Tool TerraCustom for 1.3

I am a Linux mint user, and I followed the instructions; I renamed the file "Terraria.exe" to "TerraCustom.exe".
I also tried renaming the terracustom file to "Terraria.exe"
When I launch it with an application called "Mono runtime",the terminal window flashes for a split-second and then disappears.When I launch it VIA Steam, It runs, but before I see the window, it says that it is "Syncing" and then indicates that the program is not running anymore.
I have Terraria 3.4.4, It is not modified in any way.
I am launching "TerraCustom.exe" while Terraria isn't running.
I need help.
I am a Linux mint user, and I followed the instructions; I renamed the file "Terraria.exe" to "TerraCustom.exe".
I also tried renaming the terracustom file to "Terraria.exe"
When I launch it with an application called "Mono runtime",the terminal window flashes for a split-second and then disappears.When I launch it VIA Steam, It runs, but before I see the window, it says that it is "Syncing" and then indicates that the program is not running anymore.
I have Terraria 3.4.4, It is not modified in any way.
I am launching "TerraCustom.exe" while Terraria isn't running.
I need help.
You are reading mixed instructions. You rename Terraria.exe only when you are installing TmodLoader. (even then, you don't don't need to, just rename Tmod's exe to tmod.exe and run it) You copy TerrariaCustom.EXE into the folder with Terraria.exe and run it from there.
You are reading mixed instructions. You rename Terraria.exe only when you are installing TmodLoader. (even then, you don't don't need to, just rename Tmod's exe to tmod.exe and run it) You copy TerrariaCustom.EXE into the folder with Terraria.exe and run it from there.
I have tried running it like that, it does not open.
how do i open this on mac can u reply to this with every step because when i place it where it says i cant use the map editor it says that this file is not compatible with OSX
I have a suggestion though I don't know if it is possible. Have a corruption/crimson/hallow spread fader. Like 0 is no spread, 50% is 2x slower, 100% is normal, 200% is 2x faster etc. I personally want no spreading but someone else might want it slower/faster.
I have a suggestion though I don't know if it is possible. Have a corruption/crimson/hallow spread fader. Like 0 is no spread, 50% is 2x slower, 100% is normal, 200% is 2x faster etc. I personally want no spreading but someone else might want it slower/faster.

Not sure that would be possible. Biome spread is based on game mechanics and not the world itself, I think. Granted this is jopojelly and he works magic most of the time, so who knows. Have to wait for a better response from him.
I'd love if I could choose the blocks that the buildings in the Underworld spawn as. Either Obsidian Brick or Hellstone brick.
I wanna say just fantastic mod. This mod was the whole reason why I signed up on the forum but I can see that signing up should've happened a while ago. Now I can finally get that Crimson away from my Jungle. Thank you thank you thank you so ingenious.

Also, I think this mod isn't compatible with Expedition. I'm not much of a coder or interpretator of the things but as I read through it the only mod it showed was Expedition, got rid of it, and it worked just fine.
hey guys can anyone send me a zip folder with terracustom for terraria plz? I've stuck to due to low processor power
Does anyone have problems with moon graphics? Even if I set the graphics to 1 or 2, most of the time the graphics turns to 3... Anyone know why...?
In case anyone needs older versions of this awesome mod talk to me. I have versions for 1.3 stored from 0.1.2 to 0.1.7 :)
I'm trying to use this program. However, although it is in the correct location, this error come up and it won't run.
Ionic.Zip.ZipException: Cannot read that as a ZipFile ---> Ionic.Zip.BadReadException: Bad signature (0x21726152) at position 0x00000000
at Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry.ReadHeader(ZipEntry ze, Encoding defaultEncoding)
at Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry.ReadEntry(ZipContainer zc, Boolean first)
at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance_Orig(ZipFile zf)
at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance(ZipFile zf)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance(ZipFile zf)
at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Read(Stream zipStream, TextWriter statusMessageWriter, Encoding encoding, EventHandler`1 readProgress)
at Terraria.TexturePackSupport.FindTexturePacks()
at Terraria.Main.LoadContent()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Initialize()
at Terraria.Main.Initialize()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args)
I'm currently using this with the most recent version of tModLoader, and it works fine for the most part. The only mods that I've found incompatible have been Wormholes and Expeditions, which is great because disabling them before world generation and enabling them afterwards solves the incompatibility. Hopefully their incompatibility will be solved with an update to the tModLoader version.

On a different note, would it be at all possible to utilize this as a sort of patch for mods at a later point? To clarify, GabeHasWons mod is planning on implementing the Void biome, which would replace Hell. Calamity has just implemented a biome of their own, which adds the Profaned Crags. Would it be possible to have the Void on the edge of one side of the world, with the Profaned Crags on the other, very similar to how you have it possible to set the Corruption and Crimson to both spawn on opposite ends? I know this is really just a theoretical question at this point, as I would assume it's dependent on how the two mods are implementing their biomes, but I would absolutely love to see something like this.
I'm currently using this with the most recent version of tModLoader, and it works fine for the most part. The only mods that I've found incompatible have been Wormholes and Expeditions, which is great because disabling them before world generation and enabling them afterwards solves the incompatibility. Hopefully their incompatibility will be solved with an update to the tModLoader version.

On a different note, would it be at all possible to utilize this as a sort of patch for mods at a later point? To clarify, GabeHasWons mod is planning on implementing the Void biome, which would replace Hell. Calamity has just implemented a biome of their own, which adds the Profaned Crags. Would it be possible to have the Void on the edge of one side of the world, with the Profaned Crags on the other, very similar to how you have it possible to set the Corruption and Crimson to both spawn on opposite ends? I know this is really just a theoretical question at this point, as I would assume it's dependent on how the two mods are implementing their biomes, but I would absolutely love to see something like this.

That is a good question. I suggested to gabe that the void should have ash and lava on either end of the underworld and then the void in the middle, but he pointed out that's about 1000 lines of code to redo for it. But yeah, I'd like to see an option for having all 3 spawn myself.
first of all, thank you for this awesome mod. I like it very much. :) !!!

I suggest a new modification to cabins:

1.) Option to add sloping roofs to the cabins.
2.) Option to generate some houses also on the surface.

I expect this could be very difficult work, but it would make the generated world definitely nicer. :)
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