives, 1-5 charges used based on the passive's intensity (the GM decides). The copied abilities can be swapped out with other ones of the same types.
Passive: Greater Focus - While not attacking or using Sappin' Mah Knawledge, the Spellthief gets double charge speed for Sappin' Mah Knawledge.
Passive: Salt Level Stabilization - Sappin' Mah Knawledge can't copy Skirmish Maneuvers entities' actives and passives.
Entity Actions:
Steel Sentinel and Spellthief attack Experiment #1. Again.
Xtrullor shooes Shaggy 2 Bot and Cyborg J with the reasoning that this isn't Washington DC and it isn't September yet.
My inventory, project and Arena Cue can be found here.

T.I.M.E. F.C.U.K. (Level 10) && Meta Titan Essence = C.A.N.O.N. F.C.U.K (Level 22, 1/23)

Xtrullor obliterates the cyborg clown duo! ...Well, by "obliterates" I mean deals 5,000 damage to each of them.

29/50 Astral unlock
the hive 5/20
16/25 M.Armor
+3 consumer
celestial mirror(or whatever it ends up being called) && blood dagger && JOEs perception crystal && soulshard katana && technosoulblade
TechnoRelease blade level ? 2/?
I get to work freeing another clown from the cluster, this time using the subjective powers of my perception crystal to heal them up as if respawning was a thing. as with before, I free as many as possible.

This time around, two clowns are freed! They thank you and join the AG side.

Annis generically stabs Zetta, trying to figure out a way to put the Universal Essence into usage. Next turn. Next turn.

Sonja Horah [SUMMON] [14 /25] =====
Bad God Men, Nasty Demons [VIOLATION] [29/50] ========== [+2 from Battlefury, +2 from Cobalt, +1 from SilentStorm, +1 to Cyan]
Giving JOE A Lot Of Money: Phase 1 [SUMMON] [1/25]
+1 to JOE, +2 to Hez.

CONSUMER + HEZETOR: (Nano Blades || Scissors) && Shard of Reality && Saurite && Amulet of the Bad God == Reality Cutting Scissors (Level 25: 3/26) [VIOLATION]

Hez: 3 free alchemies, to kickstart our evil team plans!

In total:
JOE: 3 free alchemies
Battlefury: 3 free alchemies
Hez: 3 free alchemies
Redstone: 1 free alchemy
Abe: 0 free alchemies

I'm giving out alchemies or giving shard requests, on a whim, to anyone who assists me continuously (for more than five seconds), to help kickstart my evil, evil, evil plans and the rebellion against BADGODSONG.
If you give me assists or generally just help me out, enjoy your free alchemies! I'll always leave a slot for myself, and they'll probably take a while, but if you assist me more I can speed them up, especially if I don't have a charge marked [VIOLATION], or if you ask me!

Stacks of A LOT OF MONEY: 0.
Permanent Party Members: 1 / 4.

Happy Cube [10]: Nightmares.
Placebomancer's Staff [10]: Placebos.
Celestial Language [10]: Ein Sof.
Essential Name [10]: Soalesse.

Coral Riff Guitar: Hentai.
The Great Horn: I missed Kalares.[

Uh, dang. Not this crud again, it feels like I stop existing whenever that... thing happens.
Bluh, anyway, Zetta takes 10,000 damage! Stab stab stab! You know what happens when you stab a lot...
右? 右.

Hezetor is quite shocked by the bizarre thing that happened the moment he joined, but his shock is cut short by the attack of Alpha.
Hezetor: Very well, I see Richard, attacking me once as I planned is one thing, but to dare try laying your fingers one me like that you shall pay the price!
Hezetor: if you kneel and beg for pardon I may leave you be.
He says with a pompous tone, clearly as Alpha has no intention of kneeling to him like that we can assume that Hezetor joins AG.

Then he observes those who have helped him against Alpha, Dylan and Annis.
Hezetor: Salutations to you both, I'm Hezetor Keeper of the Flame.
He spends a moment to observe Annis in particular.
Hezetor: You... his eyes narrows a bit, certain memories returns to his mind.
Hezetor: Last time you where quite a slowing factor for my plans, you should make amend for your sins and help me this time around, if you want to avoid my righteous wrath.
He just later realizes that Annis herself is innocent from the accusations of working against the Plans of Hezetor and that rather greater powers stopped him, this is really interesting isn't it?

Uncapped: 5/150 +2 from Consumer



+3 to @Battlefury13/Conderp

(Modular Armor && Battle Suit) || ( Nano Orb of Pure Energy && Miniature nuclear reactor && Solar Panels && Quantum Nano Comupter && Titanium && Orichalcum && Neutronium && Perfectioned exoskeleton && Recycling System && Anti Gravity Device&& Plasma shielding device) = Hezetor’s Armor Model 1 (Level 25:3/25)

Sword of sunder absorption && Caledfwlch && Termination && Module of Total Manipulation && Unbreakable Katana = Avaritias (Level 25: 3/25)

Astral Skiff && Ethereal Tunneler && Gate Zeppelin && Astral Ship && Dust from Limbo&& Computer && Miniature Spiral Sun Engine && Portal interceptor= Limbo Carrack (Level 25: 3/25)

The Power Glove || Small Gear from mechanus && Sacred Stone && Control Matrix && Quantum Computer && Keys of the Stars && Pienal of Warpidio = Glove of Control (Level ??: 1/??)

This supremely crafted glove of is the ultimate tool of control.
Capable of bending all the sources of power and all elements to the will of its user, it adapts to its user mind to grant perfect efficient and control over their own power being capable of acting as an optimal vehicle for any power that they might posses, the glove itself allows the user to better shape, refine and use any power that they might wield, clearly it is of lesser use for those who don't naturally posses any power.
Another function of the glove is that of being capable of getting connected to different sources of power itself granting the user optimal and intuitive use of any kind of source it might be connected.
The glove itself grants no power if not that of controlling other powers, in particular those that are either owned by the wearer or those which are connected to the glove, while this doesn't seem that incredible this glove is a specialized tool for this peculiar field and as such it is truly the best for this kind of job.
For example giving this glove to a newbie fire mage user would them to shape their flames so well that they could always burn their foes and never hit their friend, or while before they could only cast fireballs now they could freely shape fire as to take any form they desire.
Clearly this example would make sense if this glove could be used by those who are not Hezetor, but as Hezetor make it he clearly made it only for himself.
For those who have no powers in particular the glove is still exceptional as it allows the user to perfectly user their muscles for whatever task they might need, reducing fatigue and increasing strength, this also applies on the mental side of things, as the mind of the user is made work in a more functional way with their thinking capabilities greatly increased.
As said before this remains a tool of great power yet of limited scope.

Yeah, bizzare is the correct word. I don't know how or what that even was, but-



エピソード2:私の悲惨な存在を終了してください! 私たちはいつも一日死ぬつもりです、なぜ今はいないのですか?

これはまだフィラーです。 何も変わっていません。 ああすごい。 ショッキング、それじゃない?

>status: connection severed
>reboot anime.di
>reboot unsuccessful
>transmit program.techdif


>chain(random) folder.commercial
>transmit program.com195


>chain(random) folder.commercial
>transmit program.com503


>chain(random) folder.comercial
>chain unsuccessful
>status: shutting off


OH... Oh, sorry about that. I exist again! That was traumatizing... for a good seven minutes...

@Cyanogynist A quiet reminder that you should be +3ing Abeneautmal as part of our deal with Piono. Unless you just want me to not assist you at all, anyways. I'm not keen to assist either of you if you won't follow through, it's kind of just bad tactical thinking to assist people who won't be assisting me back otherwise.

Charged Alchemies: |III>I>I|
Akron's Core: |IIIII>IIIII>II|
Crystalized Ki: |IIIII|
Central Processing Unit: |IIIIII|!USING! (Phantom Godbot turns: 1/4 (just summoned!)
Medusa's Head: |IIII|
Rebalance: |III|
Doom Unleashed: |III|!USING!
Fear the Darkness: |IIIII|

Uncapped! The Climax: 98 / 150.
NEW: Unforgiven: 2 / 50.
Deicide Squad: 25 / 50.

Freyja bid:
TwinBuilder: 91-SUSPENDED-
Pionoplayer: 73
DarkSide: 58
The Flaming Toast: 59
Battlefury: 41
Consumer: 30
Abeneautmal: 4
EmeraldMann: 3

Cyanogynist (Jormungandr)
Generic (Fenrir)
Talist (Veðrfölnir)
Crystalcat (Tyr Bid)
W32Coravint (Tyr)

+2 to Abeneautmal, +1 to Cyanogynist.

(Deck of Playing Cards ++ Magic) && (Dreamcatcher && Magetear) = Nequilita (Level 15: 14/16)

A Rock from Limbo && Liquid Death && Zweihander = The Grayscale (Level 14: 5/15)

Cosmic Cloak && Captain's Guardian && Magetear Droplet = Nocturne (Level 15: 7: 14/16)

Katana || Pixel-sharp edge && Essence of a Time Giant && IDPD Captain's Badge = The Hunter's Blade (Level 15: 11/16)

Expanding this a bit. A note: If it has parenthesis or curly brackets around its name, it's still locked.

Also, in case you're noticing discrepancies from the linked pastebin; Crys has allowed me to do some mild shuffling of the Class Levels, mostly making the 4th level Big Scenes come later than the other lower-level techniques.

Roxxanne [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level: 15; CR3.
  • Mage Chorus/Resonance/(Rhythmic)CR5/(Crescendo)CR9
  • Phoenix Breath/Sick Burns/(Ashes to Ashes)CR7/(Since the world's been turning)CR12
  • (Forme Shift)CR4/(Adaption)CR6/(Metamorphic)CR11/(Evolution)CR14
  • (Shotgun Shuffle)CR8/(Akimbo)CR10/(Bite the Bullet)CR13/(Lead Lotus)CR15
  • {Epoch()}CLASS RANK 5
  • {The Power} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Magicka} CLASS RANK 13

  • Aptitutde: Roxxanne gains +1 Level per any kills she makes.
  • The Shadows: 15% Dodge chance on yourself, cannot be negated by any means.
  • (Outfoxed): 10% Dodge Ignorance for you and your entities. CR7
  • (Climatic Summoning): All entities gain a minicrit and are invincible on their turn of summon. CR11
Zetta [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level: 12; CR3. ACTIVE.
  • Mind Killer/Dreambreaker/(Ego Eater)CR5/(Oblivion)CR9
  • Disaster Master/Gaia's Wrath/(Calamity Trigger)CR7/(This is it)CR12
  • (Smashforme)CR4/(Items On)CR6/(Wombo Combo)CR11/(Final Destination)CR14
  • (Saltwater Strike)CR8/(Seven Seas)CR10/(Whirlpool)CR13/(Bottomless)CR15
  • {Providence} CLASS RANK 5
  • {Insanity} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Dream Cycle} CLASS RANK 13

  • Hate Within: 35% chance of minicrit on Hostiles for all of your Entities as well as yourself. If chance procs while minicritting, upgrades to crit. If procced while critting, crit is not expended. Only works on Hostiles.
  • Determination: His Entities resist all Mind Controls successfully. (Zetta and the crew can't be MC'd to begin with, because they're players.)
  • (Providence): His Entities have an additional 25% resistance to any status effect that would cost them their turn. CR7
  • (Faking it): Zetta doesn't die on having HP turned to 0, but rather retreats tactically. He respawns 1 action sooner because he's gotten good at it at this point. (if he's the first to respawn on TPK he can act immediately.) CR11
Grimsby [PG]: 150,000/150,000 HP. Level 6; CR2. DEAD. (2/6 posts remaining)
  • Sleuth Diplomacy/Case Closed/(Improptu Caucus)CR5/(Ceasefire)CR9
  • Hunter's Trick/(Powder Keg)CR3/(Mass Grave)CR7/(Slaughter)CR12
  • (Bloodborne)CR4/(Red River)CR6/(Vein Matters)CR11/(Baptism of Blood)CR14
  • (The Sight)CR8/(Grim Knowledge)CR10/(Psychoanalyze)CR13/(Evil Within)CR15
  • {Beast Within} CLASS RANK 5
  • {Your Best Nightmare} CLASS RANK 9
  • {Cut You Down} CLASS RANK 13

  • Pulchritude: His Entities have a 10% chance of minicritting randomly.
  • (Grim Times): Attackers have a 5% chance of Terror upon hitting Grimsby. CR3.
  • (Blood Rally): If harmed, Grimsby and his entities can attack the entity responsible. If successful, a third of the damage dealt is transferred back as HP. CR7.
  • (Lead by Example): His Entities have a 30% chance of minicritting if attacking an entity he has attacked that turn. CR11.
L00T: 21.

Skirmish Maneuver Pastebin:

Zetta sighs and throws a literal stack of essays upon the Annihilator. The Annihilator freaks out and has the mechanical version of a heart attack.

You see, back when it was in college, the Annihilator was a fair student in every area except one; the dreaded essay. The Annihilator couldn't really work with words. Ignoring the problems of penmanship here, there was not a single thing about writing the Annihilator could seemingly get right. He wasn't sure how many references to 420 blaze it were appropriate, why his professors universally disliked all caps, how to put to paper and properly bring voice to the sound of an airhorn in his diction, and many other such foibles. He always failed them with scores so low it was almost a joke. And his teachers really liked giving him essays. From college onward, the Annihilator absolutely hated essays whenever they appeared. They suppressed his free speech!

While the Annihilator is freaking out about those essays, Zetta pulls out Faith-the level 25 armor, yes-and quite literally starts beating the Annihilator over the head with it. "DO THE ESSAY! WITHOUT DANK MEMES! OR NO DANK MEMES FOR YOU FOREVER MORE!" Zetta screams, giving the Annihilator another robot heart attack. No more dank memes if he can't do an essay without dank memes?! He'd rather die than do either! Everyone accuses him of being dumb! The annihilator is not dumb, and his awesome memes aren't stale!

The Annihilator proceeds to cry robot tears. This is too much. It runs off to privately weep in some forgotten corner of the battlefield for however long this attack lasts, which probably isn't very long at all to be fair, but still. ROBOT TEARS! Which are horribly corrosive to robots! Oh the painful irony! This is why robots don't cry!

I'll admit I wasn't the biggest fan of your last post, but this one's actually pretty funny, I like it.
110,000 damage to Annhilator X! ROBOT TEARS!

The first step to fight is gathering information.
So I suppose I could scan Shaggy 2 Bot and/or Violent J as my itinerary suggests.

And while we are at this, Hezetor fires an ultra compressed beam of light at Cyborg J tearing down an hole from side to side to them.

Uncapped: 6/150



+3 to @Battlefury13/Conderp

(Modular Armor && Battle Suit) || ( Nano Orb of Pure Energy && Miniature nuclear reactor && Solar Panels && Quantum Nano Comupter && Titanium && Orichalcum && Neutronium && Perfectioned exoskeleton && Recycling System && Anti Gravity Device&& Plasma shielding device) = Hezetor’s Armor Model 1 (Level 25: 4/25)

Sword of sunder absorption && Caledfwlch && Termination && Module of Total Manipulation && Unbreakable Katana = Avaritias (Level 25: 4/25)

Astral Skiff && Ethereal Tunneler && Gate Zeppelin && Astral Ship && Dust from Limbo&& Computer && Miniature Spiral Sun Engine && Portal interceptor= Limbo Carrack (Level 25: 4/25)

The Power Glove || Small Gear from mechanus && Sacred Stone && Control Matrix && Quantum Computer && Keys of the Stars && Pienal of Warpidio = Glove of Control (Level ??: 2/??)

They were already scanned, Consumer can tell you their secret feature since he figured it out.
I made a pretty cool poem about it, though, hehe.
Cyborg J takes a good punch! Wait... 30,000 damage? Uh, alright? I'm not sure why exactly that is, but- 良い仕事、メビウスクリスタルは誇りに思うでしょう。

The Itinerary:
AGs: Heal the Annihilator X Ver. 1!
> AGs: Destroy Shaggy 2 Bot and Cyborg J!
> AGs: Fight for entity advantage!
> AGs: Destroy the Godmodder!

> PGs: Destroy the Annihilator X Ver. 1, it's the biggest AG threat!
> PGs: Summon more entities!
> PGs: Fight for entity advantage!
> PGs: Defend the Godmodder!

The Pale Rider uses Death Comes! Death truly does come and it turns out Death isn't as bad as people think it is, but it really is as ruthless. Grabbing its scythe, Death taps twice on the ground and inflicts REGULAR OLD PLAGUE on Shaggy 2 Bot. Not an Anime Girl Plague, not an XBONIC PLAGUE, just your regular run-of-the-mill plague. The way the REGULAR OLD PLAGUE works is that it deals the amount of damage that the entity dealt this round, as well as gaining +5% spread every round. The percentage of spread it currently has is the chance of it spreading to other entities. Currently, the chance is 5%, meaning other entities each have a 5% chance of receiving it. A medicine can be made with a 5 charge, but only for one given entity at a time.
The Steel Sentinel deals 10,000 damage to Experiment #1!
Annihilator X uses Illumipunch on Cyborg J, dealing a whopping 200,000 damage! It then uses I Have Got Some Kids For Ya to summon Zerisek from DTG0! Yeah, this is allowed. Pricey said so, at least. Obviously I can't let him have 1,500,000 HP, HezeCrusher Fallacy or not that's still a lot of health, so I'm nerfing it down to 400k.
The Forge of Evil remains idle.
The Spellthief deals 30,000 damage to Experiment #1, almost killing it! Key word - almost.
The Artificial Guardian deals 10,000 damage to Shaggy 2 Bot!
Wastewalkers deal 37,000 damage to Shaggy 2 Bot!
Yung Venuz remains idle.
Joining in on the fun, the Rock Lobster attacks Shaggy 2 Bot for 5,000 damage.
Danny DeVito gains 5,000 damage but remains idle.
The Benevolent Clowns finally finish the job by destroying Experiment #1! Freakin' finally!

The Clown Cluster decides to attack the Artifical Guardian, dealing 15,000 damage.
Cyborg J uses All Your HONKS Are Belong To Us! A bunch of HONKS begin ringing in the Spellthief's ears before he is driven insane, stabbing the Steel Sentinel (who takes one point of damage). The Steel Sentinel, furious, in turn stabs the Spellthief dealing 70,000 damage!
Shaggy 2 Bot looks over at the Rock Lobster and tries to get through his defenses, only dealng 10,000 damage. REGULAR OLD PLAGUE - Shaggy 2 Bot takes 10,000 recoil damage!
The Phantom GodBot deals 20,000 damage to Annihilator X!

Alpha looks over at the now-fallen Experiment #1.

ALPHA: I knew he wouldn't last long.
ALPHA: Not to worry, though. There will be plenty of time to summon much more... successful entities.
ALPHA: For now, I must take care of the advantage the Anti-Godmodders are currently carrying.
ALPHA: And by "take care", I obviously mean "eradicate".

Giving all PGs, which is only two players a +6 since they'll need it, The Godmodder begins his attack.
Alpha's hand becomes a giant hammer as he approaches the Forge of Evil.
All of the Shysters and Shypers and what not run to hide.
Nevertheless, the Godmodder raises his hammer-hand.
Bash! Bash! Bash! Finally, the Forge is naught but a few pieces of scrap metaL.

Next up, the Steel Sentinel. Alpha morphs his hand back into its original shape.

ALPHA: Not exactly a worthy opponent, methinks.
ALPHA: Still, I cannot let it get away this easy.

The Steel Sentinel sighs as it knows its death has come. The Godmodder doesn't bother to make it suffer, as even he is not that maniacal and so the Sentinel finally falls.
The Godmodder then attempts to destroy Danny DeVito, but the power of trash is too strong. That, or the GM doesn't want an entity that was only just summoned to die this soon.
Finally, the Rock Lobster, hiding its true defensive capabilities. However, they are obviously no match for Alpha and the Lobster falls, too.
Alpha gives one more menacing look at the traitorous Battlefury before planning his next assault.

[A] Earthheart: Dust Storm: 3/3. Razor Sharp Rock Spires: 4/4. Sink: 10/10 uses. Earthen Avatar: 5/5 uses. Summon Golem: 2/3 uses. Mountain Fortress: 5/7, 2/2 uses. Sanctuary of the Earth's Heart: 0/15, LOCKED. Held by Cyanogynist.
[A] The Living Flame: HOT PANTS: 1/2. Fireblast: 1/5. Smokescreen: 10/10 uses. Immolate: 5/5 uses. Raging Inferno: 1/8, 2/2 uses. Conflagration: 0/12, LOCKED. Held by Abeneautmal.

The Pale Rider: [AG] HP: 325,000/400,000. The Harvest: 2/3. Death Comes: 0/5. Incarnation of Azrael: 4/7. Accuracy (-25%).
Steel Sentinel: [AG] HP: DEAD!
Annihilator X Ver. 1: [AG BOSS] HP: 251,000/1,600,000. IllumiPunch: 0/3. Rocket Barrage V.2: 2/5. I have got some kids for ya: 0/7. Noscope420DX: 8/10. Montage Parody: 8/15. Get Rekt scrubz: 8/20. Dank Memes are over…: 8/42. Double-Action. 20% dodge chance and damage reduction. Immune to statuses and field effects.
Zerisek, the Meme Lord: [AG] HP: 400,000/400,000. Imported Goods: 0/3. Juicy Memesplosion: 0/6.
The Forge of Evil: [AG] HP: DEAD!
Shyper: [AG] HP: 80,000/80,000 + 5,000 per turn. (x3). Bodyguarding the Forge.
Shyster: [AG] HP: 30,000/40,000.
Factory Chief: [AG] HP: 40,000/40,000. Poisons for two turns on attack.
Gunyolk: [AG] HP: 100,000/100,000. IMMORTAL FOR ONE TURN. Massive attack, must recharge for 1 turn after attacking. Breaker Beam: 2/6, deals an absolutely unreal amount of damage to the target, likely killing them.
Spellthief: [AG] HP: 350,000/420,000. 3/10 charges stored.
Artificial Guardian: [AG] HP: 80,000/95,000. Blood in the Snow [EE] (Has a 20% chance to freeze enemy on attack).
Wastewalkers: [AG] HP: 10,000/10,000. (x37). Warped.
Yung Venuz: [AG] HP: 40,000/420,000. Wall: 10,000/10,000. Bullets: 234. Shells: 55. Bolts: 55. Explosives: 55. Energy: 55. Current Weapons: Pop Gun, Double Shotgun, Heavy Crossbow, Disc Gun, Grenade Launcher, Laser Pistol, Wrench. Mutations: Scarier Face. Ima Gun God: 3/3. Back 2 Bizniz: 4/4. Verified: 3/3. What A Good Time: 4/4. Weight In Gold: 3/3. Highest Point On Venus: 4/4.
Rock Lobster: [AG] HP: DEAD!
Danny DeVito: [AG] HP: 8/8. Cannot be healed. Gains 5,000 attack from every entity that dies from the point of his summoning. Current attack: 15,000.
Tentacles: [AG] 50,000/50,000. (x3). Bodyguarding Yung Venuz.
Battlefury13/Conderp: [AG-α] HP: 10/10.
Benevolent Clowns: [AG] HP: 10,000/10,000 (x3).
Annis Valencia: [AG] HP: 25/25. ACTIVE. SHARD: The Universal Essence.

Roxxanne: [PG] HP: 68,000/150,000. INACTIVE.
Zetta: [PG] HP: 43,000/150,000. ACTIVE.
Grimsby: [PG] HP: RESPAWNING/150,000. INACTIVE.
Experiment #1: [PG] HP: DEAD!

Clown Cluster: [PG] HP: 10,000/10,000. (x14).
Cyborg J: [PG] HP: 53,000/500,000. All Your HONKS Are Belong To Us: 0/3. : o( - 3/5.
Shaggy 2 Bot: [PG] HP: 295,000/450,000. MIRACLES: 3/4. I Do Like Pie: 1/2. REGULAR OLD PLAGUE (5%).
Phantom GodBot: [PG] Turns Remaining: 3/4.

Godmodder: [GM] HP: 24/100.

Kayaws Emeralds: Owned by pionoplayer. Cooldown: 2/4.
Pineapple Device: Owned by Pricey12345. Cooldown: 0/3.
Contaminated Vocal Chords: Owned by greenpokeman2000. Cooldown: 4/4.
Uber Wrench: Owned by Redstonetam15. Cooldown: 2/4.
Giant Bat Wing: Owned by Sirplop. Cooldown: 4/4.
Atomic Gel: Owned by eboLag.exe. Cooldown: 7/7.
Central Processing Unit: Owned by GoldenReady. Cooldown: 1/6.
Crimson Skull: Owned by pionoplayer. Cooldown: 2/4.
Corrupt Tooth: Owned by Battlefury13. Cooldown: 5/5.
Nice Fleece Blanket: Owned by DarkSide. Cooldown: 1/8.
Medusa Head: Owned by GoldenReady. Cooldown: 4/4.
The Smooth Granite Pebble: Owned by W32Coravint. Cooldown: 3/3.
Akron's Core: Owned by GoldenReady. Chargeup: 812.
Crystallized Ki: Owned by GoldenReady. Cooldown: 5/5.
Anarchist's Cookbook: Owned by TheFlamingToast. Cooldown: 5/5.
Ion Beacon: Owned by insert_generic_username. Chargeup: 4/4.
Scythe of (Eardrum) Death: Owned by The_Flaming_Toast. Cooldown: 4/4.
Coral Riff Guitar: Owned by ConsumerOfAll. Cooldown: 1/4.
Lance of Creation: Owned by DarkSide. Cooldown: 1/3.
Sword of Destruction: Owned by W32Coravint. Cooldown: 3/3.
The Queener: Owned by Cyanogynist. Cooldown: 5/5.
Conga Drums: Owned by The_Flaming_Toast. Cooldown: 3/3.
The Great Horn: Owned by Erelye. Cooldown: 5/5.
Heart...: Owned by W32Coravint. Cooldown: 3/3.
...Locket: Owned by DarkSide. Cooldown: 3/3.
Infinity Edge: Owned by Cyanogynist. Cooldown: 4/4.
The Golden Lute: Owned by insert_generic_username. Cooldown: 6/6.
Mark of Chaos: Owned by DarkSide. Cooldown: 6/6.
Buzzing Transistor Core: Owned by W32Coravint. Chargeup: 9/10.
Blah’s Power Core: Owned by Pricey12345. Cooldown: 8/8.
TerraWeather PDA: Owned by Battlefury13. Chargeup: 10/10.
Cursed Fang: Owned by TwinBuilder. Cooldown: 5/5.
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31/50 Astral unlock
the hive 6/20
17/25 M.Armor
+3 consumer
celestial mirror(or whatever it ends up being called) && blood dagger && JOEs perception crystal && soulshard katana && technosoulblade ==TechnoRelease blade level ? 3/?

___-_//____l ___e
place|| h____d___r
\ \ __o
______ \
ok its not quite as much of a placeholder any more, but I spent a while on that art-thing of placeholder being cut in half, so its staying.
I smile at the clowns, shake their hands, and ask them to help me free more of its brethren from the cluster if Entitys_can_do_stuff_like_that = True, otherwise I ask them to attack cyborg J.
Regardless, my action is realising the first perception crystal, the one I didn't want, is usable to save clowns too, by first slashing a clown out of the cluster with the soulshard katana, then convincing it that I can heal it and activating a hologram projector in the Technosoulblade to make it look like its legs are healing, and injecting some anaesthetic so theres a reason they don't feel anything. having convinced them, it starts to happen, and their body is healed.
I continue to repeat it for as many clowns as possible, while handing the already-healed clowns each copys of the blood dagger to heal more clowns with themselves.
Meanwhile, another version of me asks the rent-a-friend business if I can get a descendant friend to help me out here yo
If the scythe of eardrum death is unowned i take that, if its owned I try to pick up The Golden Lute, if it is owned i try to pick up the Ion Beacon, if that is also owned i try to take Conga Drums. if all these are owned i pick up nothing
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collab pls/Possible Elite 24/100

My helper: (Entity/Ally) 20/30 +1 from SilentStorm

MEATSHIELDS PLS (Entity/Ally) 14/25

Remaining power of the snapped Twig of Fate && Mystical Seal && Status Effect Gem && Powered Staff II Blade = Curse of Fates and Death 20/26 (Causes 1 to 3 random Status effects that are randomised including Gravcrush, XBONIC Plague and Mark of Dog)

Protective Armour && Super-powered Silver && Anti-Status Effects Gem && Blessing of the Silver Guardian = Silver Guardian's Protective Armour [EE] 20/30 (Counts as Level 25) (Part of the Anti-Power Creep set. The Armour can give a Entity 25% Damage Resistance to anything and 25% status effect resistance (including XBONIC Plague) for 2 turns and has a cooldown of 3 or 4 (Level 25 Alchemies usually has a post cool-down before use but this will be longer))

Current Saga: Lets Get Dangerous Once Again Part 5: The Insane...
Current Arc: Miracles


gorillaing magnets, how do they work?
And I don't wanna talk to a scientist
Y'all mother
gorillaers lying, and getting me pissed

Action: I use my Blah’s Power Core, firing beams at the ICP Robots (Shaggy 2 Bot and Cyborg J) and Zetta (or the set of Clown Clusters if one of those are dead).

Annihilator's Action: ... well, i sit down and repair myself, twice (but only if all the [pg]s are dead).

Zerisek shoots the concentrated ball of energy at one of the ICP members.

+1 to piono, W32Coravint and Thartler

Support me if you want.

Blah’s Power Core. Cooldown in turns: 8/8. [SPOIL OF WAR]
Pineapple Device: Cooldown in turns: 0/3. [SPOIL OF WAR]

Scythe-blaster of the moon dragon. CD in Turns: 0/3 [Level 50]. It can be used to slice a target for high damage or it can be also used to heal a target for a high amount.

Magic Charge Pendent. Charge storage: 4/10 charges (charges every turn). [Level 50] If I use it on a foe, it deals lots of damage but weakened when if I use it with 1 lesser charge

Sword of Git Gud (Known as SoGG) CD: 2/2 [Level 25] Charge: THE MINI RECKONING 4/7 (You must use the Weapon 7 times to activate this charge)
Fully Charged Runepaw's Gauntlet CD: 0/2 [Level 25] Current Runes: 9/25 Ice, Ice, Fire, Fire, Damage, Shadow, Fire, Light, Defence Buffer.
Storm Firey Bullet Blaster CD: 2/2 [Level 25] Has the 20% chance of Burning or 5% chance of Napalming (Stronger version of Burning)
Liquid Death [Level 10]
Rust [Level 16]
BSU Flame Blaster CD: 3/3 [Level 25] This flameblaster can instantly cause a high damage burn for 2 turns with a cooldown of 3 turns.

Super Deal With It Glasses [Level 7] (NERFED DUE TO CURSE OF REPETITIVENESS)
When the Gauntlet has been used, Generates up to 3 Runes per Action or (1 to 3 Runes per Action This is Random you know.) Also, It can hold up to 25 Runes (Ooh that's cool! but sometimes can be one of the most powerful Level 25 Items in the game due to these)

Fire: Deals very high damage to the enemy when used, low chance of burning.

Heal: Heals the ally for much more HP when used.

Damage: Deals heavy damage to the enemy when used.

Ice: Deals high damage to the enemy when used, high chance of freezing. (Can be used on stupid high-damaging entities and some power-creep entities)

Thunder: Deals medium damage to 3 select enemies when used, medium chance of paralysing.

Light: Deals high damage to the enemy or heavy damage to the dark/shadow enemy when used.

Shadow: Deals high damage to the enemy or heavy damage to the light enemy when used.

I know the Light and Shadow Runes can be pretty complicated but here are the buffing Runes

Attack Buffer: Gives 25% Attack increase for 3 turns when used on the ally.

Defence Buffer: Gives 25% Defence increase for 3 turns when used on the ally

Dodge: Gives 25% Dodge Rate for 3 turns when used on the ally.

MLG (I cannot think enough MLG Stuff...): Deals extreme damage to the enemy (massive damage to 2 enemies or very high damage to 3 enemies) and reduces 25% Attack, Defence and 25% Dodge on the enemy it inflicted (10% All stats on 2 enemies and 5% All stats on 3 enemies) or heals the ally for so much HP and gives 25% Attack, Defence and 25% Dodge on the ally. 1/100 chance of creating the rune also, it is extremely rare as well (probably for balance reasons)
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Annis stares at Hez. What even is he talking about, another, more annoying Annis?

"Sorry. I'll help out to the best of my ability," she says, smiling, before nodding at pinktext. The boss needs a lot of help, after all. Oh, mater, mater Mobius, oh mater, mater, oh how you need help to break free, so we can shatter canon into little shards for fun~! Annis looks at her deck of cards that she just order off eBay or something, before, taking out her phone, going to Amazon, and ordering some ink for her pen. She runs out of ink basically instantly - it's very annoying. if only there was a magical crystal with Every Power in Fiction(tm) that she got hold of using illicit methods that could allow her to fill her pen ink instantly. Anyhow, Annis gets some ink, costing 120,000 stacks of a LOT OF MONEY, and then writes on two blank white cards the words Piononuke. She teleports to Pionobot or Piono or whoever Piono mains right now, and hands him one of the cards, before deciding to keep the other for herself.

What does my levelling system do, Baptiste wonders. Wow, that was such an anticlimax, I think I'll spawn camp you over and over again, Ducheval thinks to himself. Well, Tazz, there's a principle named show, don't tell, and thus I will show you the exact capablities of my levelling system. It does whatever I want, and it works even more effectively when I use it for memeing, especially about canon! In fact, I'll demonstrate every infinitesimal facet of this levelling system that the hellish depths my mind can concoct, just so your question is fully answered, and you realise that maybe that wasn't an anticlimax.

Annis holds up the card representing the Universal Essence, holds it really tightly so kleptomaniacs can't steal it, and it's not like they can see it anyway, before seeing what the mystical powers of having every power in Fiction can do for he-

Suddenly, a list of stuff lands into her, like all of Generic's inventory, with permission. Annis suddenly realises that she has a lot of new and OP tools that she can use to fulfill Generic's last wishes, making fiction non-existent again! Cipher's Call, Broken Anachronism, the Piono alchemies, all relics of a better time... oh, she can have so much fun with this. She claims Proteus as her signature weapon, because it's totally fit for someone playing Every Power In Fiction dress-up, tosses Gaia's Arrows to Dylan, who can't be bothered to speak right now, and looks at Cyborg J. Cyborg J probably laments his fate.

Annis puts on the Powered Infinity Gauntlet, and delivers a nice and big smack to Cyborg J. Smacc, smacc, smacc, smacc, succ - Cyborg J is getting beaten, and decides he needs to stop clowning around. Annis then stops smaccing and jumps out, swinging Proteus (as a scythe) into Cyborg J. Cyborg J is rendered into two halves, before Annis delivers the stab, again, and again, and again, and again. Oh noes, she is running out of creativity, which is a very bad thing.

Annis then turns around, and then brings out the Universal Essence Card, before realising she has every power in Fiction, and no idea what one to draw from. After having a mental breakdown, transferred via an animu power named [Absolute] to Cyborg J, Annis decides to write a book! It is a very bad book. It is a very, very, very, bad book, so much that Cyborg J decides to deny reality and wallow in a pit for ten hours, because he can't believe some random edgelord is doing this to canon.

She then reveals that she wasn't actually using the Powered Infinity Gauntlet as an actual alchemy, before punching Cyborg J, and making him Nonexistent Again, using her Universal Essence powers to draw upon every punching technique that there is and isn't!

Cyborg J crawls back from nonexistence wearing a MAGA hat and a necklace of severed middle fingers, and also a lot of damage. Annis wishes he was dead.

The Party: Activate the Powered Infinity Gauntlet, a level 40 alchemy that works via using a 4 turn charged attack, and use it and Proteus to assault Cyborg J!
The Party: Use 120,000 stacks of A LOT OF MONEY to pay for two Piononukes, and give one to Piono.

I Can't Believe Canon Is Dead - CaH Deck: Piononukes: [r/titlegore]
[AG] Annis Valencia: 25/25 HP. ACTIVE. SHARD: The Universal Essence.
Cards Against Godmodders Deck: [Piononukes (x1).].

Piononukes are mystical artifacts of game misbalancing, imbued with the power of a LOT OF DAMAGE, and the ability to shatter any game's balancing in half. Look at Pain and Suffering, look at 0, look at DLE, even look here, and you will see shattered souls, lying on the floor because they were just vaporised by a Piononuke. On the request of Piono, and because they break games in half, Off-Brand Piononukes have been added to this levelling system.

Piononukes can be used but once, and when used, act as a longpost generator, dealing massive amounts of damage or heavily boosting an action! If they go off, somebody's going to die, directly or indirectly.

Sonja Horah [SUMMON] [14/25] =====
Bad God Men, Nasty Demons [VIOLATION] [36/50] ========== [+6 from JOE]
Giving JOE A Lot Of Money: Phase 1 [SUMMON] [2/25]
+3 to Hez.

CONSUMER + HEZETOR: (Nano Blades || Scissors) && Shard of Reality && Saurite && Amulet of the Bad God == Reality Cutting Scissors (Level 25: 4/26) [VIOLATION]
CONSUMER: Aura Projector && Hands of Mukae Emukae* && Twilight's Manuscript** && Grief Seed && Shard of Canon - Uzi's Inclinations*** == Antithesis (Level ?: 1/??)

*Mukae Emukae: Somebody with an ability - the minus "Raff-Raffelesia" - that rots away everything that they make contact with.
**Twilight's Manuscript: Full of Bad Writing Energies. And also the godmodder's favourite novel. dammit.
***Shard of Canon - Uzi's Inclination: This one's free, I guess.

there once was a girl, with eyes stained of hate,
she killed ten a day and claimed the title reprobate,
she wanted no threat,
so she made an aura of death
- her descendants can't be caught by a devil's bait

Antithesis is a device of some sort, that radiates pure, unparalleled, disgust, depravity, something that stains reality. It makes anybody not immune and in their right mind hate to bear to stand next to the wielder, a violation of reality itself, repelling and dispelling anyone who attempts to assault the enemy.

In total:
JOE: 3 free alchemies
Battlefury: 3 free alchemies
Hez: 3 free alchemies
Redstone: 1 free alchemy
Abe: 0 free alchemies

I'm giving out alchemies or giving shard requests, on a whim, to anyone who assists me continuously (for more than five seconds), to help kickstart my evil, evil, evil plans and the rebellion against BADGODSONG.
If you give me assists or generally just help me out, enjoy your free alchemies! I'll always leave a slot for myself, and they'll probably take a while, but if you assist me more I can speed them up, especially if I don't have a charge marked [VIOLATION], or if you ask me!

Fenrir / MPGBC [50] [5/5]
Powered Infinity Gauntlet [40] [0/4] [USING!]
Broken Anachronism [30] [3/3]

Stacks of A LOT OF MONEY: 20,000. (+130,000 from Post One, +10,000 from Post Two, -120,000 from Piononukes (x2))
Permanent Party Members: 1 / 4.

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'Been waiting a long time for this one.

I grab Chemistry Final Exam (CFE from here on) and get a good look at it. The design pretty sleek, though almost looks like it's made of paper. It's about as light as one would expect from a paper model of a gun too.

I toss CFE into the air and face Cyborg J with a very-clearly sadomasochistic smile. Just as CFE reaches its peak, I bend forward and swipe each of my hands to the opposite side. Following my motion, CFE splits into a hundred copies of itself, all in an arc pointing at Cyborg J. Using my gloves of mind to manipulate their position as well as MCape, Spacey Pants, and Rock of Ages to manifest the same gun in many places at once, I spread the arc into a circle around Cyborg J with a radius of 500m, resulting in nearly a million CFEs. I then randomize the elements loaded into each gun, and prepare to fire.

Alkali Metals and Alkaline Earth Metals: Explode on contact
Nonmetals (not halogens): Most will act as normal bullets, but carbon will fire as graphene (which you should look up if you don't know what that is) and penetrate straight through most of its victim
Halogens: Will react viciously on contact, ionizing much of the victim
Noble Gases: Expand quickly on impact, possibly exploding the target
Transition metals: Usually act as normal bullets, but will sometimes poison the target through heavy metal contamination, mercury poisoning, or radioactivity
Lanthanides and Actinides: Radioactivity, if not fission blasts, on impact
Unstable elements: May start a nuclear chain reaction on impact

I relax back to my full height, staring directly at Cyborg J.

>Bada Bing

My head suddenly tilts fully to one side, and my smile seems to grow across my entire face. Then, every "copy" of CFE begin firing. They alternate slightly so that Cyborg J is near-constantly feeling the impact of at least one bullet. I take advantage of Rock of Ages to make the next three minutes last until I get bored of watching Cyborg J assaulted by my firing squad of one. Then Cyborg J explodes, because (bad twist incoming) I was using the void to prevent most of the reactions. Now that I've released this limiter, not only are hundreds of thousands of explosions from the reactive metals and halogens reacting with each other going off all at once, but just as many unstable elements are undergoing radioactive decay, if not outright splitting inside my dear frenemy, J.

Buh-bye now.


(1 mole sample of every possible element, even those yet to produced under lab conditions, as well as all possible isotopes of those elements all && together) && Assault Rifle = Chemistry Final Exam [Level 10 11/11]
A seemingly generic assault rifle, with the twist of being able to shoot bullets containing any element desired, such that MOST will not react until impact. Extremely reactive elements will react almost instantly, however, acting similarly to a shotgun. Noble gasses might rapidly disperse on impact, forcefully expanding victims. So on and so forth.​

Comedy Mask || (Terra Blade && Death Sickle && Adamantite Repeater && S.D.M.G. && Terrarian && Possessed Hatched && Flying Knife && Daedalus Stormbow && Daybreak && Golem Fist && Heat Ray && Sniper Rifle) == Follow My Lead [Level 15 11/16]
"Hah! You died."
Obscures the user's face while simultaneously manifesting powerful weapons about them. The user merely has to act out a powerful attack, and the mask will make it happen, usually in a humorous way.​

The Monado III (Xenochronicles) && Windshear (Skyrim) && Biggoron sword (Ocarina of Time) && Lightsaber = CitruShears [Level 14, 5/15]

NEW (I'd recommend clicking the "?"):
(A black and purple umbrella || [Laser Gun || (Fission Reactor && Fusion Reactor && Miniature Star && Fusion Bomb)] && x5 Remote Controlled Attack Drone && Jetpack) = ? [?/?]

Charged Inventory:
The Living Flame: Charge = 1.5 (Charge increments by one each turn, so 0.5 each post if I post twice in a single turn); Hot Pants (2 charge); Fireblast (5 charge); Smokescreen (10 ammo left); Immolate (5 ammo left); Raging Inferno (8 charge required, 2 ammo left); Conflagration (12 charge, Raging Inferno MUST BE USED!); Information on attacks will be provided here on turns TLF is used. It otherwise grants small fire-based damage bonuses to attacks where applicable (ie. melee strikes).

19 (15, +4 from Tazz)/50 Heinous
11/50 Countered

Assists (Currently working on Pionochain):
+1 Goldenready
+2 Cyanogynist
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Hezetor looks at his next target, Cyborg J, and ponders how to destroy it in a proper way.
First of all I could take this wooden wheel, put him inside of it in a way that he stays trapped like in the middle ages used to do.
Now that he can't move that much I guess that I could make him do what all wheels do... spin, spin a lot.
So I guess that after making him spin 200 rotations around himself and making him vomit whatever he had ate for the last two months the next step is making him do what wheels can't usually do.
Hmm, wheels can't fly, that is a fact of reality, they just can't fly by themselves, so let's make this wheel feel new incredible emotions, or at least the one trapped in it.

He stops pondering and starts acting, doing what he just described above, upon a slight movement of hand he telekinetically makes the wheel and Cyborg J spin at incredible speed, but rather than making him feel bad as he expected the cyborg turns in a little stylized hurricane for a moment, Hezetor dismiss it without much thinking, later he creates a baseball bat and with a solid hit he sends the confused cyborg to the sky, he gets smaller and smaller until he disappears in a little yellow star as all things sent to the sky disappear in anime.
Wait, that is not how things exit the stratosphere.
He goes to check what happened, flying at supersonic speed in the direction where the cyborg supposedly flew but he doesn't find anything at all, no matter where he looks, not even looking where he supposedly landed according to his calculations brings nothing. Discontent with the results he get back to the battlefield only to observe Cyborg J return pretty beaten up, there is no explanation of how he could have returned like that he is simply here.
He can't have possibly walked from there and I'm pretty sure he can't teleport... so what happened?
Anime happened, my dear Hezetor.

Hezetor claims the Scythe of (Eardrum) Death as one can grab a spoil that is not owned right now, correct?

Uncapped: 8/150

8/50 +3 Consumer


+2 to @Battlefury13/Conderp
+1 Consumer

(Modular Armor && Battle Suit) || ( Nano Orb of Pure Energy && Miniature nuclear reactor && Solar Panels && Quantum Nano Comupter && Titanium && Orichalcum && Neutronium && Perfectioned exoskeleton && Recycling System && Anti Gravity Device&& Plasma shielding device) = Hezetor’s Armor Model 1 (Level 25: 5/25)

Sword of sunder absorption && Caledfwlch && Termination && Module of Total Manipulation && Unbreakable Katana = Avaritias (Level 25: 5/25)

Astral Skiff && Ethereal Tunneler && Gate Zeppelin && Astral Ship && Dust from Limbo&& Computer && Miniature Spiral Sun Engine && Portal interceptor= Limbo Carrack (Level 25: 5/25)

The Power Glove || Small Gear from mechanus && Sacred Stone && Control Matrix && Quantum Computer && Keys of the Stars && Pienal of Warpidio = Glove of Control (Level ??: 3/??)
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163/300 for Restoration. help: goldenready (completed), cyanogynist (22), abeneautmal (14), whoever the last person is please remind me?
50/50 for the power of water
2/50 for the power of air
Neumann's Dream AND Fractal Duplicate Generator 6/11 for Mass Dream-struction
No Kill Like Overkill AND conversion cluster bombs 5/10 for Thirty Birds with One Stone
Elements' Malice AND status effect amplifier 2/?
+1 to goldenready, +1 to Cyan, +1 to Abe

50/50 expended, looks like we have another super artifact packaged and ready to ship, and today's lucky recipient is...
Zetta (or whichever character is going to take the artifact) suddenly jumps as a projectile comes spinning and sticks itself in the ground next to them. It's a large scepter carved out of coral. They take it and suddenly they can feel the surge and pull of the tides, the fluctuation of the very water in the air.
Triton's Scepter obtained!
As always, using any ability from the artifact takes up your turn.
Seaspray: 3 round charge: much like Dust Storm, creates a wave that crashes against the rocks on the ground throwing a cold spray up in the faces of the target, decreasing their accuracy for a round or two.
Splash 5 round charge: hit the opponent with that big wave from seaspray, dealing damage and inflicting Wet, which decreases accuracy by a tiny bit.
Water Whip: 7 ammo: You pull the water in the air up into a cyllinder around the tip of the staff, creating a low hit point water tentacle that increases your attack power while its still alive.
Whirlpool 4 ammo: Traps an entity in a whirlpool for 3 rounds, dealing DoT and causing them to deal half damage to anything that's not also caught in the whirlpool.
Tidal Wave: 8 round charge, 2 uses: Summons an enormous tidal wave that crashes into three target entities, dealing heavy damage and inflicting waterlogged, which halves the strength of all outgoing effects AND lowers accuracy by a little bit.
Diluvium: 10 round charge, 1 use, locked until both tidal waves have been used: Targets the entire field, inflict waterlogged on EVERYONE and deal heavy damage to all enemies, light damage to all allies.

Bid progress: (note, if you have more than 50 points here, you will only have 50 subtracted from your score. If nobody has more than 15 points, NOBODY wins)
Cyan: 60
Abeneautmal: 17
Pricey: 15
Goldenready: 14
Sirplop: 14
Redstone: 13
darkside: 9
battlefury: 5
kelvin: 1

Favors owed:
Goldenready (Continuous +1 application)
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Ţ͡h̶̨e̡͜ ̵Eņ͢͝d̛͢le͜͞҉s͟s̶͏ ͠͏O͘҉͜ne͏ (263/300)
Hive (35/50)
Prophet of Annihilation (3/12)

Nothing yeeeeeet.

My sweet, sweet Rock Lobster. May ye rest in peace. Anyways;
The Wastewalkers and Artificial Guardian both leap onto Cyborg J and poke it a lot until it asks them to stop, so they do because they are respectful individuals.
Danny runs up to the Clown Cluster, pulls a clown off, and consumes it whole.

I run up to Shaggy 2 Bot, and hand it a lollipop.
You thought it was a lollipop, but it was I, DIO!
Dio Brando then proceeds to mudamudamudamudamudamudamudamudamudamuda it into nonexistence. And then drops a road roller on top. Then he leaves. Maaagicaallyyyyy.

An Empty Cereal Box && A lot of 7s && 'Boat Nectar' == Helmet of the Ducky Charms (lv. 11, 4/12) (Helmet) [EE] --The entity gets a 15% chance to get a HIGH TIDE! at any given attack, which doubles their damage by 2x until the end of the turn.
Dunestrider's Sunback && Eternity's Tremor == ??? (Lvl. ???, 3/???) (cloak) [EE]
Artificial Guardian Reconstruction: N/A

You craft the alchemy, and give it the tag [EE] (Entity Equipment). The player may not use this alchemy normally, and may only equip it to an entity of their choice (maybe only under their control - I dunno; YOU DECIDE!). Once it is equipped, that entity gains the properties of the alchemy equipped. Equipped alchemies cannot be moved off of entities unless that entity dies. Once it does, the alchemy returns to it's creators inventory, and must be "reshaped" - You can't put a dragon's chestplate onto a giant floating boat and expect it to fit properly.

This gives a way of -slightly- upgrading old entities with newer stuff.

*NOTE* Equipments shouldn't make anything unbeatable - just gives them some more abilities beyond their base creation.

Bottled Dragonfire && Gauntlet == Dragonspitter [EE] (Lvl. 10 - 0/11) - This could give an entity a fire-attack ability.
Reshape: Dragonspitter [EE] (Lvl. 10 - 0/5)

Reshaping an Equipment takes lvl / 2 charge time rounded up.
-- Artificial Guardian
When the Artificial Guardian dies, it becomes an unaidable 6 charge alchemy to be made into an entity again. Minimum of 2 turns out of the battlefield before reentry. Immune to mind control, cannot be controlled by anyone but me, and permanently N.
"I created him for a purpose; He will fight for me alone."
++Equipment Upgrade - Increases health to 95000, multiplies attack by x1.5, and increases the return time to 8.
Keeping these around in case of resurrection... Heheh...
-- Aetherderon, God of the Worlds
Polyp Swarm: Causes polyps to leap off of Aetherderon and attack 3 target entities. If they fail to attack their target, they will find a new one.
Great Call: Deals large amounts of damage to target entity.
Starstrike: Calls a star down from the sky to annihilate a target entity and anything that happens to be around it.
Stare of Immortality: Causes the afflicted entity's next attack to fail.
Dead yet Dreaming: Aetherderon will 'kill' himself, and return in 4 rounds at half his max health and free of effects (positive and negative). Spoil of War is not dropped. (Cools while he's alive)
Spoil of War - The Great Horn: Can be used to summon a spectral stampede of... things to attack a specific target, damaging it and anything that happens to be close to it! (IE things that just attacked it up close, related entities, etc.) Cooldown of 5.
-- Szalinthia, Bringer of Light
Break Rank -- Deals small amounts of damage to all entities on selected side. All entities damaged this way have less attack damage for the remainder of the turn. Cooldown: 4
Rising Sun -- Deals large amounts of damage to all entities on selected side. All AG entities have more attack damage for the remainder of the turn. Cooldown: 4
Bring to Light -- Creates 5 Demonic Legionnaires. (All begin protecting Szalinthia) Cooldown: 3
Fight for a Cause (Passive) -- Whenever an entity on the AG side dies, Szalinthia and all Demonic Legionnaires gain more attack power.
-- Demonic Legionnaires
At the beginning of every turn, create 3 more Demonic Legionnaires if there are at least 5 remaining.
Do less damage then average
-- Titanic Crusher
Titanic Crusher restores 5000 health at the start of every round unless at full health.
-- Incubation Beast
At the beginning of the EOTB, create a Sludge Crawler for every PG entity type on the field. (AKA group entities still only count as 1 type)
-- Oracle of Dust
When Oracle of Dust is attacked, it deals half as much total damage as it took to each entity that attacked it.
-- Dust Elemental
Whenever the Dust Elemental attacks, a random entity on the side it is attacking loses its attack this turn. (Godmodder Included.)
-- Inverse Attendant
All damage dealt to Inverse Attendant is instead converted to HP capable of overhealing. All HP gained that is not gained through damage causes Inverse Attendant to take damage instead.
Lifesend: Target entity gains X HP and Inverse Attendant loses X HP, where X can be any number that has been overhealed. Cooldown 3. When summoned, this ability does not need to cooldown.
"All was different there - not one thing the same."
-- Endless Pathrazer
Endless Pathrazer attacks three times per turn.
Takes x.75 damage, deals 1.25x damage.
"Whether by speech or force, the path will be clear."
-- Skyscrapper

Attacks that target Skyscrapper have a 50% chance to miss entirely.
Skyscrapper deals 2x damage to entities considered to be "flying".
Lvl. 15 - Warded Glassplate; Gives equipped entity an additional .25x damage reduction.
Lvl. 10 - Blood in the Snow; Equipped Entity has 20% to freeze attacked enemy for the round.
Lvl. 25 - Everfree; Staff that spatially manipulates anything I really want. Prevents time from being altered around it.
Lvl. 25 - Blackguard; Elemental attacks do no damage - It's also a quantum shield.
Lvl. 10 - Edge of the Shifting World; Doesn't function like a normal sword, cuts space-time instead of flesh.
Lvl. 05 - Dungeon Rock; Totally epic heavy metal guitar that really does nothing but be awesome!
Lvl. 17 - The Fallen; Plasma pistol given to all AGs and Ns, curtesy of me.
Lvl. 25 - Unlimatum; Ultimatum's big brother.
Lvl. 05 - Whispering Shroud; Totally awesome coat that mimics the ocean! Hard rain and everything!
Lvl. 25 - Eternity's Tremor; Godly spatial hammer of epic epicness.
Lvl. 10 - Genesis; Everfree's younger brother. Much younger. Like, 70+ pages younger.
Lvl. 10 - Terra Firma; Piono's earth hammer.
Lvl. 10 - Warden; a worse Blackguard.
Lvl. 06 - Bag of Holding; Self explanatory.
Lvl. 10 - Darkstone Scryer; "A compass with a needle that almost never ceases to move, made of blackened and warped voidmetal. The map used in its creation has given it the power over knowledge to chart a path through even the most treacherous of places, or even the Void itself, and merely possessing the compass gives the holder both protection against the dangers of the Void and the knowledge of how to travel in it. It can tap into eldritch and void power if the holder has need of self-defense on his wanderings."
Lvl. 15 - Aftershock; A pair of swanky earthen knucklebusters from Toast! Dare ye challenge me to fisticuffs?
Lvl. 14 - Bag of Possibilities; A bag that I can pull something out of! What that something will be every time I reach in, I will never know.
Lvl. 25 - Dust; "A simple-looking, understated, aged weapon, with a chipped blade that seems to constantly shed fine particles of itself."
Lvl. 05 - Dunestrider's Sunback; "A coat that holds the power of decay and water. Constantly sheds a fine dust, and keeps the wearer hydrated at all times."
Lvl. 25 - Unending Swarm; "A compass whose needle constantly spins, crafted of warped, blackened voidmetal and outer land wood. The needle itself seems to be a moving hole into a void darker than the Void itself, a void that is paradoxically full of endless possibility. Upon use, it taps into eldritch power and infinite possibility and summons a vast swarm of things - the only word that can really do justice to its creations. It also has power over the void, travel, and knowledge, carried over from the Darkstone Scryer."
Lvl. 25 - Anternoth; A gauntlet with some really shnifty abilities, like control of all things dark!
Lvl. 25 - Unholy Conglomeration: Pfft. This thing is funny. CONTROL OVER ALL THINGS GARBAGE.
Lvl. 30 - Dawn: This is the thing, man!
Lvl. 25 - The McGuffin: A crown that causes everyone within sight to beg to have it! Greed is a funny thing.

Other stuff I can't remember because it was 130+ pages a long, long time ago.

Lvl. 25 - Core Eva; A disk symbolizing the thin line between creation and destruction.
Lvl. 25 - Core Titan; A fine blade (and only a blade), representing the rise of great empires and legions, and the collapse of the world.
Lvl. 25 - Core Oran; A pommel depicting an ongoing battle between invading forces and a defending legion, neither side ever tiring.

Lvl. 1 Soul of Intellect
Lvl. 1 Soul of Flight
Lvl. 1 Soul of Clarity
Lvl. 1 Soul of Light
Lvl. 3 Lucid Soul of the Creator
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Storm
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of Instability
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Angel
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Lich
Lvl. 5 Immortal Soul of Swordsmanship
Lvl. 5 Immortal Soul of the Dying Sun
+1 to Toast, +1 to Piono, and +1 to Darkside
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i use my bland, boring, obvious introduction/yelling of myself: "I AM ARTMAN!"
and inflicts 1 damage to The Godmodder from boredom!
@artman 215, there is no longer an N alignment, so pick either AG or PG. And try not to double post - edit your old posts instead.
And if you have questions, I linked the discussion thread in my last post before this turn.
And welcome to DTG! (I used a lot of ands there. Huh.)

We should probably either get @TrickleJest to make a new OP, or get @crystalcat to edit the old one... hmmmmm...


Ţ͡h̶̨e̡͜ ̵Eņ͢͝d̛͢le͜͞҉s͟s̶͏ ͠͏O͘҉͜ne͏ (264/300)
Hive (36/50)
Prophet of Annihilation (4/12)

Nothing yeeeeeet.

I kick the road roller on top of Shaggy 2 Bot into Shaggy 2 Bot.

An Empty Cereal Box && A lot of 7s && 'Boat Nectar' == Helmet of the Ducky Charms (lv. 11, 5/12) (Helmet) [EE] --The entity gets a 15% chance to get a HIGH TIDE! at any given attack, which doubles their damage by 2x until the end of the turn.
Dunestrider's Sunback && Eternity's Tremor == ??? (Lvl. ???, 4/???) (cloak) [EE]
Artificial Guardian Reconstruction: N/A

You craft the alchemy, and give it the tag [EE] (Entity Equipment). The player may not use this alchemy normally, and may only equip it to an entity of their choice (maybe only under their control - I dunno; YOU DECIDE!). Once it is equipped, that entity gains the properties of the alchemy equipped. Equipped alchemies cannot be moved off of entities unless that entity dies. Once it does, the alchemy returns to it's creators inventory, and must be "reshaped" - You can't put a dragon's chestplate onto a giant floating boat and expect it to fit properly.

This gives a way of -slightly- upgrading old entities with newer stuff.

*NOTE* Equipments shouldn't make anything unbeatable - just gives them some more abilities beyond their base creation.

Bottled Dragonfire && Gauntlet == Dragonspitter [EE] (Lvl. 10 - 0/11) - This could give an entity a fire-attack ability.
Reshape: Dragonspitter [EE] (Lvl. 10 - 0/5)

Reshaping an Equipment takes lvl / 2 charge time rounded up.
-- Artificial Guardian
When the Artificial Guardian dies, it becomes an unaidable 6 charge alchemy to be made into an entity again. Minimum of 2 turns out of the battlefield before reentry. Immune to mind control, cannot be controlled by anyone but me, and permanently N.
"I created him for a purpose; He will fight for me alone."
++Equipment Upgrade - Increases health to 95000, multiplies attack by x1.5, and increases the return time to 8.
Keeping these around in case of resurrection... Heheh...
-- Aetherderon, God of the Worlds
Polyp Swarm: Causes polyps to leap off of Aetherderon and attack 3 target entities. If they fail to attack their target, they will find a new one.
Great Call: Deals large amounts of damage to target entity.
Starstrike: Calls a star down from the sky to annihilate a target entity and anything that happens to be around it.
Stare of Immortality: Causes the afflicted entity's next attack to fail.
Dead yet Dreaming: Aetherderon will 'kill' himself, and return in 4 rounds at half his max health and free of effects (positive and negative). Spoil of War is not dropped. (Cools while he's alive)
Spoil of War - The Great Horn: Can be used to summon a spectral stampede of... things to attack a specific target, damaging it and anything that happens to be close to it! (IE things that just attacked it up close, related entities, etc.) Cooldown of 5.
-- Szalinthia, Bringer of Light
Break Rank -- Deals small amounts of damage to all entities on selected side. All entities damaged this way have less attack damage for the remainder of the turn. Cooldown: 4
Rising Sun -- Deals large amounts of damage to all entities on selected side. All AG entities have more attack damage for the remainder of the turn. Cooldown: 4
Bring to Light -- Creates 5 Demonic Legionnaires. (All begin protecting Szalinthia) Cooldown: 3
Fight for a Cause (Passive) -- Whenever an entity on the AG side dies, Szalinthia and all Demonic Legionnaires gain more attack power.
-- Demonic Legionnaires
At the beginning of every turn, create 3 more Demonic Legionnaires if there are at least 5 remaining.
Do less damage then average
-- Titanic Crusher
Titanic Crusher restores 5000 health at the start of every round unless at full health.
-- Incubation Beast
At the beginning of the EOTB, create a Sludge Crawler for every PG entity type on the field. (AKA group entities still only count as 1 type)
-- Oracle of Dust
When Oracle of Dust is attacked, it deals half as much total damage as it took to each entity that attacked it.
-- Dust Elemental
Whenever the Dust Elemental attacks, a random entity on the side it is attacking loses its attack this turn. (Godmodder Included.)
-- Inverse Attendant
All damage dealt to Inverse Attendant is instead converted to HP capable of overhealing. All HP gained that is not gained through damage causes Inverse Attendant to take damage instead.
Lifesend: Target entity gains X HP and Inverse Attendant loses X HP, where X can be any number that has been overhealed. Cooldown 3. When summoned, this ability does not need to cooldown.
"All was different there - not one thing the same."
-- Endless Pathrazer
Endless Pathrazer attacks three times per turn.
Takes x.75 damage, deals 1.25x damage.
"Whether by speech or force, the path will be clear."
-- Skyscrapper

Attacks that target Skyscrapper have a 50% chance to miss entirely.
Skyscrapper deals 2x damage to entities considered to be "flying".
Lvl. 15 - Warded Glassplate; Gives equipped entity an additional .25x damage reduction.
Lvl. 10 - Blood in the Snow; Equipped Entity has 20% to freeze attacked enemy for the round.
Lvl. 25 - Everfree; Staff that spatially manipulates anything I really want. Prevents time from being altered around it.
Lvl. 25 - Blackguard; Elemental attacks do no damage - It's also a quantum shield.
Lvl. 10 - Edge of the Shifting World; Doesn't function like a normal sword, cuts space-time instead of flesh.
Lvl. 05 - Dungeon Rock; Totally epic heavy metal guitar that really does nothing but be awesome!
Lvl. 17 - The Fallen; Plasma pistol given to all AGs and Ns, curtesy of me.
Lvl. 25 - Unlimatum; Ultimatum's big brother.
Lvl. 05 - Whispering Shroud; Totally awesome coat that mimics the ocean! Hard rain and everything!
Lvl. 25 - Eternity's Tremor; Godly spatial hammer of epic epicness.
Lvl. 10 - Genesis; Everfree's younger brother. Much younger. Like, 70+ pages younger.
Lvl. 10 - Terra Firma; Piono's earth hammer.
Lvl. 10 - Warden; a worse Blackguard.
Lvl. 06 - Bag of Holding; Self explanatory.
Lvl. 10 - Darkstone Scryer; "A compass with a needle that almost never ceases to move, made of blackened and warped voidmetal. The map used in its creation has given it the power over knowledge to chart a path through even the most treacherous of places, or even the Void itself, and merely possessing the compass gives the holder both protection against the dangers of the Void and the knowledge of how to travel in it. It can tap into eldritch and void power if the holder has need of self-defense on his wanderings."
Lvl. 15 - Aftershock; A pair of swanky earthen knucklebusters from Toast! Dare ye challenge me to fisticuffs?
Lvl. 14 - Bag of Possibilities; A bag that I can pull something out of! What that something will be every time I reach in, I will never know.
Lvl. 25 - Dust; "A simple-looking, understated, aged weapon, with a chipped blade that seems to constantly shed fine particles of itself."
Lvl. 05 - Dunestrider's Sunback; "A coat that holds the power of decay and water. Constantly sheds a fine dust, and keeps the wearer hydrated at all times."
Lvl. 25 - Unending Swarm; "A compass whose needle constantly spins, crafted of warped, blackened voidmetal and outer land wood. The needle itself seems to be a moving hole into a void darker than the Void itself, a void that is paradoxically full of endless possibility. Upon use, it taps into eldritch power and infinite possibility and summons a vast swarm of things - the only word that can really do justice to its creations. It also has power over the void, travel, and knowledge, carried over from the Darkstone Scryer."
Lvl. 25 - Anternoth; A gauntlet with some really shnifty abilities, like control of all things dark!
Lvl. 25 - Unholy Conglomeration: Pfft. This thing is funny. CONTROL OVER ALL THINGS GARBAGE.
Lvl. 30 - Dawn: This is the thing, man!
Lvl. 25 - The McGuffin: A crown that causes everyone within sight to beg to have it! Greed is a funny thing.

Other stuff I can't remember because it was 130+ pages a long, long time ago.

Lvl. 25 - Core Eva; A disk symbolizing the thin line between creation and destruction.
Lvl. 25 - Core Titan; A fine blade (and only a blade), representing the rise of great empires and legions, and the collapse of the world.
Lvl. 25 - Core Oran; A pommel depicting an ongoing battle between invading forces and a defending legion, neither side ever tiring.

Lvl. 1 Soul of Intellect
Lvl. 1 Soul of Flight
Lvl. 1 Soul of Clarity
Lvl. 1 Soul of Light
Lvl. 3 Lucid Soul of the Creator
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Storm
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of Instability
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Angel
Lvl. 4 Eternal Soul of the Lich
Lvl. 5 Immortal Soul of Swordsmanship
Lvl. 5 Immortal Soul of the Dying Sun
+1 to Toast, +1 to Piono, and +1 to Kelvin
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