Sharing the Love - Terraria Update News!

The Journey wild ride goes on, but Re-logic being Re-logic yet again
Whats this supposed to mean?
terraria 2 is coming out!!
I hope luminite armor won't be in a sequel

Whats this supposed to mean?
Don't you wonder how current endgame is still a deadweight with a single boss and event, and how the LaBoR oF lOvE from devs have avoided this piece of a game for 7 years?
Right, it's been 7 years, and I'm still salty about it.
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I hope luminite armor won't be in a sequel

Don't you wonder how current endgame is still a deadweight with a single boss and event, and how the LaBoR oF lOvE from devs have avoided this piece of a game for 7 years?
Right, it's been 7 years, and I'm still salty about it.
Moon Lord and the Pillars are perfectly fine as an endgame. If you want more, go modded.
Moon Lord and the Pillars are perfectly fine as an endgame.
You mean no variety of armor (1 armor for each class, just like in 1.1 poggers), small variety on weapon, single boss and a single event is a perfectly fine for endgame? Can you remind me, how it was before 1.3? Things became insultingly easy when you use it in the previous stage (2-3 times more DPS poggers). It's fine on a realease, but not after 7 years.
If you want more, go modded.
Ha-ha. The worst case scenario, and truly the "Labor of love" moment, is when you need mods to increase the quality of a gameplay by yourself. It proves that devs just did't care or they didn't know what they're doing, which may not deny the first point. I don't want more, I want actually something.
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You mean no variety of armor (1 armor for each class, just like in 1.1 poggers), small variety on weapon, single boss and a single event is a perfectly fine for endgame? Can you remind me, how it was before 1.3? Things became insultingly easy when you use it in the previous stage (2-3 times more DPS poggers). It's fine on a realease, but not after 7 years.

Ha-ha. The worst case scenario, and truly the "Labor of love" moment, is when you need mods to increase the quality of a gameplay by yourself. It proves that devs just did't care or they didn't know what they're doing, which may not deny the first point. I don't want more, I want actually something.
You absolutely cannot argue that the devs don't care just because of one small step in progression. I see the point you're trying to make here, you think that there are too little options after defeating Moon Lord, that's fine. But to saw the devs dont care? The reason that previous versions kept adding on and on to progression was because progression wasn't complete yet. The devs stopped at the Pillars and Moon Lord because they believed it was a reasonable finish to the game. From then on they spent their time not adding to the game's length, but refining what was already there. 1.4 was a complete overhaul for example. Comparing it to previous versions is night and day.

Things became insultingly easy when you use it in the previous stage (2-3 times more DPS poggers)
Also, what's this supposed to mean? Of course you get a power spike after defeating the final boss of the game. Its to give you a sense of how far you've come.
It's been said before that there will be absolutely no post-ml content, that's been said in pretty much every suggestion for post ml content for the last 7 years.

As for the 1.3/4.x updates, they aren't supposed to be massive updates that change the entirety of the game, they were just little updates that added in some stuff, not big enough deals to be 1.x updates.

Ha-ha. The worst case scenario, and truly the "Labor of love" moment, is when you need mods to increase the quality of a gameplay by yourself. It proves that devs just did't care or they didn't know what they're doing, which may not deny the first point. I don't want more, I want actually something.

If you want post-ml content, you need to go modded, that has nothing to do with re-logic being lazy, that's just their stance for this.

As for "increasing the quality of gameplay", game devs aren't omniscient, they aren't all-knowing. Consider this: how many quality of life adjustments do you think are in every single terraria mod ever made? Would adding all of them in be impossible? Probably not. Are they necessary? Some probably are, I don't know. Is it feasible to add every single one in? More likely then not, NO.

And I'm not even going to get into content because I'd imagine that some of the bigger mods might as well be a game in and of itself.
You mean no variety of armor (1 armor for each class, just like in 1.1 poggers), small variety on weapon, single boss and a single event is a perfectly fine for endgame? Can you remind me, how it was before 1.3? Things became insultingly easy when you use it in the previous stage (2-3 times more DPS poggers). It's fine on a realease, but not after 7 years.
A think at this point, you have your mind made up about the game, and nothing I say will change your perspective, which is fine. 🤔 🥤

However, I do think it's important to address that Terraria has truly outdone itself, going above and beyond what is typically necessary for a Sandbox/ "Adventure Game". To show an example, let's observe the 'complete' story-beats of the 'Hero's Journey', to 'Journey's End'.

The Heroes Journey in Terraria:
  1. Starting a new World Map (Classic, Expert, Master, Special Seed [several], The Constant).
  2. Exploration from the very center of the Map, to up, down, left or right, with unique things to discover in-between.
  3. ...likely a tough Boss or annoying area you just can't seem to overcome; but of course you eventually succeed!
  4. The unlocking of NPCs and more information, likely to shape how you approach the World, especially a newer player.
  5. Defeating the first real guardian, The Wall of Flesh (end of Act 1).
  6. Hardmode begins, and as we all know, this is where the real game starts!
  7. *not quite in order* Hardmode Dungeon/ Hardmode, Underground Jungle/ Jungle Temple.
  8. Mech Bosses/ Plantera/ Golem (Betsy, Duke Fishron, Moon Events, Empress of Light)
  9. *new* Terra Blade (True Night's Edge, Zenith)
  10. There's only one challenge left to overcome, get your affairs in order (The Final Act)!
  11. Three tiered Event Boss, Lunatic Cultist, Pillars x4, Moon Lord!
  12. Endgame items and armor, game over, you win!
Ha-ha. The worst case scenario, and truly the "Labor of love" moment, is when you need mods to increase the quality of a gameplay by yourself. It proves that devs just did't care or they didn't know what they're doing, which may not deny the first point. I don't want more, I want actually something.
As you can clearly see, the Heroes Journey has been more-than-completed in this game, and one could even argue that you actually get to do it 2.5 times in 1.4+. Asking for anything more than this, is outside the realm of what would be considered 'reasonable' by most standards, at that point your just adding 'stuff' for the sake of adding it. As an avid Skyrim Modder, I can assure you that 1.4+ doesn't need any Mods, if only to shake things up a bit, we already have Secret Seeds, Texture Packs and unreasonably difficult-difficulties.

Saying that Journey's End is anything other than a Labor of Love, starts to hover in the realm of "abuse", where if we were measuring by real world standards, a child gets punished harshly by their parents for getting all A's, because one of them wasn't an A+. 🤔 🥤

That's not a healthy mindset to have, and I often, do worry about Terrarians who think like this, though I won't say much else on this topic, at the risk of triggering someone. That said, asking for 'more' from a complete package is objectively unreasonable.
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It isn't about post-ml, it's about endgame: ML, pillars, luminite armor, etc. is a part of endgame.
Then that makes even less sense. If variety in endgame is the goal, then 1.3/4 are the only 1.x lines that actually had any variety (for endgame armor) and 1.2 was the only one for endgame event/bosses.

1.0 had molten and shadow for melee, jungle (or rather, ancient cobalt) for magic, and necro for ranged.

1.1 had hallowed armor for all classes except summoner, which didn't even exist.

1.2 had turtle and beetle for melee, spectre for magic, shroomite for ranged, and tiki/spooky for summoner, while 1.3 has the widest variety for endgame armor (except for magic, because nebula is broken).

Ironically, the biggest upset in endgame variety was introduced in 1.3.4, considering that that was the first update where mix-matching armor was a really good idea, especially the notorious Valhalla knight chestplate.

Now, for bosses, it's a bit different. 1.0 had skeleton as the endgame boss, 1.1 had the mechs, and 1.3 introduced moon Lord and the lunar apocalypse.

In the initial launch of 1.2, the endgame boss was the bad joke refered to as "Golem", and 1.2.1 added in the pumpkin moon, in 1.2.2, the frost moon. 1.2.4 added in Duke fishron, which could widely be refered to as post-golem.

Moon Lord is supposed to be the absolute finale to your adventure, not another fork in the road, not another choice. This was intentional. This was the design choice for 1.3, not an "oh :red: it, we can't be bothered" impulse.
while 1.3 has the widest variety for endgame armor (except for magic, because nebula is broken).
Are you joking? A reminder: Vortex armor - is just overbuffed Shroomite armor, and Solar is buffed in 1.4, which proves that Nebula will be buffed in further, probably. And it is was obvious even without analysis.
In the initial launch of 1.2, the endgame boss was the bad joke refered to as "Golem"
No, he's not. He obviously never was, he's the part of endgame content, just like a Dungeon, Plantera, Frost/Harvest moons, etc. It even has the same money drop as Plantera.
Moon Lord is supposed to be the absolute finale to your adventure, not another fork in the road, not another choice.
It gives no reason to create a new stage of a game with lack of content, that, turns out, won't be updated for whole time. Why don't just balance and adjust ML and Celestial drops/crafts to post-Plantera level (S.D.M.G. with 35 damage) in the first place so it will be the expansion of already existed content? But you talk about it as some kind of placeholder, which is designed just to be powerful for no reason. It's like if Wall of Flesh with same drops was the end of pre-hardmode, but the hardmode wouldn't start.
Are you joking? A reminder: Vortex armor - is just overbuffed Shroomite armor, and Solar is buffed in 1.4, which proves that Nebula will be buffed in further, probably. And it is was obvious even without analysis.
I will agree with you on vortex armor, but just because solar was buffed does NOT mean that nebula will be buffed; in fact, nebula got nerfed, if anything. It's health Regen was reduced by 40% (from 5/10/15 to 3/6/9 HP/s), and the raven trick no longer works, as only magic damage spawns boosters now.
No, he's not. He obviously never was, he's the part of endgame content, just like a Dungeon, Plantera, Frost/Harvest moons, etc. It even has the same money drop as Plantera.
Except you need to beat plantera to be able to spawn golem. You can't say he's not an endgame boss if you cannot even think about fighting him without defeating bosses that came before him (excluding completely optional bosses like king slime or queen bee).

And there was nothing in progression golem even did before 1.3. nothing comes after that specific point = endgame. That's not an opinion, that's a fact.

Also, I find it interesting how when you talk about 1.2, you talk about every update from 1.2 to 1.2.4 like they mean something, but when you talk about 1.3, it's like that's the final update, like none of the updates after that actually mattered.

Like it or not, 1.3.4 was a major update for a 1.x.x update that majorly changed gameplay in almost every stage of the game.

It gives no reason to create a new stage of a game with lack of content, that, turns out, won't be updated for whole time. Why don't just balance and adjust ML and Celestial drops/crafts to post-Plantera level (S.D.M.G. with 35 damage) in the first place so it will be the expansion of already existed content? But you talk about it as some kind of placeholder, which is designed just to be powerful for no reason. It's like if Wall of Flesh with same drops was the end of pre-hardmode, but the hardmode wouldn't start.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, you want moonlord and the lunar apocalypse to just be yet another post-plantera thing, one of the absolute most wide open points in the game, by a long shot?

As for your wall of flesh analogy, if the developers wanted to end it at wall of flesh, that would be, once again, their choice.

Granted, most of 1.1 all the way up to the upcoming 1.4.4 wouldn't exist, but, if I remember correctly, 1.1 was supposed to be the last update anyway (I might have that one wrong, it might've been 1.2).

Are you joking? A reminder: Vortex armor - is just overbuffed Shroomite armor

Actually, to add onto this, I'd say that vortex is the absolute weakest of the luminite armors. I'd say the order is, from strongest to weakest:

Nebula, Stardust, solar, then vortex

The only reason I put solar below Stardust is because of the fact it has less health Regen then Valhalla knight set, and less damage resistance then beetle defensive, pretty much the only things it has going are defense (which, when most enemies at that point deal over 200 damage, starts to not matter) and DPs, which it loses out to offensive beetle anyway.

I'd say that solar armor still needs a buff, now that I think about it
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I will agree with you on vortex armor, but just because solar was buffed does NOT mean that nebula will be buffed; in fact, nebula got nerfed, if anything. It's health Regen was reduced by 40% (from 5/10/15 to 3/6/9 HP/s), and the raven trick no longer works, as only magic damage spawns boosters now.

Except you need to beat plantera to be able to spawn golem. You can't say he's not an endgame boss if you cannot even think about fighting him without defeating bosses that came before him (excluding completely optional bosses like king slime or queen bee).

And there was nothing in progression golem even did before 1.3. nothing comes after that specific point = endgame. That's not an opinion, that's a fact.

Also, I find it interesting how when you talk about 1.2, you talk about every update from 1.2 to 1.2.4 like they mean something, but when you talk about 1.3, it's like that's the final update, like none of the updates after that actually mattered.

Like it or not, 1.3.4 was a major update for a 1.x.x update that majorly changed gameplay in almost every stage of the game.

So if I'm understanding this correctly, you want moonlord and the lunar apocalypse to just be yet another post-plantera thing, one of the absolute most wide open points in the game, by a long shot?

As for your wall of flesh analogy, if the developers wanted to end it at wall of flesh, that would be, once again, their choice.

Granted, most of 1.1 all the way up to the upcoming 1.4.4 wouldn't exist, but, if I remember correctly, 1.1 was supposed to be the last update anyway (I might have that one wrong, it might've been 1.2).

Actually, to add onto this, I'd say that vortex is the absolute weakest of the luminite armors. I'd say the order is, from strongest to weakest:

Nebula, Stardust, solar, then vortex

The only reason I put solar below Stardust is because of the fact it has less health Regen then Valhalla knight set, and less damage resistance then beetle defensive, pretty much the only things it has going are defense (which, when most enemies at that point deal over 200 damage, starts to not matter) and DPs, which it loses out to offensive beetle anyway.

I'd say that solar armor still needs a buff, now that I think about it
Jesus how'd you type that much XD
And there was nothing in progression golem even did before 1.3. nothing comes after that specific point = endgame. That's not an opinion, that's a fact.
It isn't endgame, it's just another fork of post-Plantera content, just like a Dungeon and Frost/Harvest moons. His drops has equal power and value, no events have been occured after his defeat before 1.3. Post-Plantera is the actual endgame of 1.2.
Also, I find it interesting how when you talk about 1.2, you talk about every update from 1.2 to 1.2.4 like they mean something, but when you talk about 1.3, it's like that's the final update, like none of the updates after that actually mattered.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, you want moonlord and the lunar apocalypse to just be yet another post-plantera thing, one of the absolute most wide open points in the game, by a long shot?
That's the whole point. Eventually devs made Old One's Army and EoL after 1.3, so I have no idea why they added ML/Celestial content in such a way that it is difficult to associate with already existed stuff in the first place, and now avoid it, making it a dead weight
The only reason I put solar because it doesn't require build management and improves your performance in every way, while another armor stats improvements are narrowly focused. Same with Vortex (single helmet for all types of ranged weapon) and Nebula (damage, health and mana regen). So, what's the point to comparing it with obviously weaker post-Plantera armor sets?
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That's the whole point. Eventually devs made Old One's Army and EoL after 1.3, so I have no idea why they added ML/Celestial content in such a way that it is difficult to associate with already existed stuff in the first place, and now avoid
I still have absolutely no idea what you want right now. Do you just not want the game to have an actual destination? Something you can work towards? Because right now, from both a thematic and gameplay perspective, the Pillars and the Moon Lord work perfectly fine.
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