Journey's End 1.4.4: Balance Feedback and Discussion Thread

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I'm still catching up on bug reports from the weekend so I can't respond to more, but we were already working on counteracting the Shimmer invincibility looping, we just didn't get it in in time for release. So don't get too attached, its not staying. :)
Is it still possible for you guys to allow shimmering (with teleporters and gravity gun) after beating EOL Daytime and Moonlord on the same world or is it hard to code in? Kind of like what you guys do with sentries in old ones army with the character and world having a separate value but this time making it world specific?
Wouldn't be a bad idea to just remove worm tooth if the only thing it's used for is unholy arrows and you could change the recipe to rotten chunk + arrows. In 1.4.4 it was changed that you can craft them in the crimson using vertabra (which is the opposite of rotten chunk) so it would make sense.
I'm still catching up on bug reports from the weekend so I can't respond to more, but we were already working on counteracting the Shimmer invincibility looping, we just didn't get it in in time for release. So don't get too attached, its not staying. :)
The shimmer's function of decomposition should be optimized.Now It can reforge items for free, make holy terrain before WOF(by decomposing the desert torch), and get the lihzahrd brick before Golem(by decomposing the lihzahrd chest).I think this breaks the balance.
I'm surprised that the four bottomless buckets weren't able to be combined into one item, as the sponges were, Right-clicking to scroll through the buckets list (get it..?) as we do with the shellphone.

Was this ever talked about?
The shimmer's function of decomposition should be optimized.Now It can reforge items for free, make holy terrain before WOF(by decomposing the desert torch), and get the lihzahrd brick before Golem(by decomposing the lihzahrd chest).I think this breaks the balance.
And when you throw in an ice torch you get crimson ice. It should just give you ice.
PS: I'm in a corruption world.
What's the item to stop NPCs moving into a house?
Wait there’s an item that does that?
And when you throw in an ice torch you get crimson ice. It should just give you ice.
PS: I'm in a corruption world.
That’s interesting I had no idea it did that. I think it should just give regular ice though as you can’t craft ice torches with the non pure version if I remember correcty
I feel brand of the inferno's buff still isn't enough, it just got a buff to its fire debuff and size. its shield ability is effectively useless so it is just a generic true melee sword without 1.4.4 true melee mechanics and it can also be pretty grindy to get so rarely anyone uses it. if it getting a projectile or a true melee energy aura is out of question then could the streaking moment buff be reworked a bit to be actually usable? maybe reduce the 400% damage bonus to something reasonable like 150% and in return increase the time window when the shield effect is active by a decent amount.

sleepy octopod and to a lesser extent, ghastly glaive are still pretty weak too and they didn't get any balance changes. (EDIT: ghastly glaive actually did get a buff, I didn't notice it in the changelog.)
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I feel brand of the inferno's buff still isn't enough, it just got a buff to its fire debuff and size. its shield ability is effectively useless so it is just a generic true melee sword without 1.4.4 true melee mechanics and it can also be pretty grindy to get so rarely anyone uses it. if it getting a projectile or a true melee energy aura is out of question then could the streaking moment buff be reworked a bit to be actually usable? maybe reduce the 400% damage bonus to something reasonable like 150% and in return increase the time window when the shield effect is active by a decent amount.
Buffing the parry is asking for trouble, and buffing the sword directly it'll just end up as a slightly better version of True Excalibur; whatever can be done to the weapon here is not going to happen in a hotfix.

sleepy octopod and to a lesser extent, ghastly glaive are still pretty weak too and they didn't get any balance changes.
Ghastly Glaive did get a pretty big buff. Sleepy Octopod needs a full rework at this point and again that's out of scope so yeah, unfortunate.
maybe reduce the 400% damage bonus to something reasonable like 150% and in return increase the time window when the shield effect is active by a decent amount.

The timing for the parry is, in my eyes at least, already pretty lenient. Reducing the damage bonus by that massive amount seems like it's more of a nerf to the parry then a buff. The only thing I'd change is to increase the guard effect from 20 defense to cutting damage to 33%, then if you miss the parry, you take  much less damage to compensate.
I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I do not think the wiring change in the temple was good. It completely removes the ability of players to use actuators to fix a bad RNG golem room spawn, which forces them to use cheesy teleports or hoiks to bring him out or just, like, softlock a run. It's taking quality of life backwards. This is the room I got in a master zenith seed, and it would be completely impossible to fight golem in this. You could maybe do something like allow players to place actuators, but not interact with wiring (the two use the same system, I'm not sure how plausible that would be) since actuators can be used without wiring with an actuating rod.
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Perhaps a solution could be to make it so that the worldgen always generates a large Golem chamber? The buffs to Golem combined with the Temple wiring change make it unreasonable to fight him if the worldgen screws you over.
-Hellfire treads are obscenely expensive, like 28 gold per reforge despite only taking spectre boots now

As can be seen in yesterday's hotfix, Hellfire Treads had their value reduced substantially.

Also, it's unrelated and very minor, but being able to just equip Echo Chamber for its effect makes Spectre Goggles redundant. Echo Chamber even works from your vanity slots, whereas Spectre Goggles don't, so Echo Chamber is just better. Which is weird when it's barely any harder to obtain.

I mean, nothing much to be done there. Sometimes advances in features render more primitive versions less useful. We aren't going to remove it, if that's what you are implying, and hey, goggle vanity.

I know that the Drill Containment Unit was buffed considerably. But perhaps it should be buffed more? It's still outclassed by certain mining methods like Celebration Mk2 mining.

DCU going as fast as it is is already pushing into some performance impacting concerns. It doesn't need to be faster than mad uncontrollable bomb strip mining, its a lot more precise than that.

Also, maybe get rid of the Mining Set's +10% mining speed set bonus and give that 10% to the helmet instead? It would speed up the early game a bit.

This already got rather substantial buffs, and Mining Helmet is purchasable, and then this results in the set having no set bonus at all. I'm not on board.

Would it be possible to add Fishing Bobber to the Angler Tackle Bag recipe? An entire accessory slot for +10 fishing power is a lot.

This also seems like a potentially bad decision. The Fishing Bobber has a variety options for beneficial lighting, which can't be controlled once its in a tinkered state, and this also makes Tackle Bag harder to obtain. Furthermore, what exactly do you need those accessory slots for when fishing? The Bobber is designed as a standalone accessory, not to be part of a tinker set.

Wouldn't be a bad idea to just remove worm tooth if the only thing it's used for is unholy arrows and you could change the recipe to rotten chunk + arrows. In 1.4.4 it was changed that you can craft them in the crimson using vertabra (which is the opposite of rotten chunk) so it would make sense.

I'm not in favor of content removal.

The shimmer's function of decomposition should be optimized.Now It can reforge items for free, make holy terrain before WOF(by decomposing the desert torch), and get the lihzahrd brick before Golem(by decomposing the lihzahrd chest).I think this breaks the balance.

Enjoy your prefixes. :)
Regarding the new solutions and the terraformer, is there a reason why they are post moon lord? I understand these are powerful items, but by the time you are post moon lord, these items don't seem that useful anymore, since I'd imagine a lot of players move on pretty quickly after killing moon lord. I can understand the rod of harmony being post moon lord, its absurdly overpowered, it's an endgame reward like the zenith. But the terraformer and the new solutions are incredibly useful and gating them behind post game just doesn't seem right. There are some other items I wish were re-tiered but in my opinion these items would be more impactful if obtainable earlier.
Perhaps Toolbelt can be added to Hand of Creation's recipe? Toolbelt is quite lonely (mundane effect and no tinkers whatsoever) and easy to obtain (a simple purchase from the Goblin Tinkerer). I think builders would appreciate the +1 range it would give. Also, an item with such a basic and non-overpowered effect probably doesn't need to take up a whole accessory slot.
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Regarding the new solutions and the terraformer, is there a reason why they are post moon lord? I understand these are powerful items, but by the time you are post moon lord, these items don't seem that useful anymore, since I'd imagine a lot of players move on pretty quickly after killing moon lord. I can understand the rod of harmony being post moon lord, its absurdly overpowered, it's an endgame reward like the zenith. But the terraformer and the new solutions are incredibly useful and gating them behind post game just doesn't seem right. There are some other items I wish were re-tiered but in my opinion these items would be more impactful if obtainable earlier.
Agreed, the best time to have those solutions is at the beginning of hardmode. I don't see anything overpowered about spreading snow/desert. In fact, spreading desert os incredibly helpful with how easy it is for them to get infected.
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I feel like it is weird that you can't decraft healing/mana potions with shimmer. Buff potions already have reduced material return to account for Alchemy Table, and I don't see why this couldn't apply to health and mana potions too. Plus, it would allow gel to be obtained through buying, since lesser healing potions are crafted with gel among other things, which would fix the issue of gel being way too hard to get for an ammo.
Agreed, the best time to have those solutions is at the beginning of hardmode. I don't see anything overpowered about spreading snow/desert. In fact, spreading desert os incredibly helpful with how easy it is for them to get infected.
Terraformer is literally just better clentaminator, if we don't tier-lock it than what's the point of clentaminator existing when terraformer is just better in every way?
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