IC Shattered (IC)

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When Shard recieves no answer, he assumes the creature he found has no intelligence. He walks off, almost pitying the poor person.
"Just don't expect me to hear what you say."
Tarrah takes off and follows Tolerant from the air.
|feels a bit miffed from being asked to help with evil......considering despite being the ONLY corruption dweller......doesnt mean evil|
Then John attempts to be the one on top, while saying. "Listen there, little :red:, I'm not taking lightly to any attempt to spite me, especially not from government agents like you look like."

Agnes then bumps on Esther. "Sorry, but be clear where you walk instead of blocking a way there!"
Shard is faintly disappointed with the rest of the creatures. He had heard rumors of a hungry mass of flesh, filled with the most terrifying things in the world. This was not it.
Then John attempts to be the one on top, while saying. "Listen there, little :red:, I'm not taking lightly to any attempt to spite me, especially not from government agents like you look like."

Agnes then bumps on Esther. "Sorry, but be clear where you walk instead of blocking a way there!"
"What the *koff* :red: is wrong with you...? How does a person wearing a red jacket, combat boots, a scarf and goggles make you think *gasp* government agent"
*He turns John around and twists his arm behind his back*
Then John attempts to be the one on top, while saying. "Listen there, little :red:, I'm not taking lightly to any attempt to spite me, especially not from government agents like you look like."

Agnes then bumps on Esther. "Sorry, but be clear where you walk instead of blocking a way there!"
"...I wasn't even walking."
"Right... sorry, just misjudging everything recently. First a den, I thought it was easy, but then it- what was that?"

Yep, John's screaming out REALLY loudly.
*He curses a few more times and drops John. Of course, he looks nothing like a government agent based on how he looks and a fox person is the last thing people would want to hire as one*
Of course he would have extremely twisted arm. "Y-you..." He would faint from pain.

"Okay, nevermind, just screams. And I was just trying to find enough sticks for campfire... wait, maybe I'll just shape some trees down instead..."
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