Accessories, armor, and weapon synergy are my favorite part of this game, that's what I look for first in every version update and suggestion. When I said "healing every minute" I meant healing by use of health potions, the Heart Burster still needs some clarification though. When I said people aren't going to wear it for a challenge, I didn't mean everyone, but most people, sorry I wasn't clear about all of that.
Right as a new world is started there are five empty slots to fill, any modifier of +1 to +4 defense/damage/speed that doesn't allow healing is still better than nothing, most people will wear it just for the modifier and take it off to use potions. Without the modifier its just another material to put away for another day, such as the ankh components. I think I get how it could be a fun gimmick though, you start out with it and can't heal, then try to get the other accessories to evolve it and eventually can start healing more and more? That sounds fun and all for "dozens" of streamers or youtubers, but believe it or not this game has sold twelve million times copies, if you want your idea considered it needs the support of the majority.
Honestly, you might as well change the disclaimer to "Don't bother looking at the details because they aren't getting added anyways"... It would have saved us both some time and thought
Firstly. It's impossible to appeal to the majority. Regardless of the amount of support here. Take the most supported suggestion on the forums (not sure which that would even be) and regardless of support -- it does not represent the majority. Only a minority of players visit the forum. Of that, not everyone actually posts. And of that, another minority actually bother with suggestions. The devs have the final say. So long as you have moderate support from the minority existing here and dev attention -- your suggestion has a fair basis for consideration so long as it is within reason, fits the ideals of Terraria, and doesn't seek to offend or promote exploits. This is why things like Slime Banners, Lamia Vanity, QoL changes, and other misc suggestions still get added to the game despite having proportionately little or no majority support whatsoever. But still; devs have the ultimate say in what goes into their game or not. Take my suggestion,
The River, for example. The River, along with other biome suggestions from
@Tobbvald and
@Snickerbobble have some of the most support I've ever seen for alternates (or suggestions in general) -- and it's still a very slim chance that any will be added to the base game. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if The Infestation has a billion people supporting it or 1, so long as it's not completely shunned by the community/devs -- it stands as good a chance of anything else of being added (which admittedly is still slim to none).
Secondly; just going off of the responses to my alternates in general across all of the threads -- I don't need to appeal at all to the vast majority base of 12m players at all. I have the support I want/expected for my alternates. And it's good enough to keep my suggestions "in the running" so to speak. I am completely unconcerned with their appeal to the "majority". I'm good, brah.
Thirdly. If
@Ami 's "Rate that Weapon" threads have taught me anything; it's that a vast amount of content that already exists in the game goes ignored and unused by a lot of players. Just because some, or even most, players won't use an item is no reason not to have that item in the game. And a lot of those items don't even have ties or purpose directly related to appealing to the community. It has a fair basis for the argument of that item's exclusion, but it's not a reason to dismiss it outright. Just like having an alternate Corruption (The Crimson) is not a valid reason to instantly dismiss other alternates or even another alternate Corruption. Good argument basis, invalid dismissal basis.
Lastly; the disclaimer doesn't require any changes (except for maybe explaining that I'm not considering making my alts mods just yet). The numbers, while not important and not meaningful are there -- as stated before -- for
concept sake, not actuality or practicality. You can take a weapon and look at it's imaginary stats and use it as a comparison to an existing weapon to better understand where it fits in the game and how it might actually work. You're
not supposed to take it at face value. It's a suggestion -- you're only supposed to get a clear idea of what the suggestion is about. And concept balance helps better envision the overall suggestion. So while the suggestions are not likely to be added, the imaginary balance is still important
for concept purposes.
For example: The Queen's Tail
It has stats and a description. You are not supposed to take any of it's stats at face value. What you are supposed to take away though is this: It's a "very fast", "strong", biome weapon, with homing projectile effects every "few" hits.
I'm sorry you don't agree.
You are not the first person to disagree with aspects of The Infestation. And you
certainly won't be the last. I have provided my reasoning though and have told you I won't be changing the Flatworm or it's evolution. You can either accept that, or you can't. If you can, great -- if you can't, then we have nothing more to talk about and your presence and purpose in this thread has reached it's end. I'm sorry this hinders your support for The Infestation as a whole, but I won't hold it against you or take offense. I think I will be just fine with
the support I already have. Whether The Infestation is added or not.
Thanks for sharing your criticisms and concerns. I will keep them in mind for future alternates.