Sprites The Infestation (Alternate Corruption)

Wow... I didn't expect this from something like this. I mean, it's an item. A thing you either use or don't use. No point in making a scene about it. If you don't like it, say so, instead of starting a page long argument that in the end does nothing but take up forum space. Wish I had of found these sooner now. Not that I didn't before.

Also, Disclaimers exist for a reason. Read them before complaining.

Fine whatever, I halved the space that was taken up, happy now? If anyone wants to read my replies they are quoted, it was pretty awkward to read them again anyways so I wont miss them...

The two members had a difference of opinion and they discussed it in a civil manner, which is the purpose of this forum, and I can assure you that the forum is in no danger of running out of space. However, the issue was closed and bringing it up again to admonish one of the members was certainly not called for. In the future, if you think a member's behavior was out of line, then report it and move on and refrain from lecturing them on how their posts waste space, such behavior is itself unneeded and unwanted on this forum.

If you have any questions or comments, you are welcome to send them to me via a Private Message.

It takes two to argue, both of us just wanted the last word
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This... this is... BEAUTIFUL!!!

... but, I just... I just have to ask.

How in GOD'S UNHOLY HELL did you manage to make a biome that offers summoner armor and an expert-mode summoner accessory...


... I'd personally like a staff that summons Sand Wasps. <3
This... this is... BEAUTIFUL!!!

... but, I just... I just have to ask.

How in GOD'S UNHOLY HELL did you manage to make a biome that offers summoner armor and an expert-mode summoner accessory...


... I'd personally like a staff that summons Sand Wasps. <3
Well. Technically the Queen's Tail does summon "minions". But to be honest; I didn't feel we needed more minion type items, when one of the prominent issues with Summoners currently is the lack of supporting gear choices, such as armor and accessories.
Well. Technically the Queen's Tail does summon "minions". But to be honest; I didn't feel we needed more minion type items, when one of the prominent issues with Summoners currently is the lack of supporting gear choices, such as armor and accessories.
A perfectly valid opinion to have.

... cannot stress enough how cool it'd be to have a swarm of Sand Wasps following me around, though.

Oh, and the Host would make a nice stationary summon.

Just because, as a StarCraft 2 player, Swarm Hosts are my favorite Zerg unit. <3
Looking at this a second time (because it's so awesome!) and I realised the colour scheme is really similar to the Skyware theme. May I suggest going with a pale yellow/dark orange theme instead? I've always wanted a musty yellow kind of evil. :dryadtongue: Also, textures that are more carapace-like and/or more trypophobia-inducing.

(My colours bring the Honey theme to mind, but honey is a more saturated, golden yellow. I'm hoping to see more of a pale, sickly shade of yellow that gets turned into a rotted brown-black like necrotic flesh.:nursenaughty:)

(Or, for creativity's sake and I think Terraria needs to expand the colour palette of its themed furniture, try mint green or lime green, and/or have some dark indigo/black venous patterns on things.)
Looking at this a second time (because it's so awesome!) and I realised the colour scheme is really similar to the Skyware theme. May I suggest going with a pale yellow/dark orange theme instead? I've always wanted a musty yellow kind of evil. :dryadtongue: Also, textures that are more carapace-like and/or more trypophobia-inducing.

(My colours bring the Honey theme to mind, but honey is a more saturated, golden yellow. I'm hoping to see more of a pale, sickly shade of yellow that gets turned into a rotted brown-black like necrotic flesh.:nursenaughty:)

(Or, for creativity's sake and I think Terraria needs to expand the colour palette of its themed furniture, try mint green or lime green, and/or have some dark indigo/black venous patterns on things.)
The orange and blue were chosen specifically because the two are often not representative of "evil" in much media.

Orange, specifically, was chosen because it is often an overlooked color.

The colors won't be changing. I like that the colors really set the biome apart from much of anything else in suggestions and the game. I am confident I made the right choice. Perhaps I could do something with muddied or low contrast colors in the future. Also; I dare not change the scheme *now*, as that would have me replacing just about every sprite in the Infestation.
The orange and blue were chosen specifically because the two are often not representative of "evil" in much media.

Orange, specifically, was chosen because it is often an overlooked color.

The colors won't be changing. I like that the colors really set the biome apart from much of anything else in suggestions and the game. I am confident I made the right choice. Perhaps I could do something with muddied or low contrast colors in the future. Also; I dare not change the scheme *now*, as that would have me replacing just about every sprite in the Infestation.
Awww, it was just a consideration (not asking you to change everything right away), you don't have to be so adamant about it. :(
I agree, they aren't the typical colours you'd associate with "evil". But I do want something that really screams "evil" and makes me terrified like the other two evils do (it doesn't have to be the colours, but many bonus points if you can make it work out despite the friendly colours). And like I said, Skyware has an extremely similar colour theme, and both are rather blobby as well. I just think changing the colour scheme is something you could do to differentiate the aesthetic more from something that's already in the game.
Awww, it was just a consideration (not asking you to change everything right away), you don't have to be so adamant about it. :(
Forgive me if I came off as stern. Not the intent. I was just explaining my choices for not going with traditionally darker colors or colors that read as typically "evil" picks.
Forgive me if I came off as stern. Not the intent. I was just explaining my choices for not going with traditionally darker colors or colors that read as typically "evil" picks.
Alright, no biggie. :)

Light colours can be evil too...
(Actually it's usually just white itself, in a futuristic dystopia setting. It represents an oppression of freedom and creative expression in favour of efficiency and practicality at all costs, or perhaps just another kind of void and emptiness. But I ramble.)
Sorry for the bump, but I think I found a reference.
Is the Symbiote from the Spider-Man villain Venom? It looks so, but I'm not sure because I'm using specs.
Sorry for the bump, but I think I found a reference.
Is the Symbiote from the Spider-Man villain Venom? It looks so, but I'm not sure because I'm using specs.
It is!

I thought that it would be one of the first references gotten... but apparently there aren't that many Spider-Man fans here.
Gonna be honest, I didn't think much of this when I first saw it. Although, as I was going through it, I was really impressed by the content, detail, and thought behind every aspect of this idea. Not to mention, having options aside from Corruption or Crimson would be really cool to have in the game. Regardless, I hope to see more content from you as this has gotten me in the mood for browsing through the suggestions feed of TCF.
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