Official The Ultimate Guide To Content Creation And Use For The Terraria Workshop

@Leinfors sorry for the bother, but can we get a way to use transparent assets in the game without the lightning system breaking? I was trying to give the biome waters different colors and stuff, changing the transparency on the sprites, but I noticed the way it started to break when playing
It was made before on the workshop, and it addresses the problem as well, if you want the example check HERE
Sorry if it's too much, I was hoping for a solution that was in the vanilla game rather than using mods
Hope you can check and hopefully fix it.


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I’m trying to make a music resource pack that will replace the music of Terraria with the music of Undertale. I found a YouTube tutorial for how to do it, and this thread said to do the exact same thing. I tried to test it by replacing the main menu music with the song “Start Menu” from Undertale, so I got the .mp3 for the song, converted it into a .ogg (I had read that they worked best for this,) then went into the ResourcePacks/Contents/Music folder, and changed the name to Music_6.ogg. So, hypothetically, it should have worked. But when I activated the resource pack (I even clicked the sun in the menu to reset the music,) it just didn’t play. No error message or anything, just… nothing. I thought the ID might be wrong, so I did it all over again with the Overworld Day music, and again, nothing.

I have no idea what’s causing it to just.. not work or do anything at all. I spent almost an hour troubleshooting until I ran out of ideas, so now I’m here to ask you guys for help. Pls help me ;-;
Hello im trying to make my resource pack and isnt properly working. I edited two sprites on a sheet (number 240) and it works fine. Tried to edit another sprite ( number 242) in the exact same way and isn't working. I really dont know where im wrong, the resolutions is the same as origina, pixel are the same and everything. Both sprites are edited in the same software (GIMP). somone has a clue of whats going on?
Can a language pack be used to change how the game displays strings of numbers and single digits? I want to make a pack that changes all numbers in the UI to binary but I don't think they can be changed like regular text can.

Edit: I'm going to try to figure it out with a custom font. Now I just need a way to work with xnb files.

Different issue: is it possible to make an accessory ðat's normally invisible display on ðe player?

Just a question ðis time. What are noise and Perlin in miscellaneous images for? I was looking þrough ðe game files when I saw ðem.
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This was very helpful, but I am still unsure about how to change the preview image when I am publishing the pack, thank you.View attachment 381418
You just have to put a png(probably required to be that format) and rename it to icon.png(again, probably has to be png format). You'd put it where you put the Content folder and .json file. Hope that helps.

As for myself, I (tried) to make a music pack. They all work, they're all .mp4, but only Music_6 works. Everything else just doesn't play and forces my music volume to 0 whenever one replacement music file should play. They're all named correctly. All the folders are too. But only one works. Just wondered if there's any fix to that. I did try them as .ogg, but unlike the mp4's, I got a report saying all of them failed to load.
Not sure were i ask this but is there a way to extract textures from texture packs? Some of my texture packs conflict so i wanna fix that
If you downloaded and installed ðem manually you can decompress ðe zip or 7z file to see its contents. I'm not sure where packs downloaded from Steam are but you should be able to de ðe same þing to ðem.
Will the song list be updated to include the new track? I'm assuming its #91, right?
dammit i was going to ask the same
oh how i've been ninja'd...

regardless, here's hoping Music_91 to be included for uh, music modding support (it plays when you build a world w/ getfixedboi seed)
I'm spriting some armor for a texture pack using ArmorHelper and it's exporting ðe armor wiþ visible human bits in holes in my sprite. Is ðis just because of how ArmorHelper exports full armor gifs or do I need to worry about it ingame?

ArmorTemplate_v1 - Copy_GIFFullArmorPlayer.gif

Ðe colors are just placeholders.
Hey Leinfors! I'm not sure if your still checking this thread, but there's actually an issue with the templates you've provided with this tutorial!
The canvas size for the templates of the heads, legs, and full body sprites are all 20 x 559, when they should be 20 x 560. I double checked this, and all the sprites that are in the game files are 40 x 1120, so when its exported to 200% size, the templates give you a sprite that's 40 x 1118
I actually realized this as I tried to use the helmet sheet last night, but it wasn't rendering in game at all. I had made a helmet sprite previously that worked ingame, but the templates I used was a different fanmade one that WAS 20 x 560.
I believe the sprite sheets are cut off by one pixel at the bottom, as when i checked with the template that worked, the helmet was one pixel above when pasted onto the official one you provided.
If anyone else is having issues like this, I hope this gave you a bit of an answer. Hope everything goes well, and if you do see this Leinfors, please make sure to update the sheets you provided.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Hey everyone!

In, a significant number of sprites were reworked, and in the case of most of the weapons, the size of their sprite changed, with the sprite sizes increasing and their scale size modifier being reduced back to 1. Resource packs require that the sprite size match the original resolution for that sprite to properly be replaced, so any resource packs adjusting these will no longer work on these individual sprites.

However, for reference purposes in getting the resource packs up to date ASAP and with minimal frustration trying to track down the changes, we've included a list of all sprites with size changes, including their before and after sprite resolution. Note that all of the changed sprites are Swords/Tools, except for the Penguin Pet.

ID Item Name Original Size New Size
| 4 | Iron Broadsword | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 7 | Iron Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 38x38
| 10 | Iron Axe | Original: 32x28 | New: 34x30
| 45 | War Axe of the Night | Original: 32x32 | New: 38x38
| 65 | Starfury | Original: 34x34 | New: 42x42
| 103 | Nightmare Pickaxe | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 104 | The Breaker | Original: 32x32 | New: 42x42
| 122 | Molten Pickaxe | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 196 | Wooden Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 204 | Meteor Hamaxe | Original: 32x32 | New: 38x38
| 217 | Molten Hamaxe | Original: 32x32 | New: 44x44
| 367 | Pwnhammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 38x38
| 426 | Breaker Blade | Original: 70x80 | New: 80x92
| 482 | Adamantite Sword | Original: 48x48 | New: 60x60
| 483 | Cobalt Sword | Original: 48x48 | New: 56x58
| 484 | Mythril Sword | Original: 48x48 | New: 58x58
| 654 | Ebonwood Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 657 | Rich Mahogany Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 660 | Pearlwood Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 671 | Keybrand | Original: 45x50 | New: 58x62
| 676 | Frostbrand | Original: 46x50 | New: 52x58
| 723 | Beam Sword | Original: 40x40 | New: 52x52
| 776 | Cobalt Pickaxe | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 777 | Mythril Pickaxe | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 778 | Adamantite Pickaxe | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 797 | Flesh Grinder | Original: 42x42 | New: 50x50
| 798 | Deathbringer Pickaxe | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 799 | Blood Lust Cluster | Original: 48x40 | New: 58x48
| 922 | Shadewood Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 1166 | Bone Sword | Original: 42x42 | New: 50x50
| 1185 | Palladium Sword | Original: 42x50 | New: 50x60
| 1188 | Palladium Pickaxe | Original: 34x34 | New: 40x40
| 1192 | Orichalcum Sword | Original: 44x44 | New: 54x54
| 1195 | Orichalcum Pickaxe | Original: 34x34 | New: 40x40
| 1199 | Titanium Sword | Original: 48x48 | New: 60x60
| 1202 | Titanium Pickaxe | Original: 36x36 | New: 42x42
| 1226 | Chlorophyte Claymore | Original: 54x54 | New: 68x68
| 1230 | Chlorophyte Pickaxe | Original: 34x34 | New: 40x40
| 1234 | Chlorophyte Warhammer | Original: 48x48 | New: 60x60
| 1304 | Zombie Arm | Original: 34x34 | New: 38x40
| 1320 | Bone Pickaxe | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 1327 | Death Sickle | Original: 60x56 | New: 70x64
| 1506 | Spectre Pickaxe | Original: 38x38 | New: 44x44
| 1827 | Bladed Glove | Original: 18x20 | New: 24x28
| 2273 | Katana | Original: 44x46 | New: 48x54
| 2516 | Palm Wood Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 2608 | Falcon Blade | Original: 30x34 | New: 34x40
| 2746 | Boreal Wood Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 3013 | Fetid Baghnakhs | Original: 24x32 | New: 32x30
| 3349 | Exotic Scimitar | Original: 34x34 | New: 40x48
| 3481 | Platinum Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 3482 | Platinum Axe | Original: 32x28 | New: 36x32
| 3484 | Platinum Broadsword | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 3487 | Tungsten Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 3488 | Tungsten Axe | Original: 32x28 | New: 36x32
| 3490 | Tungsten Broadsword | Original: 32x32 | New: 38x38
| 3493 | Lead Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 38x38
| 3494 | Lead Axe | Original: 32x28 | New: 36x32
| 3496 | Lead Broadsword | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 3499 | Tin Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 3500 | Tin Axe | Original: 32x28 | New: 34x30
| 3502 | Tin Broadsword | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 3505 | Copper Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 3506 | Copper Axe | Original: 32x28 (No Change, including to indicate it is not an oversight. Copper Axe was already at 1x scale)
| 3508 | Copper Broadsword | Original: 32x32 | New: 36x36
| 3511 | Silver Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 3512 | Silver Axe | Original: 32x28 | New: 36x32
| 3514 | Silver Broadsword | Original: 32x32 | New: 38x38
| 3517 | Gold Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 3518 | Gold Axe | Original: 32x28 | New: 36x32
| 3520 | Gold Broadsword | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 3764 | Blue Phasesaber | Original: 48x48 | New: 56x56
| 3765 | Red Phasesaber | Original: 48x48 | New: 56x56
| 3766 | Green Phasesaber | Original: 48x48 | New: 56x56
| 3767 | Purple Phasesaber | Original: 48x48 | New: 56x56
| 3768 | White Phasesaber | Original: 48x48 | New: 56x56
| 3769 | Yellow Phasesaber | Original: 48x48 | New: 56x56
| 4259 | Orange Phasesaber | Original: 48x48 | New: 56x56
| 5283 | Ash Wood Hammer | Original: 32x32 | New: 40x40
| 5295 | Axe of Regrowth | Original: 48x52 | New: 58x62

Penguin Pet (Projectile ID):
| 112 | Penguin | Original: 22x102 | New: 32x216

Please let me know if you have any questions or if there are any errors in the reference list; I'll be happy to update it ASAP!
Also just updated the localization file in the main post to include all of the localization batch.

Link here
Hey Leinfors! I'm not sure if your still checking this thread, but there's actually an issue with the templates you've provided with this tutorial!
The canvas size for the templates of the heads, legs, and full body sprites are all 20 x 559, when they should be 20 x 560. I double checked this, and all the sprites that are in the game files are 40 x 1120, so when its exported to 200% size, the templates give you a sprite that's 40 x 1118
I actually realized this as I tried to use the helmet sheet last night, but it wasn't rendering in game at all. I had made a helmet sprite previously that worked ingame, but the templates I used was a different fanmade one that WAS 20 x 560.
I believe the sprite sheets are cut off by one pixel at the bottom, as when i checked with the template that worked, the helmet was one pixel above when pasted onto the official one you provided.
If anyone else is having issues like this, I hope this gave you a bit of an answer. Hope everything goes well, and if you do see this Leinfors, please make sure to update the sheets you provided.
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Hey @DanThePwnda, sorry for the delay on the response here!

While we were cleaning up the other resources for the thread today, I asked the artists to correct the issue you pointed out, and have updated the thread with the new zip file (which can be found here)

Appreciate the attention to detail and report!
For some reason on the en-US.csv file I cannot create a new line for item descriptions.
For example in the file I have typed:
ItemTooltip.GuideVoodooDoll,"...../nYou are evil"
But ingame it comes up as:
...../nYou are evil

I have tried removing the quotes, using both '/' & '\', and adding a comma at the end, but nothing will add an extra line.
I only got it to work on json, but I don't want to convert everything from my mod over to json. pls help
For some reason on the en-US.csv file I cannot create a new line for item descriptions.
For example in the file I have typed:
ItemTooltip.GuideVoodooDoll,"...../nYou are evil"
But ingame it comes up as:
...../nYou are evil

I have tried removing the quotes, using both '/' & '\', and adding a comma at the end, but nothing will add an extra line.
I only got it to work on json, but I don't want to convert everything from my mod over to json. pls help
I use OpenOffice Calc, and if you click the little text field at the top and then hit shift + enter, you can add a new line in csv files. Not sure about other spreadsheet programs though I assume there's similar tricks for those.
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