Terraria: State of the Game - January 2019

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Watch 2 years for an update and it will be far more disappointing than you could ever imagine. 2 YEARS there better be some really groundbreaking things on the scale of all other updates combined. If not then all this hype will backfire hard and all other games in future will be seen as meh. Lets hope not i love this game and its woth every penny just hope its not a huge letdown when the update finally hits. PC VERSION. Plus look what mods can add. VERY HARD to compete with.
Still no date :c Im waiting with this amazing game to play cuz i know everytime there is a big update im making new char and world, so playing now would feel bad for me xD how long i will have yet to wait untill i can play xD
Can you share this post to the front page? I think more folks would see it that way.

Anyway, thanks for the update! Can't wait for the Switch version and of course, the update to mobile. :)
Can we please get the old inventory UI back for consoles? It's impossible to see anything during split-screen, and split-screen is literally the only reason anyone plays on consoles.
Unfortunately no. ReLogic likes the new UI and doesn't want the old one to come back. So we're stuck with a PC centric UI that doesn't flow very well on controller.
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