OOC Stories of Raelm - Terraria-based RP

Now, I'm just gonna say that my character does have a name, actually, he's the first OC I ever made.
Catch-Up Log 4/27/19
DAY 1, 4/27/19 (Going with the current date here cuz why not):
-Characters introduced: Beta, Joesph Casper, Halt, Colbalt and Lilly, an unknown OC by Defure
-Halt crashlands in a metal box, injured. Beta and Joseph help him out
-Lilly asks for a map
-Halt has forgotten everything; even his name
-A dragon appears out of a portal; he's a mercenary
-Halt gets a message saying his name
-Beta introduces herself
-Cobalt wants to kill Halt because the Pokemon around where he lives are agressive. Lilly stops him

As stated in the Calamity Adventure collab, I'm already considering to replace Cole with Murphmario. Don't know how though...
Ah, never did a freeform RP. So I just make a non OP character and just roll with it? I also saw mention of mods, so which are being used, since I may not have used some.
Ah, never did a freeform RP. So I just make a non OP character and just roll with it? I also saw mention of mods, so which are being used, since I may not have used some.
An non-OP character would be somewhere between Copper and Iron tier (as I see no armoured ones, nor I see any Silver+ weapons or chest stuff.)

Many Sky Islands
Spirit Mod
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